Saturday, August 3, 2024


"Government doesn't care WHO you elect to govern you...only that you continue to elect to be governed"

                                                                                                                                             - Anonymous

Have you ever just sat in the home you've made for yourself and said, to the inatimate object that you're looking at or listening to...are you for real?  Seriously?

Unfortunately, this seems to be my current state of being for the past...Oh, I'm not really sure how many years now, just about every single day of those undetermined years.

I believe I've just about hit my limit, at this point, however...and, unfortunately, as many times now that I've stressed that this is NOT a politically motivated blog, I've had all that I can stands...and I can't stands no more.

The Trump Assasinatin Failure #1

Now, in case you haven't quite figured it out yet, I'm not a voter, as such.  But sometimes, with all that's going on, and given the condition of your home country, the direction it's going, and the stupidity of its population, where their ability to see what's truly going on is concerned, you just have to chime in...and today represents one of those times. 

Let's begin where we should...the attempted "assassination" of our former President, Trump.

How is it that no one ever says, out loud anyway, that this was an obvious attempt to get rid of the competition?  No one EVER says this...they only resort to this:  Incompetancy.  Now, whereas the majority of the Democratically nominated cabinet and others of late is, in fact, incompetent, that excuse only goes so far.  Then it tends to lend itself right over the line into purposefulness.  It is very much my opinion that the majority of everything that has happened in the past 10 years is most certainly, purposeful.  Mayorkas.  Buttigeig.  Biden.  Harris.  They've been around in their respective positions for nearly 4 years now.  Incompetance no longer applies at this point.  Only purposefulness remains.

The same applies here.  The Secret Service has not been "incompetent" for a great many decades.  So why all of a sudden is it now?  It isn't, and I really wish people would quit calling them that.  Mayorkis, the head of our nation's purity, isn't incompetent.  He is purposeful and most complicit in allowing every dangerous person he can find right over the border.

Harris has not been "Imcompetent" throughout all of her career.  She has been inexperienced and lazy...and purposeful in everything she's been inexperienced and lazy in, then done..and not done.

Biden is merely a catalyst and a puppet.  He knoweth not what he hath wrought.

These people ALL knew/know what they're doing as well as all that they are not.  And, it would seem, so did the secret service...but they failed to do it, as did they all.  So "incompetent?"  Doesn't come close to applying here.

So why the big problem calling this out for all it really is?  Because incompetent is hardly the word I plan to use.

Because to do that is to admit that we have serious problems.  And we can't have that, now can we?  We're #1....remember?

I hate to tell you, fellow slaves, but we have serious problems all right...Unfortunately, none of those have involved any kind of incompetency.

The Trump Assassinatin Failure #2

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Wednesday, February 21, 2024

The Law Itself - Today's Police State, Revisited

I tried America...I SWEAR I tried.  I wanted the post below this one to be my final post, but the sins keep coming in, and I just can't keep my mouth shut about it!!

Now, (not unlike every other article I write), I want you to know that, when it comes to "The Law" and our current, much-perverted justice system, I tend to jump around a lot.  Stay with me, and you'll understand what this is about, I guarantee it.  Follow where you can, and there won't be a chance that you won't get it, I'm sure.


Q.  Are we officially, "A police State?"  I believe the answer to this question to be a resounding yes.

So, why is it that I think we are a police state?

Well, for one, go to youtube, and search for "Police Audit".  Watch around 3 of those, and I guarantee you will vehemently agree with this general assessment.  Scarier still, there are approximately...not 3 such videos, but well over 300,000 nationwide.

Another reason I can safely allege this scary fact,,, or better yet, let me just ask a question instead. When was the last time you ever went (IF ever) to a city council meeting?  I've been to a few.  Almost every meeting gives over 10 minutes of speech time to a representative of the police force, where they almost inevitably ask for 2 things - more officers, and more money to operate.

The most important recognizant fact I use to assess this, however, is occurrences of accountability.  This is better termed as an absolute lack of accountability.  There are, of course, very good reasons for no police accountability, and 2 of them are glaringly obvious.

1.  Police unions, and those representing those unions and their members in courts of "law."

2.  IA's, better defined as INTERNAL AUDITS, the ability of Police Departments to conduct their own investigations and oversee and punish THEMSELVES.  I'm still amazed that this has ever been allowed, not just for PD;'s, but for ANY Governmental function or department on any level.  How in the world can you expect accountability from an agency that doesn't have an unbiased panel of regular people (you know, CITIZENS, the ones paying their salaries!) overseeing what's happening??

NOTE:  Who are the snakiest snakes of the human race?  Lawyers...and they get the same privilege!  Only judges are allowed to oversee what they do.  Judges are what again?  FORMER LAWYERS.

Watch a few more of those audit videos (I recommend around 10 from different spots around the country for a less obvious bias.  Of course, the police in California are going to be way crazier than those in Vermont, or so the average person would think.) and a few things become disturbingly clear.  For one, few police actually know THE LAW.  Yes, they know what makes the city money...speeding tickets and burnt-out head, turn and tail lights are always a sure and accepted thing.  They're pretty good at harassing the homeless population, and either jailing them or moving them away from the view of the public, to ensure those that aren't homeless won't have to look at the problem and feel guilty about not helping them in any way.  But ask these "law enforcers" about what law they're arresting you or attempting to charge you with, and you get...well, you get one of 3 things:  A blank stare, an angry officer, or made-up law.  Worse than that, however, if you know the law and they don't?  You'll see a side of officers you may not want to.  One could almost swear they don't know the law at all.


They don't.  I'm sorry, but call me crazy...shouldn't a law enforcement enforcer KNOW THE LAW?  As a matter of fact, it almost seems as though most of them are making the law up as they go along.  They ARE.  And, thanks to the Supreme Court decision in both Frazier vs. Cupp and Oregon vs. Matthiason, the police are allowed...BY LAW, to LIE TO YOU, to accomplish whatever it is they are trying to accomplish...and that, of course, extends to those who actually don't know any law, therefore, they are ALLOWED by the same rulings to make it up as they go along, and get you arrested if they want that to happen.  And that's about all they need to happen.  Who cares if you actually did what you did or not, or the circumstances surrounding it, or the reasons.  They got what they needed...your arrest, or your ticket.  Let the courts and its officers sort out the rest.

The truly messed up addendum to only this fact is, that to get out of jail, or take care of this ticket, is almost 90% of the time going to involve you PAYING UP AND MAKING IT GO AWAY.  We just don't have the time anymore to go to court and fight it; added to losing pay while you do so.  And, should any rights be violated, or violence happen against you by officers, it's OK, because what they did will almost always be internally investigated and justified for the officer under THEIR circumstances and their own interpretation of their policies; and your officer will more than likely be held accountable through paid leave or NOTHING AT ALL.  Most certainly, they will keep their jobs and continue their rule of terror.  Good officers are just too hard to find....actually, that's an error.  What I should have said is good ORDER FOLLOWERS are so hard to find...because that is the quality that most police departments look for in their officers.  First, do they train well?  Second, do they follow orders unconditionally, or do they question why?  If you resemble the 2nd part of that sentence, they rule you out.  They aren't after those who independently think for themselves, or know anything about the law at all.  Some departments actually weed out officer candidates that are TOO SMART.  No joke.


Finally, I present to you my own facts.  I'll grant to you, most of this is pretty yawn-worthy, so if you're the kind that likes a good yarn and excitement in your day, I highly recommend another of my articles, relating my police experience with the Sioux Falls Police Department.  You'll be biting your nails and waiting for the next episode in no time:

And, of course, it wouldn't be nice of me to not give you the conclusion of that abuse of power:

Here are the events that have occurred to me and my family (which now only consists of my wife of 16 years and my doggie of now 10 years.) in the last 2 years, whilst in Huntsville, Alabama.  Sure, I've been arrested, prosecuted, and persecuted for around 10 years now, and select of you know why that is...but this is different.  These events have happened while life was more normal.  There's been no exigent or extenuating circumstances...except for COVID, which was winding down around the country for the most part by now.  Alabama?  Was just a little behind.  And of course, COVID Joe wasn't helping this at all, either, on the Federal level.

Anyway, my wife and I arrived in Alabama in the spring of 2021, on our way to the Florida Panhandle.  We had been on the road, traveling, for a while since COVID began, and it was time for a rest.  After a couple of days camping out in a Huntsville, AL state park, I decided to participate in some day labor for some extra traveling cash.

I was hardly unfamiliar with the Huntsville area.  I actually lived in Huntsville for over a year, back in the late 90's (when the town wasn't much more than a burgh).

3 years before this particular arrival, I had visited for over 3 weeks to refamiliarize myself with the area.  During that time, I worked for a local day labor spot.  It was here that I chose to get an assignment for the day.

I was barely over 60 years old at this time, so when they assigned me to an apartment complex to do demo work. I was a bit hesitant to accept it since I hadn't done any hard labor in a few eons.  But I was primarily in pretty good shape healthwise for my age, so I accepted it.  After 9 hours, I was pretty beat and began the drive back to the park.  Maybe 1/8 of a mile away from the campsite, however, my exhaustion caught up to me, and I fell asleep at the wheel for maybe 5 seconds.  I was only driving at a speed of 30 mph, but it was enough.  I woke up in front of a tree.  The tree survived.  Our only car, however, did not survive the crash.

So here we were, carless, with no way to transport our belongings out of the state park, and essentially without means of survival.  We managed to get our belongings out, thankfully, The United Way had set up a deal where you could get up to a total of 10 free cab rides for emergency purposes, and we took full advantage.  As for making money, being homeless and carless didn't present many opportunities, so I did what I didn't want to do at all...I made up a sign that stated only this:


and proceeded to show this sign to oncoming traffic in a heavily trafficked area.  Now, I suppose you could consider this to be panhandling...but the facts were clearly stated, it wasn't untrue, and it didn't ask for money; nor was I beating anyone over the head to give me money, or obstructing any sort of traffic, whether vehicular or pedestrian...but an officer, who obviously had nothing better to do, witnessed me accepting money (which evidently, is when they can accost you and accuse you of panhandling) and "Pulled me over."  Upon exercising my right to remain silent and refusing to show him my I.D., he clearly stated (on his body cam footage, TWICE) that he wasn't going to arrest me until I refused to show him my I.D., which for those of you who don't know, is my right if I am not being arrested, and cannot be used IN AND OF ITSELF as a reason to arrest someone, in AL and many other states.  Oh, and there was no charge of "Panhandling".  I was thereby, arrested for "Loitering" instead.  "Loitering", as I always thought, was the crime of hanging around a certain spot with the intent of committing a crime.  Of course, I had no such intent.  I love the use of the word "intent" in the law.  How is it that someone...or anyone for that matter, can determine another person's intent to do anything?  That one has ALWAYS mystified me.

