Friday, March 4, 2016

Braving The Banjo Part Fini

Atrocity is recognized as such by victim and perpetrator alike; by all who learn about it, at whatever remove.  Atrocity has no excuses, no mitigating argument. Atrocity never balances or rectifies the past. Atrocity merely arms the future for more atrocity. It is self-perpetuating upon itself - a barbarous form of incest. Whoever commits a atrocity also commits those future atrocities thus bred.

Frank Herbert-
Children of Dune

Why "fini" you ask? Because it's time to finish this war, once and for all. 3 things will happen, A.S.A.P.

1. I will be released, probably before April Fool's Day... if not sooner.

2. The people who filed charges on me will be jailed instead.

3. Trial for the charges against me; finishing Polk County and it's corruption for good, will happen on April 11th, 2016, at the Polk County Courthouse, 500 Mulberry Des Moines, IA 50309. It will probably last for a week, MINIMUM, and promises to be the media circus of the year. 

4. Charges against the city of Des Moines, Polk County, and the State of Iowa will be filed, in Federal Court, and will be heard. and taken to the Supreme Court, or things are about to get oogly.

I am going to email between 1-5000 media sources around the county. The story I've been telling so far wasn't enough for Iowa's news to take the risk to tell, but added to my current chapter and the way I plan to expose what this county has done to my family and the rest of Iowa; I will not only put this state on the map; I will be ending a very long nightmare for a good deal of Iowa's current residents, and inmates, as well as my own family's nightmare.

Stay tuned America, I have been stupid enough to warn the enemy of everything I planned to do before, but never again. It's time for real psycho-warfare...effective immediately

Deny my pro se rights? I don't THINK so. You ready America? Let's kick this shit into overdrive!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

February 29th, 2016 - Judge William Kelly, Dismiss All Charges

Judge Kelly

Well, America, here is the letter I used Monday. Hopefully, it freed me, and I'm on my way home. Anyone that would like to write the judge, please write:

                                                     Judge William Kelly 
                                                 Polk County Courthouse
                                                  500 Mulberry Street
                                                 Des Moines, IA 50309
                                 Your honor, I choose, first to speak outright;

This is not a case of Jeanne Munson A.K.A. The state against the defendant, in as much as it is Polk County, A.K.A. the state of Iowa against the defendant. From the day this defendant first stood against Polk County and this state in the stead of his wife,Elizabeth Bruce, when CPS/DHS illegally and unlawfully stole our daughter from us at Methodist Hospital a year and a half ago this county,as  the state, has conspired and colluded together to arrest me on harassment charges on 4 separate occasions; first, back in September of 2014 , again in Feb. of 2015, then again 2x, in January of this year. Your honor, DHS's own director cleared us of all allegations, took us off the Child Abuse Registry, and stated they should have never taken our child, and yet the courts of the state of Iowa continue to keep our child from us her rightful  parents, and still refuse to reinstate our parental rights. Since, because of this injustice to this date, I have opted to convey this crime to the citizens of Iowa, and Polk County claiming to represent the state of Iowa, has chosen, rather than do the right thing, to instead ruin this father's good name taint his record, and is now trying to shut him up and put him away for good, using whatever catalyst that presents, this crime should be presented against Polk County and the state of Iowa, NOT the other way around.

Before 2 years ago, this defendant had no real record to speak of, save a 30 day stint in Polk County for non-payment of child support, after which I paid $16,000 in back support to ensure it would never happen again. Never  in this defendant's 55 years of life has there ever been violence of any kind even brought against this defendant. Opportunities have abounded for this defendant, even while incarcerated to continue to harass those who had him arrested, and he has not done so.

All this defendant asks is that his daughter be restored to her rightful parents; in accordance to Iowa Law as well as God's law, and all of this will be no more. I pray his honor dismiss these charges against the defendant, or we can bring this corruption  of Polk  County to the open record, April 11th, 2016.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Braving the Banjo, Part IX

Well America? Yesterday, for 30 minutes, I stood in front of a judge to discuss the denial of my pro se rights, and for 20 minutes of that, the judge attempted to talk me out of defending myself and getting an attorney.   'Magine that.

For the extent of my stay, thus far, we have discussed the jail, as well as the "Laws" that have caused my "stay" here; so now I think it's time we discuss two closely related subjects and their roles, not only in my little play, but in the lives of the remainder of the American Citizenry, and around the world; Conditioning and fear.

In order for rules, ordinances, codes and statutes to work, hard forwhere relieving America of the things they have worked havd for are concerned, takes subversity, and more importantly, conditioning. Certain core "facts" need to be put into place and set in stone for this conditioning to work properly. Key values, time-honored sayings and psuedo-propaganda is imperative to sneak "Laws" into place that tend to better serve the positions and wallets of those in all levels of government; as well as make life difficulft for the "undesirables" who line the bottom crust of the "American Pie"; the "lower class." These generally tend to include the beautifully challenged, the economically depressed, the mentally and physically handicapped, the unemployed, the elderly, the addicted, the naive, and those who challenge "the system".

Let's take an example from my recent experience, While I awaited my court hearing yesterday, I was in the company of a young man who had been slapped, not with only a single No Contact Order concerning a single person, but 40 no contact orders concerning that same person. To better explain what I'm presenting here, when this man is arrested, he is not charged once for violating a single no contact order.  Bond is set with all 40 violations ($5000x40=$200,000), and his sentencing (40x7 days for a first time violation, for example, would be 280 days of jail time.

