Friday, May 30, 2014

Freedom to Fascism - Part IX

Hey America!!  I think I finally figured out what to do with this series.  You see, I ended up not bein' truly crazy about the fascism list I was using.  A lot of the checks were the same things, just re-worded...and the rest were things I could write two or three posts on, and in some cases, already have.  So here's what I've decided to do with the rest that I haven't covered as yet.

I'm going to investigate the checks I have left.  Of the important ones, I'm going to combine three important checks on this post and a final three in my final post of the series, due on the first of June.  Sounds good, right?  Well then?  What are we waitin' fer?  Let's get it ON!!

Check Mark #21 - Increasing Government Control Over Private Behavior.

I don't believe I'm  going to have to expound on this one at all.  I think the majority of us are fully aware of how much the government is sticking their nose into our business (as well as in the business of those in other countries).  On the other hand, I realize that a lot of you are just here to look at the pretty pictures and scoff at the rest, so, I guess I might have to hammer it out a little, then re-late, re-iterate, and re-peat, from all of my previous articles, along with a few new ones you might not yet believe in or know about.

I can't even start to tell you the number of articles I read daily, about the easy time people have tracking other people.  From your device usage to your Internet usage, to the usage of cameras, used for traffic control, in finding stolen vehicles and criminals.  And if all that fails, well, Google Earth can give anyone in law enforcement a tour of your living room while you're not home.

You ever notice when these miracles of technology come into existence, that they only tell us the good things these inventions can be used for, and never the bad?  Hey, you can catch people speeding with these traffic cameras, and make extra money for the city to balance the budget!!  ("Oh, and it might cost you a couple hundred when you get your tickets, when YOU get caught speeding more often, and, we can find you via your vehicle when you haven't paid the ten tickets you've already received, thanks to the same cameras"...kinda gets omitted.)  Or...These new X-Ray satellites give us the ability to see things about the galaxy, concerning make-up, etc., and give us more information about the moons and planets of our solar system ("Oh, and we kinda spaced off telling you, that, in an emergency situation, we could just as easily turn them around and use them to find those people that are opposing and hiding from the government that we've been trying to find for over a month now, considering the fact that these things see through walls like they're not even there.)

Just the fact we have a minimum of 2 cameras on or around us at all times (cell phones, laptop web cams, pads, traffic corners, security networks, stores, etc.) should be proof that we can be found anytime someone wants to.  By the way, for those of you who don't believe for a moment that store and business security cameras can't a.) be hacked or b.) aren't able to be used at anytime for spying on you, then think again.  They oh so most definitely can.  And it's already been proven plenty that cell phone and computer cameras can be used or hacked to do the same thing.  There's a huge piece of black electrical tape covering the laptop cam, believe it.  If you can only get your hands on masking, then take your Sharpe and black it out.  Remember too that all of these devices also have microphones built in, so, take another extra minute to block the sound on those (not that your device can't be remotely controlled, long enough to turn them on when needed, then off when whoever's doing it is finished and they have what they want....they can!)  It probably won't do a lot of good, concerning the microphone, but at least you can say you did your best, right?

But really, what this check mark concerns is not cameras, it concerns the government saying what you can and can't do with your body, your time, your job, your money and your family.  Slowly but surely, the walls of the room are closing in on us, America...can you feel it?  More and more, the government comes up with new ways to take over your lives.  Pretty soon, we'll be another socialist country, where they tell us what jobs we can work, how much the government intends to pay you for that job, how many kids you're allowed to have, etc.  It's not too far off now, really.  Every box I've covered up to this point has a humongous double- outlined blaring red check-mark in it.  And they don't stop there either.  Hence, our next subject:

Check Mark #22 - Lack of Legal Recourse to Stop Illegal Government Actions

This one very largely resembles another check mark we had, in part VII I believe, concerning the government excluding itself or declaring itself immune to our laws.  There is a small difference here, however, and that's this:  If our government loses all sense of reason, and gets out of hand, what can we Americans do about it?

Not much I'm afraid.  With the exception of the fact that every American has an average of 2 guns in their homes, and, if we wanted to, we could protest against that action, utilizing the media frenzied in-fashion way of shooting up a bunch of people in order to get our point across; or march right up the Capitol steps waiving those same guns against the tyranny of the establishment (not that this would do us any good, really -  one good ol' fashioned viral infection that's mutated and deadly, and delivered to us via "Pepper spray" would take care of any of that kind of behavior).