The story so far begs a rather good question.  If an officer witnesses someone giving me money, isn't the person giving it to me as guilty as I am?  Isn't it fair to state here that I would not be committing the crime of taking someone's money without asking for it, if there wasn't someone who thought I needed it giving it to me?  I think that if you're going to arrest people for receiving money from people, the people giving that money to them should be arrested for the same crime as well.  Somewhere along the line, someone must have deduced that the person taking the money is a bad person, a criminal...and the person giving it, a saint, evidently.

Since I had still not produced an ID, upon being booked in, I was facially ID'd using facial me, it was yet another violation of my right to remain silent...but who am I?

Upon transfer to jail, a fat racoon-looking jailer told me to put on a mask.  I politely declined.  I was then thrown into solitary confinement, denied a phone call for 12 hours, denied both food and water for the same 12 hours, and when I got angry about it, I was then tasered and maced...and not just directly in the eyes, but in my private parts as well, by the same fat guard.

Needless to say, I was NOT a happy little camper.  All of this over a mask.

Monday morning came along, and I was told that if I plead guilty to the charge I would be instantly released.  Should I plead not guilty, I might see a judge sometime in the next 30 days (unless I bonded out, something I wasn't able to do, and even so, my wife and dog were out there someplace, wondering where in the Heck I was.)  As you might have guessed, I plead guilty.

Fast forward to a time when things were better (by this time, we had both gained employment and had a place), about a year later.  We had been depending on Huntsville's not-so-wonderful and badly in need of updating bus system and had grown quite weary of it.  We saved up our money and purchased a minivan for $1500.  The less-than-honest seller didn't inform us of the majority of what was actually wrong with the vehicle, and worse yet, had allowed us to use his plate until we got our own, with a plate that didn't actually go to the vehicle.

Around this time, we had decided to go to Pensacola Florida to "check it out" for possible permanency.  Remember, in Alabama anyway, we had a period of 20 days to plate and register the vehicle.  We drove 500 miles with the mismatched plate still on the vehicle.

After determining that this was HARDLY a smart move (to get a place in Pensacola, you needed to have a MINIMUM of $3000 in your hand.  They charged for first, current, AND next month in advance, and varying non-refundable deposits for pets, background checks, etc.)  we ran back to Huntsville with our tail btwn. our legs.  We decided to go plateless (what a dummy I AM) since we weren't exactly sure the plate deal was a good one.  We forged a bill of sale to make it seem like we had just bought the vehicle in FL and were driving it back to AL to get it registered.

Upon driving through a small town in the county of Baldwin, AL (Bay Minette), we were stopped by an officer for "Not having plates on our vehicle".  Now, if you ride with me when a police officer pulls me over, I do NOT just start handing over documents.  I do NOT roll down my window all the way on demand, and I do NOT answer an officer's stupid questions (where are coming from, where are you going, etc.).  More so, I very much exercise my "right to remain silent" until I am arrested for an articulated, arrestable crime.  Upon asking for my license, and finding out that I was being stopped for not having plates on the vehicle, I exercised that right and refused.  He then threatened to tear me out of the vehicle to get what he was after, and I asked for a supervisor.

Within 10 minutes, there were a minimum of 9 police cars behind me, an even mix of State, County, and city police officers.  Each of these made the trip to my vehicle, where I again vehemently exercised my right to remain silent.  One officer, a rather nice state trooper, weaseled my driver's license information out of me (Name, DOB, and address) so that he could verify that I was indeed legally licensed to drive in AL.  And that SHOULD have been enough, considering the bill of sale was within 20 days (a state law, by the by).  The last person to my window, after everyone else had left, was the original stop's officer, who proceeded to hand me 3 tickets.  They were:  No insurance (I had it, didn't show the doc), driving with no license (which they had verified I did, in fact, have, I just didn't SHOW it to them.  Again, this is not a primary offense or a violation, it is defined in our nation as a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT, the right to remain SILENT.  You cannot by law, rule or ordinance, criminalize the act of exercising a Constitutional right.), and driving through Bay Minette with an unregistered ordinance that, in fact, flew in the face of the state law stating I had 20 days to register it.  I could have beat all 3 tickets, had I just remained in Bay Minette for 30 days (with no job, etc.) or picked a time 30 days later to unnecessarily drive 500 miles BACK there, but needless to say, all of those tickets went to warrant.

We returned to Huntsville, where we both re-acquired our jobs and went about our lives.

We were driving along one day, and I looked up to notice a Huntsville officer following me.  After a 1/2 mile or so, he began to turn off...then jerked back in and ran his lights.  He began by telling me that the plate did NOT match my vehicle, but this is not what he pulled me over for.  If you're not getting it, the man was bored out of his mind, and, equipped with a plate reader that INSTANTLY reads plates and brings up the record of it, and the person driving it.

He was following me, waiting for me to screw up somehow so he could justify pulling me over.  He discovered, before giving up, that one...OF TWO plate lights the vehicle was equipped with was out, and pulled me over for this HEINOUS violation.  He issued me a ticket for the tag light (but oddly, NOT for the plate mismatch) and let me go.  Now remember...I am NOT from Alabama, and had no idea what a "fix-it" ticket was, or how it worked.  What I THOUGHT he said was, that I had 30 days (he actually said THREE days) to fix/remedy this "violation", then bring it in with the ticket to have it witnessed, and then the ticket would be invalidated.  By the time I figured out it was 3 days and not 30, it was too late, my appearance date had passed, and 2 warrants had been issued for my for the ticket itself, and one for the failure to appear.  Either way, this van was a lemon from Hell, and it died of compression failure 3 days after getting this ticket, so there would have been no way for me to get out of paying this ticket.  I refused to deal with the ticket, primarily because I didn't feel I should have to pay out $260 because some cop, bored out of his mind was out driving around with technology able to read plates in seconds was randomly running plates and looking for any reason to stop me because mine didn't jibe with my vehicle.

Now here's where things get sticky.

Keep in mind here, that the person driving the vehicle may...or may NOT be the person who owns the vehicle.  Here is how these officers are justifying this practice:  They are taking criminals off of the street.  Really?  What if the person driving is the owner of the vehicle's BROTHER, an upstanding citizen who just happened to be running up to the store to get his brother more beer for his Superbowl party and borrowed the car to do so?  "Aha...but it would all be OK, once the driver explains and identifies himself to the officer, so it's cool."  Uh,'s NOT.  He wouldn't need to identify himself at all, if this bored officer hadn't had so little to do that he was out driving around randomly running plates, essentially, LOOKING FOR CRIME/CRIMINALS.  This is what the city attorney here in Madison AL is expressing his approval of, and he sincerely believes that the citizens of this city (including the 10-20 nightly recipients of tickets received due to this insanely un-Constitutional practice) are behind him and his officers all the way...and what a segueway this is into the next part of the story.  For it is in Madison that this whole thing finally came to a head.

Just so you, the reader, are aware, I lost my license to drive.  Not because of my driving.  Not because of any vehicular offense.  But because I didn't pay for violating some ordinance someplace in Alabama.  You may not as yet be aware, but the State....and this is EVERY state now, has become the official collection agency for every town, burgh and city IN your state.  In other words, the Government is tired of you not paying your due to them for every little law they manage to squeak by you, often without your consent, without your input and more than likely, without your approval.  Thereby, should the ticket happy cops in YOUR podunk town issue you a ticket, and you disagree with it, or don't pay it?  Your license is instantly auto-suspended by the state until you do.  Let that sink in.  Roll that around on your tongue for a while, I guarantee you're not going to get along with the taste of it.

Unfortunately, in my case, this tactic did, in fact, work.  This isn't the point people.  Think about what world should the state get involved with matters of any one town?  Isn't that what the City Attorney's job is?  Legal collections and the like?  Since when did any of us consent to the state punishing us, and collecting the money we didn't fork over to the Podunk, AL Municipal Court because their officer wrote me a ticket for jaywalking; all because he couldn't figure out any other way to make money for the force/the mayor?

This, by the way, was the very FIRST time my license has EVER been all 48 years of my being able to drive.  Something, I might also mention, I should never have needed the state's permission or license to do.

FUN FACT:  Did you know that, in the beginning, the only people who have ever been required, by law, to have a Driver's License were those crossing state lines to make money (a commercially regulated activity) and those working for the Government in anything to do with transportation?  Just like marriage licenses, this was a boom of an idea (applying this practice out to the general public as well) to make money to keep those people working for the Government in their jobs.  More than any other Government idea, the Department of "Transport" brings in more revenue than any other office by far.  It puts food on the table for the State employees, County employees, and City employees.  And if you cross state lines?  It puts plenty of food on those employed by our Federal Government as well.  Where did this happen?  How is it that sane people ever allowed such a law to pass?  Fun Fact Part B:  Those are STILL the only people in this country required to have a driver's license by law.  Read up on a little bit of law I call the UCC...The Uniform Commercial Code.

In my opinion, the same thought should be readily applied to licenses for marriage.  Since when do I need the state's go-ahead to marry the woman I love?  The answer, boys and girls, is that I don't.  It's called a REVENUE STREAM.

FUN FACT:  Did you know that there wasn't a license to marry until after the civil war.  Would you care to know how this practice started?  Because back in them thar days, they didn't want recently freed black men and women marrying white people.  So they figured they'd put it out there that you needed a license to marry just so they'd know and could shame the Hell out of the white person signing up for this; or worse still, so they could somehow punish the offensive black person marrying the white person, and keep tabs on him.  Once it became the norm for that, they just applied this practice to everyone, since it was bringing in the bucks.

Have you ever wondered how it is that so much money flows to the city to do the most outlandish that parking ramp (for 7 million dollars), Open the local dog park (for 3 million).  Build new bathrooms for City Hall (for several thousand dollars).  You need only look to the Department of Transportation.  The average person's driver's license fees for the states ALONE should be the dead giveaway.  The fees for this average out at around $33 per state, per driver.  There are approximately 233 million licensed drivers in the U.S.  That comes out to...(carry the one, 2 zeroes on the next line, account for suspended drivers, carry a two) approximately 7.689 BILLION dollars...just in license fees!  Remember, that's also every 2-6 years.  I guarantee you, the funds coming in from those now $200 - $300 a ticket tickets issued each of those 233 million drivers over the period of their lives - from the State Trooper to the County Sheriff to your local force?  Is a surplus I would not venture a guess for, as to a viable amount.  Mix in the State as the collector supreme for those tickets?  What more could Governments everywhere want?  "Gimme the blueprint, Yankee boy!!"

