Saturday, August 28, 2021

The True Facts Are In - THE FINAL CV Post


NOTE:  And lest we forget, most importantly, no mask is required of you, and no vaccine is either available for any of these, or required.


Granted, I swore that this would be my final post on CV-19, but it's already shaping up to be another one. For this time however, I am going to merely include an addendum.

This, of course, is probably a more notable instance of the stupidity of humanity; where believing everyone that's got a talking point on this is concerned.

I just read an article that stated we are going to need more boosters every single six months, according to the CEOs of Pfizer. NOTE:  Since the publishing of this article, the alleged need for these boosters has been reduced from 6 months to 3 months.  This point all by itself should have been the biggest red flag of all. Next to needing to wear masks after you get fully vaccinated, this is probably the dumbest point, ever.  Why do we need to have boosters at all, let alone so soon?   The original vaccination was supposed to protect you, but obviously only protected you from the original strain. The boosters are aimed at the Delta variant. Future shots will be tailored to handle more variants, they say. Isn't that funny?

There probably wouldn't be variants at all, had they not mass-vaccinated in the middle of a pandemic. Just where do you think these variants came from?

It has always been well-known and widely stated several times, especially these days, by many doctors, who were immediately discredited and silenced, of course. What is it that they have been saying? That the stupidest thing you can do in the middle of a pandemic is vaccinate mass amounts of people against the very virus that's raging at the time. This causes what they like to call break-through cases today. They aren't breaking through anything, they're variants!  That's what they are.  Calling them breakthrough cases is, without question, another way of saying that these vaccines are not only not working, they offer no protection to you, the wearer, whatsoever.  You can (and will) STILL catch the virus, and you will, after catching it, pass it on to others.  With both the Delta variant AND the Omicron variant, it is the VACCINATED that comprise the majority of cases.  

So what do you think these booster shots coming directly after the first shot are going to do?  Use your heads, people. They're going to cause more variants, which are, in turn, going to need more booster shots, tailor-made to handle the new varients...And the whole process will start all over again. This is going to go on forever, do you not get this?

Just do me a single favor will you? Look up the pandemics of the past. Look up polio. How many booster shots did we have for polio? How many booster shots do we have for the chicken pox on the measles? We don't have any. Booster shots didn't start until tetanus and malaria, I'm guessing. How often do I get tetanus booster shots? Once every 10 years. Why do I need one six months after I'm fully vaccinated for something now? It doesn't even make sense.

Another thing this article said was that the original shot took care of the original strain. The booster shot is supposed to take care of the Delta varient, as well as the original... so why do I need the original vaccine at all?  Doesn't the booster cover both? Then why do I need the original shot?  As soon as the Delta varient showed its face, the majority of cases from there were Deltanian in nature.  The same is true of the Omicron varient. The original one and the Delta variant seem to have all but disappeared now. Thereby, logically, you wouldn't need either the first two shots or the first booster shot (not that you need either one, anyway,) since those only address covid-19 and the Delta variant. But they are still attempting to insist on mass-vaccinating everyone with the original. The original should be in the garbage by now. It only protects you from the original strain, which pretty much doesn't exist anymore...allegedly.

I really wish that you people would use your heads. I hate using my head. It hurts. Use your own heads will you? Give mine a break.

Another thing that really gets me about this variant mania, is how how fast they spread. Did you ever notice, that as soon as a variant comes out, it creeps around the world; next thing you know there's one or two cases in the United States, and then the next day there are thousands and thousands of new cases. Really? Are you serious?  I'm sorry but there's no virus anywhere that spreads like that. Use your heads people.

By the by, there are 3 announcements recently proclaimed by the crooks running the CDC...These announcements will and do go far to show you, the unsuspecting reader, what this is really all about, and how deep the rabbit hole goes where COVID is concerned.

Announcement 1:  The CDC announced that they are changing the number of days to quarantine after testing positive for COVID from 10 days to 5 days.  Why is that, I wonder?  I'll tell you why.  The CDC is located in Atlanta GA.  So is Delta Airlines.  Just after Christmas, 2021, Delta wrote a letter to the CDC, asking them to cut the amount of days required in half, because they were having a real problem with employees having a good reason to take 10 days off.  Not only did the rules change as requested (showing, obviously, that none of this is really about your health), it changed, almost literally, overnight (within a few days).  Thanks go to Lee Watts of KY for pointing this out for me.  He is also responsible for letting me know about some other things that I am going to go over now.

Announcement 2:  The PCR test is about to be disbanded....and for damn good reasons, the majority of which I've known quite well, and have tried to impress upon you for months now.

Why is the CDC just now discarding this test?  For one, it was NEVER meant to be used for the purpose of testing for infectious disease; this was stated numerous times by the inventor himself...not that they will ever admit it.

I remember that I googled false positive rate for this test way back in early 2020.  You know what Google tried to tell me?  (And yes, this was GOOGLE'S ENTRY)  That this test was perfect.  There was NO WAY IT EVER SHOWED A FALSE POSITIVE.  This has been, many times, very much debunked by a host of sources.  I knew, even before I Googled (and subsequently DISREGARDED) for their take on this test.  Nothing made by man is PERFECT...more so, a test that was never meant to be used for this purpose.  The original use/intent for this test had absolutely NOTHING to do with the medical field.  (Should you investigate this fact for yourself, you will find nothing but fact-checking articles that try to convince you that Mr. Mullis, the inventor, never stated that it should not be used for detecting disease in humans....but then, you'll also find an article stating that the test was newly invented just prior to the COVID outbreak in 2019....funny, since the PCR test was ALSO used to test for another fraudulent virus....the AIDS virus.  See my Fauci video at:

Another reason they're getting rid of the test is because you can test positive for covid up to 12 weeks after you tested positive for the first time.

But the real reason is simple. The accuracy of this test is nowhere near 100%.  It's more like 50%... Or less.

Here's one for all you mask wearers. The CDC on their own website put out a report. Buried in that report at the top of page 1261 is a report on covid and people that wore their masks and how often. If you add up the numbers, 93% of all people that contracted covid were wearing their masks all the time or almost all the time. Only 4% of all covid cases were contracted by people that didn't wear their masks at all. How do you like them apples?

Here is your link to the report:


Where can I possibly go from here America?  Not far, I'll say that.

Apologies to all.  I've been MIA and massively inconvenienced for some time now, due to the absolutely TYRANNICAL nature of both the Biden administration and the Communist in the office of Governor in KY.  Those natures forced me to flee to a more...conservative area.  I honestly WAS in flight to the great state of Florida, where the wonderful Governor there rules those in Florida with kid gloves and allows the RIGHT leaning majority to engage in what every American SHOULD be allowed to engage in...FREEDOM OF MEDICAL CHOICE.  We plan to cover this in phenomenal detail here shortly.  Meanwhile, I am stuck currently in the middle of AL...where I never intended.

First, we have other more important things to possibly making the WRONG medical choices.


You know, it never truly occurred to me that maybe people were being vaccinated with a placebo as well as the real thing...but it makes good common sense, if you think about it.  What better way to convince the world to take it?  If half of those you know have gotten it and have no side effects whatsoever, and brag about it and peer pressure you, it's likely that you might eventually break down and go get the damn thing...and it might just then be the REAL thing...and you're a dead man...or what I am hearing more and more people say could just as well be tomorrow...or as much as 3-5 years from now.

I like the video uploaded below, for 2 reasons.  1.  I like it for the same reason I like a lot of videos like this...someone with balls is actually standing up to the monster that is the AMA and speaking out against this evil bullshit.  2.  This man validates what I have researched about the jab and what I have heard other people say as well.  3.  He's an actual doctor who is moving his lips and saying what I have been trying to tell all of you.

