Saturday, April 5, 2014
Day #11 - Kinesthetics - Reaching out and Touching the Nations of the World
Foreign Policy. Fah. Let's go for what this really is, America. Call the kettle black already. America loves to stick it's big well as its sticky fingers where it doesn't belong. Right smack dab in the middle of other people's business.
Oh, we disguise it well. We call it "Political Concern"..."helping our neighbors keep the peace", "Establishing Democracy where it's needed". Again, I say "Fah". There's a reason we do this, and I hate to inform you of this, but it isn't helping anybody. I'm sorry, what I really meant to say is, it doesn't help anyone...except us. Our motives are very much selfish, of this you can be sure. Do you really imagine that, when we help people "rebuild" after we blow them to bits, that these people say "Wow...those wonderful Americans, I'm so glad they're here." You have to be joking. No, we have our reasons. Let's shake down at least one of the most vivid examples we have.
They blew up the center of financial dealings in our country. The symbol of our power. The highest buildings we have, the Twin Towers. Because of this, we took our troops to the middle east to get the man responsible. Osama Bin Lama, the most feared terrorist we knew of. But wait, this man was no terrorist. No, Osama was one of our dearest friends. G.W.'s relative Ex-President George Bush took very good care of this man, and his family. Heck, we even shuffled his family out of the country first, before we invaded Osama's supposed hiding place in the middle east. And then, when we couldn't "find him", we then blamed a whole different country and demolished their capital, then transplanted some of our "Democracy" over there for them to experience. We then decided, since we weren't getting very far on our "Find Osama" mission (not that we looked very hard), to "take our revenge" out on a guy we hated a lot back in the day, Sadam. Was it because they were harboring the terrorists responsible for our problems in the U.S.? Hell no. The war, and everyone that died for it was one big dupe. Done in the name of freedom for Americans. Freedom from fear, and freedom from Terrorists. Bull. Hockypucks. No, we did it for purely selfish reasons, believe it. But hey, we got that Sadam, just like we promised we would someday...and bonus, we got a foothold into a country that had plenty of gas and oil stored, nothing selfish here.
Oh, we don't have to stop there. Noooooo......Let's go to Vietnam. A "police action". Done to remove the oppression of Communists trying to recover South Vietnam. Oh, and let's not forget Korea. Same thing. Modern examples you ask? Russia. China. The "Continuing war in Afghanistan". Unbelievable. You think the citizens of any of the aforementioned people were thrilled the U.S. "came to their rescue"? I can count them all on my numerous fingers and toes. After that, there were an awful lot of ungrateful citizens, make no mistake.
Let's look to a few that are a bit closer. The Philippines. Guam. Puerto Rico. If you're thinking these people were happy to have us meddle in their affairs, nothing could be further from the truth.
The thing I love the most is, we hardly need a reason. No, we're HAPPY to do it. We ENJOY meddling, hell, it's in our nature, as U.S. Citizens, to help the little guy out. Having problems in your homeland? We'll take care of it. You can handle it yourselves? really, we INSIST!! And don't worry, if we blow up 3/4 our your country in the process, we'll help you rebuild, don't worry.
Did we really need to stop Communism? No, it pretty much took care of itself, as I remember. Russia quit, cold-turkey. 1/2 of Germany, no problems losing communism there. China, Korea and North Vietnam are about our only hold-outs. And we had major wars in both Korea and Vietnam...and all we got out of those were, instead of Communist neighbors...we now have REALLY pissed off neighbors.
Here's another one I love...Natural disaster relief. Hey!! Mr. President...eyes FRONT (or for those of you in the military, tennn...SHON!)! Look around you! Plenty of disaster 'round here pal. Pain and death are the natural way of things. And all those communists we fought back...are still in place, and we're...well, we got killed. Death, whether experiencing it or doling it out is something we're getting very good at.
Day 11, 15 to go.
Day #10 - Justice, American Style...or was it English Style to begin with? Who can say...
I would have to say, if I were to plant my finger solely on what's wrong with our system of justice, it'd have to be squarely pointed at ourselves. We let the problem continue, we roll over when laws are passed, and we just open our wallets without flinching when fines are implemented or raised. But since I don't really want to condense every blog I've done on this into this one, I'll plant that finger on the second most problematic: Our outdated constitution, and our stupidity at clinging to it like it's the Holy Bible. Worse yet, like other things that are held as scripture, we've interpreted it so much that most of it, when read by Joe Average, is so twisted we don't quite know what these things say anymore. Because we leave it to our judges to interpret as they see fit (and as we go on) the original meanings are bent beyond recognition. Like the Bible, it's true meaning is lost in translation...literally.
I'll throw out a couple of examples, then leave the rest in your hands.
