Friday, May 1, 2015

The Ol' Double-Cross (Appeal)

OMG kids...I realize these people have to do their jobs, in order to collect a much needed paycheck (in addition to what other bonuses they make in the adoption and foster market trade), but really?  What DRIVEL!!!  Talk about grasping at straws!  These idiots couldn't find a law if it passed right in front of 'em...(you like that?  I thought it was good!!!).

Now, on the front, there was, as I expected, a demand to keep this confidential.  Hmmmmm...well, the Supreme Court, as well as the Attorney General's office, DID start the war before I even got to the no.  I don't theeenk so.  Deny MY motion to stay Termination will ya?

Naturally, there WILL be comment.  Can't have a farce like this go without that kind o' fun, now can we??  Let's get it on.

Now, the first thing I suppose I should mention, here, is the use of the phrase "Material Facts"...something these people wouldn't recognize if it hit 'em smack across the side of the head...please, continue on...

Issue 1, they state, is that CB...that's me, of course; does not have standing to raise any issues from the CINA proceedings, because I was dismissed as a necessary party and all of the CINA orders are "Res Judicata."  For those of you ignorant of Latin (the dead language we still how is this a dead language then, and why the hell is it still used in our law??), Res Judicata means these issues are moot issues; they've been discussed and ruled on in previous hearings, with no dispute, nor appeal taken by the defendant.  They are, therefore, according to the law, not able to be brought up again; and set in stone.


One more sentence that's important here, is that error was NOT perserved at all.  Hate to tell you folks out there in dream land; I don't know about the error you're showing or preserved in YOUR files, after you altered or destroyed them, BUT ERROR IS MOST CERTAINLY PRESERVED RIGHT HERE, ON AMERICA'S DEADLY SINS, IN THE ENTIRE "AND AWAY WE GO" SERIES, in the blog you were so fond of using over and over again against me, as well as in the four binders containing every single document received from the Juvenile records department, as well as downloaded to my computer via efile; complete with date and time stamps showing when YOUR FOLKS FILED THEM!!!!  Also "preserved", are the 5 full recordings of each and every court hearing I'm in possession of (and their copies in at least 5 different locations in this state), and the recordings of each and every interaction I've ever had with the *ahem* WOMEN of DHS and CFI.  Ain't that special?  And remember, that last one...#9 on that sheet I signed?  Remember?  Was very clearly never agreed to, where NOT recording you and your illegal actions were concerned.  So sorry.  Screw around with the transcripts and burn and alter documents all ya like; and I wish you all the luck in the world getting away with THAT lie.

Sorry, lost my mind for a minute...back to the rest of it.

For one, you all know that this father's rights were terminated in one case; which didn't occur for a month and a half after he had been thrown out of the CINA case, and deemed not a party to THAT case...yet I was left in the termination hearing, so that my rights...COULD BE TERMINATED.  And, since I WAS left in the termination hearing, and, obviously STILL in possession of my rights, (else, why would they need to terminate them?) AND A PARTY TO THAT CASE so that they could do so...then how did they manage to terminate my rights, IF I WAS NO LONGER A PARTY TO THE CASE?  I know, I know...confusing, eh?  So much for that nonsense.  On to part 2 of that, since everything that happens in the CINA case provides need for termination, and helps a Judge decide that termination is necessary, then how is it that everything in the CINA case is RES JUDICATA, and not relevant to the appeal of termination?  Are you starting to get that RAILROAAAAD feeling again???

On to the "discussion" portion of this crap, they bring up...ONCE AGAIN (almost as bad as the permenancy hearing with this one, right?) that the father has been dismissed as a necessary party to the case (after 6 months of fighting in it), because they have established RONALD SHAVER to be the actual father; utilizing an Iowa Supreme Court decision, In the matter of J.C., which states that this father was found to be an unnecessary party...BECAUSE his rights had been, by this time, terminated, and that the child in question was having troubles identifying her true father.  The baby in THIS case hower was not even, as yet COGNIZANT even, and didn't even know how to distinguish light from dark yet, let alone a fake or true father.  She was already having trouble with this anyway, I'm sure, considering the FOSTER father, surely, if at all.  Regardless, THIS LEGAL father's rights had yet to be terminated, yet the Judge JUMPED on his chance to rid the court of the headache of having to address the 500+ motions we had filed NUNC PRO TUNC, as well as all of the evidence that this father had piled up against Emily Nieman and the crooked Judge, William A. Price, in order to bring out the truth of the TOTAL illegality of this entire case.