Here are those points again...there IS NO PANDEMIC.  If anything, we are ENDemic...what is happening now is VACCINE INDUCED.  The variants are coming from those vaccinated.  The cases....breakthrough cases they call them (scoffs)...I call them PROOF THE VACCINE ISN'T A VACCINE AND DOES NOTHING TO PREVENT COVID WHATSOEVER...masks do NOTHING.  6 ft. social distancing does NOTHING to STOP spread of infection...especially the ones YOU are using...and what are you gonna do...wear the damn things for the rest of your lives?  Because then you are truly stupid.

Here's another thought....IMMIGRATION...think it might come in there?  Southern border?  Afghans in flight?  Maybe this is why we are going through ANOTHER WAVE OF CASES??


And only if you believe there ever was a pandemic...or its defining "novel" virus.  I believe, with all my heart, that 5G might be the cause of it all.  I believe I have given the lot of you MORE than enough evidence that the coronavirus does not even exist.

If it does, riddle me this.  If this is a real pandemic, and this is such a deadly virus, then why are the homeless not wiped out?  How about the prisoners?  None of these wear masks.  Most don't wash for days.  A good portion of them are close-quartered.  The homeless share everything...drugs, cigarettes, drinks, food...pipes, needles...and yet, the SAME homeless are still here after almost 2 years, with new homeless every day..RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT.  I believe that as much as I believe the Sturgis rally was a super-spreader two years running (Author's note:  That rally drew exponentially more people this year than last year.  Evidently bikers love getting sick...or maybe they just don't

Another friend of mine recently put up to me (sans evidence) that there are no hospitalizations for those vaccinated suffering from side effects...and my comments on that were obvious and viscous.  If you were murdering the majority of the population, or at the very least, were poisoning them to ensure the customer base of big pharma for life; would you allow people to report the hospitalizations from the weapon you were using??  Would you allow those who had survivable side effects who could still speak legibly to survive such a hospitalization?  Would you allow the news to tout even a single headline showing or proving this?

If you allow any of this, then your now useless.  Why do you believe the majority of doctors out there aren't saying the same as this guy?  Because most of them are selfish, brainwashed, self-interested and scared to death of those obviously in charge of both the pharmaceutical industry, and those same people who issue them their licenses to "practice" on you.  Those who grow a pair are instantly de-platformed, demonized, shamed, and drummed out of their practice and their jobs....did you really expect your doctor to tell you what's really going on here?  Because if you did, you're as dumb as those voluntarily engaging in this mass human experiment..and you deserve to lose your lives.

REVIEWING THE STUPID case that isn't dumb enough, whaddya say we back-pedal the stupid for a while?

Let's go wayyyyyyyy back to the start of this...and we'll start with the fact that neither Gates nor the head of the WHO are either one of them, doctors or medical professionals.  So why did anyone ever listen to either Gates or the WHO as a whole?  Stupidity.

Then, let's go to the fact that Fauci was caught flip-flopping and lying...about EVERYTHING to do with this...right up to the present day...and yet, we still listen to him and follow everything he says, against all logic....more stupidity.

What say we go on and mention those brainwashed to such a degree that they insist that we wear our masks or get vaccinated, because they're worried about getting this virus from those of us choosing to be unmasked or un-vaccinated....all the while obviously not trusting their own masks OR the vaccine that is allegedly supposed to protect them from it.  We'll get to that in more detail, shortly.

The stupidest thing of all, however, is the fact that every measure that we have taken to slow or stop this has only caused more cases, and subsequently, MORE DEATHS...ALLEGEDLY.  It has done NOTHING to decrease any of it; in fact, things are worse now than ever!  There are, at present, over 100 variants of the original "virus"...SO WHY ARE WE STILL DOING, RECOMMENDING, FOLLOWING OR MANDATING ANY OF IT???

One more thing...has anyone actually gone to these hospitals, evidently over-run with COVID, to find anything out if anything that they're telling us is the truth?  Because I've heard more than enough from whistleblowers telling the exact opposite of nearly the entirety of the current narrative to last me 2 lifetimes.

To add to all of this, there are simple web searches ANYBODY can do to find out all of this; but more importantly, there are websites you can go to in order to find out what's really going on here, and who's behind it.  I will point you to those websites AGAIN...just so you can't say I didn't do it.  I will also link you back to those articles that contain the most information about it all...just because I'm that kinda guy.

First, the very website showing the exercise that happened not 6 weeks before this even hit, showing also the exact same measures they took in that exercise that mirror exactly everything we're going through right now:

Then of course, once again, the website of "The Great Reset", run by none other than those that brought all of this on to begin with, in order to implement that "Reset" (AKA, the New World Order, using a more palatable moniker.)

And finally, the links to 4 of the more important articles that give you everything else you need to educate yourselves:


 Now...what do you say we move on to the ridiculous attitudes of those engaging the stupid head on.  We'll start the story about a guy I recently encountered at a city council meeting.  The same will be sorry he confronted me following that meeting, believe, and at the next meeting this coming Thursday.

This guy...we'll call him TROUBLE...has had to be hauled away from the mic and off of the premises following his speeches at the last 2 meetings after speaking in the "Public Input" portion...for trying to speak on after his time was up.  Now granted, I believe public input is always much too remember my alleged "stalking" debacle from my Sioux Falls city council rounds back a couple years, surely.  3 minutes is hardly enough to even get rolling, let alone say everything you have to say, and decorum is only as good as those allowing you to speak, and usually doesn't tend to apply to those favorites of the relative council in charge.  Neither here nor there, the guy evidently was never told about the whole "catching more flies with honey" analogy.

Anyway, following the last meeting, I came out, saw him talking to someone outside and commented that I thought he was purposefully attempting to get removed from speaking at EVERY meeting, and possibly altogether...and after a rather disrespectful wave-off, he stated "I don't want anything to do with anyone not vaccinated" and went on with his conversation.

Needless to say, this is a growing problem.  You see, those vaccinated are actually of the mind that it is those of us that are NOT vaccinated (a personal choice, as I remember...or used to be, anyway) that are the source of their issues.  Nothing could be further from the truth...nor could another concept be any more ridiculous.  How can we be the problem?  You're the mask wearer.  You're protected...aren't you?  My favorite though is the attitude on not being vaccinated.  "Stay away from me then" was the response I got, after I was asked  by another person if I'd had my shots, not long ago.  The obvious question here is...WHY the attitude when I give you an answer you don't like?  Don't you believe that vaccines protect you?  Obviously...NOT....or you wouldn't care at all how I'm wearing my mask, whether I'm wearing one at all...and whether or not I'm vaccinated.  PERIOD.

Also obviously, you don't at all believe in the effectiveness of that vaccination, or you wouldn't have a problem OR an attitude.....or even a care in the world about where I'm at, concerning the personal medical decisions I've made after much research and knowledge.

Let me tell you where, I believe, 125% of these attitudes arise.

1.  Great brainwashing those of the media, the health "agencies" and the AMA.

2.  These folks are pissed at themselves for making a bad medical decision to take an experimental vaccine, and have now taken to not only trying to drag others down with them, but have adopted an attitude because others haven't made the same bad medical decision.

Quite simply, it will be these attitudes, fanned heavily by those self-interested "professionals," politicians and more, added to these people who can no longer believe that they have been duped by all of this, that will quite literally be the death of us all.

And please, for God's sake, don't believe those alleged Government tracking numbers of those allegedly vaccinated.  I myself find it exceedingly IMPOSSIBLE to believe that 75% of this country was dumb enough to engage in this mass experiment...and/or genocide. It really can only present as another great way to convince you to get one.



