Saturday, June 20, 2015
The Final Days of the (Free) United States, Part I - The Elite
You knew we were going there, didn't you?
This is it kids.
You wonder, as you watch the Twitter feed, what the hell is going on. You wonder, as you sit in your living rooms and watch the news, what the Hell is really going on? You read the papers, you go to Youtube, WHATEVER, and you wonder THE THE HELL IS FUCKING GOING ON!!!???
Lemme tell you, in case you're just too ignorant...too brainwashed...too duped, to figure it out for yourselves...It's all over. America, is over. The land of the free, the home of the's over.
Worse yet, it's not just us over's them over there as well. Japan? Over. Australia...over and out. England, Ireland, Germany? OVER OVER OVER...and gone. History. Humanity? As we know it today? Done.
Oh sure, you've heard this before. HOGWASH. Bullshit. Crazy talk. The end of days? Yeah right. That's what they said in the 60's...the 70's...the 80's...and just about every year since then. Whatever dood. Keep it up crazy boy. Whatever you say...
Except this year? Things are a little different. You can hear it...taste it...feel it deep down. The stench has reached our noses, and yet we still look away, plug our noses...This time it's for real. Keep the blinders on, who knows? It'll all go away....RIGHT??
Not this time America. No way, no how. Chemtrails...what did you think that was all about? Well, here you go:
OKOK, that's real nice.
Agenda 21? It's not even close to a secret anymore kids...but just in case you're still in the dark, by a longshot...
Who is behind all of this, you ask? Is it Obama? Yeah, could be. But it's not him, nor did it start with him. No, if you really want to blame Presidents, there are much better "candidates". The Clintons. The Bushes. Yeah, those make a lot more sense...but it doesn't stop with them. No way, no how. Here is proof that Obama doesn't have either the sense or the brainpower to pull off such a thing:
No, it's a little deeper than that kids. But it's at this point that I need to ask you...the red pill, or the blue pill? Where do you wanna go with this? How much do you really wanna know?
Here's where we first heard it. This is where it started in America. At least, this is where it started...publicly. Really, it started a lot further back than that. No, this started back in 1913, for real. This is where it was that we lost our way.
This video here, will, over it's extent, explain how financiers are the ones who really started our decline...
This video further explains things. Although put together by Alex Jones, a decided nay-sayer, the man has too many facts and tells the story all too well to ignore it.
Now you get it. It's the United Nations. The Elite. The Illuminati. Whatever you wanna term it, however you wanna put's about world control, about world domination...about the New World Order.
Let's start with Obama and what he's done to us. Obama...all by himself, in just one term, has spent...with money that he printed out of thin air, more than the previous Presidents that we've had...combined. 6.5 Trillion dollars. Where did the money come from? How is this money backed? Gold? Haven't had gold since the 30's. Anybody remember when the Government asked for all the gold its citizens had? That was it. But it's in the Fed. Fort Knox. Right? I'm sorry. No. If you're really and truly not sure, let's go back here, to day 6 of my series...
And what of our national religeon? What does the bible say? Is this our time? You decide...
We will continue. Next we talk about FEMA..and the relation of this to what God says.
Friday, June 19, 2015
Braving the Banjo, Part III - The Supreme Court Appeal
In loving memory of Nancy Shaeffer, Ex-Senator of Georgia, and Family Advocate
Now that it's been decided that the Department of Human Services was WRONG in taking our daughter, we have now taken steps to make sure the Supreme Court of Iowa knows it too. As does our newest circus member Katherine Miller-Todd...whatever, and the rest of the gang. We have not only given EACH AND EVERY person in our little circus notice, along with copy of the decision, but we have asked the Supreme Court to reconsider their ruling on the motion to stay Termination of Parental Rights. How much you wanna bet they sink that ship too? I mean, why not? They've already broken every other rule in the book. That's OK know what that means don'tcha? On to Federal Court bitches. The Criminal Complaint is already filled out, and will be posted online, as soon as they deny that motion, then deny our appeal (or sustain the district court's decision), bet on it. I'm sure the newest listing on the "Bruce Bitch List", KMT, is already workin' on her "resistance". Leave it to the female employees of the Attorney General's office to defend the "Honor" of Grant Dugdale...poor slob. Oh so sorry 'bout that loss big man. Better luck next time. Oh, and Katherine? We've already amended the Criminal Complaint form to include you as well.