America, I can honestly say that this person's only crime (Mr. Nussbaum...I promised the man a shout out) was ignorance of the law; as well as naivete in believing that his attorney (who has spoken to this young man little to none, and done just about as much in his "best interest")  was there to assist him in his case. For this single violation coupled with a single parole violation? They offered him 10 more years in prison. He had just been released from ANOTHER ten years in prison, and had been clean and doing very well for over 4 years.

Here is where "conditioning" comes in.  "Ignorance of the law is no excuse", "you can't fight City Hall." One of my favorites, "It is what it is", and just to justify it for your moral compass, "He got what he deserved", " don't do the crime if you can't do the time", and, finally, good riddance to bad rubbish, eh"? Amongst inmates, you're convinced everyone is either lying or leaving out something about their cases that show them as OBVIOUSLY guilty of whatever crime they've been accused of, and among those same inmates and the C.O.'s (Corredtional Officers) who watch over them, EVERYONE clams innocence, even if they did do it. Because of this "conditioning", then, everyone put in jail obviously belongs there, and all are apparently guilty. I've run across inmate after inmate who is sure they and others are there because they broke the law...period. No thought to the laws themselves or the circustances given, just solid, immovable belief that they did wrong, and they will pay that price for it regardless of fair or unfair.

This "conditioning", having been put on the American People their entire lives by those in power, has worked wonders; and has served quite well in keeping the "undesirables" of the human race put away, most for good.

This conditioning also works well in creating our other topic, fear. Fear plays a big part in conditioning; and conditioning can bring in fear, so they play well together. Again, because we're on the subjects of prisons, jails, and the "guilty" they house, we'll squeeze our examples from this arena, once more.

To start with, I have more then most, pushed my finger on the "news" (propaganda, these days) as being the #1 cause of fear in this country. Next, we have distrust, and because of that, fear of our" Government" and what they can do, fear of law enforcement and the powers they're given, all done via "conditioning"

There are, though, other more subversive ways to accomplish these things; ways that we don't think of; advertising. T.V., movies and Schools, probably the biggest destructive force in our way of thinking. It's quite scary how we are shaped and molded into being good little slaves, isn't it?

America, everything you eat, breath, see, think and say is used to condition you, keep you in line, brainwash you into believing things are just fine the way they are, and to keep you doing only what those in power want you to do, and nothing more. Anything more than this leads you into a literal minefield of "Laws"  meant to keep you on a not-so-necessarily straight and true path of goodness and virtue, but in reality is more a bumpy, crooked and cracked road steeped in illusion, meant to keep you dead set in the class you were born into, of which there are only 3 - The rich and wonderful, the forever busy and naive,or the unsuccessful dregs of society; aka the guinea pigs and targets of the first and highest class, while the middle class just jets along, too busy to see what's really going on under their very noses, The only time they see what's what, is when it comes onto their front lawns and breaks down their doors.  Worse yet, they still don't perceive the full impact of what's going on until the damage is done.

The best example of this, of course, is my own. I was a good little sleeping sheep, driving along the highway of life, in the middle lane with my blinders on, and WHAM! Child Protective Services, whom we're taught to believe only takes children and involves themselves in the lives of those parents that are bad (or in bad need of improvement), came and kidnapped our child for NO viable reason, broke several laws doing it, then proceeded to terminate our rights and gave our child away; under the guise that it wasn't their intent to ever do what they had planned to do from day one. And because  America has been "conditioned" to believe that if social workers are in your life, you did something wrong...when in fact, they came into your life because of that "conditioned" belief, then hid what they did, by keeping it confidential, "In the best interest of the child"

Folks, it's said that the truth shall set you free. I say, that depends on who you are, what you're saying, and who you're saying it to. I may be in jail. I may be guilty. But here's the trick - it hasn't stopped me. I'm still here. I'm destroying them from the inside, that's the only difference now. Just like Christ's disciples, I can spread truth, free or not. And not unlike Christ, you'll have to kill me to shut me up. In or out, you can, without question, count on one thing: Until my daughter is back in our arms, I will continue the blog and the war until my last dying breath.

What I do want to do is say this: No matter what happens to me, America, don't you dare give up. Do not be afraid do not shut up, and do not ever stop. You shut up, they win. It may not seem like it today,but evil is losing the war. Jeanne Munson and her convict, who threatened to kill me as well, have  lost their wars, so they will try and make you lose yours too. Keep pushing America. I won my case against DHS, and the courts are next. Even if they railroad me,the worst they can put me away for is 9 years, and I'll still come out fighting. Evil and their soldiers cannot push their darkness over the light of truth.

Thanks go out to those who are still my friends. Pray for Theodore Booker. He needs it more then I do. I love and pray for you all everyday.

COURTS UPDATES: Court Hearing for my motion to have all charges dismissed: 11 a.m., Feb. 29,2016.

March 3rd, 2016 2nd harassment 3rd Darren Tromblay, CityView Editor Charges will be dismissed.

April 11th, Jury Trial, charges WILL be dismissed, prior to trial.

As you folks are already well aware of,  I have no problem whatsoever putting out my court strategy. So lets get it on.

If my hearing on the 29th doesn't work out, it's fine...because the Jeanne Munson case will be dismissed before the 11th of April...and here's why:

The officer's testimony is full of holes and hearsay. Jeannie Munson's allegations are absolutely ridiculous. There are Mark Worthington's Voice mails, text messages under a fake name in facebook, but that tie perfectly to the Jeanne Munson timeline.

Finally there's this: Polk County isn't about to let everything they've done to me over the last year in a half go on public record. Trust me when I say, this will NEVER GO TO TRIAL!

I got this America. *winks*