Saturday, April 23, 2016

Why I'm Going To Go To Jail For a Justified Crime

Judge Robert J. Blink, District 5C, Polk County, Iowa
Got an interesting bit of news from a friend of mine in the National Liberty Alliance...thought you might wanna read this email from him...

"Go to the following link, scroll down the page until you see the video on Darlene Novenger - audio interview (silver hair blonde - big hair).  This site was referenced on a thread that points to your court case....same M.O. They are apparently targeting CPS victims, and NLA the same M.O. to the extent that the  "threat" is the same "to go to the person's house, kill the individual and then burn their house down".  Gosh, where have I heard that same line recently?..., was what went thru my mind yesterday when reading this story.  That is almost exactly what you said the boy friend was threatening to do to you and Elizabeth.....four times you said.  That is the idea planted in your head....the same line that Jeannne taped and was played in the courtroom in your voice.  duh. 

As for the other documents, containing the M.O. threat, I have to get permission first.  But I will bring up your case to the discussion because the excerpt in almost verbatim. I suspect that Jeanne Munson's boyfriend is a paid informant working for our servant government, like this gal is discussing in this video/audio. Professional liars.... check her story out.  You became visible on the CPS radar when you took on the S.C. role for Iowa.  You became a member in June of 2015, but the rally wasn't until August, according to you.  You were made a S.C. soon after you became a member and before the rally.   This is why I wanted a time line on when you met Jeanne. Nothing bizarre happened between you until after you both joined NLA (I think that was coincidence), and became a S.C. Since you had your show and were exposing their dastardly deeds, you became a target, is my guess.   Now the pieces are falling together. They set you up and the boy friend was the sting operation. He knew what to do to push your buttons.  What is his phone number and name?  Do you know if he has a job and if so, for whom does he work for? Where is he employed?  We already know Jeanne is an IT person and she works for John Deere."

- Anonymous


Well kids, I just spoke with my stand-by attorney...and he believes I won't spend any more than 3 more months in jail...and since I just got finished doing 3 months, I should, by all reason and logic, be able to do another.  I guess the thing that pisses me off the most, however, is that I now have even more of a harassment record (started against me for 'harassing' social workers and those of the criminals in my case), and something new I most certainly do not deserve, a record as a "Stalker".

It's important that I write this article, for no better reason than to not only show that I am no such thing, but to explain once and for all, in full detail, what actually occurred and why; and, in addition, provide my theory as to why these charges were brought against me at all by Jeanne Munson.

Let's begin by defining Iowa's law of stalking.  Now, you all know what a stalker least what REASONABLE people believe a stalker's someone who won't leave you be, who shows up everywhere you go, calls you constantly, etc.  Well, in Iowa, a stalker is defined as someone who engages in a course of action, repeatedly (in Iowa, 'repeatedly' is 2 or more times, meaning all you have to do is call someone 2 times without them wanting to call you...meaning just about anyone in business, bill collection, or with the police could be defined as a 'stalker'), with the intent to put someone in fear for their safety.  Now, given this definition, of course, any jury in the state of Iowa would HAVE to find you guilty of this crime...regardless of circumstance.

Harassment, on the other hand is even more ridiculous...which is why social workers and 'elected' officials choose to turn to this law to imprison more people engaged in a war with them than any other law.  If you choose to fight the system, count on this law to put you away so that you'll leave the criminals alone, more than any other.  It will be your new chosen criminal occupation, and you will be jailed for it.  This is, by far, the easiest law to be claimed to be broken against them, since they are, of course, constantly 'in fear' for their safety, and can produce, against you, a non-contact order at the drop of a hat.

Now, some of you have somewhat heard the story...but there are countless others of you that have it in your mind that what I did to poor Jeanne Munson was criminal, at the very least, and unjustified.  A reasonable person, however, knowing all the facts, would have understood, at the very least...and might have done the same, had they endured identical circumstances.  This will, of course, clear up those un-filled in facts.

Now you all know my story, and it's nothing short of absolutely ludicrous.  You also know my passion when it comes to exposing the criminals involved, as well as crimes committed against others enduring the same thing, all across the country.  My resolve in making sure this does not happen to others is legendary, and needs not be re-stated.  With that in mind, I now give you the truth, in all of its ugly glory.