To those of Facebook, and the CIA members that have bought it from Mr. Zucherberg, plus all of the law enforcement that's trolling it, the Mighty Sword's profile, you may have already noticed, is now DEFUNCT. I do hereby swear off of Facebook and all that it does currently stand for...control, and invasion of privacy. I suggest the rest of you do the same. I am already working with members of Anonymous to make a NEW social network that the lot of you don't spy on. Then where willya be? Awwwww....too bad, so sad. Please, try your call again. Enjoy it while ya got it.
Finally, there are several posts on youtube that I'd like to share with America. You see, it's well known (they don't even try and hide it anymore) that Agenda 21 is now in full swing, and the economic collapse of the United States of America, as well as the rest of the English-Speaking world IS IMMINENT, and that the citizens of America and the rest of the Earth are due to be killed off until there is but 1/2 a billion people left on the planet. I hate to tell PRESIDENT OBAMA, EX-PRESIDENT CLINTON, and the rest of the Elitist assholes out there that AMERICA, in particular, is NEVER GOING TO LET THIS HAPPEN. We are fully aware of your plan, and know how you plan to implement leave your little lithium chemtrails, JADE HELM 15 your little hearts out, poison the population's water, air, and food supplies all you want, WE WILL TAKE THIS COUNTRY BACK BY WHATEVER MEANS NECESSARY. Put me in your little death camp all you like, it will NOT KILL OUR SPIRIT. We love our country, and will do whatever it takes to thwart your little scheme. THE ANSWER TO 1984 IS 1776 MY FRIENDS...REMEMBER THAT!!!
I hereby declare myself a traitor to our tyrannical government (or a patriot who loves his country, to the rest of America) and the Elitist members of the United Nations, and that myself and others will FIGHT YOU TO OUR LAST DYING BREATH, AND REFUSE TO BE SLAVES IN YOUR NEW WORLD ORDER!!! :D
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
The Assessment Appeal Results
Well kids? Bitch Nieman and her assessment of these parents? HISTORY. The assessment itself? UNFOUNDED. The Supreme Court? WILL BE MADE AWARE OF THESE RESULTS...ASAFP.
Now, I'm gonna say this; due to the fact that I oh so respect the ALJ (Administrative Law Judge) in this case, I will NOT be posting the order...especially because it's IN OUR FAVOR...something that has yet to be with us. Question being, will the Supreme Court take this into consideration, or will they rule against us, just like everyone else in the Judiciary? Well, we shall be finding out, naturally...mostly because everyone with a finger in this will be getting their copies. To them, it is NOT confidential. To them, this decision is also, without question, quite damning, and opens this Department of Human Services and the County attorney's office up for BIG lawsuits, on a federal level. And Bitch Nieman, what of her? Oh, naturally, this matter will go immediately to Federal court, along with all of our charges against this proven liar; as soon as the Iowa Supreme Court renders their affirmation of the District Court, like we know they will. All the special little things in life are going that-a-way. And William A. Price, the "Not-So-Honorable?"...Federal prison for this one. Nothing less will suffice.
So kids, short of posting the ENTIRE story all over again, and the 30 pages of why this assessment was BULLSH**...I am only going to put the decision FINAL order down for consideration. As we knew it all along...
and I quote:
"The Department's decision is REVERSED. The Department shall amend the findings and determination in the assessment report for Incident No. xxxxxxxxx to "Not Confirmed" with respect to both Christopher Bruce and Elizabeth Bruce, shall remove their names from the abuse registry as a result of this report, and shall take any other action necessary to implement this decision."
NOW what you got to say BITCHES???
See you in Fed Court, all. Happy Trails.
Sunday, June 14, 2015
America's Deadly Sins - The Podcast, Part II
Well guys, I'm gonna tell you that Washington is a lot like your favorite psychiatrist or doctor. You can make an appointment, but it's gonna be a month or two until you can finally see him. Washington is on lockdown; you can't even get into the buildings without going through a very thorough (and pretty embarrasing too, I might add) security check, and, more than likely, you won't even be able to get into the building. More likely still, is the fact that you will probably never get called back by whoever you were trying to get a meeting with, to get an appointment with them, in order to get into the building you can't even get into without an appointment.