If that's not enough for ya, you have to factor in:  Commercial licenses and all the classes needed to get those, SR-22 Insurance, Driver's courses (all those teaching people to drive must be approved...and LICENSED to do so by the state), "Re-instatement"  fees for when you get your license returned to you at the whim of the state (Isn't it great?  They can yank that license away from you for a host of varying reasons now, and then they conveniently charge you to get the privelege returned, somewhere around $300.)  Testing fees (to get your license in the first place, and when it's deemed by the state for you to test again), Registrations, tags and titles for your newly purchased vehicles...need I go on?  And this is all for building and maintaining the roads you travel on....or is that the Gas tax?  I can never keep that straight...

I'm sorry....shiny object.  Back to the story.  So I'm driving my wife home from work, again with a mismatched tag on my newly purchased car...Stay with me, here's why.  I was buying a car off of a Used Car Lot, when it came to their (and their insurance company's) attention that I was no longer in possession of a valid license to operate a vehicle in the State of Alabama.  The car had to be returned to the lot because the insurance company was not able to insure a non-licensed driver (understandable, I suppose).  I lost the downpayment and all the money I put into said vehicle, by the by.  I had the plate for that car on the car I purchased after it.  You may think this was wrong...but hear me out.

In Alabama, you cannot title or register a car until you have insurance on it.  The insurance can't happen unless you are legitimately licensed to drive...and I was suspended.  How am I going to survive unless I have transportation to work?  So now you know...

Anyway, I'm just about to pull into my place, and the lights come's the Madison police, pulling me over.  Did I do something wrong?  No.  My plate didn't match the car.  ONCE AGAIN, bored, obviously not-needed officers are roaming the streets, looking for crimes/criminals (revenue), and I am that practice's lucky recipient.  Upon further investigation, I find that this happens a lot, after dark, primarily on the road I travel most in this town.  One night, I looked over the horizon to see not one, not 3, but 4 locations up and down the boulevard of people who had been victims of this practice ALSO.  It should be mentioned, that by this time, I had turned myself in for the "Fix-it ticket" in Huntsville...I am in the middle of paying over $571 in fines.  It was then (now) that I received 2 NEW tickets, for driving while suspended, and without insurance, something I really couldn't help but not have (see earlier explanation in the paragraph prior.) It was then (now), also, that I received news of something called a "hardship licence."  Now.  AFTER being suspended for over a year.  Why, when they were suspending my license, did they not offer this alternative then?  I think we know the answer here.  What would the non-relevant police do if they couldn't just run plates at random?  How could their bored officers remain relevant (as well as employed) if they couldn't legally do this and get away with it?

Which begs yet another question:  How much have the police gotten away with, because Americans haven't spoken out against them?

The answer to this rhetorical question?  A lot more lately than ever before.  Not just because of qualified immunity, which a good portion of us are privy to, but because of many court rulings of late.  I highly recommend this article to find out just what most police are immune to.  It's surprising what they've been allowed to do by such rulings.  Please, read it until the end, because the most shocking part of all sits right at the bottom.

I remember when the seatbelt law was first enforced, on January 1st of some year I can't exactly remember.  I was one of the first to ever get one in the whole country.  Would you like to know what I paid for that ticket?  $25 whole dollars.  What's the average price for a seatbelt ticket today?  Btwn. 200-300 dollars, my friends.  This, I hate to tellya, is not because of "Inflation"....I LOVE that answer.  No, the reason seatbelt tickets are this much more ridiculous is because instead of going to court and opening your mouth and not saying NO when you're doing so is why.  It's because, when you get one, you assume that you have "broken the law"....and you open your wallet, and you PAY IT.  This then becomes a nod to those you have put over you in Governance to give it to you some more...and more...and more, because they know that you will, of course, open up your wallet and PAY IT...and you won't be complaining either, because if you do?  A.  We may tow your car.  B.  We may arrest you.  C.  We may put all that on your driving record and get your "privilege" to drive SUSPENDED, or revoked altogether..

 To finish this off, in my travels in this city of, oh, 215,000 or so, every traffic stop I see after dark?  There are anywhere from 2-4 EXTRA police cars piled up behind the cop who initiated the stop.  Does that tell you anything?  It tells me quite a bit.  That tells me that there are way too many officers on the streets in any one place ALREADY, and that we're giving them TOO MANY officers, and entirely too much money to operate.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

The Puppet, the Puppet Masters, and the Probable End of Humanity - An Epic Relation for the Ages.

(LAST REVISED 2/17/2024)

NOTE:  Not only is this a continuing post until it is finished, of course (which will be quite a while;) this is factual documentation of what really happened at the end of both the United States of America and its alleged "democracy", as well as the end of the majority of humanity. If anyone should tell you differently, it probably did not happen that way.

NOTE:  This is sure to convince you that all I say here and in the rest of this blog is the truth, if nothing else.  After 9 years of writing this blog...with the name "America's Deadly Sins" coming in at no more than 2nd in the search results, IN GOOGLE of a GOOGLE PRODUCED BLOG; I have now been pushed out by what might be as many as 77+ other results; none of which carry this exact precise name.  How is this possible, and why now, after 9 straight years at #1 or #2 in the results?  This should be obvious if it isn't.  The truth or anything resembling it, is being heavily censored, without any accountability efforts due to happen anytime soon.  The big move is coming folks, and I predict it will happen absolutely no later than the end of this current year, 2024.

"The end is no longer just near, it's here.  The fat lady hasn't sung yet, but you had better believe she's in the back room, warming up..."

- Christopher, The living Man


UPDATE - 2/17/2024

Banana Republic - In political science, the term banana republic describes a politically and economically unstable country with an economy dependent upon the export of natural resources. In 1904, the American author O. Henry coined the term[1][2] to describe Guatemala and Honduras under economic exploitation by U.S. corporations, such as the United Fruit Company (now Chiquita). Typically, a banana republic has a society of extremely stratified social classes, usually a large impoverished working class and a ruling class plutocracy, composed of the business, political, and military elites.[3] The ruling class controls the primary sector of the economy by way of the exploitation of labor.[4] Therefore, the term banana republic is a pejorative descriptor for a servile oligarchy that abets and supports, for kickbacks, the exploitation of large-scale plantation agriculture, especially banana cultivation.[4]

A banana republic is a country with an economy of state capitalism, whereby the country is operated as a private commercial enterprise for the exclusive profit of the ruling class. Such exploitation is enabled by collusion between the state and favored economic monopolies, in which the profit, derived from the private exploitation of public lands, is private property, while the debts incurred thereby are the financial responsibility of the public treasury. Such an imbalanced economy remains limited by the uneven economic development of town and country and usually reduces the national currency into devalued banknotes (paper money), thereby rendering the country ineligible for international development credit.

        - Wikipedia

A Unanimous Warning

Wow, what a Presidency like no other in our history, eh?  For the first year of the puppet Biden, the NWO boys Nitro-ran at high speed to make up for the 4 years Trump cost them.  For the next 2 years, immigrant immigration has certainly been the primary priority, this being the most important branch of the plan to overthrow the remaining hurdles in the West, especially the U.S.

The collaborative sell-outs in the "news" have consistently, as a group, "warned" us over and over that 2024 is sure to be the biggest roller-coaster ride yet.  Because of their unity in this prediction, I believe them.  The stage is definitely set.  The rebranding of the U.S. by those true to its original state of "A Constitutional Republic" as more a Banana Republic now, was key to convincing me that we are nearing the great fall of another Empire...ours.  Boys and girls, we have reached and passed a new status, as a nation.  We are, and have been for some time, A Banana Republic.  When did this begin exactly?  My finger points squarely at the time of Trump's election to the office of President.  His rise in to power as our President was a surprise win none in power in the U.S., or anywhere else in the world was not expected or wanted...and everyone knows that.

2024, our last year as a sovereign republic.

As you may have already surmised, I have never supported, in any way, shape or form, the illusion we call "general elections."  That illusion only used to apply to the offices of only the President and Vice President (I do not believe we have put in a President since the creation of the "Electoral College."  Should you not buy into this, remember that the Electoral College has not only voted against the people once - which should have been more than enough by itself to prove to us that it was never meant for "We the People" to elect anyone to the highest 2 positions in the country - but they would go on to vote against the public vote for President an additional 4 times, for a total of 5 times.  And the most controversial of these, of course, was the election of none other than Donald I must say I'm glad for the college today; had Hilary won, we wouldn't have even been us...the U.S., today, and I wouldn't be relating any of this to you.)

Now, however, at least since 2018, this "loophole" in the public vote has now branched out to the races of Senators, Representatives; and more importantly, those running for State governance.  This is scarier by far than President and Vice, because there are 50 such positions for Governor, 100 positions for Senator, and 435 positions for State Representatives, compared to the original two.  Should the voters be disenfranchised in these 50 individual country wannabees, can see what happened during COVID...more so, you can see what's happening NOW.

What is my proof you might ask?  Consider Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear.  This man was an utter tyrant during the "Pundamic."  Not only were the majority of his decisions utterly DISASTROUS to the citizens of the state, they were devastating and unpopular at best; including the attempt to ticket, then arrest and charge, then convict Kentuckians for attending church on Easter Sunday of 2020, which could have cost most arrested what might have been as much as a year of their lives in jail.  Even that was small potatoes to how long Kentuckians waited for their unemployment checks during the COVID scare.

And yet... during the last Gubernatorial election (a decided and massive victory for the republican party), one such election won was a total mystery....and for me, no surprise.  Yes, the tyrant, newly re-elected as Governor in an otherwise all-red victory, expects those of his state to believe that, in EVERY position's race, Republicans cleaned house...and then, for the person in charge of it all, the Governor, they suddenly changed to blue voters, then re-elected the candidate they despised most, the one responsible most for 128,000 Kentuckians abandoning the Democratic party and registering as something else.  Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.  

But I knew it would happen.  I knew it would, solely based on how these people got elected in the first place...right before COVID, all at the same time, all acting as one tyrant during our greatest mystery pandemic.  I was 99% sure we didn't have a say in ANY election now.  I was 100% convinced after the barely red midterms. 