Later, AGAIN, it's stated that I didn't challenge any of the orders in appeal...and they're right.  I didn't.  I didn't do this because I agreed with the findings found (I most CERTAINLY did NOT), and duly expressed the reasons why not in the petition of appeal.

NOTE THE "NOTE", later, where it covers the Attorney General's butt (he thinks), where she states that just because the Supreme Court denies my stay of termination, that this by no means defines me as a parent or a possible appellant in this appeal...EXCEPT THIS APPEAL IS ABOUT THE TERMINATION, AND I WAS A PARTY TO THE CASE! RIGHTS WERE TERMINATED IN IT.  I WAS A @#$%! father/appellant!!!  Why was I later mentioned to NOT attend the termination?  Why would it matter, if I was NOT identified as a PARTY TO THE COCK-A-DOODY CASE??????????


Add now, that the Attorney General now adds that niether myself (because I wasn't a party now in EITHER case, by definition) NOR the mother (who is, and is listed as pro se in these cases now) has a right to refer to issues in the CINA proceedings, even though it's BECAUSE OF THE CINA PROCEEDINGS THAT WE ARE NOW IN TERMINATION, AND THE APPEAL THEREOF....RIGHT???  You people REALLY need to go back to law school for a much needed refresher course in LAW!!

Now we move on to what is, perhaps the biggest lie of them all.  They state, that we abandoned all 18 of our motions, as well as the motions to address 5 pieces of evidence, which we had worked extremely hard on, for weeks, and had piled up to show this whole batch of proceedings as false, illegal, and in bad need of redress (re-addressing, for you law newbies).  Now, you wanna 'splain to me why I would have, within 10 minutes, ABANDONED THESE BY WALKING OUT OF THE HEARING???  The truth, as most of you already know, is that they had filed a motion to establish paternity like 5 times in both cases, so that the judge, practically before he hit the door, could address this motion first, which also had the added bonus of giving these people a lawful (yet irrelevant) way to throw both the father off of the case, right along with every single motion and piece of evidence he had filed.  ABANDONED HIS MOTIONS MY ASS...


Here's one I love:  That we...or the mother, rather, did not pursue an application for the ICWA, but the county attorney...DID!!!! or around this particular time, WHEN THE CASE IS ALMOST OVER!!...WELL YA...after I filed a motion to INTERVENE HE DID!!

Please, if you will, remember that we didn't find out about ICWA, or the fact that the worker had deprived the mother of even knowing there WAS AN ICWA, until this whole thing was about over.  This was one of the motions these parents had filed just before the permanency hearing, and had the distinction of being the ONLY motion this crooked judge had the desire to hear out; after throwing away 17 other motions and all the evidence we had piled up against him, along with the father.  This is because, if this motion had NOT been addressed, it may have very well cost the man his job as a judge.  They make this look like THEIR effort to find out if maybe the Cherokees might want to be involved, when in fact this had been denied the mother FROM DAY ONE!  It was only because I had discovered that they had denied her this through fraud that it was even brought to light.  LYING LITTLE BASTARDS!!!  So, after the judge threw me, all of my evidence and all of my motions off of the case; and after the mother stood up and asked this biased judge to recuse the case and left also right behind me, he then called his goons, the Polk County Sheriff's office to bring the mother back so that he could find out what he needed to get out of this little mess.  Unfreekin'believable.  Then said we left and abandoned the rest.  Little @#$%!.