My favorite is the the 2nd Amendment, the one concerning the right to keep and bear arms. Because of this "right", we Americans are the most armed nation in the world. "And this is a bad thing?" you ask? I'd say so. In 2009, just 5 years ago, there were estimated to be 310 MILLION guns owned by citizens in the U.S. This figure does NOT include anyone in the military. In 2010, there were over 8,000 murders committed in the U.S. with a firearm or pistol of some sort. 88% of Americans own at LEAST one firearm. There were 56 gun related deaths in England. Only 6% of their citizens own guns. Hmmmmm....let's see...what's wrong with this picture.
This is all because some nut job, nearly 200 years ago said we have the right to keep and bear arms. Do you think maybe this language should be applied to our time just a little differently?? Enough said.
Oh, and by the way, one more crack at the NRA...and yes, Letter N will cover this well: Congress passed a bill granting law enforcement around the country to receive post Cold War military gear and weapons, to be used as they see fit. WHAT?? Bet old Georgy boy never saw that one comin'.
As far as justice and the system we have in place, there are very obvious things wrong. There shalt be no illegal searches and siezures, but it happens tens to hundreds of times a day these days (see, or look up "police brutality" on Youtube). Innocent until proven guilty...but we're going to put you in jail if we suspect you anyway, just in case you get a little frog-like, and jump. You have the right to council...if you can afford it, which a good portion of us can't anymore. So, in that case, you're going to be appointed with a lawyer by the justice system. Chances are, since he's probably doing this for next to nothing, he's not going to be real experienced though, so good luck with that. There will be no excessive punishment, no extremely high bails...But bail will be set at 1,000,000, and next month, you'll be sentenced to death with a lethal injection. Getting the picture?
The Judicial branch of our government is full of holes America. People are wrongly imprisoned, loopholes in our laws are plentiful, and we leave those laws (as well as the 200 year old paper that laid out the 10 Commandments of America) and the interpretation of it up to a murder of judges...I'm sure there's a different term, but murder just sounded right here, I'm not sure why.
For more on this, I have done up a right glorious series of blog posts named "The law....Itself, also in this blog. It's a good read. Look 'er up, willya? Thanks.
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Day #9 - Insurance
Ooooo.........what to say, what to say...
Ah yes, insurance. Probably tops my personal list of "Best thing to waste your money on", easily. Someone (or some corporate entity) really had their brains running in 4th gear when they thought of this little gem.
I'm sure to raise a few heated defenses to the good of insurance with this statement. But really? Let's talk.
Let's start with the fact that I'm from the town where Insurance is King. Des Moines, Iowa. Home to such biggies as "The Travelers"..."State Farm"..."Allstate"...."Nationwide"..."American Family", plus a host of others. Our state's capital city lives, eats and breathes insurance, so I like to think I know a little about it. Add to that the fact that I've been dumping my cash down the toilet for a number of insurance agencies all of my life.
Here's the thing though, I've never had a case where I've been able to use or benefit from it at all over my lengthy life. I've never been involved in anything bigger than a fender bender as far as my vehicles are concerned (although, while I had only basic liability on my vehicles, I had a van flip upside-down on a truck of mine at 1:30 a.m., while the police were in hot pursuit, and I wasn't in the vehicle at the time...then 3 weeks later, I had a guy plow into my van's rear end, and he wasn't insured. In both cases, MY insurance company, Geico, wouldn't cover me on either one, and the offenders involved didn't have verifiable insurance with any company themselves. Needless to say I started paying for full coverage soon after, and switched from Geico to AmFam), have never had a health issue that required my health insurance to kick in, my home has never been broken into, and as close as I can figure, I'm still alive, so life insurance, which I've yet to purchase, is a moot point. I guess I'm just a lucky guy, where insurance is concerned...or maybe not so much. I'd have to say I don't often describe myself as lucky when calling in my payment to my insurance agent, and never needing to collect compensation for it.
Therefore, folks like myself aren't exactly investing money in...well, ANYTHING. Oh sure, it's easy for a person to say "Yeah, but SOMETHING might happen, someday!" Yeah, but what if something NEVER DOES??? What a waste of perfectly good money that I could be spending on something else that I really DO need! The only real insurance I see as anything close to a wise investment is life insurance...and it's not really life insurance, it's DEATH insurance. You're not insuring that you're going to keep on living, you're insuring you're going to die someday! Anyway, this one I get. This insurance is for the sole purpose of looking after the people who outlive you, to help them bury you, pay your bills off, and is for taking care of your loved ones after you croak. That makes sense. After that; and yes, mostly because I have yet to benefit from any of it, it's a waste of a huge pile of good green money.
I'm sure everyone has experienced these thoughts at one point or another. I'm guessing I'll get plenty of empathy, here. If nothing else, it sure explains how I came to this opinion of the Insurance industry.