Just remember, you 2nd Amendment fanatics and activists, that those guns you've been storing in the basement, in order to tout and brag that you still have your right to bear arms?  Those little guns aren't gonna do a damn bit o' good against satellites, x-ray or other, drones, tanks, sophisticated missiles and their launchers, etc.  The government, as it stands, is GONNA DO WHAT THEY WANNA DO, and there ain't gonna be a damn thing you can do to stop it, legally, OR illegally, for that matter.  We've handed over too much of the reigns, and we're trained sheeple.  We'd never succeed in standing up to our current government, and they know it.

And finally, for today, we have:

Check Mark #23 - Prison Without Trials and Arrests Without Charges.

I will not be delving too far into this particular check mark, people.  I think we know that this already happens a plenty.  If you aren't convinced, don't expect me to explain it to you, in this case.  I refer the lot of you to places like:    (make sure and stop at the video checkout counter there, found at the bottom under videos -----------> Archives)   and  (Under badge abuse).

Video is oh so much more effective than any single word I could utter, or write about for that matter.

June 1st, and we finally reach the finale in our series!!!  Check it out, it's gonna be the capper, fo sho!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Freedom to Fascism - Intermission Deux

DISCLAIMER:  Keep in mind, that this post is full of conjecture, as well as one writer's opinion, and involves a lot of analytical discussion on a very delicate and offensive (to some, if not half of our population) subject matter.  If you are strong on the subjects of women's rights and women's liberation, you may not want to not read this post!!  Keep in mind that I am a firm supporter in women's equality.  I am, however, forming my own version as to why crimes against women, like this one occur.  It does not, by any means, mean I'm sexist (I am not), or in firm belief of the views expressed here (I'm only expressing and analyzing THIS view in an attempt to fathom what causes this sort of behavior in men towards women).

Hey kids.  Yeah, grab some snacks, cook up some popcorn and grab a soda; it's time for another intermission in our little series.

I just have to say it:  I've tried this one before.  Oh yes, I wrote an article not too long ago concerning the very thing I plan to discuss.  Something, somehow, is different this time around.  You see, I took the other article down, mostly because a.) I didn't quite have enough ammo to back it up, and b.) because I'm just really apt to say the wrong thing when I discuss things like this.  I have a solution, however.  My moderator has decided to join forces with me today, and I'm feeling pretty confident for a re-write.  And yeah, she's a lady!

So, on we go, eh?

Here we have Elliot Rodger.  For those of you who haven't heard it 100 times by now, the story goes like this:

Boy meets girl, girl throws rejection in boy's face, boy then meets 100 other girls, and they all throw rejection in boy's face to follow suit, then boy writes death itinerary, then stabs his roommates, fires through a sorority house in Isla Vista, then shoots through a deli filled with college-aged kids, then boy takes his own life.  A classic American tale, no doubt.

The thing that gets me here, folks, is this:  Everyone is blaming gun control for this.  Or, that we didn't get there in time....or, quite possibly, that there was a goodly portion of mental instability here.  OK, I'd have to agree that all of these things came into play, for sure.  But I don't believe any of this to be the root of the problem here.  The root of the problem, as some of you have already guessed, is simply this:  Rejection.  I think we can even go with the mental thing, and add in rejection resulting in mental instability.  Or, even better, we could throw some social awkwardness in, mix in a couple of labels like ODD, chemically imbalanced, top it off with some anger issues, and whaddya get?  Poof!!  Instant Sociopath!

No, I don't really plan to attend this meeting.  Let's shoot for a different way of thinkin'...hmm?

Let's start where we should have, from the beginning.  What's wrong with this kid?  Well, according to the better part of his manifesto, he's sexually frustrated, is he not?  He's 22, and still a virgin.  He's been asking women to go out with him, and they all say no.  Isn't this the entire problem then?

Now granted, who are we to pin on this kid what we think the problem is.  Nobody.  Granted also, just because a person SAYS that girls and their rejection of him are the issue, doesn't mean it actually is the core problem.  Unfortunately, the guy's dead, his roommates are dead, and I'm sure his parents are just as lost as we are.

But hold on.  Let's ASSUME that the kid knew what he was talking about.  That the thing really buggin' him WAS rejection, and that all his anger stemmed from where he said it did.  This, I've discovered, is something we don't really care to talk about.  And do you want to know why we don't want to talk about it?  Because it's inconceivable.  And not only is it that, it will cause half of my readers to fly straight off of the handle.

If you have no clue where I'm going, you should.  When was the last time you got in an argument with your wife?  What happened?  Who ended up being right?  Let's see if you know where I'm going now.

What I'm trying to say is, if I were to present, to the female population of America, that the real reason Elliot shot up the deli was due to a line that leads back to the actions of woman-kind leading back to the women's rights movement, I would more than likely be wrong.  The more logical of women-kind would first ignore, then would highly dispute this fact, then disregard it, maybe some would present other reasons for it, then put their feet down and turn up their noses, stalk off, and say "you're WRONG!!"...and that'd be that.