To polish off this pile of garbage (on this page, anyway), the broken record concerning the father continues on, stating ONCE AGAIN that I am not a party to this case, and that the father is attempting to represent the mother in this appeal...WHAT???  First of all, the mother is ALREADY PRO SE, and the father is representing HIMSELF, AND IS VERY MUCH A PART OF THIS APPEAL!!!!  Let me see if I can possibly make this more clear for this IDIOT!!  MY.....................RIGHTS...........WERE.........TERMINATED......SO ............OBVIOUSLY.........I.......AM..........A.........PARTY.........TO...........THE............CASE!!!!!!
And, to put the cherry on the top of this melted sundae, he then tries to accuse me of practicing law...ARE YOU SERIOUS?????  Give me a f***ing break. NEEEEEEXT!!!

As much as I'd love to dispute each and every legal site used in this cross-BS, there really isn't any sense in trying to dispute cites used to prove that this BS is correct, or lawful.  I've already wasted more than enough of your time in doing the former, so doing this would just be boring and redundant. But, if it will make you happy, I will take just a moment to point out that the VERY FIRST REFERENCE?  Shows you don't know your P's, Q's, R's OR your S's.  It states...and I quote, "[a]nd therefore he was not a party to the termination hearing."....endquote.  I believe I am, well after the Permanency hearing, mentioned in each and every document FOLLOWING that hearing, where it was determined I was no longer a party.  Sounds to me like I was still a party to the termination hearing folks.  And as that party, my rights were then duly TERMINATED.  You can't terminate the rights of a non-party to the case.  Nice try, too bad, so sad.  Either I wasn't a party to the case, and still have my rights, or I WAS a party to the case, and had them terminated.  I'm afraid you're going to have to make up your minds here.  Either way, this shows what IDIOTS you are, and on that merit alone, have zero defense to my being a party in THIS APPEAL. Phhhhhhhhhht.  I think I've said quite enough, concerning your so called legal cites in defense of your arguments.

FINALLY!!!!  Pompous windy bastards.  On to Issue II.

Now we have these idiots trying to prove to the Supreme Court, that because we didn't show up for the Termination Hearing, that we have NO RIGHT TO BRING AN APPEAL!!!!!

For those of you ignorant in this story, they scared us away from this hearing by FILING HARASSMENT CHARGES, ONE FIRST DEGREE AND 2-3RD DEGREES.  THEY DIDN'T WANT US TO SHOW UP, SO THEY COULD PULL THIS BS!!!  And, just to be certain we didn't show up, they called in the Secret Service!!!!  The unmitigated gall!!  Now, if you continue on to the next page, it states that we seek to justify our absense with information that is not a part of the record.

THIS RECORD?  well was a whole different case!!!!!  Of COURSE it isn't a part of the record.  WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE???  ARE THEY MENTAL?

To conclude this little travesty of justice, kids, let's just say that I was GOING to post the answer that I intend to present to the Supreme Court, but I think I'm going to take some time on it, do it right, then dedicate a new post to it.  I think it deserves that.  Also, it would seem that we have yet ANOTHER name for the Bruce Bitch List.  Welcome, Katherine S. Miller Todd.  You are just another poor unlucky soul in a very long list of people who will ALSO be losing your job over this.  :D

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Psycho-Warfare, Part I


OMFG America!!!  I haven't had a good laugh in a long time, and now I feel like a new man!  I haven't laughed so hard in months as I have today...I'm STILL giggling.  This is so classic of the type of crap these people expect us to swallow...UNFREAKIN'BELIEVABLE.  For REALLIES???

First, I'm going to post the docs...then we'll have some fun with it.

First of all, keep this in mind, before you try and pick out that I'm harassing this poor girl and ruining her life, consider the following:  this woman does NOT have to listen to others talk about how I badmouth her, doesn't have to read my blog, and CERTAINLY never had to listen to EVERY MINUTE of ALL of my voicemails when I left them for her...what, 5 months ago now?  I haven't contacted this woman again in ANY WAY SINCE!  2nd, remember that I haven't seen...nor spoken to this woman whatsoever from July 29th, until ...NEVER, the following year.  Oh, the destruction to this poor bitch's social life, huh?  Poor wittle girl.