First, insurance companies shouldn't ever be allowed to drop you as a policy holder; unless you've been with them for less than a year, or for some similar reason, like paying out too much in too short a time, etc. I suppose what I'm saying is, if you pay for, say 2 years...then let's say you get into an accident, and it's not your fault. The company you've insured with pays you out, then sends you a letter saying they've decided to drop you, leaving you to find insurance elsewhere. And when you do find a good company with fair rates, one of the first things they ask you is have you had, as well as where you were insured before, and had you received any benefits for anything you might have incurred during your time with them. For one, if the company you were with doesn't want you as a client because they had to pay you for your accident, then they shouldn't be in the insurance business to begin with, should they? Isn't this what it's all about? Why should they be the ones that decide whether to insure you or not? Wasn't it you that came to them in the first place, to take a policy with THEM?
Second, you've had your accident...wouldn't it be reasonable to consider you, more or less, pre-disastered now? You've only had the one accident, some ten years ago or so, on your record prior to that, so aren't the chances you'll have another anytime soon pretty far-fetched?? Besides, they can (and usually do) raise your rates to cover it, if they really feel that way about it, right? Now, because they dropped you, you have to insurance shop all over again. There should be guidelines, at the very least, if this practice is going to be allowed to continue. You know, like if you've been with the company a year or less, or the payout amount when you do have one is over $10,000...or something along those lines.
Here's another little bit I love...the commercials these people run, 25/8. How they can (all) save you up to $532 a year on your car insurance? Really? For one, every one of them says they can do this. SOMEBODY'S gotta be lying. It was cute when the gecko said it (the first 10 times or so), and I do still greatly enjoy the better portion of Gieco's commercials, but for cryin' out loud, don't they have it down that WE have it down, by now? That'd be something worth knowing if it were true in every case. NOTE: Funny thing, Geico was the company I had my liability with when I was involved in those accidents they wouldn't cover me for...and my payments to them were more than the American Family Insurance payments I made, under the exact same circumstances, for full coverage. Not only that, the amounts they'd pay out for coverage were bigger too. So the originator of the "15 minutes and you could save up to $532" slogan, that basically became the same theme of every insurance company to jump on that train afterwards, was charging me twice as much for their liability as I was paying AmFam for their full coverage. Go figure.
Most of all, I love it when certain companies stop covering certain things because they start happening a lot. For example, hurricane insurance in the southern gulf states was a booming industry...then the hurricanes nearly tripled one given year, and the companies that offered that insurance discontinued the insurance entirely. Surely they knew this might happen, and when they were enjoying the moneys that flowed in when the hurricanes were seldom to none, they had no complaints. When a company that offers insurance sets up shop and specializes in a particular insurance, it should be made to keep it's doors open for a set amount of time, depending on the type of insurance they offer, to make sure they get the bad with the good, I think.
I guess the point to all of this is that mandatory insurance, to me, is oh so much, a cruel and unusual punishment endured by the majority of Americans. We already have several insurances to pay for, most before we come to benefit from them...Unemployment Insurance, Medicaid Insurance, Medical Insurance (unless you work for a large corporation that includes this in your benefit pack)...and Dental Insurance; which all comes out of your paycheck, usually in no small amounts. And as if that weren't enough, you have your home insurance (or your renter's insurance) and your vehicle insurance to pay, on your own. Oh, and let's not forget cell phone insurance, electronics insurance, and, quite possibly pet insurance (or deposit, if you rent). Add that to the unbelievable amount of income tax and social security (one could almost call this "Just in case you're not able to work anymore" insurance) they take out of your check, it doesn't leave a whole lot for living basics, does it?
Now I'll go along with the fact that, on occasion, insurance is, and was, in it's former glory as a new and budding business, a good thing to invest in. I've seen people get in horrible accidents, for example, that even involved a lot of future pain or even death, where, if you hadn't had insurance, the compensation given to the persons hurt would have broke you beyond your years, and probably would have dipped into the next two or three generations' wallets as well. Also, I've seen house or business fires, where the building was burnt to a crisp, or was seen by many floating down the river after a mudslide, where the insurance adjuster became your personal messiah with little stretch to the imagination. In these cases and those like it, I'm sure our citizens were more than thrilled to have paid all of the money they did for their policy. Yet, for the majority of us, insurance is a deadly sin, a black hole that sucks your wallets and your banking accounts dry.
The wealth of money these companies gouge from us is as obvious as driving through our cities' downtown streets. Nationwide, for example, takes up nearly 4 blocks of our downtown area, with all new buildings and enough employees to fill a town half our size. I feel new regulations and rules should be implemented where insurance is concerned, along these lines:
1. No client drops, depending, of course, on the number or the size of payouts to you, or the length of time you've been a client, when a big payout is made.
2. The ability of clients to recoup part or all of the payments made into the policy when no reason whatsoever, covered by the policy in question, occurs. If you pay fire insurance for 30 years, and no fire ever occurs in that time, for example, maybe fifty percent of the policy should be refunded to that customer. A lot of the insurance companies we invest with nowadays have been around for a good number of years, so it's not implausible. If an insurance company can't handle covering those kinds of refunds, then they shouldn't be allowed to start that sort of business to begin with.