And don't think for even one moment that this is, by any means over.  Come on.  The blue effort to finally be rid of the scariest man (according to those intent on destroying the nation) to ever hold the office of President is trying to achieve a 2nd attempt to take over our precious "Democracy" as a dictator, hell-bent on bringing back all things Nazi...don't you get it???

Do most Americans know better? Yes they do, thank the good lord for that at the very least. That consensus HAS to run well over party lines in most cases.  Will it kill the effort to do anything and everything short of shooting this candidate, Donald J. Trump to stop him from achieving another term?  No, it certainly will not.  This action, to permanently remove Trump from the ballot of a majority of the states' ballots; using fictional crimes, judges, courts and charges to do so, will end in jailing him to ensure he's removed from ALL ballots.  And if that doesn't work, well, there's always assassination, right?

Any way you look at it, America is easily at its breaking point.  Mayorkas, the Prince of the "Border Disaster" has been officially ousted...but I'm so certain someone just as evil will replace him, the move can only be considered a placating move, meant to convince Americans SOMETHING is finally being done.  They'd be correct, but unfortunately, it's not only too little too late, it has, and will, fix little to nothing.

2024, friends, will most certainly be a tumultuous year that will go down in world history, mainly because the lying mainstream news has been all but beating that as yet unproven fact deep into our brains every night on what they call "The News", It won't be the year humanity wakes up and takes back its own personal power; it's more sure to be the year we realize that what the Elite wish will happen, regardless of what the people hope will happen, will indeed happen.  Oh, the resistance will be there, stronger than it's ever been in our existence, of that there will be no doubt.  Unfortunately for us, all the wealth and resources needed to feed such a world resistance, without question, rests not in any of OUR hands, but in the hands of only a few of us.  They will pay for the future they want, any way they can do it, until they get it.  It is we Americans that will pay for that future for the most part, both literally AND figuratively; since it is we Americans that pose the biggest threat to the world order.  But we will by no means be the only ones.  Once America falls, there will be no sanctuary remaining...for anyone, ESPECIALLY for us.

One thing I promise will come to pass...and that is, that Americans are sure to be the least desirable and the most persecuted immigrants out there.  However, ultimately, the genocide of ALL who remember freedom of any kind will certainly be a huge priority of the New World Order.

What should we expect in this, the "final" year of the current order of Democrat rule?

What we should expect should be obvious...mainly, because what happens in Europe usually follows to the U.S. after that.  Streets awash in Terrorism.  Crime rates will remain at their highest levels, and will more than likely exceed them.  CBDC's will arrive, and the Neo-cons and the Military Industrial Complex will get their way; another big world war looms closer every day.  The economy will continue to go to Hell.  Americans will continue to be brainwashed into willingly accepting Marxism, then communism, and the older more sensible Americans will be tortured and killed off if they don't die in the interim.  I wouldn't rule out another fake pandemic, a product of the new Pfizer "Gain of Function" lab they've recently put up.  But most of all, absolute tyrants will manage to remain in power, not because we put them there...but because they will, again, do everything it takes to stay there.  Illegal immigrants will be allowed to vote, since they will or have already received more benefits than any American could expect to receive from THEIR OWN Government in their lifetimes.  This is because we won't vote for them anymore, and aren't fooled by what they're up to.  So when in doubt?  Replace them with people who will.  Replacement theory is real my friends.  You may say no, but there are at least 6 million immigrants already (that we're aware of, anyway) who will vehemently disagree with you.


The move to a one-world digital currency HAS BEGUN IN AMERICA.  Yum brands (Pizza Hut, KFC and Taco Bell) has announced that it will NO LONGER accept the dollar for your order.  Add the Krystal Burgers Corp. to that growing number.

In case you're not aware of how the one-world-currency implementation is put into place, here is the order of the best steps you, as a Government in tune with the N.W.O. can achieve it:

1.  Devalue the currency you have through massive Government spending, and eliminate and change all policy that promotes the economy in any way.  Check

2.  Have the people responsible for issuing your currency print way more of it than you need, and inject it into the economy.  This, of course, raises the inflation rate and interest rates, so that your currency is worth less and less (like it was worth anything before, but you get the idea).

3.  Give away, disable or destroy your reserves and resources, to ensure that you have nothing left of value to back your currency up with.  Check.

4.  Pass law that precipitates and supports a move to create "Digital assets."  Check.

5.  Demonize, jail, con, pay off and discredit any and all independent crypto sources by corrupting those who create it (through bad investments and party donations,) w/certain stipulations of course, then cause or convince them to shut down.   CHECK.

6. De-stabilize your world currency by screwing other nations over, so that they no longer trust or accept your illegitimate paper currency in the payment of debts owed.  Check.

7.  Spend, borrow, and steal yourself into being mistrusted by others, monetarily, so much as to have your credit rating lowered.  Pay someone to ruin your risk rating if you have to.  Check.

5.  Ban cash by convincing big businesses to stop accepting it. CHECK.

9,  Finally, bring in the new currency (approved by those of the WEF, the World Bank, hand in hand with your puppet Government) to allegedly "save" those of our poor and oppressed, and as a way to make everything more...convenient.  Also offer, as an added incentive, that you will forgive everyone of their debts...but only if you give up all property ownership and accept the new digital currency.

8/27/23 Update

OK, something we haven't discussed yet, but is critical in this war on the U.S. - You remember Trump, the Make America Great guy...well, because he's 70 or so points ahead of every Republican, and 20-30 points ahead of Joe the Communist Biden, it has come down to this:  We can't have him as our President again.

No, not because the PEOPLE don't want him.  No, it's BECAUSE the people want him, that we now have a plethora of U.S. firsts.  Trump is now the first ex-Presidcent to have his home raided by the DOJ/FBI.  Trump is also the first President/Ex-President to ever be charged with crimes.  Finally, just the other day, Trump is now the first President/Ex to ever have his own mugshot because of these indictments.

Did he do something wrong?  Yes.  He was the first President to ever have the support of EVERYBODY.  He's the first President of the People that we've had since....well, since the last President who was killed for pretty much the same thing.  He cared about his constituents, a major MAJOR crime that cannot be tolerated.  Here then, boys and girls, along with 18 others who were also indicted because a.  They once questioned whether the opposing party cheated to become our President, against the will of the people in the last U.S. election, b.  We like him.  and c.  Well, just because; is the one and only mugshot taken of a President, EVER.  His ACTUAL crimes?  He doesn't like globalism.  He doesn't like the UN.  He doesn't care for the billionaire elite.  He's a capitalist, not a globalist.  Therefore he must be indicted, he must be jailed, and, more than likely, he must be EXECUTED.  How else can we succeed in being a communist member country in a global takeover?  Well, then what are we waiting for?  FRY HIM!!

I knew you would like that.  The MUGshot that was heard around the world.  Appropriate name, for sure.

8/20/23 Update

Well kids, the plan is in full swing, there's no doubt of this.  Rice exports have been banned from India.  Did you know that half of the world gets half of their nutrition from Rice?  Did you also know that they're attempting to claim that growing BAD FOR CLIMATE CHANGE?  Yes, that's right, rice is grown in water/swamp water...and water has all kinds of bacteria.  Bacteria fart, using methane, which produces greenhouse gases, which in turn causes climate change.  Folks, this is out of control.  Surely, we are NOT this stupid.  Put this in hand with the fact that they're attempting to ban ALL MEAT EATING (they want us to eat bugs for a protein....they already demonized whole fresh milk and pasteurized all dairy products (totally UNNECESSARY SINCE 1940'S) and rice and meat are about gone.  How does a nice steamy bowl of mealworms sound?  Don't discount the possibility.

This rice article comes directly from the WEF, those in charge of "The Great Reset", talked about later.

Here's where they're saying they need you to eat bugs.  No meat is allowed, because cows are bad for climate change too, because THEY fart too.  By the way....don't we fart as well?  Are we NEXT??

Oh, and for those of you who believe in this bug crap, let's be straight.  Eating bugs might be a great source of protein...but I'm sure that your body might work the same way for the parasites lining every part of the bug you're liable to ingest in the same swallow.  Sure, there are a few select bugs that you COULD eat for digestive protein if you were forced to, but are you a bug expert?  If you're not, there are plenty of them out there, a lot like plants, that are poisonous, even deadly to humans.  I myself am not willing to take the risk, knowing what little I know.

Last but not least concerning this subject, I'm not sure if you've heard, but people who received our famous CVD jab are now experiencing an absolute aversion to meat.  Huh!  Do you think it might have anything to do with this guy?  This came out just a couple of years ago.  You really should watch these words come right on past his lips.

They're trying to blame this meat allergy (Alpha GAL protein) on the Lone Star Tick, a tick that produces this same allergy, though the tick hasn't even been found in the areas where these new allergies present.  Oh, they're trying VERY hard to convince you that the tick is being found now all over the country now...and the cause for it's emigration?  The same cause is presented for just about every other problem we have these days....climate change.  Somehow, I was sure THAT was coming.

Also, Mr. Bill Gates has recently purchased $1B dollars worth of HEINEKEN.  WHY???

Let's talk about this for a moment.  Here's a guy with more money than he could spend in 10 lifetimes...and that was BEFORE he went into the vaccine business.  Here is ALSO a man who said he was planning to release (and received permission to do just that) 10,000,000 mosquitos into America infected with Malaria.

He said that this (getting into the vaccine business) was the smartest move he had ever made where business was concerned (and boy did THAT pay off...he predicted a worldwide pandemic in 6 months to a year...and what do you know, in that span of time, here comes COVID, and all of a sudden, Bill goes from computer genius to medical professional and gets a ton of media time, he was directly involved in the hasty production of every MRNA vaccine produced somehow (even though he was NOT a micro-biologist...or even a doctor or a science major,) and, wonder of wonders, somehow managed to accrue another 10 lifetimes' worth of money.

Now, let's see if you can possibly relate to me why this man would now need to purchase 1B in stock in a beer company??  Be sure to inspect this move through the same lens as all the other moves he's made in his know, all those beneficial to mankind testing his polio vaccines on those of Africa, and completely reviving the popularity of that disease over there.  Yes, Bill's vaccines brought a real-life revival of the very disease it was attempting to irradicate.