There are three more videos that you MUST see.  The first I was not able to find anywhere (big surprise), except on FB (another big surprise).  I most certainly hope that you have Facebook, or you may miss one of the most important videos I've seen during the course of this entire pandemic.

Here is your link to a crushing batch of truth:

Another Doctor that is screaming out the truth for the masses, urgently:

And finally... and this includes a clip of MAINSTREAM NEWS, of the Governor of WV reporting the 25% increase of deaths...not from the Coronavirus itself, but of those FULLY VACCINATED:

I believe it might be time to start listening to some of these ACTUAL health experts and doctors...don't you??  :D

Sunday, April 11, 2021

The TRUE Facts are IN - Governor (Tyrant) Beshear (D-KY), Part 2


Karen Ellis, a DSS worker, a "couter-protester" at a protest that occurred on
May 1st, at the Capitol Grounds.  I find it hard to believe
that such a blade (shown brandished in the picture on the right)
would be necessary at a PEACEFUL protest, or even less
necessary to be pulled out to chase even one of these
Christian people away from her.

NOTE:  SINCE THE PUBLISHING OF THIS ARTICLE, the Guvna of KY, who, obviously afraid of the whipping he would have had to endure in FEDERAL COURT the following Monday, declared the mandates to be OVER, OFFICIALLY, on June 11th of this year.  Me?  I have to wonder, first, why June 11th?  Why not NOW?  If it's over, it's over, why wait a month?  And these businesses are all upholding it 'til then too...and I have to wonder what's wrong with them too.  More than that, however, is the fact that there's another tyrant run state that's shooting for their mandates to be June as well...which begs the question, what's gonna happen between now and then?  I'm keeping my eyes wide open, bet on it.  You should as well.

Also since the publishing, it was determined, absolutely, that funding from the CDC flowed freely to the Wuhan Lab, suspected STRONGLY of unleashing this nightmare on us, via lab release, and gain of function research.  When confronted on the subject, the head Freemason, Tony "America's Favorite Doctor" Fauci backed off of his firmly glued position on...well, the whole thing.  The Pandemic, according to him, is magically....over.  I found a rather appropriate meme I've been DYIN' to post, right here; showing our great U.S. Senator, Rand Paul, R-KY, raking this criminal "doctor" over the coals:

Something tells me that profits from his line of "I [heart] Fauci" and "WWFD" merchandise has since taken a severe nosedive.  ;)

And one more jab...Fellas, if your girl: A. Can't ever seem to make up her mind; B.  Always wants you to stay at home, and C. Loves attention, that's not your girl you're dating...that's TONY FAUCI!  :) 

And while we just happen to be on this subject...shouldn't someone be bringing this guy up on Accessory to Mass Murder charges or something?  I love it when Trump haters give me this line:
"Trump.  It was Trump.  He caused this pandemic and cost the lives of over half a million Americans."  If you really are one of these people, tell me...who was there right from the start, whispering his alleged wisdoms (that we now know were pretty much ALL lies) about the virus into Trump's ear the entire time?  It might also interest you to know that it was this man who took the podium from Trump to predict that Trump would face a challenge during his term that would involve the area of infectious disease; 3 years before in 2017; and saying it all while standing right next to him?  
Not convinced that Fauci was involved in this pandemic even happening, or that anything he "advised" us on in response to it wasn't already preplanned or known to be incorrect or bad advice?

You can bet yer sweet bippy he was involved; and that he knew exactly everything about the virus, how bad it was, and where it came from, as well as how bad his advice was.

I can name that tune in just 3 "notes."

1.  This video.  This isn't just some filmmaker's opine; nor is there even a real storyline narrated by a biased actor or a director.  This is an absolutely DAMNING video documentary, not made up of uninformed conjecture doled out by disgruntled ex-coworkers, but instead contains an obviously unrehearsed collection of testimony presented by people who knew or worked with the man for sometimes DECADES, and is chock stuffed with coincidental and timing improbabilities and video clips that inadvertently place Fauci squarely in the blame highchair for the entirety of the AIDS scare and its CONTINUING unwarranted and massive government funding and involvement, with almost zero results.  Every moment of this video is absolutely highly recommended; and will go very far to not only discredit every moment of this man's criminal and corrupt agenda-influenced career; as well as shine the light brightly on reasons behind his tendency to flip suddenly on any given health related position or health related issue at any given moment. but will help you see clearly that this isn't by any means his first attempt to pull something like our current Corona hoax off.  To those of you who might be reading this post and are teetering on whether it would be worth reviving the horrific memory of some loved one or friend who might have died from this alleged virus, I must insist that you do not waste another moment and watch it...twice if you can stomach it.  Whether this issue be personal to you or not really doesn't matter a whole lot; for if you aren't sickened or highly upset by the end of it; then you are not human.  One thing I'm sure you'll discover is how a lot of what happened then sounds a lot like this one does today; except that back then, there was only a specific group of people targeted for destruction.  Now it seems that the entirety of humanity might be the real problem.

2.  He out and out CONFESSED his motives behind the whole thing, and in an interview with a major publication, as good as admitted that there were other purposes for his faulty predictions; and his over-blown (or in this case, UNDER-blown) numbers and percentages in this "pandemic".  You can find that article HERE:

3.  Mr. Fauci (I wince when I hear the word "Doctor" in front of this guy's name) is a proud member of the Freemasons; and as you might imagine, lying and deception are two things you can always count on from any member without fail; particularly when they are engaging the "ignorant masses".  I know, because I see and have seen him use all 3 of its most recognizable and more notable hand gestures, those used by the majority of Hollywood, the music business and those in political high places for centuries.  Here are examples of all 3 gestures; the Hidden Hand, the Sworn to Secrecy, and the always popular "one-eye cover."

Funny thing, it wasn't necessarily the actual picture of him doing the one-eye cover that convinced me that he was a freemason.  Instead, it was the obvious COVER of that action by his obviously made-up explanation for that action that did it for me.  After this shot was passed around on social media as being exactly what it really was, a follow-up article done by the Insider included this explanation:  He was trying to hide his embarrassment of having a lozenge stuck in his throat from everyone present.  Whatever works Tony.  Maybe if it would have been a peppermint, and not a "Lozenge," I might have believed him.  Who sucks on "lozenges" these days?  I can't even remember the last time I even used a "lozenge" for any reason; and I come from the time of "lozenges" too.

'Nuff said. 


OK boys and girls, there are most certainly MORE things that need to be discussed in KY, and in the well as the entire world...yesterday.  Sorry I'm late.


Let's begin here.  We'll get to KENTUCKY more in a few moments.  It's more important that we talk about the real problem here...we'll call them "THE VACCINATED."

These people will soon be dead...and the countries of the world are getting ready for that, believe it or not.  More so, there is a much greater danger, one that has been touted of late by one of the most PRO-VACCINE DOCTORS IN THE WORLD.  For those of you who are anti-vaccine, this information from this doctor will astound it would the rest of you.  For this, you'll want to follow the link below to a video by Mr. Del Bigtree.  If you see no other video this year, you're going to want to see this one:

And let's talk about the COVID vaccine, shall we?  Did you know that this vaccine doesn't even fit the official definition of a vaccine?  That's right.  IT'S NOT, NOR HAS IT EVER BEEN A VACCINE.  This is a vaccine:

"A preparation of a weakened or killed pathogen, such as a bacterium or virus, or of a portion of the pathogen's structure that upon administration to an individual stimulates antibody production or cellular immunity against the pathogen but is incapable of causing severe infection."