I would like to take a moment to apologize for not having appropriately numbered episodes for this month. If I could ever do several shows in a row over an extended period of time, without getting messed with, this wouldn't be an issue. Due to my HAVING been messed with, by people and entities that are STILL unknown (coughverapheddupcoughcough), America's Deadly Sins and the Podcast have both suffered greatly...and, since there's STILL an "Amber" alert, it's probable that I may never have a consistant podcast, or even a continual one...thanks to PRESIDENT OBAMA's arresting people for speaking out against him AND the Government (which we both do a lot) and considering their special love to abduct veterans, and since it's now been noted that these people, upon speaking out against the Government AND OBAMA will get immediately arrested and put into a mental hospital for RE-CONDITIONING (brainwashing); and since the Captain and I are both veterans, don't expect to be listening to us for long.
So from here on out, I would like to announce that each episode, whether consecutive or not, will simply be date-stamped for whatever date it happens. That will, more than likely, make all of our lives a whole lot easier.
So, finally, after much rambling, let's just list the episodes, and get it over with.
Episode 20 - Patrick from Maine/Baby LK
Baby LK isin da howwwwwse!! If you're going to make a comeback, DO IT RIGHT! Sir Patrick of Maine will be our guest today, and not unlike The Mad Angel, it promises to be pheno!
Join us at 2 CST, AND LETS GET BACK TO WORK Infinity
Episode 1 (recount) - The Assessment Appeal Call-in Show
A Call To Action!!
Well America? The final straw has hit this father's back, and enough is decidedly enough. I will be doing the show alone today, and what I intend for this show is nothing short of absolute insanity; but then the insanity was presented me first, via our current system, so really...what should they expect?
The time for revolution is NOW.
OPEXPOSECPS has opened the door. Now we move to part two...We need your Voices today. Call in, state your first name, your state, talk for 30 seconds, and its on to the next caller. When we're through this gets shipped to each and every person in power, state and federal., were all alone again, but never fear, I always give a good show, regardless. Join us at 2 p.m. CST!
Episode 2 - The Reading of the Secret Courts Call-in Show
Today's episode is also to be a call-in show. Yesterday was as well, but I went off the deep end a little, and spaced my listeners off...and I apologize for that. Today I am going to read to my listeners a copy of the online book I just purchased entitled "The Secret Courts". I will read as much of it as I can stand, then take phone calls for the last 1/2 hour to discuss what I've read. It sounds boring, but it is anything but. It isn't merely informative for those who know not about the fact that what we, the victims endure, is not just nationwide, but WORLDWIDE, it also describes in detail that what others in other countries endure is not just similar, but EXACTLY the SAME THING!! There is, decidedly, a common theme here...and it lends to other more sinister plans that the world has in the most evil and criminal of sins...sins of humanity that do not cry far from the actions of Hitler, on a world-wide scale.
What brought this about should become more clear in your mind, and will help my listeners to understand that it is all of humanity that is suffering at the hands of whatever monsters are responsible. I suspect that the Elite do, in fact, still exist, as they have over the centuries, and whose ideals still predominate today. This will, for some, eliminate hope in some, but fear not...for we have, at our backs, the legion of Annonymous. Be glad of that. I proclaim an alliance with these folks, and will help to further their efforts. I am legion. I am Annonymous. I do not forgive. I do NOT forget. Expect US.
I promised that this podcast would go worldwide. It hasn't as yet. But today, that changes. Be with Us at 2 p.m. today for what promises to be the best episode to date. Be aware, also, that this show's episode, #2, goes worldwide today, at
Episode 3 - The Velvet Underground/The Secret Courts
Well kids? The FBI is on my ass, and, well, I don't plan on letting them find too much out. I am, as of this moment, on my way to Washington to meet with my State Senators. Also planned is a trip to the DOJ, the Surgeon General's office, etc. I may even take a moment to stop by and visit my secret service buddies, as well as the office of the FBI...just to shake 'em up a little.