Just for fun, I conducted a RANDOM survey.  Some would call it biased...mostly some of my more stubborn female friends.  It's most certainly not biased, nor is it not random.  I asked 50 women, and 50 men this question:

In the last argument you had with the opposite sex, when the argument was over, and the dust cleared, who was right and who was wrong, in your opinion?

Here, by sex, were my answers:

Men:  70% - She was.  22% - You're kidding right?  2% - Are you serious?  4% - A smart man wouldn't answer that question.  2% - I was.

Women:  68% - I was, of course.  12% - I'm not gonna answer that.  8% - It's programmed.  Women are always right, men are wrong.  6% - That's not a fair question. 4% - that's a loaded question.  2% - That's a biased question; I won't answer it, it's not valid, go back and learn how to take a survey. The last 2% was from a girl that I've known since she was 19...about 20 yrs.  She's taking a loooooong break from speaking to me, after we argued over the validity of the question for over 2 hours.  When the argument ended, though, guess who was right?

Are you starting to get the idea yet?  We have to make this about gun control or mental illness, because its NOT OK for us to talk about the other possibility, especially if it has to do with women's liberation.  We've accepted it, and it's wrong to question it.

Well, I'm not sure about the rest of you men, but I'm getting a little tired of more than likely being wrong.  Please, ladies, if you will, open your minds, and read on, willya please??  Maybe, just this once, I'm right about something.

In order for me to say what really happened here, I'm going to have draw a logical line.  What I would really have to say is Elliot shot people because he was mad at women.  If I had to guess why he was mad at women, I'd have to say it was because he was rejected by women.  And if you were to ask me why he was rejected by women, I'd have to say it was because of years of former rejection leading to his becoming creepy, and getting rejected later on for that reason.  And then if you ask me why he suffered rejection before, I'd have to guess that it was due to a possible bunch of other things that, unfortunately, may also include a little defiance exhibited by no less than the liberated woman of our time.

We'll never be able to put our finger on just how much sex crime there was before women's liberation, because a lot of it was not reported; just like we'll never be able to put our finger on it today, for the same reasons.  But I can say this:  The more sex is withheld, for whatever reasons...the more you tease a man, then don't give up what you're dangling in front of him, the more you reject, and reject, and reject...the more you gather up men to get what you want, knowing full well what THEY want, well, it's gonna keep happening, and it's only going to get worse.

Is every man, when rejected, going to go out and kill people?  Nope.  Is every man, when turned down for sex, going to murder, rape or sexually abuse women?:  Definitely not.  But is the possibility that the same normal man may someday snap, or that an already mentally imbalanced male may go on a killing spree because he's still a virgin at 22 likely to occur?  Oh yeah.  I'm all for your rights ladies, trust that.  I'd never go as far as any of these criminals.  It's wrong.  I know that.  But watch yourselves.  Every time you tease a guy with something you never intend to give him, don't be surprised if you flip the wrong switch someday.  Tone it down some, or you may end up with a monster on your hands.

I will say that I disagree with only ONE thing where today's woman is concerned.  A man's first urge out of the box is to have sex.  If you believe in the bible, it's our first command, and our most basic instinct.  If we had our way, we'd have sex every day of our teens and 20's, with about anything we could.  When you take that and make it a privilege instead of a base right, you're going to bring with that, some serious problems.

Give up something here ladies.  Let the men have their I-porn...let them have legalized prostitution.  GIVE MEN AN OUTLET, or sex/sex related crimes will never go away.  Be liberated, I insist.  Just give up something in return, OK?  For your sakes, really.  If this guy, shown below isn't enough to convince you, remember that, before they are 18, one of three women will be sexually abused in some way.



I have just two more things on this post; for one, after rejection, the number one thing most people have said to me is this:  This kid was obviously mental.  It's been said, however, by someone who was prominent in Elliot's life, that he had never exhibited any behavior that presented itself as mental issues.  He'd never been in trouble, had never been seen for anything like this.  A lot of people are saying this is a pretty messed up kid...and yet, a lot of folks are stepping up and saying the opposite as well.

We MUST remember something else that's huge here people.  The media sensationalizes this kind of thing, they have been for DECADES now.  None of this was the norm...until Columbine.  Then EVERYBODY started doing it.  WHY??  10 seconds of fame.  Your footprint in the sand.  If you make this big of a deal of it, people start doing it because they know they're going to be guaranteed a spot in history!!  Stop talking about it on every station for months, and maybe it won't happen as often!!  This one's just one more in a long line since Columbine.  CUT IT OFF!!  Stop it now!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Freedom to Fascism - Part VIII

Whassup?  Here we go....AGAIN, with yet another big installment of Freedom to Fascism!  You know, I started this, originally thinking I would do four or five checks at a time, but it sure didn't take me long to realize that just about every check was a post in and of itself.  I then decided it was likely to last a month.  After I annnouced that, however, I found that some checks were a little redundant, some were already covered in previous posts, and some there just wasn't much to say about.  So after announcing it would last a week, then a month, it seems now that it might be over in 2 weeks.  I can't really decide, but you'll know how long it'll last, about the same time I do...