Does ANY COVID VACCINE contain anything presented in this definition?  ABSOLUTELY NOT.  Go to Moderna's website, because they'll tell you what their "vaccine" actually is.  It's an operating system...WHAT??  What does that mean?  Well...what would that mean if it was on your computer?  There you go.  So what does that present?  That they can make these "vaccines" do anything in and to your body that the makers of those vaccines intend.  How do we know what they intend?  WE DON'T...and that should scare the crap out of you.

Now, to polish off the nation's situation, are you aware that our wonderful new President, Sleepy Biden, along with the big box corporations of the nation, are conspiring to present to us the new Vaccine Passport?  As I warned you some time ago, vaccine passports (something that states like NY are ALREADY requiring, and other states like TX and FL are already fighting AGAINST) will someday be required by the nations of the world...and, eventually OUR country will as needed to buy, sell and travel.  If that sounds like something directly out of Revelations?  It IS.  Fortunately, we are in charge of our own least for the moment; and have the unalienable ability to STOP THIS MADNESS.  The "President's" PRESS SECRETARY says this will not happen (but only AFTER most states said NO), but don't you dare believe it.  This is what they want, and they will bring it here, if they can get away with it.  With the current passiveness (and fear) present in this, the last bastion of freedom...(allegedly) in the world, I think they may, if we don't wake up soon.  Also fortunately, the administration currently in charge is rushing along without fear to relieve the population of its arms, bring in the GREAT RESET and other things that are apparently scary and WRONG.  At that speed, more are waking up to something REALLY being absolutely WRONG; ON BOTH sides of the political fence.  For those not aware of THE GREAT RESET and all it entails, I suggest you A.  Follow this link:

And B.  Read the books by the author of "The Great Reset" AND OTHER BOOKS by the Nazi-driven author, Klaus Schwab...found easily on Amazon.  What you find there and in these books will sound nothing short of insane...which is exactly what I deem this guy; his ideology and all who support him actually ARE.

How insane are things actually getting here?  How about this article, from the Epoch times...where it's being said, to the people that are in danger from AN ACTIVE VOLCANO, that the only way they will be able to leave their danger is IF THEY'VE BEEN VACCINATED!!!  Excuse me??  If I was in danger of an ACTIVE VOLCANO GETTING READY TO ERUPT?  You can bet I'll FIND A WAY TO GET OFF OF THAT ISLAND WITHOUT YOUR HELP, AND WITHOUT THE VACCINE, TRUST THAT!!!


Now, I've been without internet for a minute...but I'm really glad that I was.  New information about "The Vaccinated" has come to the fore, and it's something you really need to hear.  I'll just send you there now, and explain it now.  "The Vaccinated" are, I get the feeling, about to become the catalyst to the mass genocide I've been predicting...the Pariahs of the planet, if you will.  The leper colony on steroids.

Very prominent doctors are now suspecting that those of "The Vaccinated" THEMSELVES are the bioweapon.  I insist you go here, and watch the included video there.  What these FORMERLY respected doctors (who are now considered to be part of a "Russian Disinformation Scheme" joke, because they want to tell us the truth about it all) are saying here should scare the living crap out of you:

Now, I don't really suggest reading the actual article, since this guy is sometimes pretty out there with his opine; some of it rather conjecture-ridden, though I tend to appreciate the amount of research he does and puts out there...but I do, without question, STRONGLY suggest you watch the inbedded video, entitled "5 Doctors Agree that COVID-19 Shots Are Bioweapons..."

Yes, boys and girls, those who are vaccinated are suspected of PASSING THE VACCINE ON TO THOSE CLOSE TO THEM.  A conspiracy, you say? what's this then?

This is just one page of a complete document, put out by John Hopkins University....Link below this.  Remember too that this is the SAME university that held and sponsored "Event 201" that occurred just 6 weeks before the Coronavirus came to the world.  I will place the link to THAT website below as well.

First, the link for the complete document here:

And now the link for "Event 201:"

Oh, and I would not recommend trying to post either of these on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, as they are prepared to block it out from view.


Now what say we get back to news about our communist Governor here in Kentucky, shall we?

So what's been going on of late?  Oh, now c' don't want me to spoil it already do you?  YOU DO??  Well OK then, far be it from me to deprive you of the ACTUAL news....because "The News" sure isn't gonna tell ya.

First, we're going to talk about the farce impeachment attempt of this communist tyrant.  Now, the wimps at the state legislature didn't wanna.  Mainly, I'm sure, because Andy didn't want them to.  And please, make no bones about what I'm about to tell you...because all that money that Andy has been stealing from Kentucky?  OKOK, maybe not DIRECTLY out of your hands, but he's doing his best to screw up the futures of your friends, families and neighbors.  We could always refer back to that 3/4 of a billion that he took as a loan out against the commonwealth...WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE STATE LEGISLATURE...Anyone accounted for where that went?  What about all that unemployment money?  I know there are people here that have YET to receive even their FIRST unemployment checks.  And that's just the money we know about, eh?  Where do you believe all that money went?  Well, I'll tell you this kids, I believe I know EXACTLY where the better portion of that money went...right into the pockets of businesses around Kentucky to enforce COVID restrictions for one...and more than likely, right into the additional pockets of some of law enforcement in Frankfort to serve as Commandant Andy's own personal security detail; into the coffers of every labor and school union's leaders; into the pockets of the fence maker that put up his shiny new electric fence (to protect himself from YOU, once you figure out what this man has done to you and what could very well be your LIFE); AND, I'm CERTAIN, right into the pockets of key political representatives, senators, AG's, crooked/liberal judges and more; to ensure that laws passed against him would either get watered down enough, or get overturned when Andy doesn't like them.

My point being, when it came up to the subject of impeachment, the legislature just didn't seem to get along with this idea...I have to wonder why not? The man broke NUMEROUS state and federal laws, both misdemeanor and felony types.  So why is everyone so tolerant and nice?  Does not the law say that, if an official commits crimes like these while holding office, that this is not even a consideration, that he should be IMMEDIATELY REMOVED?  I would imagine so.  So again, I say...why not?  Please see everything I just said.  I think we can put 2+1 together and get four here, no problemmo.

 Annnnnnnnyway, back to all the news that is news about our wunnerful Guvnah.

So we can't get rid of that where it ends?  OHHHHHHHHNO.  Not even close.  So not long past, we get H.J.R. 77 passed.  And what law is this?  Oh yeah, the one about the masks.  Not required any longer.  And mandates such as this, according to this law?  Can never be made again.  Limits on emergency powers, etc...and what does your guy do?  Off he runs (again, by the way) to a liberal Judge named SHEPHERD here in Franklin County...(someone I'm guessing he's paying off with your children's debt money), crying that someone DARED take away his wittle powers, and whaddya know?  NO MORE MASK MANDATE ABOLISHMENT LAW.  That's right....a COUNTY JUDGE over-ruled the STATE'S legislature and let it go.  Go figure.

Not that a damn thing this law says would make a damned difference ANYWAY, since nary a store intends to back off of requiring them, it should be most apparent.  Not only this, but hardly a resident in the county of Franklin will tear the stupid things OFF.  No, I imagine that after wearing them constantly for over a year of this crap, after it being plastered at the top of every one of the State's newspapers and touted continuously on every news station in the state of KY, everyone is now sufficiently askeered of Mr. Corona, and there's not a damned thing you can say that will change A SINGLE PERSON'S MIND ABOUT IT.