With these sort of regulations in place, maybe then we wouldn't feel like we're being ripped off on a daily basis when paying between 3-5 insurance premiums a month or per paycheck, hmmm?
Day nine has come and gone. 17 more to go. :D
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Day #8 - Healthcare: Past and Present
Needless to say, this one's bound to be a doozie, right kids?
Now, we all know how things USED to be. Whenever you'd call for an ambulance, and you didn't have health insurance, you were probably looking to be mailed a nice $700-800 bill to add to your portfolio of medical bills that you haven't had the money to pay off yet. If you weren't on some social program of any type, your prescriptions would have ended up costing you anywhere from $30-$130 apiece to fill. A night's stay in any local hospital? $400-$1,000 a night/day. Surgery could run you, depending on the level of its severity, upwards of $10,000 or better, probably averaging out to around $50,000, realistically, unless it was far more critical. Then, I'm sure, surgeries topped $100,000 or better. So that system was pretty unreasonable in it's demands on John Q. and Mary.. Even with health insurance, you still had to pay a deductible, and a pretty hefty bill. This was, of course, due to the ridiculous rates in our hospitals, that doctors in private practice charge, and for the high salaries of nurses and other medical assistants...right down to the nifty cleaning crews they have mop and wax their floors at night., Manufacturers of medical equipment and supplies got to where they were putting a pretty stiff sticker price on the merchandise they sold to hospitals, mostly because they got a little greedy, after finding out what the hospitals were getting out of their why not lasso in on the profits they bring down? In a lot of hospitals across the country, they were charging people $5.00 per aspirin. Wow.
Personally, I would think that, instead of changing the method, or the way we acquired the previously presented healthcare (as well as the rates we were charged for it), it really would have been much simpler to just cap prices. We could have started by mandating that rates go down on tuition for those learning to be doctors and nurses in the medical field. As soon as our universities realized just how much doctors were bringing in, I'm sure they huddled together in their boardrooms and said "Hey, we really need to gouge these guys! They can afford it!!" It's always about the damn money, isn't it, no matter what business you're in? Then, with that accomplished, we would have had the means to say to our medical practitioners: "Hey, you're charging just a little too much to care for your patients, aren't you?? Then, with those prices regulated down a little, quite possibly, the suppliers of medical goods may have thought about it a bit and maybe they would consider lowering the prices they charge private practices hospitals for their supplies. Oh, and let's not forget the unreal money that health insurance companies charge us these days, thanks to people that are scamming the industry (of course, we shouldn't bring up that maybe these companies are scamming us though, should we?) about a little regulation on these people? It's gotten to where some doctors are charging people sky high, or recommending surgeries and procedures because they know insurance companies will pay for it (albeit, at times, within reason.) All in all, if we could accomplished these few things, tomorrow might just be a lot nicer day to wake up to.
But we didn't do any of these things. I'm sure no one in congress even had these thoughts, let alone had the chance to either express or suppress them if they did. Besides, the things listed in the paragraph previous don't make anyone any real money, do they? Matter of fact, I see all those things taking money away...medical staff salaries going down, colleges losing money, the medical supply company would have less profits, and the insurance companies, well, they might have to tighten their belts somewhat too. "GOD NO, we can't have THAT, now!!", I can hear someone on the Hill screaming, "No, I say, we come up with a good plan for unified healthcare, where everyone pretty much pays the same, lowering healthcare costs and showing people it's good to sign up for this..then when we get enough sign-ups, then we stick it to 'em...specially when we need to line our pockets. If our citizens don't sign up for it, or don't like what we propose? Fine the bastards a couple of thousand dollars! Have the IRS be the enforcers in charge of collection. That way we make some money out of the deal, and it gives the IRS something else more constructive to do besides bothering right-wing political groups."
One thing I did realize, though, was that the original healthcare bill presented to Congress was actually pretty damn fair. The problem was, there were too many people left out of the mix. Insurance companies were essentially left to fend for well as others. "How are we going to make any money out of this?" they asked. Then when the bill originator came back with "Tough!!", well then they lobbied the members of congress that cared about money the most...the Republicans. They poisoned their minds against the bill, and asked that they demand that the people who would lose out on this deal be written back into it. And if they didn't, they threatened a deadlock over it...which would really translate to GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN!! And not just one little one either!! You don't want/need that, do you Mr. President?" Sure. A little blackmail never hurts anything, when you're trying to get your way, does it?
So our Commander in Chief had to concede and write all these losers back in. They gave insurance companies, as well as others that shouldn't have had a damn thing to say about the healthcare industry, a way to make money on the deal too. He had to give in! If he didn't, it would have meant that it would have been buried in committee again, like it has been just about every time we write up such a bill.
