Saturday, March 17, 2018

It's Almost Over Now! Part I - Gun Confiscation

Well folks?  Pack yer bags, and find yourself a new country to live in....cause this one is going down the drain, with record breaking speed.

Our kids (the FAVORITE tool of those who desire most to see the human race conquered...or exterminated) are being used AGAIN to further the agendas of whatever nutcases have the most desire to see the U.S. brought down this week.

You know, I've been in this fight for what...almost 4 years now?  And the one thing I always found the most frustrating was the ability for any one of us true warriors to bring us all together under a single banner, a force to be reckoned with.  There are literally thousands of us; and yet, we can never seem to muster enough of us together to get anything truly accomplished; in changing the laws or stopping what has already happened to us.  The reason for this is quite obvious as well as mui apparent...we are diverse...and humans often are.  We have different opinions and different ideas.  Every time one comes up with something good and rallies 100 behind them, there are an equal set of 100 putting the idea down, and promoting their own.

And yet, gun law nuts were able to butt heads and get enough people together, then collect up 7000 pairs of shoes to put on the Capitol's lawn in D.C. this week, in order to protest the loss of 7,000 children in shootings, since and including the Sandy Hook massacre....they say.  Amazing.  Thousands of kids are turning out in droves to protest guns this week too, in Washington, and around the country.  Holy cow.  How'd they DO THAT???  In such a short time too, eh?

Now I don't know about you folks...but 7000 children?  I don't see this. What the Hell America; are we this stupid for real??  Not even close.  Not even within 1000.  Let alone children, which is what I imagine they are really representing.

Funnier still, there have been 18 shootings already THIS YEAR ALONE.  I don't know about the lot of you but this sets my brain into high gear, all by itself.  NONE of these shootings sported any number of deaths over 20 or 30.  Since 2012 when Sandy Hook occurred there have been, according to Time Magazine, 290 some shootings.  Prior to that year?  Well....there was Columbine...that's one....and I'm sorry, I can't recall more.  Total number of victims in every school shooting since 2012?  119.  Where did we get 7000 again?? Must have been the total number of kids killed since Jesus' day.  I don't know...all I DO know is that the numbers?  Just don't add up.

This only goes towards proving that this is produced drama and propaganda of a higher order.  Fed us by a higher order; and towards only a single obvious end.  The removal of guns...from American citizens.

This is a good thing you say?  Really.  So once we give them up, who do you believe will still have theirs?  Government...the military... and the group that scares me most, those of our overbearing, militarily trained and narcissistic "Protect and Serve" force.  And worse yet, they won't just have guns either.  I once heard that Spirit Lake, Iowa...a town of maybe what...5,000 or so?  This little town in the mid-west has their very own...MRAP (See image above).  Others have been sold military grade weapons at lower than low auction prices...some were just given away to them.  So not only will they be able to kill us in the streets; just as they always have and more; there will be no more fighting back.  Smart off to a cop then, and you will be more than likely shot on sight.  And why not?  What has ever happened to any one of them when they did so, up to this point?

Oh, there's another group too.  Criminals will still have guns.  And those same criminals will now be able to do as they will; to whomever they long as they have guns; guns that will still be bought and sold by them; no matter how the law reads.  Folks, hate to tell you this...but crime is almost non-existent for most...because we have GUNS.  Without them, we are free game; ripe for the fleecing.

The removal of our weapons has already begun.  In Florida, they have recently enacted "Red-Flag" laws...meaning, if anyone feels someone is a danger to themselves or others, and they own guns...we can now take them away from those people.  Kind of reminds me of the "Imminent Danger" rule used to remove children from families, by those of CPS.  Should be used pretty much the same way, I'm guessing.  Whatever it takes.

And, if you don't get it that way?  There are other ways, oh yes.  Almost every No Contact Order issued in court these days comes with a "No Gun Ownership" clause. Every domestic violence violation also comes with this.  There are some that have had all their guns removed in divorce and custody cases, and felons...well, you commit as many as 3 a day these days, and don't even know you do it (see "The Law Itself, Part V" a few articles down).  Since just about every crime is felony grade (or able to be "Enhanced" to one, if you commit misdemeanors of the same kind more than once)..and, if it isn't yet, it will be...our guns can easily be denied us that way as well...and who's going to stop that?  Our legislators?  Fat Chance.

How much do you wanna bet, that as soon as guns are no longer a household word?  The shootings will come to a stand still.  Not because we don't have any; but because we finally allowed ourselves to be disarmed.  The move to take over our country will be swift, it will be terrible...and everything you gained, and thought you owned; will be lost.  No more house in the suburbs...that already belongs to others.  No more job working for the Government...unless you've always wanted to be a police officer or tax enforcement officer, DEA agent, Social worker, Secret Service....these will be about all Government jobs that will remain.  And, hallelujah...there will probably be no more children either, because most will kill themselves off talking on their cell phones or from committing suicide, after a few months of psychotropic drug prescriptions.  We'll cover this one next time.

So how about shoes for all the kids killed in abortion clinics, how come we never see shoes for that?  How about the millions that have had their kids stolen from them by CPS?  I don't think there's enough White House lawn to cater to all the shoes there.  How about kids that have lost their lives to texting and driving?  I'm betting that number is astronomically higher than what they claim have been lost to gun violence, if it really is that number.  And the media coverage of this event...whoa!  This one we'll cover.  Watch out America.  You thought FDR grabbing your gold was an event?  Just wait till they come for our guns...*snickers*  I say, if they do come for them, OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!  :D