For those of you who still have the sense God gave you, please...remember, at the minimum, that, according to Mr. Beshear, we have 80% of the state vaccinated...(I call BS on this, btw.  If this were true, then why is Andy about to offer incentives to get them?  I'll tell you why...because not everyone is stupid enough to get one.  Another question I have that begs attention here, who's going to pay for THIS?) can an someone please tell me why we STILL REQUIRE, OR STILL WEAR THEM THEN???  If these vaccines are so damned effective (a little historical context here, NO vaccine...EVER...has claimed more than 50% what, we became perfect all of a sudden when I wasn't looking?), then why are we still wearing masks?  Why are we still NOT back to normal, hmmmm?  I'll be the guy to tell ya why...because the masks were never about your protection from any virus; they were, are, and still are about CONTROL OF THE PEOPLE.  If it were up to Andy and Co., you'd be wearing masks forever.  There is a bigger picture here people, if you haven't figured that out yet, please see everything posted over the last 20 paragraphs again.

Let's move on, shall we?  Let's talk about Mr. Cameron, the Commonwealth's alleged Attorney General.  One of the things I got down with when I moved here was that the AG was involved in lawsuits against his Governor...and then?  Crickets.  Lots of Crickets.  Silence.  Nothing.  Nada.  What happened here, I wonder?  Probably the same thing that happened to our legislature.  Money.

The Governor of this state has committed actual CRIMES!!!  So why isn't this man being CHARGED??

I wonder...has any one of these people considered that what Andy is doing is LIFE-THREATENING?  He is sponsoring the injections of millions of Kentuckians.  What if what the doctors, aforementioned, what they suspect, that this is a BIOWEAPON, and it's being passed from the vaccinated to those NOT vaccinated is true?  Don't those who took the Governor's ill-gotten moneys realize that this is somehow going to affect THEM AS WELL?  I'm sorry, but in the consideration of such an offer of bribery, the first thing I'd want to look at is WHAT IS THIS GUY DOING, AND IS WHAT HE'S DOING GOING TO AFFECT MY LIFE AT SOME POINT??  At the very least, you have to consider this:  As his powers of emergency stand right now, if he wanted, he could steal everything you own and sell it or give it away to someone else; in the name of an you not get this?  I'm sorry, but as the Lord giveth, the Lord can take away.  Don't you people see that what you're receiving to do this guy's bidding could be taken away from you the very next day, according to THE LAW? I really do not understand the logic of these people.  All they obviously see is the color GREED...Greed?  Did I just say that?  I think I meant

We have one more.  I belong  to a group of people who support our democratic vote, who love our alleged republic and it's 1/50th Commonwealth.  These people protest religiously at a minimum once a week.  9 times out of 10, they do this at the Capitol grounds.  Now, with the exception of the rally that took place after January 6th, where the Governor out and out LIED to the media, telling them people had guns, and it was obviously another run on Government, this time on the Commonwealth (all those insurrectionists, you know), every single protest has been lawful, has been peaceful and has never advocated or practiced any kind of misbehavior involving any sort of violence.  I can guarantee that, because I've attended the majority.  They didn't even like that I swore once in the only speech I've given in front of the people.  Do you really believe that they would act against our Government?  Hardly.

And yet, in a protest just last week, something was different.  First, a counter-protest group, consisting of all of maybe 6 people, most of them state employees, I'm sure, came to counter speak us as we made our voices heard.  One, a woman by the name of Karen Ellis, a DSS employee and her husband, met with the Governor, who for the first time EVER came out of his moated castle, complete with shiny new electric fence, paid for by those of KY; to meet and greet with Karen and others.  After spending an inordinate amount of time with the Elisses, and as you can see in the photo below, he even took some extra time to do a photo op.

After the Governor returned to his lair, Ms. Ellis here got into a discussion with a protester (who, thankfully, had a GoPro camera running at the top of his skull), and when things turned ugly (not from the protester, I'll tell you) with her, she then pulled out a wickit looking knife to end things on a rather sour note.

And where is Ms. Ellis?  Because I'll tell you where she isn't.  She isn't in jail.  No, Ms. Ellis, more than likely a DSS social worker, is still running about free as a bird, with nary a care.  Is this what we of the Commonwealth can expect, should we opt to make our voices heard to our Governor?  How much more of this guy's crap do you intend to take here?

I'm thinking that, after watching this man get BOOED out of the Kentucky Derby, that the Commonwealth as a whole has just about had it with this guy.  I'm hoping that everything I'm relating to you here will tip you right over the edge, in case you hadn't taken a nose dive off of that cliff already.  Andy has had about all the time he deserves as our Dictator; which in my opinion should have been not more than the signing of his first emergency executive order...don't you think it's time for him to go?  I thought so not even a month after I moved here; JUST ABOUT THE TIME THE LYING MEDIA reported a phone call I made as a news tip, stating my intention to sue him over the mask thing...and whaddya know, the state Gestappo showed up at my door a day later (good thing I wasn't at home, because I woulda went OFF) to ask if I intended to harm your absolutely ridiculous accusation, kind of like my stalking the Mayor of Sioux Falls, SD (you can find that story on this about insane politicians these days; obviously all feeling a little guilty about their tyranny) I don't know what's wrong with those who support him...or at least, used to.

By the way, should you care to view the ENTIRE video recording of this reprehensible behavior by a state employee obviously in cahoots with this Governor, I FULLY INSIST that you visit BREWED, online, or catch his page on FB; and listen to his podcast on that subject and several more, while you're there.

I believe, with all of the information that I've presented to you here, I'm going to be engaging in a little education effort.  I have a couple hundred flyers I've made up, sporting information about this protest incident, HJR 77, Andy's efforts to thwart state law, and about the vaccine and its dangers.  Expect to see it soon...but then, you probably already have, or you wouldn't be here...:D

Thursday, March 11, 2021

How They (Thought They) Stole America! - Must Video | Opinion - Conservative

How They (Thought They) Stole America! - Must Video | Opinion - Conservative: Starting in 2020 I show how they thought they got away with stealing America. In my opinion this is far from over. There are many republican ran states that are pursuing election integrity as we speak, starting with Arizona and New Hampshire. Many clues we have been left that this

Friday, February 5, 2021

America...Land of the Duped, Home of the Masked (The Legend of Donald J. Trump, President)


NOTE:  THIS ARTICLE IS CURRENTLY A WORK IN PROGRESS; BUT I THOUGHT TO PUT IT UP ANYWAY, BECAUSE I WANT PEOPLE READING THIS A.S.A.P.  When you see this notice is gone, it will be complete.  I'll tell you for sure that this is going to be another one of those marathon articles.  Thank you for your patience.  A guy can only do so much in a day, yannow.

No, it isn't at all like you might imagine....the title, people, the title.  No, I am not among the duped.  I am here today for those people who are.

It has come to my attention...well, it came to my attention years ago, but who's counting?  Quite simply, it goes like this...if you believe that the people of this nation voted overwhelmingly for Joe Biden after he sat in his basement for months, instead of campaigning like every other candidate since...well, since the dawn of man, we'll say, as he miraculously managed to net the most votes of any candidate in U.S. History??...If you believe absolutely that, because the courts kicked out every single one of the cases brought to present voter fraud by Trump and his legal allies, and after carefully reviewing all the evidence and coming to a well thought out decision concerning them; that there was NO WIDESPREAD VOTER FRAUD...artfully takes pause...