And because of all the concessions...the changes to what we had in the beginning of this bill's existence, changes we were bullied into making, it all boils down to this...we The People get SCREWED....again! And what did we do when it got passed, regardless of what we heard might hit us, as far as higher premiums, etc.? We rolled over, just like we always do. "It must be OK, surely our government wouldn't do us like that, would it???" Never mind that there were little conditions that had to be made that we would have never gone for, had we but known, like that employees of government wouldn't have to abide by the new plan, or that they wouldn't be penalized for not getting it for themselves. Yeesh. And as always, when something like this gets implemented, it costs billions of dollars, even though saving money is always presented as the reason for the change. And when it costs government? As usual, what that really means is that it's going to cost US, whether the bill shows up now, or further down the road.
Done right, this could have been a good thing. But because all of the outsiders, who previously had made a killing on the former system, all wanted to dip their greedy little fingers in our newer one and make good, we, as citizens lose out again. It'll not be much of an improvement to what it was before, I'll warrant. It will be better in some ways, and worse in others, evening it out to pretty much equal to the former, just in different ways. Healthy citizens will pay more, independent physicians will more than likely have to close up shop, and the line in to be seen will more than likely be long, noisy and crowded. It'll will, more than likely, just represent (as well as revive the age of ) the age of the HMO, an acronym I was truly hoping to NOT hear again after our slow departure away from them in the 90's. I shook my head when the bill was put into law. Oh to be sure, It'll take some time for us Americans to fully realize just what we agreed's not like any of us really had the time to open it up and read the whole thing, heck, i don't think we would have understood a word of it anyway, if we had tried. I truly hope we acquire some sense in the near future, and work to get what was done repealed, before it all goes south, then try and get a different more efficient one drawn up...or at the very least get some really fast amendments implemented to the one that was voted in. But I sincerely doubt that we will. And even if we all gather together and ram down the doors of our Representatives and Senators' offices, getting them to change what's done, has, and always will be, one of the most complicated and truly fruitless things we Americans try to do. Especially when they've made up their minds to keep things the way they are.
So much for Day #8. Only 18 days to go.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Day #7 - Greed
I will not even dignify this word with its definition. Anybody with 1/5 of their brain power and three years of life under their belts or better know what the word is and all it's associated with, especially in this, our newest century. Oh, some only wish they could compete. Gold rushers? The Grinch? Daffy Duck? Ebeneezer Scrooge? Snidely Whiplash? Donald Trump? Amateurs.
No, if I had to say a word about every person in America alone that has exhibited or whom has practiced the art of greed, in one fashion or another, I'd be talking about it till the day I die. This is in the top ten, one of the big heavies, as well as the most likely winner in the "Death To Us All" category in our version of the Life Game. Greed, selfishness and self-absorption have attributed to all but just a wedge of the sludge on our souls, which are mostly beyond any benefit of repair. Random Acts of Kindness are becoming more extinct as the generations pass and we breed more conscience-proof, self-serving citizens. Corporations, in their on-going battle to make more money, ship our jobs over-seas and lay-off indigenous employees.
As more refugees (as well as illegals) pour over our borders, and jobs get harder and harder to find on our own soil, Americans get more possessive of their belongings and the money they've slaved for all of their lives. Oh sure, diversity is our middle name. We take all poor, hungry, etc. But it's when the poor and hungry get smart and figure that out and start to take advantage of us that we get miffed, and the word 'MINE' becomes more a part of our vocabulary. But as we hug our earnings closer to our chests, our government is already thinking of new and different ways to strip you of a larger percentage of it. In the meantime, we get angrier and angrier. Our mental health suffers greatly, when all you do is work. Some are taking on 2-3 jobs apiece just to keep up with the amount they ought to be making to live where they do and buy the things they need. The rich are greedy, and the poor are needy. Both hoard their money, but it's the poor that have to. Morals fall apart, and some turn to breaking the law to get the job done.
And why not? What choices are left us? Retirement is a word reserved for comedy shows these days, becoming fast a fictional ideal. Success is yet another word headed for extinction. "The American Dream?" Forgotten. Discussed, imagined and believed only by people in worse shape than we are, and remembered best by American historians, learned and knowledgeable of life in the post World War II era. New words and phrases have replaced them. Hoarding. Stealing. Conning. Dog-Eat-Dog. Brother screws brother. It's in vogue to be involved in any number of lawsuits in a given year. And the human condition, at its best? America's benefit? Non-involvement. Miserly behavior. Cynicism. Unrest. Next thing you know, they'll be picketing the White House using Facebook and cell phones, in addition to everyday picketing and riots. And for every cent we lose, and every rule we impose, the more money taken out of our paychecks, and the less credit we get for what we've done for human-kind, the more we learn to keep our wallets closed, close-by, and hidden, to lessen the possibility of it ending up in the hands of of others. Compassion, empathy and sympathy are words in danger of becoming cuss words someday.
I've done more than enough blogging on this subject, so let it be known that greed, in all of it's inhuman glory, will, if we're not careful, be our legacy, as well as our downfall. See you tomorra!!