Jeanne Munson and I met when this whole thing began for me, probably the first lie told in court, around August of 2014.  We were 'introduced' by a mutual friend (who, by the way, did everything he could to NOT testify at my trial.  I could have forced him, via the Polk County Sheriff's office during the trial, but opted not to...and thanks to that decision, that inaction produced a guilty verdict, delivered by the jury), who had been involved in the same fight for over 30 years.  Jeanne and I had spoken, over the phone and on Facebook for well over a year by the time we met, at an Anonymous induced protest on August 22nd, 2015.  Until this point, we had never been at odds, though she had, several times, chided me for the path I chose in fighting my battle.  She was convinced this could be won legally, through the courts...and I was, obviously, not.

Jeanne runs a group called "Protest Iowa DHS", and is, unfortunately, only one of two choices for protest groups in Iowa.  Both groups are administered by Jeanne.  I finally opted to start a third, called "The Great Big CPS Group" a month after the protest we attended together, for reasons I will relate later.

Now, keep in mind that I have a rather abrasive personality...but then, so did Jeanne.  The difference is that I am positively abrasive, and don't put up with any bullshit. destructively abrasive, and this will also be shown soon enough.

The protest we both attended was a nationally set protest, put together by Asher Gemler of #OpExposeCPS fame...and ran between the dates of August 20-22, 2015.  The times set for this protest were from 12-4 p.m...NATIONALLY.  Jeanne Munson was in charge of organizing the protest for Iowa.  Without anyone's prior knowledge (except for those of her immediate circle of friends), she had altered the show up time to be at 10 a.m.  Several people in Iowa that I knew planned to attend, did not live in Des Moines, where the protest was to take place, and did not speak to Ms. Munson on a regular basis...and one of these had planned to come and get me and my wife, who lived 100 miles away from Des Moines at this time, to take us there and take us home again.  Neither of us knew about the altered time.

We arrived at 12:15, a little after the NATIONAL time, because we didn't figure in the bus ride we'd have to take to get to the protest.  It was at the state fair, and we had to park several miles away and bus in.

When we arrived, there were around 8 people there, already protesting, including Jeanne Munson and her cohort, Mark Worthington.  She had printed up 1000 flyers to hand out, and had passed out around 200 by this time.  Introductions to those already there began immediately, and pictures with all of us were taken.  After the pictures were taken, Jeanne Munson and all that were with her left the fairgrounds, after only 2 hours.  The rest of us that had come from far away were left to protest in the hottest part of the day, and pass out the rest of the 800 remaining flyers, for the nationally agreed upon time of the protest, for four additional hours.

The following day, when I woke up, I noticed that Ms. Munson had already posted the pictures she had taken, making it look like we were all one big happy family...and it struck a note of discord in me, almost immediately.  We had passed out all of the 800 flyers, for 4 hours, sweating and burning in the hot afternoon sun, and upon seeing us all appear to be present for it upset me just a wee.  What I did next would spur a 4 and a half month war that should have prompted me to call the police on HER and Mark Worthington several times.  I never once did so.

First, I chose to, on one picture in her group, tell everyone the truth about what had happened.  This comment, made on HER posted picture, which could have, instantly, been deleted off of it simply by deleting it or the picture, caused Jeanne Munson to text me about it, then, because I wouldn't correct it to put her in the correct light, and tell her version of the story, she then blocked me and threw me out of her group.

Not long after that, her 'friend' Mark, who I had only met briefly for 15 minutes, and didn't know, began harassing me to delete the comment.  I then blocked him and continued on with my life.

At the time, a friend of mine, Wendy Greene, came to me with a possible solution to all of our problems, involving one Chief Fast Horse, of the Lakotas.  She assured me that this would solve our issues with CPS and the courts.  As you know, Wendy Greene, by this time, had been known as a true warrior in the fight against this entity, and I had worked with her in many capacities.  I took her word as gospel, and got started putting this viable solution out there as quickly as possible, assuming, as I should not have, that Wendy had done her homework concerning it, and knew it to be valid.  She had not, and it was least, not in the sense I first thought it to be.  In order to get this to my friends more readily, I created a group called The Big Giant CPS group, and invited everyone I knew.

This was a grave error on my part, and I screwed up, this I admit freely.  I presented the idea, which later proved to be a con, to all of my friends.

The following week, I went to Des Moines to try something that I had heard would work, and when it failed, I got upset and disbanded my Facebook profile.  As all of you group owners know, this opens up your groups to be administered by others.  I found this out when I re-activated my profile.