*Well, would you looky here...just as I was saying this, look what popped up in my facebook feed!  Might as well stick a big sign in this article from Time Magazine that says "VOTER FRAUD CONFIRMED....CONFESSION HERE!" - 

If you are of the mind that there was no BLM/ANTIFA ignited riot, but instead, there was an "insurrection" ( couldn't have been an orchestrated bear trap for the million plus Trump voters who showed up PEACEABLY to voice their upsettedness at the certification of FRAUD, something they could use against said supporters for all time, and bonus, get Trump impeached a 2ND time with, surely NOT) at the Capitol in D.C., and if just about every rumor you hear this year you label, without question, a "Conspiracy Theory"; and finally, if you believe that this country isn't in the middle of a nose dive, one that started the moment "Joe Biden" became "President," then you are now what I used to be...a law abiding taxpayer...A very real example of a U.S. Citizen, fast asleep, and loving it too.  I want you to know that people like you are generally too far gone to reach, unless of course you're kicked in the shins and rudely awakened as I was; but it's important that a record be put out there in a number of places...because Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of The United States of America, Inc.; most certainly the BEST President we've had in the White House since Kennedy, is currently in the process of being completely wiped off of the face of the Earth, and out of the hearts and minds of Americans and the world forever.  To re-iterate and paraphrase that last sentence?  I am here to put the record straight...once and for all, before you decide firmly to join in on that crime.

What makes me special?  Well, nothing I suppose...but I have to say it, I was once just like you.  My days on this planet usually played out like the days of most people's...get up, eat breakfast, go to work, take lunch, work some more, go home, eat din-din, watch the tube, and go to bed.  Oh sure, there was a little variation in my days sometimes...but primarily, that was just about it.  At least, after 45 anyway.  And then it happened.

The Government, at large, opted to kick me in the shins...hard, then followed it up with a nice swift left punch that almost landed me on the ropes, then the mat.  Thank God I didn't go down...I just sat there reeling for a few minutes, then regained my composure and went back into the ring to take a few more jabs.  By that, of course, I mean that something so earth-shattering happened, that following this incident, I went ahead with eyes slowly opening to the world around me; a world that I didn't at all recognize; one where the wool had been squarely planted over both eyes.

The red pill had been forced down my gullet, and no amount of sticking my finger down there with the intent to force it out again did a damn bit of good.  That swift kick began a journey down a road that I often wish I could just forget and go back on; back to sleep, back to my life the way it was.  But again...I regain my composure and realize, that if I hadn't had that kick?  I'd probably be as you are now...still dreaming the dream, and buying the bullshit.

Now, you may imagine that I am one of those hopeless, criminal, traitorous TRUMP SUPPORTERS...and after a fashion?  You'd be correct.  Funny enough, however, I didn't see the light of truth as to what was really going on until Mr. Trump's Presidency was nearly over.  I hadn't seen, nor had I heard anything of any Russian collusion, of his accomplishments, of his Presidency in general.  I just knew he was there...not unlike almost every other joker puppet that assumed the position that I didn't like...nor did I ever like the opposing side ever.  Truth be known, I have never...EVER...voted for a single person in my life.  I never liked either why bother?

That all almost changed, I'll have you know.  Yes, Mr. Trump, running for his re-election to the Presidency, actually made me rise halfway out of my chair, in order to run to my local voter office to register.  I didn't go through with it.  Mainly, because I was sure that he would lose.  Not legitimately, mind you...I just...knew.

For many a year now, there has been a real evil hanging like a black thundercloud directly overhead, due UP and OVER our nation, one that seemed ready to emit a gully-washer that Hurricane Katrina would envy, over our unique country.  It started as more of a shadow in my life in the 90's really...but I felt it...but then, it was more of a nagging feeling...something out of the corner of my eye just wasn't right.  Then I'd feel OK.  Then it would come back again, just when I wasn't expecting it...just...hanging there, waiting for the right time to pounce.  I believe I found myself unconsciously looking over my shoulder at times, even.  It was certainly annoying, that feeling.  I felt not wholly unlike Neo in "The Matrix," the first...

That shadow only intensified...first, something in general about the Clinton years seemed wrong somehow.  Here was this wholesome looking guy from Arkansas, playing the sax, smokin' a little weed, got himself in a few man-type scrapes that were outed to the public (Monika, etc.).  I was taken in by that persona...but then...the shadow got in there somehow again...I couldn't put my finger on it, but something about this guy was wrong.

Then, we got GW Junior...and that nagging irritating cloud got more persistent.  I just didn't like him...the beady little eyes, that thing about making up new words in his speeches really bothered me, more than it should have.  Then, there was his 2nd term election...and that's when the cloud started bulking up.  It was when he was elected the 2nd time that I somehow knew there was something dark about the progression of leaders in our country.  That instinct intensified 500 fold when 9/11 happened.  I knew something was really wrong in the whole thing, long before anyone even started thinking it.  I was convinced...even before hearing about or seeing a lick of evidence that this was a horrifying Government hoax.

Then...we got Obama, and that bulking cloud became a thunderhead.  From the minute I saw Obama, I knew we were in trouble...and boy was I right.  People were freaking out everywhere.  Tanks and trains miles long were seen everywhere.  Then there were the FEMA rumors, and the "See something, say something" messages given by our new national agency, Homeland Security.  Other rumors of DUMS, camps with stacks of generic coffins; Walmarts that had recently opened as soon as a year before were closing and turning into processing centers.  Those REALLY freaked me out.  After 4 years, it came time for Obama's re-election...but I was certain no one would put him back in.  His polls were down big time, and I breathed a sigh of relief.  Little did I know, Obama was cheating to re-win the Presidency without anyone really knowing about it.  Needless to say, he won, against all predictions...and it seemed that only I knew why, at the time...and still believe I may be one of the few that still does.  You can find the article I posted, along with a re-post of someone else's interpretation of an executive order signed by Obama during his reign.  You are not going to believe this one:

I think the time that I knew we were dead in the water, was when the NSA...with Obama in command, was discovered to be spying on EVERYONE.  50 or so years ago, this nation decided, with absolutely no blinks of an eye to be seen, to toss out a President for simply spying on his peers...the Democratic Party.  Nixon was pressured with impeachment over this incident...and he then resigned.  Watergate was, at the time, probably the most widely spoken word on the nation's lips and the most read story in U.S. history.  Obama comes along, and he's caught spying on EVERYONE IN THE COUNTRY...and we just went..."Oh, isn't that special"...and went right back to what we were doing, as if we didn't even hear it.  It was then that I knew this thundercloud of doom had seriously impaired everyone's vision somehow, and we were set for a destruction we might never even know was happening.

Then, when the nation put up HILARY CLINTON for President, not only did I know she'd win...I knew that America would be finished not long after her inauguration.  And then, thank the good Lord...out of the blue...Donald J. Trump made the scene.  If Hilary had won (as most thought she would...and I'm not talking about WE the people, I'm talking about the people who WANTED HER THERE) we woulda been done for in less than a month, seriously.  There are, as I often say, two reasons we are still a country today...Donald J. Trump...and armed Americans.  Every other 1st world country fell into the trap of giving up their weapons...I'm betting the majority are very sorry they fell for it, personally.

Now, as far as the asleep people that I'm attempting to reach, you saw only a President who was a traitor and a colluder...with Russia.  You saw a narcissistic bigot, a racist like no other.  You saw an inciter of "Insurrection."  You watched as he was impeached not just once, but twice...and the 2nd time was after his term in that impeachable office had ENDED.

As a matter of provable fact, every single day of Mr. Trump's Presidency was oddly fraught with hatred, division and racism; and a fight to remove him from office.  I'll just say this:  Things are not always as  black and white as they appear.

What I am about to present to you now is probably America's DEADLIEST date.  You have, as yet, no idea what you (may) have done, in voting for or supporting the other guy.  If things do not go as I expect they will, you might as well jump off the nearest cliff now.  Trust me, when I say that death will be certainly better than what Harris/Biden/Obama's Fourth Reich has in mind for your futures...if you even have a future at all. Your death will not only be honorable, it will be something you'll be certain to wish for often in the days to come, if you don't.