Monday, March 31, 2014
Day #6 - Federal Reserve
The Fed. Oh yeah, this has GOT to be one of my FAAAAAAAVORITE subjects!
I remember, I used to never know what "The Fed" was. As soon as I did, however, I knew it was BS. And Fort Knox, that magical place, guarded by tens of thousands of magical soldiers that are under oath, to guard, with ferocity, our national supply of the remaining gold we have. Oh, and our gold is not just held here, there's more that we can't verify we have either. Yes, another massive supply is being held at The Fed as well.
Fort Knox and the gold we have in reserve was "Audited" last in 1953. 80% of the gold in Fort Knox, has, since then, disappeared overseas (and if you read up on the audit of 1953, the use of the word "audit" is pretty laughable.) It was a best guess after the government appointed inspector (supposedly) formally tested less than 5% of that gold reserve and deemed it authentic. Outside auditors were and are not allowed. And neither are visitors to Ft. Knox. A magical place indeed!! I'm betting that same magic has made the gold, that MAY have been there once...magically disappear. Of course, we'll never know. No visitors. No outsiders, other than allowed by the government. Land mines, barbed wire and more cubic ft. of concrete than it took to build our tallest skyscrapers, stop us from ever really knowing what they have. The funniest thing of all is what we get away with, when we "borrow" money from other countries. Most just take our word for it. "Yeah, we got it. What, you don't believe me? Well, here's the sheet of paper we filled out this year, promising that we have gold stashed away." And the German bank buys it!! I can't believe we still, after all these years, get away with that!
The Fed, the central "Bank" of the United States, is ALSO magical. It produces American moneys out of thin air. When we need more to spend, we "create" more. "Fire up the presses!! The President wants to spend a billion dollars today, and we only have half a billion available!" More magical than the Magic Kingdom at Disneyland.
Now here's what kills me. We have all this debt. Trillions upon trillions. Yet, the Fed (in 2008) was magically able to "loan" AIG Insurance Corp. 85 billion lone STAVE OFF BANKRUPTCY!!?? Why?? are the things I'm forced to wonder. How can our central bank loan 85 billion dollars to one company to stop it from going bankrupt, something that happens probably a 1000 times a day with other companies in the U.S., when our national debt is trillions of dollars large? By definition then, I shouldn't worry about starting a business here...when I near bankruptcy, it's OK!! The Fed will come to my rescue, right? They've shelled out as much as 85 billion dollars before...I should be FINE!! No one knows where the money came from...or why it wasn't used to pay off part of the national debt...but they did it! MAGIC I tells ya!! Heck, the national debt gets too big, we can just borrow money from ourselves and fix it, from the way it looks! And if there's not enough? We can just print up extras, no sweat.
Really America. A gigantic magical castle in Kentucky holding all of our gold...probably guarded by a monstrous dragon on the inside, hoarding our gold and frying all who dare come near. The Fed, our "national central bank" and Government pocket. Magical paper Monopoly money with no proven backbone. One day it's gonna come out. Our citizens will storm the minefield and the 30,000 strong soldiers (and the ferocious dragon) to find out what we've suspected for over 50 years, that our ace in the hole, our collateral on countless world loans, was systematically squandered away, and the government, that's been merrily spending all of our money (taken from us beginning at the same time as "The Fed"s birth), I'm sure, mostly because they ran out of their own. So more boxes were added to our paychecks. So now, instead of just a third or better of our income, they began taking out social security money, adding to it even later, medicaid money to be taken out...then, adding insult to injury, the state had to come up with yet another little scam to compete with federal greed, "Unemployment Insurance".
All of these little boxes were added because of the shortage of government moneys to spend. Oh sure, like your standard Ponzi scheme, you use new money coming in to pay out on debts...and when you can't pay anymore because the money's running out, then you look for new ways to gouge your this case, the investors, the gouge-ees in schemes like this, are not all that different in definition or looks, to us, the American Public, in our relation to government. We're "Investing" in our nation for reasons the government sells you, then when the money's not there and the payouts aren't given to you anymore, not unlike the Ponzi scheme initiator, the government implements more new funds with different investors, and that money is used to pay off existing ones. When the money runs dry and the accounts and assets are frozen, the little guys that funded the whole thing start to see their futures go down the drain. And what happens to the lead manager of these little schemes? Pretty much what'll happen to us someday. Justice will come a callin', and the nations of the world and their banks will start calling in our debt. And when they find out it was all a con? There's gonna be some really pissed off people out there. A lot of them have not only been dying for a reason to mess us up, they'd be happy to do it, just out of spite.