Maybe she should have thought about that before stealing my nine day old daughter, then committing perjury on the stand, then lying 55 times in our assessment...HMMM??

Let's start from the top...BUT FIRST, a bit of history.

This concerns a batch of 3 voicemails that I left this woman, on the weekend, around the first of January, on her cell phone, while her phone was turned off.  The worst I ever did was call her a coupla names (that I'm sure describe her perfectly), then threatened her job.

Then, in March, because I was now plugging the Assessment Appeal, which is MAY 14TH AND 15TH, THIS YEAR, AND IS A PUBLIC HEARING, AT THE WALLACE BLDG. IN DES MOINES, IOWA, WHERE WE WILL HOLD A PEACEFUL PRE-HEARING PROTEST FOR JUSTICE @7 A.M.., PRIOR TO THE HEARING...YOU ARE OF COURSE, ALL INVITED!...which stars none other than the removal worker and all of her lies, they now decide to charge me with harassment, and took the charges all the way back to the first day I met the woman.  'Magine that.  Wish I could pull off that little trick!  Worse yet, THEY HAD NO VIABLE PROOF OF THIS...but they drove 2 hours to where I lived (I had no car, mind you), utilizing the help of the Secret Service, (they had no clue where to find me; and were worried that I was going to, possibly, walk to Des Moines, 2 hours away and harass her further, then walk two hours back home again.  The secret service, I imagine, was involved, because some yahoo *coughJAKELANCASTERcoughcough*at the Des Moines Iowa Police Department wanted to make the charges stick better, and find me.  So they scoured my blog and found this sentence. then called the Secret Service to involve them, so THEY could find me..."I'm going to Washington; I'm going to camp out on Obama's doorstep until someone does something about the corruption in my state"...CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT SH**??

Then, wonder upon wonder, all of a sudden, the transcribed voicemails they filed in our juvenile case, magically changed to say (even though I have what they filed, and saw only one sentence even close to it...that, as I stated, threatened her job only)...that I had threatened to kill her.  Again...'magine that.

So they drove me back to Des Moines, where I was held for 3 days, had to bail myself out...get home on my own..and miracle upon miracle, they dropped the charges before I was going to show up for court.  'MAGINE THAT.  Mostly cause they didn't have any proof.

So now, AFTER the charges have been dismissed...well, NOW the woman wants to file a victim impact statement...shown above, showing how I've managed to ruin her life in these last few months...even though I haven't contacted her in any way.  How does that work exactly, again?  Say WHAAAAAA?

Sorry...shiny object.

So on to this...this...thingy, at the top of page one, it asks if she'd be interested in setting up a mediation btwn. the two of us...she says NO, of course.

Then, in this bitch's statement to the Judge, she states that this affects her work and personal life..even though I haven't contacted her for 5 whole months and live 2 hours away...I'm affecting her personal life...RIGGGGGGHT.  Oh, and let's not forget that I speak very poorly of her in public...uh...DUUUUUH!!  You STOLE OUR CHILD, THEN LIED TO EVERYONE ABOUT IT; then if THAT wasn't nearly enough, now I have to spend two days in court refuting the 55+ lies you told in our assessment, in order to stay off of the child abuse registry  I'm sorry, I'm supposed to praise your name in public?  REALLY?

In the next paragraph, the poor abused social worker then goes on to say that she is FORCED to spend more time on this case than what is needed...uhhh...HELLO!!!  THE CASE IS OVER!  OUR RIGHTS ARE CURRENTLY TERMINATED!!!  How, then, is it?  Ohhhh, the assessment appeal you mean, then?  Well, I'm sure she'll have to work very hard on covering her ass for the 6 felony charges she committed, and to remember and justify the lies and the perjurous testimony she told.  Oh gee...I'm sowwy...everybody say AWWWWWWWWWWW!!