Now, what say we move the REAL story and reason for Donald J. Trump's rise to the well as the WORLDWIDE concerted effort to have him dethroned, A.S.A.P...and for why:

LEGEND has it that Mr. Trump's bid for the Presidency didn't officially get serious until September of 2016, 2 months before Trump beat Hilary in the subsequent election on November 3rd, 2016.  It was this day that Trump did an embarrassing turnabout concerning the matter of Obama's "Birther" theory, that he wasn't legitimate, in that he had been born, not in the United States, but in Kenya, Africa, instead.  When Obama presented the nation with his long-form birth certificate (which, for someone in Government, those who CREATE these records of your birth in the first place; wouldn't be all that hard to fabricate) Trump was then forced to recant his constant attack on this subject...and if that wasn't even enough, Mr. Obama then held a dinner where he proceeded to attack back with his joke-telling talent, causing Trump to be infuriated...and most believe that it was then that he decidedly knew he had to win out, in order to show the nation he could be a better leader than any of them. 

The fact of the matter was, that NO ONE expected Hilary NOT to win...including the entirety of the pundits.  When he did win, there began a war for the minds of America, a war that has existed to the very date of this article.  The other part of this war was to remove who Democrats called an "illegitimate" President, one who had "stolen" the election.  This accusation would continue on until he was pushed out of office with the door slamming firmly shut behind him...which then instigated an IMPEACHMENT of Trump from office...his second, by the way...after he had already vacated it.  The story you are about to read will surprise and infuriate you...and if it doesn' should.

Monday, January 18, 2021

America and the world at a crossroad: either Trump foils the coup against him or the NWO will definitely arise (A Repost)


For days, I have intended to write an article JUST...LIKE THIS.  Thank God this one came along instead, because I have had NO time to do so.  Between reviving my podcast (which began as a M-W-F deal, but which quickly evolved into a show EVERY SINGLE DAY until the inauguration) and biting my fingernails over everything that is occurring; time is, quite simply, a luxury I can not afford.

This story is certainly complete, where everything that has happened since the election is concerned...but there is a little more to the story that I feel MUST be related before this repost.

You folks remember the Obama days, surely.  You remember, I'm sure, that consistently NAGGING feeling that there was something happening to our country that just...wasn't...right.  All those things that occurred...the NSA caught spying on, not just another political party, like with Nixon and the Watergate debacle...but on THE ENTIRETY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND MORE...and unlike Nixon, where we adamantly screamed for his impeachment from office for SPYING ONLY ON HIS PEERS, we looked the other way and continued on with our lives.  Then there were the rumors.

Rumors of FEMA camps.  Rumors of coffins.  Rumors of U.N. troops and tanks on America's soil.  Rumors of a hostile takeover.  Rumors of underground tunnels and entire cities.  

Finally, we began seeing things that made us very nervous...Wal-marts being converted into what looked like additional camps for processing; trains consisting of miles of military vehicles being spotted all over the nation.  Passenger trains with three-level cars with narrow prisoner-type windows.

Then we began seeing things that not only added to the nervousness, but which angered the silent majority of Americans everywhere.  Prisons began overcrowding to overflowing.  Prisons for political arrestees with no means of communication with those imprisoned, and no charges being filed against the accused.  There was Bengazi.  The War on "Terror" involving Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and more.  Things looked dark indeed.  Yet, the corruption and the nervousness continued.

Towards the end of that Presidency, something happened, and several generals gathered with the intent of removing this President from force.  Then out of the see of corrupt politicians on both sides of the spectrum of those running for President in 2016; a voice appeared, seemingly...from nowhere.  The voice of an unexpected candidate...that of Donald J. Trump.  The Generals...reconvened.

Allegedly, those generals chose DJT to be their rising star, and their weapon against the overthrow of our nation.  Which brings us up to date.  Here, the article that follows, relates to us the accurate and detailed story of everything that has occurred to date since our fraudulent election.  We will preface this repost, given us by those of "La cruna dell'ago," a blog out of Italy with the ACTUAL results of November 3rd, 2020.  You see, friends, this country's next moves determine the fate of the entire world, so it is no surprise to THIS blogger, that the concern of the outcome of our nation is something that concerns and inspires those of the entire planet...for if we fail, we all fail.  If this nation dies, the entire earth dies with it.  Is it any surprise, then, that others are watching and waiting right along with the American people, to see where this will go?  I think not.  Here, then are the REAL results from election night, 2020, and the article that explains...well, I think it explains things quite well:

by Cesare Sacchetti, Date:  January 17,2020

My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell was spotted at the White House last Friday.

Lindell carried with him some papers and some handwritten notes that suggest Trump the best path to trigger the Insurrection Act and the consequent dealing of the emergency powers.

The Insurrection Act would mean the activation of the military courts to judge those who orchestrated riots or other subversive acts that can compromise the integrity and the stability of the Republic.

Apparently, the entrepreneur would have had a short meeting with Trump, where he presented the President with the best options to trigger these emergency powers, but it’s not clear if Trump took into consideration the recommendations of My Pillow CEO.

After the meeting, Lindell stated that he had only been a messenger who had received the task to forward a message to Trump from an attorney, whose name wasn’t disclosed.

On Lindell’s notes, there was also written the name of Sidney Powell, probably because in this plan Ms. Powell would have a special assignment to conduct a probe into the election fraud.

However, these are certainly crucial hours for America and the entire world.

Many people asked why Trump didn’t promptly act to foil the ongoing coup, and many people are still asking if, at this point, the President is willing to take the critical decision to arrest those who have been trying to overthrow him with a coup d’état.

The story of the coup against Trump

Before taking into consideration the possible scenarios which Trump could consider, it is necessary to retrace the main phases of the coup.

Everything started the night of November 3. That was the beginning of this operation when the system realized that Trump was easily winning a second term.

An order was sent and in the key states, all of sudden, the vote counting was halted.

At that moment, thousands of illegal late mail votes were dumped, and every single vote was strangely in favor of Joe Biden.

Access to the polling stations was prevented for the Republican poll-watchers.

Only this fact would have been more than enough to invalidate the elections because the electoral laws had been brazenly violated, as Trey Gaynor, the chairman of FEC, pointed out.

The fraud wasn’t limited just to the use of illegal ballots and late mail ballots.

There was an external level of the operation which took place outside the United States, where a team of hackers received the task to switch votes from Trump to Biden.

According to what was revealed by a former CIA agent, Bradley Johnson, the hacking was already taking place in Frankfurt in the local CIA station, which hosts Dominion’ servers, the company tied to Soros and Clinton.

At that point, another country, Italy, came on the scene as has already been explained in two previous articles.

Once the Frankfurt hacking group realized that Trump was winning despite the electronic scam, the directors of this fraud called the Italian government for help.

In the US embassy in Rome, according to Johnson and Maria Zack, the Italian general Claudio Graziano coordinated the recalibration of the hacking attack, through Leonardo’s military technology, the Italian government company specializing in the Defense and Aerospace sectors.

In this regard, it is certainly interesting to notice that the Italian mainstream media, such as La Stampa, La Repubblica, and Il Giornale, defined a “conspiracy theory” the articles reported by this blog, but these media failed to observe that nobody, but Graziano and Renzi, denied the version of Zack and Johnson.

The US embassy in Rome didn’t comment on these very serious accusations and the outgoing Conte’s government also didn’t deny anything of this story.

Leonardo didn’t say a word too and after Italygate exploded 10 of its managers were arrested on corruption and bribing charges.

A really strange “coincidence”.