Bill Gates' every move, business OR personal, has brought nothing but death and destruction to people all over the world.  I wouldn't want that man even LOOKING in the general direction of my children, let alone allowing him to try and help them in any way.  If Bill weren't the Devil, I'd have to say he was a very close relative.


Much has happened in this newest of years, circa 2022.  At the end of in the midst of all sections, there will be important updates to our demise. Be on the lookout for them.

We'll begin by separating out what is probably the most alarming of these updates:  The world over push for all digital currency and assets.  The term for this currency in every language?  CBDC's (Central Bank Digital Currency). This is currently being piloted, has finished being piloted, and is being toyed with in probably every major market worldwide, even in the U.S. (see E.O. entitled "Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets" @ at the same time. The chance that it will succeed is undeniable, especially considering the recent destruction and demonization of all of its possible competition, non-governmental in nature, of course. This is probably the most serious of our updates, and one that I expect will see the biggest pushback, as well as SHOULD see the biggest push back; if for no other reason than the very serious threats this move presents, especially regarding the possibilities of the elimination of private property, personal wealth, and privacy.

No other idea will bring as closer to the end than the elimination of all currency, though the idea of currency was primarily evil to begin with, it is still 20 times better than the alternative, the one we're facing now.  The only currency will be all digitized, world regulated, world dominated and Central Bank controlled. No purchase, payment or other money-related transaction will be safe from view, and if hackers were the only concern, I wouldn't be concerned. It is the scrutiny of our finances by those of our already out-of-control and corrupt government that should be the scariest part of this.  This move by governments worldwide should be madly resisted, for to not do so will be to bring us ever closer and ever faster to our end.


This, my friends, will most assuredly and most definitely be my last entry on this blog. I'm not going to give you all the gory details of everything that's going to happen between now and the end, of which there will be plenty.  I do plan to, however, speculate as to what may be to come, although I must admit that even I am not sure exactly of how far this torture of America and select others might go.  Suffice it to say that someone had to tell the tale as it really happened, with all the play actors named and the real facts in line. I'm sure this article will get scrubbed someday and/or labeled fraudulently as being misinformation or conspiracy theory (how they have run with this same plot for decades, and still get away with said plots, no matter the cost involved in doing so, amazes me almost daily.)  Until then, at least somebody tried...right?

Now, I really don't know how many times I've said it over the years, but I'll say it again:  "Nazi Germany was just a test run. Now the plan goes worldwide."  I was really praying I was mistaken.  I'm afraid that I'm not, and I'm more sure that that time is NOW, more than ever.  Hang onto the side rails boys and girls, because it's going to be a bumpy ride.  But first, a little history...


It's very important that the world know that those of the current version of the  Democratic party, you know, those insane hypocritical showboaters now calling everyone racists and bigots; who, prior to the current day, had been ONLY comprised of the largest collection of just that...racists and bigots, for well over the entirety of their existence as a party; are the ones who brought us down at the end of the Great American Experiment.

Should you believe, with another huge stretch, that somehow, at some bizarre point along the way, this same bunch of hardcore racists and bigots completely turned over a new leaf; and instantly just STOPPED practicing their racist ways and now, suddenly, became the champions of the ideals of "Equity and tolerance" allegedly concerning ALL "races" (colors, all but their own, funny enough...those condidered to be of the color known as "white) and beliefs (including some that we have ALWAYS associated with immorality at its best, i.e., pedophiles, LGBTQ's and the like), have taken to flaunting their best intentions (sans all possible options to actually accomplish fulfilling any such intentions) and who now allegedly care massively about how united we are as a people; just remember, when you attempt to swallow this version of the story, very simply and loosely based on ONLY on one of their current beliefs - the idea that all white people are actually "white supremecists;" and as such, are "inherently racist," and are somehow the cause of and responsible for all of our more recent problems as a nation; even though this insane notion passed mostly from the lips of  a majority of elitist WHITE PEOPLE that are currently controlling the House, the Senate AND the President's chair (everyone currently in power, in other words).  Funny how this same party, over the course of more than half of this country's existence, blocked and fought against almost every act and law that helped all the same minorities...which at that time, consisted of mostly slaves, former slaves and any other black Americans.  They did not wish for these alleged "inferiors" to be free, did not want them to have civil rights, and they unanimously cringed at the idea that the same were anything but abhorrent uneducated animals.  Most of all, they most certainly did NOT want any of them voting.

There are laws today that stemmed from this party exclusively, laws that seem commonplace and that we take for granted; without so much as a clue as to how they came into being...such as the law requiring that we submit to registering our weapons for example.  Did you know that, originally, this law was written, pushed and passed with great fervor only because slave owners, just after the Emancipation Proclamation went into effect, were afraid that their ex-slaves might come back to murder them for the crimes they committed against them as slaves (most of those who feared this were probably the biggest offenders, I'm sure.)  Bonus:  with a bill like this in play, it would be their best chance to achieve and possess a list of all freed slaves, under the guise that any one of them could pose a threat to any former owner's life (or, rather, the lives they had enjoyed guilt-free for decades without complaint from others, or law to force them to give up that enjoyment; even though that enjoyment cost another his/her freedom),  And the marriage license?  Its original intent was to make it much more difficult for whites and former slaves to get married without those of Government (as well as anyone else, for that matter) knowing about it; and would make those unions very public, with the intent, I'm sure, of greatly embarrassing or guilting the willing participants out of going through with it.

To those of today's Democratic party, screaming out these lies; teaching our children that, if you're white, you're the problem; we are systemically racist, and that no other color can do no wrong (no matter what they're doing); that it's OK to want to be the opposite sex, or that it's OK for members of the same sex to have sex and marry each other, or that it's OK to have sex with minors, even if you're 80;  I only have this to say about, you're retarded.  Two, you're more than likely hopelessly and mentally brainwashed, and nothing I can do or say is going to convince you of anything else.  Three, you are morally and ethically bankrupt.  

Keep in mind that I have never subscribed to either party exclusively...but one thing I am not, and that is stupid.  Looking back over my life, it's easy to see which party promoted more sane and rational ideas, is more moral, and is more attuned to the needs and rights of the people.  Do I swear allegiance to this party?  Absolutely not.  My feelings on the fact that we spawned and allegedly elected the entirety of the Prescott Bush family to the Oval Office is more than enough proof needed to debunk that belief.  It does, however, give me the ability to form a judgment concerning which party brought the country down.

I'm not sure what happened in the past 20 years, exactly, but the one thing I have seen is that the Democratic party went from moderately left to evil incarnate.  Nothing proved this to me more than those currently in charge; let alone our insane tolerance of them and what they're doing now.  Names need to be named, and these people seemed to graduate from slightly loopy to absolutely psychotic in a matter of just a few years.  For the archives, those names include (But are hardly limited to) Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Nadler, Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Eric Swallwell, Richard Blumenthal, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, Hilary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren and their ultimate horror of a king:  Barrack Obama.  All are elitist pawns, all have fallen to the influences and pay-offs by those in oversight of this "world transformation"; or as they are often calling it, the "4th Industrial Revolution."

I knew the moment I laid eyes on Barrack Obama, we were in big trouble...and believe me, this man remains very dangerous to all we have been and are today.

I'm sorry, did you think that Obama went away as soon as the Republican President who followed him took over?  You are very wrong, and we will return to that soon enough.

I'm most certainly unsure how anyone was ever fooled at all by this man...but he did more to damage this Republic in any given 8-year span; more than any President before him.  Oh, you can be sure that there were accomplices...on BOTH sides of the aisle.  Both George Bushes, both Sr. and Jr., played very big parts in our current demise, very much in progress, as did, and still do, both Clintons.

It did not surprise me at all to first learn that there was a great deal of RINO's (Republicans In Name Only,) in the House, in the Senate...and yes, even in the President's chair.  Democrats, as a whole, evidently learned a very valuable lesson over the years...that to claim to be a Democrat often led to disaster for your political career; mainly because of the host of radicals (such as today's, named earlier) often associated with the party.  So make no mistake, these same people crossed that forbidden aisle with the sole intent to get elected...then implemented their radical ideologies from the opposite side.

But if you are of the mind that these puppet politicians in only this one party are at the top of the food chain looking to devour all things good and free, I hasten to correct you.  Most of those brainless idiots are quite easy to spot; as well as believe that much smarter people are pulling their strings behind the curtain.  And who might these puppeteers be, you ask?

As the population of the biggest and most famous independent nation to date, our elected officials have been infiltrated and overtaken by puppets of others who abhor everything we have stood for over the course of our existence, such as the prime example of freedom in general, a rather wide umbrella that could include freedom over our bodies, freedom to choose the paths of our lives, freedom to speak, freedom to defend ourselves, freedom to make money however we choose, a right to privacy, etc.; along with other such ideals attributed to us, such as the capitalist economic system.  

Who are those who abhor everything our country stands for?  That's easy.  Everyone conceives our freedoms to be a threat to their livelihoods, though it was our ideals and freedoms that created those same people in the first place.  Captains of various industries.  Billionaires and famous actors/artists/musicians.  Some, I would say easily are swindlers and con artists who have found ways to corner money-making markets that make them millions and billions...and yes, even trillions.  Those who have come to the conclusion that freedom is not lucrative, and does nothing for their bottom lines.  I'm talking, of course, about the world's elitist class...the 1%.  Those who would rather run the world, would rather control humanity and have them be subject to only them; and who would rather we weren't around to stand in their way of owning all of our possessions, land and more.  Finally, it is those who serve the very concept of evil, have taken their positions up to destroy all things good and Godly, and disrespect all that serve the same, while demonizing, craftily, and over time, all things that promote those ideals.  Abortion battles life.  Hate and division devour love.  Families are replaced by technology and strangers or are torn up by those in control, ensuring their futures don't ever come to pass.  Health and well-being are replaced by medical fraud and more.  Our very existence now threatens everything they desire...power, money, and absolute control of everything and everyone.

I'm sure you've heard some of their names over the years...George Soros.  Bill Gates.  Ted Turner.  The Clintons.  Oprah Winfrey.  The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, Klaus Schwab, Jeffrey Sachs, and more.  Those who have more money than they could spend in 12 lifetimes.  There are a host more that operate behind the curtains hung all over the globe, but the majority of those choose to remain hidden behind them.  There are also those who present as powerful but are merely pawns in a rather large chess game run by others.  Those who rule are not always those in charge, that should be obvious by now.  There are always puppets and there are always those who pull their strings to achieve what they're after.  Some are more obvious, but there are those who still remain in the shadows to can bet on it.