Now that that BS is past, let's move right along to page 2.  Now, the check marks you see are how what I'm doing..leaving her 3 messages, threatening her inconveniencing this poor little SW.  The first one you'll see is Court Appearances...NOWWAITJUSTAMINUTE...court appearances?  You wanna know how many court appearances this woman had to attend over us?  Ready for this?  1.  One whole hearing..oh, I'm sorry...and the assessment appeal.  That's 2.  Know how many we had to attend?  7...including the assessment appeal.  I think I need one of these sheets to be filled out by US!  Oh, it gets better...

Then she checks missed work..and then, off to the side, is a paragraph that clearly states that she has NOT MISSED ANY WORK OVER THIS...WHAAAAA?  Oh, I'm sorry...but it affects the time she's spent dealing w/my on-going issues...WHAT ON GOING ISSUES?  I have NOT CONTACTED THIS WOMAN AT ALL IN THE LAST 5 MONTHS!!  How is this ONGOING??

And finally...Inconvenience.  Oh..oh, I'm soooooooo sorry to have inconvenienced you by wanting off the child abuse registry.  I'm sorry I inconvenienced you by disagreeing with everything you LIED ABOUT.  I'M SORRY I INCONVENIENCED YOU BY MAKING YOU FILE CHARGES ON ME TO HAVE ME ARRESTED FOR NOTHING!!

And now, kids, we come to the emotional turmoil I have put this woman through...with three messages I left her that she didn't have to listen to.  The first is FEAR.  Whatever dood.  I am really askeered of that man, he's 2 hours away, has a life and no car, and hasn't had contact with me since..., I'M AFRAID OF HIM!"  Seriously?...okok...let's move on to the next, SLEEP DEPRIVATION.  Oh, you surely know how sorry I am about that...maybe it isn't me, but maybe the fact that you wrongfully stole, not only MY child...but a hundred other ones as well!!  I don't believe I'd be sleeping too well at all.  Next, there's concern for safety.  This is a little redundant, isn't it?  Didn't we cover this under FEAR??  Anyway...

Now, let's move on to what I really love.  Now, after the charges are, she wants to suggest I get probation...FOR THE SAME NOTHING...and a fine...and community service...and, a mental health evaluation (oh no, not falling for that BS again) and yes another substance abuse evaluation, that they couldn't get me to do before...BECAUSE I DON'T DO DRUGS...and expect me to believe that they won't falsify those results again??  You gotta be out of your everlovin' minds.

...and a no contact order...except there is one already.



INCARCERATION...because she believes that I would not take probation seriously. OKAAAAY...then why did you even bother checking the Probation box and wasting all the time and effort describing in full detail why, if you didn't think I'd take it seriously??  I think this is an either or, NOT BOTH...friggin idiot woman. Can you believe the shit coming out of this proven lying bitches lips?  UNREAL!!

In conclusion, she writes that I would continue to have no contact with her...oh believe me, I have absolutely no wont to even look at this woman's lying face..until the assessment appeal.  Too bad the no contact order will NOT APPLY THERE...hehe.  Finally, she rants on about how I continue to write about her in my blog...TILL THE END OF TIME, SOCIAL WORKER, OR UNTIL YOU'RE IN PRISON, A OR B IS FINE WITH ME; n several anti-DHS online forums and groups...uh...why do you believe there are SEVERAL online groups America?  Because CPS is good and perfect?  WROOOOOONG!!


That I continue to write about her to news stations and political figures.  So sorry.  Really?  Wouldn't YOU?  Gimme a fucking break.  Have a nice day, and see what happens in court, I say.  Get over it.


OK these people are just plain ol' pissin' me off.