Some of you will, of course, wonder what the hell crawled up my kiester. If you'd truly like to know that, then tune in. All will be made clear, of course.
Join us at 2 p.m. CST, where we will talk about what I hope to accomplish, as well as clarify what is happening, and will, finally, continue to read from "The Secret Courts"
Episode 4 - Booker T and the CP'S
Hey America, what it be like? Today's Episode will feature the indignant stylings of Booker T (Theodore Booker) and the CP's (CPS). Join us today at 2 p.m., for a tale of terror and misery, of injustice and more.
Episode 5 - The Pre-DC Show (Illinois), Part I
We are going to do a series of shows; now until D.C.'S Protest Day on June 5th, that may just feature....well, just about ANYBODY.....AND JUST ABOUT ANYTHING, AS WELL. As I cross into Illinois (believe me, the road thus far has NOT been kind, due to horrible planning, the Holiday weekend +Monday; and not much money); We will celebrate the beginning leg of our tour with a bang. What bang? One never knows, now does one?
Join us at 2 CST, as the guests and surprises could get pretty wild...we'll just call today's show a call-in SURPRISE show. Every day following this one promises to be more and more intense, so please, CONTINUE TO LISTEN ALL THIS NEXT WEEK!! We're about to make the history books kids, one way or the lets turn those lemons into a lemonade these people will not be able to ignore or dismiss....WHO'S WITH ME???
Episode 5 - Road Report Hour
Join us at 2 p.m. today for the road report!
Episode 7 - Washington D.C. Bound
With only a 6 hour drive time remaining (or 6 days, as the hitchhiker flies, sometimes), it won't be long before I make myself known to the people in D.C., as well as to the Government itself. This promises to be a good time to say the least and will not be a waste of time, as some people would lead me to believe. I don't like to waste my time, a lot like I don't like to lose...the combination of the two would be devastating to the folks on the Hill, to put it kindly.
Join us today at 2 p.m. CST, and for God's sake call in today. Mr. Bruce will be on his P.C. today, regardless of race, color, creed, origin, sex or religion, in order to get my callers on. I'm looking forward to it, really. LET YOUR VOICES BE HEARD!!!
Episode 8 - Mr. Bruce Goes To Washington (FINALLY)
I'm guessing that by the day's end today (or quite possibly tomorrow...There are some relatives here I haven't seen since I was 15) I'll be in my final destination. I am pretty disappointed that I'm being blown off by those who profess to support my efforts (I won't name names...we'll just call them nothing, and keep them ANONYMOUS) but this will never deter me in my efforts to bring justice; for those in my current state, as well as for myself.
This will, of course be another call-in show for those of you who wish to add stories to my ever-growing list, or just wanna talk about yer troubles. Either way, join us at 2 p.m. CST for all the fun!
Episode ? - The Re-Comeback Show
OK America, we're gonna try this crap again. This time we have decided to use the usually more reliable network of Starbucks to do our show today.
Join us for a call in show we hope will be beating the band of everything we've done thus far.
PLEASE NOTE: Thanks to the efforts of VERA PHEDDUP, we may end up hanging up on some callers...hopefully this will NOT be the case, but one never knows. I actually don't have a problem defending my honor, as some of you already know, I have no reason to believe that I will not be able to handle whatever comes my way, If things get out of control, know this: Christopher Bruce IS MOST CERTAINLY ALL ABOUT THE TRUTH, and any calls that might come from that direction will be handled properly, that is until they get ridiculous, and at that time you WILL BE DISCONTINUED AND DISCONNECTED. For Ms. Pheddup, know that my base is strong, and believes in all that I am doing, and it will be quite hard to shake their faith in me and what I'm trying to accomplish. Ms. Pheddup is already trying to discredit me, using her "fans"...but as you can see, I've already laid some of those folks to a very quick rest
Episode Ground Zero - Hold the Phone!
CPS is on hold today kids. It's time we discuss what's on the agenda for America today...yesterday...and tomorrow. Truths will be told, plans will be revealed, and fingers pointed.
Stay tuned DEFINATELY at 2 p.m. Central...TODAY. This show will NOT be sabatoged. Call in should you feel the need to shut me up.