It is these people and more who sabotage and infiltrate us with the sole intent to destroy the monster name of freedom that we have managed to become.  We are, and have been, the biggest threat to all they support and desire.

We Americans have always served as a form of entertainment to this elitist class; and have, at times, also been useful for experimentation purposes.  We have also been used to make the fortunes of this 1% much larger.  Our usefulness, however, has very much come to an end.  We now present a rather large problem.  A good scam only works as long as its designs do not become well-known to the general population.  We have discussed, at length, a good portion of these in this blog over the years.  The Banking scam.  The Insurance scam.  The Medical scam.  The Legal scam.  The scam of organized religion.  The pharmaceuticals scams.  The scam of "Science."  There are many more, to be sure, but if you know me, I've discussed nearly all of them.  Thanks to the freedom of information given us over the last 20 years, we have, through various channels, discovered everything there is to find out about these world-practiced scams...and have identified those responsible for them with impunity.  Therefore, we have become less a means to an end, and are now a serious liability.

We are, according to the 1%'s PUBLIC face, too many people.  I have always said that we are, in fact, NOT too many people.  We are, also in fact, too many people for the same 1%  to control.  When I hear, again and again, the ringing of the alarm bells preceding every mention of the imagined dilemmas of "Over-population" and "climate change" as well as the carbon footprint allegedly left by those currently in occupation of this planet, I wanna puke, as well as knock all who believe this garbage over the head repeatedly.  These beliefs are not only very untrue, they are fabricated, as well as blindly accepted as true beyond all logical reason.  I insist that you read this article I wrote not long past, where we discuss these shams, and why they hold no logical water:

We've also discussed, at least for clarification, a movement called the "Great Reset" know, that "Conspiracy Theory" talked about often by almost every significant puppet all over the planet over the last two years.  It has been in play ever since the alleged "deadly" virus made its appearance.  So what is the deal with that, you ask?  Well....quite simply, the purpose of this all-encompassing plot against the rights and freedoms of all living today is to completely destroy all we have come to take for granted as the CURRENT world super-power.  Mainly?  The big 3.  Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, the last being the current right formerly intended to be "possession of property."  This is the one they desire the most, to remove our names from all title of land, vehicles, etc.  The by-line of the "Great Reset" is this:  "You will own nothing, and be happy about it."  No kidding.  Have they said as much?  Yes, they have repeated that line many times.  They envision a world of slaves who work to keep everything running but receive none of the benefits of doing so.  They want to own it all, and rent/lease everything we want for ourselves to us, and only as needed.  Isn't that great?  We work to enrich the 1% (as if they don't have more than they could ever need already) and we own nothing, including our very lives.  In case you were wondering, that certainly includes all of your rights, your own biological property and your freedom to choose...anything and everything.  Your life will be forfeited the moment you're born, then dictated and guided the way they wish it, and your only purpose to living will be to make their lives ever better.

This has been the goal all along.  Sure, this plot has gone by many different names, names that a lot of us have been hearing the last few decades, such as "The  New World Order;" The "New Normal" and more.  The current incarnation, "The Great Reset" is no different.  Control everyone and everything right down to your right to exist....and however that has to happen, so be it.  I'm sure that you have all, at the very least, HEARD of the Nuremberg Code, a list of human rights that were intended to be protected since Mr. Hitler made his bid to be the puppet in charge.  That one didn't go so well....but things have gotten so much better for those with the same agenda.  Privacy is very much going right down the toilet, thanks to our consent to the very devices depriving us of all of it.  And thanks to more and more debt, fewer benefits associated with the labor force, and rampant and constant inflation related to all of the things we need to survive (water was one of the first things they monetized, followed closely by fuel and electricity; and they're working on the very air we breathe as we speak.)  Their plan has been most insidious and slow-moving (thank God), but you may notice that they've taken it to whole new levels very quickly.  They have totally lost the ability to keep secret the ways they have been keeping us in the dark and killing us slowly with (thanks to the internet, free....for the moment, of course) and the light shining on all they do and have done shines brighter each and every day...and so now, the urgency to bring the axe down a final time and take the reigns has come to a things are now moving VERY quickly.

Another part of this plan is to take the title granted us as one of the world's superpowers away from us...and give it to those more suited to the task now...thanks to our leniency and help in doing so.  Who will be the controlling arm of the entire planet?  China.  No question, no doubt.  They have said so in so many words many times.  Devalue our dollar, weaken our Government and our Military, then make the big switch.  Our fate will be the same as any other country that has been destroyed of late:  countries like Venezuela.  In case you had no idea, Venezuela was THE most prosperous country in South America.  In a very short time and using a very concentrated conspiratorial effort, it was destroyed, first by the promotion of socialist ideals, destroying the value of its currency, and as the final blow, utilizing the election of those that would work hard to destroy its prosperity at the behest of those most interested in acquiring all that made it prosperous.  Within months, food was scarce, crime was rampant, and money was worthless.

So far, and to draw the line not too far back as to confuse, let's begin with the puppets who first began gushing about the need for the "New World Order."  The very first of those puppets?  GW Bush Sr., in a pretty iconic televised speech given....are you ready for this one kids?  On 9/11, 1991...10 years to the day before his son would be implicit in another step towards that same order on 9/11/2001.  Make no mistake people, the date means a lot.  You can find that speech right here.  Be sure to watch his face as he talks about this, and listen to his voice.  I guarantee that, if you've never heard it., all the hairs on your body will stand on end in unison:

Granted, the majority of you might still be of the mind that 9/11 was a terror attack orchestrated by foreign powers that despise us, as well as a total surprise to all in I'll tell you what.  You watch this VERY SHORT 5-minute video?  I guarantee you'll be in the other camp long before it's over.


That's not happening here though....that would be impossible...wouldn't it?  Come on's happening already.  Shelves are emptying, prices for everything are inflating at record numbers, and those promoting division and socialist programs control it all at present.  It should be obvious if naught else, what is happening, but in case you aren't sure, or if it's all happening so fast you haven't been able to keep up with it, let me bring you up to speed.

Think about it....the priorities of those in charge are actually pretty simple.  Cancel and demonize all truth, speech and freedom.  This was done in many ways, but the first move was made by none other than B. Obama, when, in 2013, he re-legalized Government propaganda.  I noticed almost immediately and stopped watching and reading the news years ago.  Basic and widely accepted rights have ALWAYS been bodily autonomy, choice of career, choice of speech and religion, the right to buy and own property... and as for politics?  It's always been our choice who holds the reigns....hasn't it?  I think I've more than disprovened that.  But no election showed this more than this last one.

But should you consider those elections that happened in both 2016 and 2020 to be especially bad, trust me, these fraudulent methods have been the case for a lot longer than that.  There are many ways it has been most fraud-ridden for has just been more rampant and more visual of late, is all.  For me?  It was the re-election of GW Bush Jr. and the election for President of 2000 that first caused serious doubts about the integrity of our current voting system.  I hated that beady-eyed moron (A Republican choice, you'll note) the moment I laid my eyes on him; and I knew...without even thinking twice, that most Americans didn't like him either...and it didn't take a year for that suspicion to be validated by what happened on 9/11/2001, as well as cementing in place PERMANENTLY my belief that what had happened was very much part of an on-going scheme to overturn all we had fought for, from 1776 on.

So how do we get the right people to do us in, then ensure that they stay in power, so as to accomplish the complete destruction of the last bastion of freedom left in the world?  Easy.  Cheat to get the bad people in, then change the law and the rules to keep it that way...then get to work in high gear.  There are other ways as that should be very obvious is the introduction of millions of illegal undocumented, unvetted and un-tracked immigrants from other impoverished and terrorist nations might help too.  We'll promise them everything, take care of them at our citizen's expense, then secretly bus and fly them out to every problem state that currently stands in opposition to "The Plan"....better yet, we'll also be giving them the right to easily vote in our elections, even though they aren't citizens.  Think I'm going a little far on that limb?  What do you think all this talk about suppressing the right to vote for certain minority groups, ESPECIALLY those in swing and Republican states (Pretty much anyone that isn't white is "suffering" from this suppression, you'll notice.)  If nothing else, just the fact that only those of the 2 main parties have ever held the top two offices in this country should be more than enough to prove that we have NEVER had a choice.  We just went from easily honestly and fairly electing those we want to represent us to being steered nefariously to the only two that they've selected to be considered.  Funny, the closest we ever came to Joe Blow being elected was when Trump was was truly an unexpected and unusual win, one we have paid for making ever since.  Having a President who truly cared about the welfare of the citizens?  NOOOOOOOOOO........CAN'T HAVE THAT.  A nationalist, a capitalist and someone who sees through the plans of the 1%??  OMG...NO!!!  Hence the massive effort to rid the office of that choice every single day he had possession of that office; by those most involved in our country's destruction....corporations, bankers, power-mongers, war-mongers, the media, and more.

So you've seen what has happened since 2020...massive spending, crisis after crisis, high inflation with no real end in sight, the exiting of a war that stopped making sense long ago (Iraq), and the quick attempt at jumping right into another one (with Russia?  Might as well press the buttons now and get it over with quickly).  But then, why not?  What better way to reduce the dangerous stubborn portion of the population who knows about and enjoys a modicum of freedom (or the illusion of it, at the very least) than with another major world war?  The "pandemic" did its job and scared the majority of the world to take a highly risky and unknowingly dangerous vaccine that will more than likely kill off or disable those who opted to risk them; as well as the side benefit of the original and variated virus killing off the oldest and wisest of the previous "normal." in the interim.  Not only had THAT part of the plan been around for a minimum of 10 years (follow the link below to read up on that Rockefeller-inspired plan in a now-infamous and chilling relation of our current situation in black and white;) they even went as far as to do a practice run for the plan (sponsored by the vaccine profiteer Bill Gates, primarily) just 6 weeks prior to the real deal.  'Magine that.  Here's that "practice run," "Event 201," fully documented:

One doesn't need to look hard to find those in charge of this agenda.  George Soros, for instance, is convinced that the only thing standing in the way of this "Great Reset" (New World Order) is NOT Russia, not Communist China, not those America haters of the Middle East...but the UNITED STATES ITSELF.  This belief, of course, auto-verifies his hatred and plan to abolish the Trump Presidency for the same reasons, since it began.  Trump represented everything people like Soros hate America FOR...Capitalism, Freedom, Nationalism, etc.  His quote concerning this went like this:

"The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States. [This idea] happens to coincide with the prevailing opinion in the world. And I think that's rather shocking for Americans to hear."