The group I had started had been taken over by a person I did not know, someone named Janet Wilson Johnson (funny how that name had so many J's in it, isn't it?).  It had been renamed to be "Families Best Interest", and I immediately started getting messages from my friends, stating that this woman had been bad-mouthing me, on a constant basis, throwing out people who talked well about me, and was trashing those in  the group left and right.  I immediately assumed it was Jeanne...and I was right.  She stated things only she would know, and changed our protest pictures to read things she had said to and about me.  This person is not real (who in their right might would use a picture of themselves showing them to be cross-eyed with their tongue sticking out...especially a supposed "para-legal"...and would talk like this, if that was, in fact, what she was...about me, or to parents they were supposedly trying to help).  What really convinced me of this being Jeanne, was that this supposed person from Missouri used an altered picture from none other than the protest we had attended.  No one besides Jeanne would have thought to use these pictures, let alone know where they were located.  This 'person' did not know me, and had no reason to bash me.  She magically appeared around a week after the protest, and conveniently disappeared entirely just before I was arrested.

Keep in mind, those of you who thought as much, Wendy Greene, the woman that this person is referring to as 'Arrested' because of the idea, was the woman who GAVE me the idea...and said it was a good one...then got arrested...not because of the idea, but because she attempted to arrest the judge in her hearing.  Add to that, I have no idea who this person is that was supposedly "up shit creek".  This was, in fact, Ms. Munson, still mad about the protest comment, who didn't have all of the facts about what had happened with Wendy Greene.

Please, also, consider this "Victim Impact Statement", filed by Ms. Munson in my case (used to determine the sentence to be given by the judge), using almost identical language:

At various times, in particular, September 8th, after I had posted an article about the 'solution' I had found out about, I got several calls from Mark Worthington, using a restricted number.  They harassed me about it several times.

This bad-mouthing me and the parents in the group went on for 3 more months, until finally, this "person" disappeared off the face of the Earth, along with the group...but the badmouthing of me by Jeanne Munson continued on.  I would find this out at various times...usually after speaking to someone in one of her groups.

All was quiet for a while...but then, I attempted to find other Iowans that had experienced what I had, and was gathering information to bring a coup against those in power...I needed information from those wronged in my state, but, as I had stated earlier, the only Iowa groups concerning this were Jeanne's.  I went in, and found members, and friended them, in an attempt to gather info without her knowledge of it.

All of a sudden, those I was talking to began to, one by one, block me off...after we had talked amiably enough for some time.  My only thinking could be that Ms. Munson was being asked about me, and badmouthed me, causing them to block me off.  This in itself didn't anger me, it was that those who could have been helped were being told I was bad news.  I searched for Jeanne, on a whim...and found her.......she had unblocked me, and had been, as I suspected, watching my actions the whole time, and using that to make me look bad.  I immediately, at that time, blocked her.

After another 2 to 3 instances of this, I then unblocked her, and sent her a single said this:

"You wanna know what the most sad and pathetic thing about you is, old woman?  You're a sorry bitch who will die old and ugly, and who will have accomplished nothing better in your life and lies than to destroy the chances for others in Iowa to get their children and grandchildren back"

Because of that message, I immediately began getting calls from Mark again, again from a restricted number.  Several times, he threatened the lives of both me and my wife.  He also had sent me several messages on Facebook, also threatening.  Knowing I couldn't call the police on him (because I didn't have a provable number, nor any recordings, since I had answered each phone call), I then began calling Jeanne to make him stop.  Here is the copy of the phone bill, showing Mark's number (it didn't show as restricted on the bill...I called it to verify that it did, in fact, belong to Mark.  He claimed, then, in the trial, that I had given him my number at the protest...something I would never give to a complete stranger....a lie):

Now, notice, that no calls were ever made to Jeanne Munson again...before the date of January 13th, or after.  I called so many times, because I told her that every time this man called me, until he stopped, I would call her 10 times for every time he called me and threatened me, until he stopped.  He finally I finally stopped.  This is what was used to bring the charges against me.

While I was in jail, several nasty comments were eventually deleted off of my blog, one being from her son, who went to high school with my wife.  Here are some of those comments, posted by Mark Worthington, and Jeanne Munson's son, prior to and during my incarceration:

Here, also, in the comments under the article about who brought the charges against me, is Munson's son, who went by That1Luker, hitting on my wife, and telling her to leave me:

So all of this started for me, and continued for 4 and a half more months...because of a single comment made on one picture...something that almost no one would ever see...and now I'm going to jail for it.  Now, I don't know about you folks, but if someone were to call and threaten YOUR family, you would react in a similar fashion, wouldn't you?  I did...and now, because they called the police first, I am about to pay the price.  Sure, I could have called them...but I chose not to be a rat.  Now, I will go to jail for my alleged 'crimes'.....and Jeanne Munson and Mark Worthington, the real criminals here, get off scott free.