Here's that link to the list we've been using:

 I'm thinkin' we were on....

Check Mark #15 - A growing number of citizens being jailed for a growing number of offenses.

Well, I'm not too sure about the number of offenses thing...but if you count all the stuff that's been added after 9/11, I suppose this could be the case.  Homeland Security added a great deal of add-ons where jailable offenses are concerned.

As for the growing number of citizens being jailed, it doesn't take much but a good look at how many prisons we have, as opposed to, say, 50 years ago.  About 2.2 million Americans were in the prison system in 2012.  That's very nearly .7 percent of all America.  That number is quadrupeled from the decade of the 1960's, the most jailing decade we'd had up to that decade.  Much to our dismay, it hasn't ceased or declined only grows exponentially.

Now granted, there's a lot more people here in American than there was.  The 1960 U.S. Census back in 1960 weighed our population in at 180,000,000.  The current day population is around 306,000,000, so of course, there's going to be a growth in imprisoned people as well.

The weirdest part of all that, though, is that crime is steadily dropping.  So what the heck is happening???  How is it possible to have a higher number of imprisoned people?

Most disturbing, and the figures that concern the meat of this post are these:

In 1910, there were 113,000 people in jail.  In 1970, we had 335,000 people.  In 1980, there were 474,000.  Then in 1990, that figure jumps to 1,149,000...almost triple the amount.  Now?  Last we checked?  There's 2.2....MILLION people behind bars....(source:  What the heck is happening??????????

Do we put a check in the box for this?  OHHELLYES!!  We really  need to do our homework here, kids.  Something funny's going on, and we need to find out what, and fast.  Let's move on.

Check Mark #16 - Massive use of cameras to spy on citizens.

I think we all know I've covered this one PLENTY (See "The Right To Privacy", X-Ray Satellites, Video Ticketing, etc.).

Check Mark #20 - Disarming of Citizens

Now for those of you that are paying attention?  Yes.  I just jumped right on over checks 18 and 19.  Don't worry.  Those are two that I have every intention of getting back to.  They deserve their own posts.

This one is great to finish this installment up with.  This, by the way, has not been FULLY implemented...yet.  Have you noticed they're kind of working on it though?  Now, I hate guns.  I despise the use of them, I despise hunting, I hate war....I'm a pacivist.  And that Elliot kid's business?  I'm going to write a whole post on him too.  It's coming on the next intermission, probably on Wednesday.  2 days from now.

My stance on the NRA and guns is quite obvious.  My stance on war, even more so.  I don't believe the 2nd Amendment applies to our time.  On the other hand, I'm all for them, but only under this condition.  Martial Law.  Martial Law is the safeguard that our government has to rally the troups and use them against us, in order to protect themselves against a dissident uprising against them.  And the government, I believe, seriously believes in the existance of this uprising, or at least the beginnings of it.  You wanna know how I know?  They've already called a vote America.  It's on the way.

Here's a good one for ya.  Check this out:

Oh he's GOOD, isn't he?  Yes, Obama wants to disarm America kids, make no mistake about it.  Oh, but it doesn't stop there.  Oh no.  All you gun rights folks?  Check through all the stories on the right as well.  Mr. Obama would love to see the lot of you without guns.  Not for your safety.  Not because he doesn't wanna see anybody else get hurt either.  No, Mr. Obama is afraid, after all the stuff he's been pulling, that you might do something stupid, like try to oust him from the Oval Office.  He's right of course, but never fear, his time is almost done, and you've been warned about him plenty.  I may hate guns and what they do, but I hate Presidents who have an agenda even more.  We WILL NOT be a fascist country folks.  Let them try, I say.  Sure, we're a nation of sheep.  But we're not THAT dumb yet....are we?  Let's hope not.

Now, let's take it a step further.  Not only would Mr. Obama like to disarm America....OTHER countries would love to see us disarmed at well!!  There are people that are, at this moment, attempting to get the United Nations to whomp in and take our weapons from us.  Seriously!!??  Wow.  And if you don't believe me, here you are:

Again, I say wow.

Now, I've been pretty lax on keeping up with posts of late.  I apologize, really.  Whaddya say I make up for it by posting so much in the next few days that you get SICK OF ME!!  See ya, real soon even!!