I find it funny that he believes this to be "The prevailing opinion in the world."  Maybe it is for people like him; for those who wish this "New World Order" to be a reality.    Considering the majority of people who enjoy actual freedom have never been really hip to the idea of a "One-world Government." in the first place, I find it hard to imagine this to be "The prevailing opinion" of anyone who isn't rich.  With the current defining principles of that order listed as "one-world government, one-world religion and one=world currency," let alone the very obvious downsides listed as "the abolishment of property ownership, the freedom to speak, own arms and choose your own career paths," I doubt the average human is even remotely capable of harboring such a "prevailing opinion."  One thing I've noticed about those of the 1%, they are certainly delusional and unabashedly narcissistic.  No one with any kind of sense could possibly give permission to maniacs such as Soros and Gates to insert themselves as the saviors of humanity.  They only do all they get away with as long as they enjoy the same freedoms we do...or, more likely, have the money needed to enjoy whatever freedoms they choose to enjoy, no matter the cost to the rest of us.

And if you know nothing at all about Soros....though that is getting harder and harder as our recent years go by, he is solely and absolutely responsible for all things allegedly "racist" " the absolute corruption of our entire educational system; movements such as ANTIFA and the BLM, and the overthrow of many a capitalist system of late.  I could even go as far as to say that the only reason for the continued existence of any and all liberals in this country can be ONLY attributed to the funding of the Democratic party as a whole by HIS wallet ALONE.  But that isn't the only countertop stained in Soros Blood money.  Big Tech, those in control of ALL media everywhere and more take Soros money in staggering amounts each and every day.  Of all things evil in this world, Soros, Gates and Rockefeller are the top roundup of the most evil 3, you can be sure.  

Naturally, there are honorable mentions to awards for the most evil that are so close lately, it wouldn't take them a lot of effort to beat these old timers back a few places.  A fine and upstanding example?  Ted Turner, our favorite entertainment and TV Cable mogul; the chooser of all "programming" of our weak and mostly uneducated minds.  You see, Ted is one of many elitists who hold onto the widely circulating, yet wildly off-base and easily disproved and absolutely ludicrous idea that there should only be 200-300 million people on the entire planet.  Just in case your mind refuses to hear the rest of that belief, in order for that to happen, it's reasonable to conclude that 7.3 billion of us would need to die.

Cruise on over to this video to see what the elitists have to say about the population and more.  Just remember, that when they say these things, they don't actually prescribe to these beliefs.  No, their real thoughts on the population is that there are too many people that own all they want to own, and they're getting big enough and smart enough to figure out that they aren't the real problem....the 1% ARE.  It is the 1% that controls the currency and financial systems of the world.  It is the 1% that holds title to every major industry that pollutes the earth.  It is the 1% who gather in secret meetings and discuss our future on this planet, who control the resources, the Government Bureaucrats of the world, and who are implicit in what we learn and where we learn it; what we have and for how long, as well as how long and how well we eat.  Don't believe this?  Do you really believe you're in control of all of these things in any way?  They decide what goes into the food...and goes into your body.  They can poison the very air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat.  More so, when you get sick, they control what you will get to allegedly make you whole again.  They also control all information, how you get it, as well as what you get and when.  The internet may not be monitored and regulated in the general sense, but you can see it being white-washed and deliberately censored more and more as this crap/plan moves forward.  Be advised, when you watch this video, that it is quite shocking all they have been doing to us over the decades; and believe me, our Government is very implicit in these crimes against Humanity.

NOTE:  This video includes nothing newer than 2015 in it; so their more recent criminal movements will not be revealed in it....but believe me, what you see there will still be more than enough to convince you of the point it attempts to prove.

I'd talk more about the Clintons, the Bushes and the Obamas, but I believe that the majority knows all they need to about them.  As far as I'm concerned, they're all pretty much cut from the same identical cloth.  The only difference is whether they're wearing strings or waggling them.

I think that might be enough of that, for now.  Let's keep movin' along.


Just in case you were in doubt that it was Hilary who was absolutely supposed to take the reigns from King Obama in the Presidential run of 2016, all you have to remember is this very relevant and quite useful adage, passed down from every fortunate and successful generation to its subsequent inherent generation:

"The enemy of my my friend."

How does this adage apply to the surprise winner of that year's election?

From just 19 minutes after he took his oath of office to protect and defend Americans and their God-given rights until at least 2 months after he left his office in his fraudulent defeat in 2020, the current enemy was attempting to correct the mistake that was Trump, the President; and more telling, those efforts did permeate nearly every moment of the more than 2 million plus moments of that term, and crisscrossed over and into nearly every facet and realm of today's U.S. society.  Finally, never in my lifetime had I ever witnessed such an outcry or pushback against any one President, nor had I seen such an organized and all-encompassing effort to totally eject, erase, cancel and brainwash any who listened to this one man in all the 61 years I have been alive, at least not since JFK and his brood, anyway.  I have to be honest and say here, people, that I am most surprised that the man is still living and breathing; and that he still has all of his family.  In a real situation such as the one we're currently witnessing, people as idealistic and influential as Trump would have been the victim of a sniper's bullet long before he would have made a move on the President's chair...but then, there was little warning that he would make that move.  Surely there were countless attempts to take him out the hard way (as well as the 4-year-long circus meant to take him out the easier way)...but I suppose, when you know the danger is that real, your senses sharpen in defense exponentially, and your spidey sense explodes into high gear.

His only real crime was getting the votes intended solely for Hilary Clinton.  His surprise win set the big boys back for well over 4 years.  The "Plan," rudely interrupted by Trump was already brewing again a little more than half the way through Trump's reign in D.C.  It had to be restarted as soon as was urgently possible; at its earliest time possible.  The enemy had a lot of time to make up for, and you can easily see that urgency to recapture that lost time in full effect. Note the short time it's taken to turn us completely in the wrong direction again...and it happened in record time, usually the kind of time that would normally be impossible to achieve in the amount of time this all occurred, even with the majority rule in most places.  It's because Trump set the enemy way behind schedule AGAN...and, as is evident in the 2020 election, you can rest assured that a mistake of that magnitude will never manage to occur again, whether or not the Dems get their alleged "voting rights" bill passed, or nuke the filibuster somehow.  And if they can't win?

Cheat.  It worked in the 2018 midterms...and it worked wholly in 2020.  Somehow though, I sincerely believe that if the midterms are cheated in as much as the 2020 election was?  I believe the "winners" will all but win; and will likely not live long enough to see themselves assume or reassume whatever offices they allegedly won.

I am absolutely certain the more conservative American voters will be watching this next midterm election under a microscope.  I wouldn't try ANYTHING funny if I were a desperate Dem.  To win in the face of obvious over-support for the red side (and the absolute and total disdain for the current alternative) would certainly be suicide.... Besides, their party, as well as their ideology should be face first in the dirt by the end of this year.

The problem I have at this time, however,  is that I don't believe "The Plan" leaves any room at all for this kind of absolute upset (and you can be sure that the resulting and afore-mentioned upset would be legendary, considering the brightly-lit destructive path we are so obviously treading now).  Noting the damage already done this past year, added to the insanity and veracity of the propaganda and war-mongering to get us immediately back into yet ANOTHER major conflict, with RUSSIA; added to all the stupidity that goes along with that idea; it should be obvious that they have no intention of falling behind again; let alone allow the kind of upset we would see in the upcoming midterms.  Therefore, I am forced to believe, with all my heart, that this country is due to be utterly dismantled or destroyed by the time the midterms happen....LONG before.

Amazing isn't it, how fast our country went from halfway back to great; then, on a dime, beginning on the VERY FIRST DAY and still far from letting up; doing a chilling 180 under Biden right back onto the treacherous path to where it was just days before Trump took office:  totally dependant on other people's oil, wide open borders on all sides, medical tyranny, supply chain issues, rising to devastating levels with inflation and crime.  

Just from everything I've seen (in a lot slower motion, mind you) happen under the reign of each and EVERY democrat President of late, I can easily state that there is no question who is in charge now. 

But this time, it's different; that should be very very obvious.  Never before have more destructive moves been made that so affect the very lives and property rights of the citizens of this nation, been so hard-hitting, unpopular on all sides and so uber-obvious, and never have moves been made that came close to exposing their long-term plans as much as these moves have.  Just the fact that they aren't even trying to hide this long-determined plan AT ALL anymore scares the living daylights out of me.  You know that when determined and obviously bad ideas such as these put forward of late, are implemented with a speed and impunity never seen in this nation to date, you have to know that not only are they behind schedule...but are SO behind now that they don't even care WHAT you know anymore.  The totality of the absolutely destructive path to these new goals by the world's elitist class are so obvious to me now, I was easily able to figure out why there is no longer any effort to hide what they're doing anymore  They know that when all is accomplished THIS YEAR, there will not be enough of us left to offer anything even close to organized resistance.  Do not doubt that it will be THIS YEAR that will be the deadliest year in humanity's history.  I would be surprised if we walked away with anything close to even half of our current world population by the time it ends.

I obviously do not subscribe to the insane belief that somehow Biden has managed to accomplish a lot more great things in his first year than Trump did in 4 years, by even the most minuscule amount.  That belief is abhorrent and inherently FALSE.  I absolutely believe he and his demonic party are 150% totally responsible for everything that has happened in the past year, without question, including each and every death attributed to COVID and any variants that have run into our useless masks.  The only reason that amount isn't an easy 200% is because there are countless RINOs that must also take a good portion of the blame as well.  

Also during every moment of the same, they worked diligently to erase the man and undo all he did for this country; and ensure that there would be no return of him or anyone like him.  If you think that just because he's no longer there, they aren't attempting to erase anyone who even thought they appreciated or supported Trump at ANY point?  They haven't even begun as yet.  The threat of the nightmare that effort will bring with its inception will not only be unprecedented, it will be the single largest ideological cleansing the world has ever seen.

But lest we forget, the majority of non-elected bureaucrats, as well as most who achieve the highest offices in our country, are merely puppets, pawns and order followers in this clear attack on the human race...often at the most basic of levels.  All one need do is think hard about all that has occurred that could be called "Novel" or "Unusual" in the last few years, and in our case, in particular, those years of 2018...and 2020, to notice easily how coordinated and well-planned each and every event of the past two years actually was.  The same conclusions you're bound to come to will also assist you in assessing who these very real threats to all you are and have been, originate from, and will help you identify exactly the who and the why; where your list of true enemies is concerned.  For me, it's pretty simple.  If they're giving away a fortune, yet still have enough to give away 2 more fortunes just like it after that one?  They are my enemy.  The more they smile, and the less criticizing information I find on them?  The more I believe them to be the root of all I suffer.  If and when I find them with their fingers stuck in more and more things that affect me directly without my valid consent, the more I am sure of who my enemy IS.