By the way, notice that the retirement age, before you can collect back the social security money you put in for it, is steadily creeping further and further up? And why not? By the time most get to that age, the further up it is, the chances that you're dead before that collection age is increased, and the number of years that you would live after that (and the money you collect of course) would decrease. Besides, they had to raise the retirement age...they had to quickly make up for the number of people the baby boom produced, as well as the increase in the number of Americans in our country, factor in our increased life expectancy in this day and age and the government (whom if we had inspected closely, might just notice them sticking their fingers into it to "borrow" some of it) had to come up with a miracle, and FAST!!
The solution? Raise the ages that you're allowed to retire. Yeah, that'll fix everything. Notice that our security payments never seem to increase a whole lot? I've been noticing, too, that the amount of money taken out of your checks for social security not only got larger, but SURPASSED even, every other amount taken from you in your paychecks. Hmmm....Medicaid needs are growing, yet pay-outs seem to be on the decrease, and with Obamacare the new norm? Medicaid is on it's way out. I mean, it's just barely feasible to keep it going, isn't it? Notice that is the LEAST amount taken out of your check. That's because it's soon to be extinct. The less they take out (the numbers taken out have been getting steadily smaller in relation to the others), pretty soon? You won't even remember it was there. When you get there, of course, you'll say "What about all that Medicaid I paid out all those years I worked?", but it'll be a dream forgotten by's already that dream, and this is the way you'll be forced to forget about it, with the implementation of our national health act, and the slow decrease in Medicaid you pay out. When the amount is negligible, (about where it is now), the box will probably just forget to include itself on your paychecks one day. When you bring it up, it'll be a forgotten ideal that we just rolled over on and let go. You may not even be able to tell your children what it was by the time you get to your social security years, not only because you forgot what it was, thanks to your dementia, but because it was oh so long ago that you paid it out of your paycheck...or you'll be six feet under. That's probably more likely.
Back to unemployment insurance...payouts are more and more restricted, fought against, etc...yet they take this money, whether you want to pay it or not, under the #1 American con name of "Insurance", which, by definition should be paid out when you're in need of it, in a perfect world. Yet, when you REALLY need it...when you're unemployed, of's a big war - with the state, as well as with your former employer (who always seems to have all the right reasons that you were let go, ready to roll for denial or refusal to pay up), to even be approved to receive it. It can take as long as a month to kick in after you're let go. If you're lucky enough to be approved, that is. In this respect, I suppose, it appears to be very MUCH insurance...since insurance companies are extremely experienced at finding reasons NOT to give you your money back after you've paid it in, so that makes the premise for unemployment "Insurance" acceptable, correct?. No wonder they called it insurance! Now it all makes sense! (Please see my upcoming Day 9 of America's deadly sins, Insurance.)
And then after you start receiving it (also not unlike insurance companies), they're on you to hurry back out there and get a job again before you even get the first check! And be sure and report all the job hunting you've done, with an address of that guy you talked to about getting it, just to be sure that you're not just sitting on your butt and taking a very much needed vacation from the 20 years of straight sweating you did up to that point, without one.
To wrap it up (we're just listing the sins, right? Not writing BOOKS on them, for chrissakes), The Fed is an opaque, secretive, magical place (not unlike a cardboard store front) that not only prints all of our money, holds our gold boullion for financial back-up, and doubles as a deep pocket for increased government spending. Riiiiiiight.
Open it up. Audit that sucka. Stick Ft. Knox on the list as well. The sooner the better. Personally, I wanna see how deep the rabbit hole really goes. How many, former as well as current Presidents that we can catch with their hands stuck deep inside the proverbial "Golden" cookie jar. I'm guessing it'll be more like egg on their faces, when we look inside and find...nothing. No magical gold bars. You can't convince me that, after spending over 80% of that gold over 60 years that they just....stopped one day. They said "Kids!! NO. We just can't spend any more of our citizen's gold! They trusted us with it!! We can't do THAT!!" and left it alone. Gimme a break. I mean how gullible ARE YOU PEOPLE???? Suddenly "Beach Front Property" and "Arizona" come to mind.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Day #5 - Elections/the Electoral College/Education
The letter E consisted of more than one subject I wanted to cover. This letter, therefore will help to indicate not 26, but 27 deadly American sins...but, if you like, you can lump them together using the sub-subject mode in writing. I sure didn't want to mis-represent the main header. I just felt that both subjects were equally pertinent is all. This will, I guarantee it, happen again, at least with Day 20 (the letter T), and might happen yet again to some other letter as well. We'll see.
I have a couple of links for you this time, BEFORE we get going here. This is something you should not only file away, this is something you need to post on every possible social media site, memorize, and put a copy up wherever you go, so you can re-check your list as events occur in our country. Most importantly, make sure all of your friends and family READ IT CAREFULLY. Before you write off or chalk any of this up to paranoia, you'll be shocked, as well as downright upset at what you find. Be sure to Google each and every one. Not for me. Not for my satisfaction. For your protection and safety, I insist. For your children.
2nd, I'm posting another link to an ad that someone is using for profit...but if nothing else, listen to the first half of it. It fits things occurring in our nation just a little too nicely.