Another name is forever added to the imfamous 'Bruce Bitch List", and will forever remain there until the end of all things.  Linda Lane...welcome.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

The Termination Appeal/Cross Appeal, Part I - The Duck and Cover

Well, thanks to an order that come through the Supreme Court today....after months of what was certainly a very awkward silence (not unlike a child with it's hand caught knee-deep in a cookie jar; mainly because they see that there's no way to win here; and knowing that I won't, by any stretch of the imagination, keep the case quiet i.e., confidential), they've found a way to weasel out of addressing the issues brought against them in our appeal, in just about the only way that remains to them.  Tricky little devils they are, they are.

So, a little history here, there was an appeal, of course, filed back in March 27th of 2015...and because the crimes brought against Polk County in our child removal case were so numerous and heinous, and involved so many of the elected officials in our state and county, they've been stuck in neutral, and haven't wanted to proceed, trying to invent some way to get out without looking illegal and unjust.  The petition, filed by the appellants, can be found here, if you need a refresher:

After 6 months of waiting (most appeals are dealt with in around 4-6 months), and telling me, for 5 months straight that it was "under consideration", they then told me that it wasn't moving forward, and that it wasn't even a case as yet, because I have failed to do 3 things.  Now, not only are these things that the average citizen would even consider to be something they would have to do, but they were, because of these things, about to dismiss the whole thing...because I hadn't done them.

1.  They were waiting on the filing fee to be paid.  Wouldn't this be in need of mentioning almost immediately, if this were an issue?  Of course it would.  2.  I hadn't asked the lower court to shuffle the records of the proceedings to the Supreme Court...are you serious??  Wouldn't your average logical person think they would have to do that?  They didn't...and they don't.  This was made quite clear.  3.  I was required to not only pay for the transcripts of the proceedings and make pay arrangements (at $3.50 a page, somewhere around $1000 for all of the proceedings) to get them, I was required to ask the lower courts to produce them and get them to the Supreme Court as well.

This appeal, of course, did not only cover the Termination of our Parental rights, it covered the entire case, start to fini.  We of course, were indigent, and couldn't afford to pay $150 for the appeal, we certainly couldn't afford $1000 for we filed AGAIN for indigency, had the filing fee waived, and an order was issued by the criminal Judge Price, 6 months after being asked to issue another order claiming we weren't able to pay for things, ordering the transcripts be produced.  I saw the order, but evidently didn't read it too well.  How did I discover this?  I got this in our case, just the other day:

Now, in case you can't see what they've done here, see, we didn't show up for the termination hearing.  Why?  Because they made me miss it, by putting out a warrant for my arrest for something they claimed I had done almost 2 months prior to the hearing date...because they wanted me to miss the termination hearing.  Why did they want me to miss the termination hearing?  Because then, as far as appealing this case went, I would, according to Iowa Law, have NO STANDING to appeal it.  Fortunately for us, we covered this in our appeal, and provided proof of it for days, in our petition....with only one problem, now, in case you really missed how they intend to get away with it.

See, because of this order, stating that the transcripts of the court hearing we missed, the termination hearing' were to be produced at state expense, issued by Judge Price around 6 months ago (we smiled with satisfaction upon seeing it, but little did I notice that it only ordered that the transcripts FOR THE TERMINATION were to be produced at state expense), this order states that we have 14 pay for the other hearings.  I knew they'd find a way, didn't you?  They know damn well we can't afford this.

So here's the deal America.  I've been exposing this state and its criminals for nigh on almost 2 years now...and they're about to win this war....because I can't cough up the necessary $800 or so needed to produce the transcripts for this entire case...the only transcripts that the state will pay for are the ones for the hearing that we didn't show for...'magine that.

I have never in my life ever asked you for anything, my friends.  I have battled hard for all of you, nearly every day of this entire 1 year and 8 months, and never have I expected anything from you in return.  NOW, I'm begging for your help.  I need $800 to get these transcripts produced, a.s.a.p...before the 14 days is up...or I may very well lose this case.

See that little DONATE button up there to your top right, at the top of the blog, in orange?  I need $800, and I have about a 1000X more likely chance of beating this case in court and getting my daughter back...please, help, with that, if naught else...and I swear, I will never ask for another thing as long as I live.  I am about to add 3 more "levels" of giving...all geared towards getting these transcripts made before the end of April...$5, $2, and $1.  I have over 2000 friends....surely a couple of bucks wouldn't kill you??  Thank you, in advance...may the Lord bless your fight, either way, regardless.  :D