As for who I can trust?  Well, I've discovered those people to be exceedingly few.  And since they aren't especially narcissistic or overly overt, it's then that I usually have to work at identifying them.  If any part of the prevailing clusterfu** appears confusing, I then turn to an old adage that still very much applies; coloring the folks I'm looking for with very bright identifying colors.  

That adage?  "The enemy of my my FRIEND."

Anyway, I digress.  Suffice it to say that the 2016 election went absolutely NOT as at ALL as planned.  Because of that, the 2018 election would be the first of many smaller local elections; including those held on the State level, that would be plotted out far in advance, as well as outright stolen by the party (with full support and financing from those elitists who wanted him gone) currently in force.  Unfortunately for us American freedom-lovers, these cheaters don't at all care HOW they have to get back in long as the bigger picture is accomplished without resistance.  I'll say it again, the only reason we have beat feet down the path to our destruction with abandon in such a short time, is because who is actually doing it, or how they do it is no longer important.  If it involves out-and-out lying and gaslighting, then so be long as those in control at present gain back some of the time they lost during the Trump years, and get the job done.  

You'll hear that the "left" is in a panic.  I do not subscribe to any of the opposing teams being in any kind of panic.  Oh, I'm not saying they aren't playing the victim, or that they aren't doing ANY melting down.  That's their nature.  That will happen REGARDLESS.  I can't for the life of me believe they have accomplished all they have, and are STILL going, no matter how bad things are getting.  But there is no fear of the midterms...because I'm almost positive we will not be allowed to get that far.  If somehow we manage to get that far, what to worry about?  You saw all we accomplished trying to prove the last election was stolen.  Then what have they to fear from this less important one?  They'll just cheat AGAIN, especially now that they know they don't have to pay any consequences for doing so.

The whole country is convinced they stole 2020.  The test run was 2018.  Evidently, things went very well.

Have you ever considered how it is that we had so many crazy Governors, all talking identical talk, all taking almost identical action throughout the entirety of the COVID scare...some right down to the letter, as for details of what they were doing, almost all synched to the same time frames....all got elected in the midterms of 2018?  Oh yeah.  The chances that even 19 states...those swing states and mostly conservative states, all had tyrants elected to run them, all doing things to hurt and ignore things that destroyed their cities.  Each seemed to lose his/her mind at the exact same time...and almost all are still trying to do as much damage as possible until it's all over....the odds?  Astronomical, surely.

A prime example is Mr. Beshear of KY.  Mr. Beshear won his seat with the lowest possible margin of votes amidst a floodgate of predominately CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN VOTERS, statewide.  Following this, the incumbent loser would adamantly accuse Beshear of voter fraud and cheating to win, just like Trump did...and it accomplished almost as much as Trump's well-fortified and largely thrown-out claims.  The Republican went unemployed to his lesser residence, sure as shit that the other guy had cheated somehow, but with no real concrete proof for the pudding at the time (later on, well after G. Beshear had done all the real damage he could muster, Ex-Gov Matt Bevin would find more than enough concrete to prove his case...but to what avail?  There is no recall law in force in KY, and none in the state houses would even consider passing anything talking about his KY is still burdened by actions that never made sense, to this very day.)

If this wasn't nearly bad enough, it was a small-fry election when compared to the massively fraud-ridden election that took place just 2 years later.  Worse still, even with the notoriety and infamy associated with this soon-to-come election date and its subsequent protesting, not a single co-conspirator/insurrectionist/terrorist/Trumper has been found guilty of anything more than passive behavior....a defining feature and Hallmark of any and every Republican rally that has taken place....anywhere...ever.  Oh, not that they aren't trying....I think I can, with all honesty say they gave it 150% effort....and, defying all belief, they try STILL, to this day.  I personally don't see where they're going wrong.  They own the majority of all 3 branches.  They own the media and corporate business.  They own the oversight committee doing the investigating, as well as control all that happens with the DOJ; bringing whatever charges they can fabricate.  So why haven't all of us dissenters been shot on sight yet?  I imagine, so that we're able to suffer our well-delivered fate all the more, for the maximum amount of time possible.

I thought this one up back in the Obama years...but it still holds water today, and is, as yet, still my biggest unanswered, undiscoverable enigma:

50 years or more ago, we pressured our President to resign under the threat of impeachment, just because he committed a single crime...HE SPIED ON HIS OWN PEERS IN THE OPPOSING PARTY.  Obama and more are nailed spying on EVERYONE and weaponizing the military, justice department and bureaucrats in unelected positions over questionable departments against us, regardless of race or party...and we just shrugged it off, and let him finish out his term.  What the Hell happened to us?

2022 update:  As I thought, the 2022 midterms have produced exactly the desired outcome I imagined it would: a lot of the same power-hungry maniacs are still in charge or were allegedly reelected, and identical procedures similar to the 2020 election were boldly repeated without consequences, a gaggle of allegedly conservative Republicans have turned tail and fully support the other side, and the majority of Congress is still controlled by the destructive party.  God help us all.


I doubt that I know of a single video that still remains that explains what happened with Trump/Trump supporters, conservatives, Republicans in General and Trump idealogues better than a video I posted right here on this blog.  You can find it here:

This man, the Editor and Chief of the most renowned Catholic Newspaper in America, the Remnant, has, since the beginning of this final act of these traitorous acts against humanity, had his finger SQUARELY on the pulse of this.  I think you'll see what he sees very quickly.  The evidence is, quite simply, overwhelming.  He points out for you all the big players in this plot, the catalyst bringing on the same, and lays out for you the plan to get rid of the biggest obstacles, namely, Trump, all who voted for him, as well as anyone else who would even consider taking on any of the same gauntlets...and the United a WHOLE.  Our country, according to these elitists, is, in fact, the biggest problem.  A danger to the entire planet.  Why, or better yet, how is that?  Well, for one, we are the last beacon of hope and freedom in the world.  If they get their way, we will be brought down to the lowest possible position on the world stage, and be punished the hardest for all we stood for and presented, make no error in your judgment.  More so, if it had been only these elitists that had been the problem, there might have been a chance we would STILL be in good shape...but it was not.  Corporate America and the Media, big tech and more were all dead set against Donald J. and what he stood for, as well as those residual ideals that we have all cherished, yet taken for granted lo these many decades.  You're aware of the crimes I'm talking about, surely.  Legal gun ownership, for the purpose of protecting you and yours, the right to redress your grievances with those you elected to their positions on whatever level of Government they currently know, YOUR employees who have somehow come to the insane conclusion that the roles are now, magically, reversed, and THEY are in charge, and are allowed to dictate to you how to live YOUR lives...the freedom to speak, owning property in your name...and so many of those things you thought were inherent rights...when in fact, they somehow managed to convert over to Government allowed priveleges that can, allegedly, be taken away from us as well.

Should you doubt that this multi-class, multi-national effort to eliminate, A.S.A.P., NOT ONLY the only non-puppet people pusher President we've had since Kennedy, he who dared to attempt to make your lives what they should have been all along and make things easier for you,the people (God are, and were declared LONG AGO to be the enemy of those in Government,)  but also completely erase him and all he promoted and accomplished out of the position he ardently held in the majority's hearts and minds, even existed; I have all you will ever need as proof of this effort's existence; since it was bragged about so highly just after that.....that....that thing they dared to call a "fair election."  Not only did they tell you they were, in fact, responsible for steering us clear from re-electing the man again, no matter how much they had to cheat lie and steal in order to do so, they even went as far as to brag that, in doing so, they somehow saved us from all the "evils" that Trump accomplished during the course of his far-too-short term as our leader in chief...

I find it absolutely narcissistic and abhorrent that these people actually claim that they saved the country from ruin with this anti-Trump campaign, when in fact, they hammered in the biggest and baddest final nails into our coffins instead.  Funny, I always conceded to the idea that what affected us also affects US ALL, INCLUDING corporations and all who work for them???  I mean, if we no longer enjoy OUR freedoms, and we get the same destructive socialist ideals installed that have been the downfall of and destroyed so many others who attempted to do the same thing; doesn't that somehow lower your profit margins?  Affect the way you do business in a major way?  Cost you more personally?I would imagine so...but what do I know?  On the other hand, it could be that these corporate fools are as duped as the common man is, so completely, no less, that the promised presentment of the prospect of inheriting the properties and riches of those they seek to see destroyed, let alone the greed that must accompany the possibilities of such a prospect, I'm sure, blindly eats morality for lunch.

2022 Update:  The persecution of the former president continues, with the raid of his home, something that is never ever been done.  This was done to allegedly retrieve confidential documents the president may have stolen for nefarious purposes; the latest story being that they are nuclear secrets, something so utterly ridiculous that no one believes it.  That he has not been given the electric chair is beyond all belief; although it hasn't been for a lack of trying.


What, prithee, would be the best way to put in place the very thing these insane control freaks desire most; control over every nation on the planet, the people who live in every nation, and all they possess?  We need only to go over the way other nations have met their fate.  Since we've already gone there, what say we go over the destruction of another free nation:  Venezuela.

To start, we should cover what makes a nation free, sovereign, prosperous and great.  In my opine, I would imagine that those things would include:

Free Will, Free Choice, The Family (always a hallmark of the strength of ANY great nation,, independence in commerce, Strength of currency, a strong moral and spiritual standing and true democracy.  It's quite a list to be sure.  And very hard to destroy, as a whole, let alone, openly.

How to begin then, eh?  Well, there were several historical ideals that were tried at first, and the majority failed miserably.  Communism, Marxism, Socialism...though one of these was subtly improved upon to increase success...and that ideal was Marxism.  Marxism, upon failing, inspired a new, sneakier amendment called CULTURAL Marxism.  Instead of attempting to destroy a nation openly and hoping that things would get bad enough that the nations of the world would then unite under a single banner, cultural Marxism worked from within the target nation's borders, subversively destroying it from within...not causing this using someone from without, but by changing the culture from within and doing it over a period of years and even decades.  This is how they have managed to weaken and take control of many allegedly strong nations; including, soon....ours.