The first? A list of warning signs that your country is going fascist. I read this and I was, the whole time, just nodding and saying to myself "yeah...yeah, that's it...check mark THAT"...and moving on.
The second, like I mentioned, is really just a scare tactic to make you buy something. But listening to that first half, you simply have to nod in agreement and say "Yup. Makes perfect sense."
All right, so now that you are better informed on the direction we might be headed towards, this makes my job a heck of a lot simpler.
One of those checks is fraudulent voting counts. Remember G.W., the man we supposedly put in office not just once, but twice? There's one for the books. Gore had it, then next thing you know? Out of NOWHERE comes the "Good Ol' Boy" supreme, out of our favorite well-to-do family (as well as former presidential family), the Bushes: and just pushes that man right out of his rightly-won position. Oh sure, we questioned it. Funny how they didn't allow the re-count. Funny too how G.W.'s brother was involved as well. Of course. Because they WANTED G.W. in office, regardless off what we wanted. Why? It all goes onto one of the bigger piles of crap ever put over onto the American public: The Electoral College.
The Electoral College, a place where representatives of our state, the number depending on how many elected senators and representatives each one is allowed to send to Washington D.C., votes for our President, for us....supposedly. There are, of course, things that most Americans don't know.
1). The representatives of the Electoral College are pre-disposed to vote for a chosen candidate. It's called "Pledging to a Candidate." Even though it's only happened 4 times, it's bad enough that the Electoral College even ONCE went against the popular vote when determining the President and Vice President that would occupy their respective offices. The fact that it even happened once should have abolished the E.C. right then and there. Most recently, it was the 2000 election of G.W. Bush that it happened last. Before the vote even happens, Electoral Reps already know whom they're voting for.
2.). This way of voting is only for the offices of the President and Vice President. Why?? Why do we need this? We don't. This is a safeguard, in case we decide we like someone Congress doesn't. It takes the vote out of our hands, and places it in the hands of the Government, people who, as far as we know, vote for whomever they like...worse yet, that could be turned to vote for others we don't want, for whatever purpose.
This practice was taken up a long time ago, and is out-dated. What's more, it gives congress the power to over-rule us when voting in the most important election we have. We need to remove it from being what it is. A way to over-rule whom we want to see running our country.
On the subject of Electronic voting, people, this is a no-brainer. Get rid of it, vote against it, whatever you like. Just get it gone. With something as important as the popular vote, the main thing democracy is known for, this is way too big of a thing to get wrong and shouldn't be left in the hands of a computer...especially since the possibility of messing things up is so prevalent. This system of voting fairly screams non-tamper-proof. Virus codes, one of the things we computer users fear the most have been shown to totally discredit the software of these systems time and time again. Why anyone went along with it to begin with is beyond me. Sure, our old way of voting was slow and tedious, but the accuracy and tamper-proof-ness of the older way is much more trustworthy. Vote tampering, candidate tampering, and group-tampering will never be completely extinct, but the more we put our votes in the hands of machines, the more we can bet that our votes will never completely be guaranteed to be what we really want.
Now, as to Education? This one is huge. I'm embarrassed to say that I don't believe we're ever given the education we need anymore. We push everyone through. I know this from personal experience, both because of my wife's high school education as opposed to her knowledge and success in college (she finished one term of college prep classes with a .34 grade average), and also because of my experience with acquiring a pre-law degree/certification. Most colleges seem to be more about the money they get for tuition than the subjects they teach and the ways they teach them, and, in order to keep attendees coming, are given to pushing their students through with passing grades rather than failing them. Worse though is the OBVIOUS pushing through in our public schools. People want their kids to pass, therefore the schools are pressured to throw these students to the harsh world with passing grades, whether they deserve them or not.
When the "No Child Left Behind" program came to fruition, I remember visibly shuddering and shaking my head, waving bye-bye to the ability to swear that our students were prepared for any curve our world might throw at them. Illiteracy is up to record levels, and math skills are as good as out the window. No, they have calculators and computers that do all that for them now, so what do we need traditional math skills for? One of the biggest mistakes we currently make is thinking that all the lights will never all go out, and that those skills might, at that time, be desperately needed in accordance with our survival. Each generation that passes by and that hands off more and more of their harder-thinking tasks to computers may someday wake up to a country deprived of its electricity...and where then would they be? How many of those students do you imagine have the girl-scout/boy scout training we had when the majority of us were graduating? I'd be curious to find out the knot-tying-type survival skills known by the average high-school graduate today. I'd have to say I'd be scared to death to depend on the leadership abilities of any of them that might someday be in charge of...well, anything.
Education and learning is more crucial to our existence and survival than just about anything else we humans do for ourselves. Every time we Google anything, it's been proven to lessen our ability to recall. And that, I'm sure, is only the tip of the ice-burg. Our brains get lazier and lazier with each new do-it-all device that comes out on the market.
See you manana...:D