Saturday, August 3, 2024


"Government doesn't care WHO you elect to govern you...only that you continue to elect to be governed"

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Have you ever just sat in the home you've made for yourself and said, to the inatimate object that you're looking at or listening to...are you for real?  Seriously?

Unfortunately, this seems to be my current state of being for the past...Oh, I'm not really sure how many years now, just about every single day of those undetermined years.

I believe I've just about hit my limit, at this point, however...and, unfortunately, as many times now that I've stressed that this is NOT a politically motivated blog, I've had all that I can stands...and I can't stands no more.

The Trump Assasinatin Failure #1

Now, in case you haven't quite figured it out yet, I'm not a voter, as such.  But sometimes, with all that's going on, and given the condition of your home country, the direction it's going, and the stupidity of its population, where their ability to see what's truly going on is concerned, you just have to chime in...and today represents one of those times. 

Let's begin where we should...the attempted "assassination" of our former President, Trump.

How is it that no one ever says, out loud anyway, that this was an obvious attempt to get rid of the competition?  No one EVER says this...they only resort to this:  Incompetancy.  Now, whereas the majority of the Democratically nominated cabinet and others of late is, in fact, incompetent, that excuse only goes so far.  Then it tends to lend itself right over the line into purposefulness.  It is very much my opinion that the majority of everything that has happened in the past 4-10 years is most certainly, purposeful.  Mayorkas.  Buttigeig.  Biden.  Harris.  They've been around in their respective positions for nearly 4 years now.  Incompetance no longer applies at this point.  Only purposefulness remains.

The same applies here.  The Secret Service has not been "incompetent" for a great many decades.  So why all of a sudden is it now?  It isn't, and I really wish people would quit calling them that.  Mayorkis, the head of our nation's purity, isn't incompetent.  He is purposeful and most complicit in allowing every dangerous person he can find right over the border.

Harris has not been "Imcompetent" throughout all of her career.  She has been inexperienced and lazy...and purposeful in everything she's been inexperienced and lazy in, then done..and not done.

Biden is merely a catalyst and a puppet.  He knoweth not what he hath wrought.

These people ALL knew/know what they're doing as well as all that they are not.  And, it would seem, so did the secret service...but they failed to do it, as did they all.  So "incompetent?"  Doesn't come close to applying here.

So why the big problem calling this out for all it really is?  Because incompetent is hardly the word I plan to use.

Because to do that is to admit that we have serious problems.  And we can't have that, now can we?  We're #1....remember?

I hate to tell you, fellow slaves, but we have serious problems all right...Unfortunately, none of those have involved any kind of incompetency.

Here's my favorite that Trump has been re-elected again (by a squeaky 1.5 percent margin, according to THE IDIOTS AT MSNBC...will these people EVER learn??  You would think a 50% overall loss in viewers would teach them SOMETHING...but NOOOOOOOOO.......) IN A LANDSLIDE, Biden (I say Biden, because the puppeteers refuse to let us know who's really controlling this empty shell of a man), with only mere days left in his Presidency, does all he can to screw us possible before he's put out (i.e., telling Ukraine it's OK to use long range missles, provided to them by US, to attack Russia, the one thing Putin clearly stated was likely to cause a Nuclear retalliation...and, let's not forget, the man STILL HAS THE NUCLEAR CODES...wonderful eh?  He's too incompetent, according to the courts, to be held accountable for his OBVIOUS crimes...but he's OK to give advice that could wipe the U.S. off the map), like pardoning himself and his whole family before we even get the chance to bring any charges that obviously apply to them, especially HUNTER, who he expressly said time and time again was in no way above the law, and woujldn't be pardoned while he was President.

Good luck Joe, and good riddance.  Bush?  Obama?  Yeah....They were Presidential-ranked criminals too...but none of them could ever hold a candle to, easily, the worst President ever....hands down.  Enough of that crap.  Now that the "orange man" is back, maybe we can get back to normal for a while...until the next pandemic comes roaring in to screw everything up again, or God knows what else might be next, eh?.