Therefore, Italy and its government institutions ruled by globalism could have had a fundamental role in the fraud, but in the broader context of an operation that involved several international governments that participated in an unprecedented attack against US sovereignty.

The countries that took part in the attack are certainly Switzerland, which owns Scytl, a flawed software related to Dominion; China, which financed Dominion’s parent company; Canada, which hosts Dominion’s headquarters; Germany because it executed part of the hacking and finally Italy for its previously mentioned role.

In other words, it was an international coup against the US and Donald Trump perpetrated by governments that are firmly controlled by the international globalist power.

At this point, the question is why did Trump allow all of this without taking the appropriate counter-measures?

The President was certainly informed that the deep state would try to oust him and signed an executive order in September 2018 to sanction foreign interference election.

However, the order has never been triggered so far because of, most probably, the US intelligence community, which wrote the report on foreign interference, and delivered to the President a contradictory and inconclusive analysis regarding this matter.

Basically, the system sabotaged the President preventing the use of this weapon so far.

The only way to still activate this EO would be to have some new and indisputable evidence regarding foreign election interference, and maybe something could come up in the next few hours from Italygate.

Meanwhile, almost every US court failed to even examine all the other evidence presented by Trump’s lawyers.

There was and there is still proof, but it was impossible to find a court willing to look at it.

The false flag of Capitol Hill

So the coup went on until January 6, the day where the Congress illegally certified the election and, by doing so, committed a high treason crime.

Before this subversive and unconstitutional act, the Capitol Hill riots had taken place where Trump’s fake supporters stormed the US Parliament.

In the last week, irrefutable evidence emerged that clearly showed how those rioters didn’t belong to Trump’s supporters.

On the contrary, people who have been arrested for the attack are tied to Antifà and Black Lives Matter, the terroristic groups heavily financed by Soros.

Basically, the Capitol Hill’s attack had only been a false flag operation conceived by the President’s enemies to falsely accuse him of having planned the insurrection.

There was an insurrection, but it wasn’t orchestrated by Trump, but by the deep state.

This operation was fundamental to motivating the second impeachment orchestrated by Nancy Pelosi.

It is the first time in US history that a US President has been through two impeachment attempts.

In the first attempt, the bogus accusations were founded upon the Russiagate, which is the hoax to falsely accuse Trump of being a Russian agent.

Moreover, the recently unclassified FISA documents have definitively proved how the entire investigation against Trump was politically motivated and coordinated by former President Obama who had authorized the illegal espionage against Trump.

In both cases, the director of the impeachments was Nancy Pelosi, who at this point clearly breached the Constitution and could also be considered a subversive element.

At this point, Trump would have all the proof needed to accuse Congress of having illegally certified the election and could also consider Pelosi guilty of high treason for her reiterated attempts to use impeachment as a political weapon to oust the President.

Another aspect that is puzzling in this story is the foolish rush of the system to remove an apparent “outgoing” President.

The argument that the impeachment would prevent Trump’s candidacy in 2024 is nonsense because Trump would never have any real chance of victory anyway.

The deep state would never allow him to legally win the election in any way, as it happened in 2020.

The reasons seem to be different. The system seems to fear, in some way, that Trump could still do something, otherwise, this rush is pointless.

Once Nancy Pelosi started her subversive act against Trump, the social media, at the same time, cut the communications of the incumbent President.

For the first time since the creation of these platforms, a State head has been banned by each one of them.

The deep state wants to prevent Trump from communicating with his people in any way.

Maybe the reason for this decision can be found in one of Trump’s latest tweets, where the President wrote in capital letters that the Americans will have a “GIANT VOICE” in the future.

President Trump Asserts The 75 Million People Who Voted ...

Giant voice is the term used in the military jargon to identify the military emergence transmissions to inform the civil population about an incoming crisis.

Has the President tried to send a coded message to his people regarding a possible activation of martial law or the Insurrection Act?

Another thing that apparently doesn’t have a logical explanation is the militarization of DC, which nowadays is the most guarded city in the world.

There are 25,000 national guard members in the city and a non-scalable fence was erected around Capitol Hill, which this time the system wants to protect effectively unlike on January 6.

There are also several military checkpoints in the street. All this for an inauguration that will only be virtual.

Today was also planned to be Biden’s inauguration rehearsal but it was mysteriously postponed over “security concerns.”

It wasn’t said what these “security concerns” could possibly be in the most heavily guarded city in the world.

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris hasn’t left her seat in the Senate and only three days are left to her inauguration.

It’s the first time in US history that a Senator has waited until the last moment to resign, and this suggests that she wants to leave it to the last moment before leaving her present assignment maybe because she fears that something unexpected might happen.

However, it’s time to come back at the first question of this analysis, which is the reason why Trump didn’t try to stop before this mechanism.

The most probable hypothesis is that Trump tried until the last moment to find a way to peacefully solve this crisis, but he realized that this is simply impossible.

Trump saw that every part of the system is infected.

Courts are infected, ministers are infected, political parties are infected and even the vice-presidency is infected because it failed to protect the Constitution and the integrity of the election on January 6.

Every peaceful way seems to have failed and in these hours, there will be the final test to know if Trump wants to go all the way.

Someone thinks that this scenario was foreseen and that Trump knew that situation would have come anyway. Trump would consider, since the beginning, the use of the armed forces to drain a system heavily infected and corrupt.

Trump’s decision to reshuffle the higher ranks of the Pentagon in November and to remove Kissinger and Albright, two globalist hawks, from the defense policy board would be consistent with this scenario.

These moves do not look like the ones of an “outgoing” President. The Pentagon’s reshuffling seems a move to have complete control of the military machine, without which is impossible to execute any plan to remove by the use of force the ongoing coup.

However, this election has proven an irrefutable fact. It is impossible to change the status quo by democratic means because democracy wasn’t conceived to give power to the people, but to assure the absolute dominion of the globalist financial élite.

In a democracy, those who have the financial resources to control the media and political parties are the real rulers.

Trump broke the false Republican/Democratic duopoly by which the deep state had been controlling America for decades because he had the means to finance his own campaign.

It was a system bug that the system itself has tried to desperately remove since the beginning of his campaign.

Make America Great Again is simply incompatible with the globalist agenda, which aims for a world dictatorship for a long time.

There’s no way to win through bureaucratic peaceful ways. The bank always wins.

If someone wants to beat the bank, it would have to move the game on another plan and arrest those who had violated the rules and committed very serious crimes.

In the liberal democracy conceived by globalism, there’s no other way to do it.

If Trump surrenders, the New World Order will definitely arise

Trump now has a historical opportunity to do that and if he fails, he will deliver America into the hands of Communist China and he will pave the way to the New World Order.

The Great Reset will be virtually unstoppable as John Kerry, a member of the occult secret society Skulls and Bones, said.

Time is ticking. A huge responsibility weighs on Trump’s shoulders. What Trump will choose will not only affect the fate of America but of the entire world.

If the US were to be ruled again by globalism, the New World Order will have no obstacles.

At that point, there will be only Russia surrounded by Communist China and by the newly recomposed Euro-Atlantic block.

Not only does Trump’s eventual inaction favor global dictatorship, but it will also destroy him and his family.

There is no future as a businessman for Trump. The globalist mafia will scorch the earth around him. The DC attorney general is looking for ways to arrest him and his son.

If the mechanism is not stopped now, the Great Reset will be activated and it will overwhelm everyone and everything.

These are crucial and tremendous hours. Maybe Trump can find the answer in the letters sent to him by Archbishop Viganò.

In those letters, the President can fully understand what is at stake.

In those letters, the President can find the inspiration to crush the head of the serpent once and for all.