Today I got my first piece of great news from the Iowa Supreme Court.  We provided these ass-wipes with only 6 little things...that cost us over $200 and a whole weeks worth of man-hours, including typing, editing, printing, collating, 3-hole punching, binding, stapling, then running down to the post office in order to mail these guys 4 packages, with 2 full reams of paper (printed with almost 2 full ink cartridges full of ink), with over $15.00 worth of postage on them.  Those 6 little things were:

1.  The petition of appeal, with a blue cover, 21 pages.  17 copies

2.  The original petition of Termination:  7 pages, 17 copies.

3.  The AMENDED petition for Termination:  ALSO 7 pages, 17 copies.

4.  The Termination Order:  13 pages, 17 copies.

5.  The Motion to waive confidentiality.

6.  The Motion to stay Termination.

Of these, they already had numbers 2-4, practically already in their laps.  It was just down the street at the courthouse...and was probably already on efile, where they could have moved their mice a couple times, and sent to print, and WHAM.  Coulda saved me over 429 sheets of paper, 1 full ink cartridge, black, and $7 worth of postage.  Can't have that, now can we?  HELL no.

Then, there was the Petition.  357 white pages, 17 blue cover pages, at about 1 ink cartridge, 4/5 of a ream of paper, and around 8 dollars in postage.

That doesn't even include the notice and the combined certificate.

Now, after looking over this ENTIRE case, and asking for EVERY SINGLE COURT DOCUMENT, prior to the Termination order, and everything we brought in both the petition and the combined certificate...after every bit of wrong these bastards pulled on us...all the evidence thrown out, records falsified, etc...the sonsabitches had the deny a stay of Termination.

I pulled out a voodoo doll, one for each Supreme Court Judge and jammed each and every one with a drill bit.  It didn't help.

So, I'm guessing, these people have NO intention of playin' fair.  Fine!  I don't plan to be fair either.

Enter Phase II of my evil plan.
Psychological warfare.

Now, they don't realize it yet?  But this has ALREADY been that.  Now we step it up a few notches.

We'll start out by calling in to see just how that motion to drop all charges in the 1st degree harassment case is doing.  It had best be doing something and fast, or a counter suit will be filed well as one to bring slander and libel against the county attorney's office.  Then we'll work on everyone else.

Then we work, once again, on the fosters and the church that supports them.  They are in the process of getting videos of people who slam the system, and who are very respectable influences, as well as some good ol' informative articles and anonymous videos offa youtube.  These will be the people that crack first, I'm betting on it.  Remeber, to this day, not a SINGLE ONE has asked me to stop, save the fosters...and they will never stop getting emails from me, till they BEG me to stop..and stop being fosters; I don't give a shit HOW many 3rd degree harassment charges I get.

Next, we get to work on the Government.  Remember the sidekick program, right?  Well, we sent this little ditty to an agent named S.T., after I watched him open like, email #13 this week:

"I'm just slightly curious...

Are you going to just open all of my emails (I have a program that tells me each time you do, by the way), and never do anything with this?

JA was the person who referred me to you.  She said you contacted her, and offered her a certain amount of help.

She also said that it had a lot to do with the idea of immunity...well, everyone in Iowa that has even a little to do with this subject of child supposedly immune to prosecution, and goes out of its way to say so at each and every opportunity.  This, of course, has created corruption in our, EVERY state on levels that go from the Governor all the way down to the nurse who changed her diaper when she was well as to the lunatic woman on 4 psychotropic drugs who admittedly, in a letter she wrote to me, that I posted on my blog, once tried to drive her and her husband over a cliff...the same who called...ONCE...and told CPS that we were doing and dealing drugs in our apartment...and was never heard from again.  This woman is now in Florida somewhere, and has completely and utterly destroyed our lives..and CPS, the courts, attorneys, the county attorney, the Attorney General, the Judges, the doctors, the nurses, the reporter...are all...every one..immune to prosecution for doing wrong, in removing our 9 day old baby from the mother's care.  And here you sit.  Opening my emails.  And doing NOTHING.

Let it be said that opening THIS email..and still doing every bit as big a crime as if you had removed our daughter yourself.

Sleep well.  If you can."

Needless to say...he opened that one as well...then STILL did NOTHING.  Big Surprise there, right?

