Tuesday, October 22, 2019

What happened? THE LIVING MAN GOES TO JAIL ("The Facts, Pages All, Facts All)

Well kids?  The battle lines have been moved into enemy territory...so it's time we call them out, NOW.

I have now just a week before sentencing...yup, it's been moved up.  It was December 2nd.  Now it's the day before Halloween.  So, since I'm going to jail anyway, and probably won't be seen or heard from again, it's time you know...what I know.

5G's push into Sioux Falls is at the behest of big people.  REALLY big people.  And then it travels down down down, into and through Thune's offices...then through Noem's offices.  Right smack into the lap of the most corrupt Mayor to ever hit the office of Mayor...Paul Tehnhaken.  Folks, this is no Christian man....this man is evil.  Pure, unadulterated evil.  Now, we give you what the Mayor would rather you didn't know.

I crossed no lines folks.  What happened exactly?  This happened.  This is a document that, for the next 7 days will be passed out all over the city.  As many people as possible are gonna know what really happened.  There's gonna be another way they're going to find out...but that's not going to be public (State's attorney, Mayor, SFPD and Court's) knowledge.

"Let's you and I have a little chat...(10/18/2019)

Hello fellow citizens of Sioux Falls, my name is Christopher Bruce, and you may or may not remember me, but I'm the guy who they recently arrested, jailed, and found to be guilty of “stalking”
our Mayor, Paul Tenhaken.

As good a job as the State's Attorney, the courts, the Mayor, the SFPD and the “News” has done making me look like a dangerous man, there are some facts of life, and facts behind this that you need to be made aware of.

To start with, a federal lawsuit was filed the same day...within hours, actually, of my arrest. Whether they dismissed it or not, the facts remain...the lawsuit was filed, 2 hours later, the mayor received his copy, and 2 hours later, 4 sheriffs broke down my door with guns drawn to arrest me...not for a violent crime; not for damage to person or property...but for exercising my right to free speech, freedom of the press and for the right to redress my Government for grievances...that's it. 2 of the parties named in that suit were the sergeant in charge of that investigation, Kooistra, and the victim, Mayor Tenhaken.

Where I come from in life, that was always called RETALIATION.

That's right. For speaking out at council meetings, for speaking out against what this city's government and its mayor wanted for this city, something I've come to find out the majority of this city doesn't really want or need: The 5G cell phone network, I was arrested. Upon this falling upon deaf ears for over a year, yeah...I pushed a couple of buttons to get them to listen. That button pushing resulted in my arrest.

No viable threats were made, and there were an awful lot of folks that believed JUST THAT.

Other things you should know:

1. The mayor was only able to attend for a single day...the first day. I had to re-arrange and abandon almost my entire defense just to accommodate the very man who had me put in jail for this. He evidently had other more important engagements to attend to. The police sergeant, Kooistra, did stick around and watch the entire trial, however; probably on duty, and probably at your expense.

2. I had a 27 out of 38 woman jury pool, and I ended up with 11 out of 12 women (not too much different than having an 11 person white jury over a black defendant, I'd say.)

3. I spent two months in jail on a $50,000 dollar cash only bond, which is unconstitutional (the 8th Amendment), because I was allegedly a “Danger to my Community.” Ask anyone in my “community” if I'm a danger to the community. Most would laugh and wave that slander away.

4. After being in jail for only a month, the prosecution made me this offer: Take a felony charge (which, by the way, was later dropped at my behest) and we'll let you go without condition.  What? I thought I was dangerous to the community. Did I just somehow STOP being a danger?

5. After 2 months in jail, I was released until trial, which happened almost 2 months later. Free of charge. A danger to the community you say??

6. Though none of the City Council, city employees, family of the mayor have spoken up or complained about any victimizing here, there is a no-contact-order in place...for not only the mayor, but for his family, and his council.

7. After my CONVICTION OF GUILTY (God only knows how THIS happened), I was released, free of charge again, until my sentencing on December 2nd (a month and a half AFTER being found guilty.) Again...how is this finding someone to be DANGEROUS??

I present to this city that I am not...nor have I been...nor will I ever be a dangerous 58-year-old man.  What I am is someone who cared enough for humanity that he stood up, spoke out and did something more than the average person to stop something that endangers his community, his neighbors, his loved ones and the world as a whole. More so, I stood up to our local government...and this is what happened to me. If it happened to me, it will most certainly happen to you...either that, or you will be DULY IGNORED...as I was, which is why I took it to another more “kick in the shins”-style level.

Very soon, in your neighborhoods, and everywhere you go, there will be an inordinate amount of cell phone towers and ubiquitous EMF radiation that will be 100% UNAVOIDABLE. Smart meters will use these waves, as will your “smart” homes, your “smart” cars and your “smart” phones. After that, they intend to put “smart” chips....BILLIONS they've said...into every...single....item you buy in stores.

The waves they'll use will see into your homes, and through your walls. It will constantly be transmitting your personal habits and data to this city's central CLOUD; and your privacy will be TOAST. Is this what you want? Because this is what the current Mayor and his council want for you.

And when these towers start going up around your homes and your children, what will happen then?  I'll tell you what's going to happen...all of a sudden, you'll be yelling louder than I have. Because then, it will be YOU that's being victimized; and whose rights are being violated. Where will you go? City Council meetings? Who will you talk to? Mayor Tenhaken? You see what happened to me.  Expect the same treatment. When it's happening to someone else, well, we don't care. When it's us? THAT'S A DIFFERENT STORY.

What I'm trying to say is this. How long will you keep your eyes shut? How long will you let these people rule your lives? How long will you let a few people make decisions for you, or violate your privacy and your rights? That's really a rhetorical question that I already know the answer to...not until it affects you directly.

Well it's about to. So what are you gonna do about it? Lock yourselves into your homes and hope it goes away? Because it won't. Do something now, or you won't have a deed or a thought that won't be known....and YOU'LL BE THOSE PEOPLE THAT WERE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALLOWING IT TO HAPPEN. It's time to lock up your apathy, and GET INVOLVED. Thank you for your time.

Christopher, the Living Man
America's Deadly Sins

So now you know....oh wait...THERE'S MORE.

I've recently drawn some dots.  I know why there's a no contact order between me and the Mayor's father...

He works for/with Verizon Wireless.

In this city's codes, there is a provision that anyone running for Mayor of this city cannot accept more than $5,000 from a single contributor.  We all saw how that worked out.  The contributors gave the checks to their wives, children, and other relatives to give to him.  Well, the telecoms came up with the bestest way ever to get that money to the Mayor....through his father.  Yes kids, the contributions are being made as we speak.  They're being funneled through his FATHER.

Now you REALLY know why 5G is so important, and why it's being rushed into Sioux Falls and South Dakota, long before you even know anything about it....well, at least, until I came along.  Now, I'm going to pay for it.  You will too...look into it folks.  Do something about it now, or it will certainly be too late....for everyone, and everything.