Then, of course, the lot of you know about all the emails I've been bulk mailing.  The latest fare included a copy of the slam on Foster Care in Tedx and the Anonymous video that was made to tell the world about CPS.  I love this job...whatever it is I do, anyway.

Better yet, and most importantly, I've been garnering a hell of a following, thanks to the radio show.  I have a few SUPER shows coming up that may just raise the roof on the number of listeners.  Thursday, we have the Reverand Rosemary Dalton, an advocate of the higher order for children and parents, and this Saturday, we have Asher Gemler...and I believe you know who that is...DONTCHA?  Ought to be a couple of really FABULOUS shows.

I'd like to take just a minute to ....*wipes a tear from the corner of his eye* thank some people for the special place they've earned in my life.  Marti Pike, my #1 fan.  Hopefully I don't get in a car wreck and end up in a wheelchair...but if I do, I think I'll be O.K. with Marti holding the sledgehammer and threatening me while I write my newest post series, while she froths at the mouth screaming "write the COCK...A DOODY....POST!!"...hey, at least I have great looking fans...:D

To KSB, you're the shit dood.  KSB and I will be moving over to SNN.BZ soon to syndicate our radio shows, and will be the new home for this blog as well.  KSB (A.K.A., The Captain) and I collaborated early on, and I think it's gonna be a long and prosperous friendship.

Thanks to fans Rudy Orr and Asher Gemler, Honey Lee Buhlman, Michelle Rabe, Wendy Greene, and the rest of all of the groups...some of these people have been promo-ing the crap outta me, and I don't believe I coulda made it this far without their participation.  A big giant slobery kiss for these people...I don't give a shit WHAT sex you is, you're gettin' one anyway!

OK, enough of all the sentimental mushy crap.  Let's get it ON!!...GOD I loves the I-net.  The psycho-warfare has BEGUN!!  :D

Monday, April 27, 2015

Adoption For Money And Big Bucks - The Reprint

NOTE:  You can find the update to this story at this address.  Jim Black of Angel Eyes Over Texas researched this to provide us the update:


Well kids, I just gotta say this.  If, there has ever, been even a smidgion of doubt in your minds that what is happening is happening for no better reason than money?  This is it.  The One.  No doubt, after reading this article reprint from the Massechusetts News.  I give them full credit, a standing ovation, and kudos for the rest of their lives for putting this out there.  ENJOY!!, and may this stick in the side of the "Adoption Business for an eternity, and until ALL are brought to justice for this obvious crime against human-kind.  ROT IN HELL!!  Plenty of seats are available on THAT train.  And I thought President Clinton was one o the best Presidents we've had in a while.  He just made the "Worst Presidents of All-Time" list for this one.

"Adoption Bonuses: The Money Behind the Madness 

Child "protection" is one of the biggest businesses in the country. We spend $12 billion a year on it. 
The money goes to tens of thousands of a) state employees, b) collateral professionals, such as lawyers, court personnel, court investigators, evaluators and guardians, judges, and c) DSS contracted vendors such as counselors, therapists, more "evaluators", junk psychologists, residential facilities, foster parents, adoptive parents, MSPCC, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, YMCA, etc. This newspaper is not big enough to list all of the people in this state who have a job, draw a paycheck, or make their profits off the kids in DSS custody. 

In this article I explain the financial infrastructure that provides the motivation for DSS to take people’s children – and not give them back. 

In 1974 Walter Mondale promoted the Child Abuse and Prevention Act which began feeding massive amounts of federal funding to states to set up programs to combat child abuse and neglect. From that came Child "Protective" Services, as we know it today. After the bill passed, Mondale himself expressed concerns that it could be misused. He worried that it could lead states to create a "business" in dealing with children. 

Then in 1997 President Clinton passed the "Adoption and Safe Families Act." The public relations campaign promoted it as a way to help abused and neglected children who languished in foster care for years, often being shuffled among dozens of foster homes, never having a real home and family. In a press release from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services dated November 24, 1999, it refers to "President Clinton’s initiative to double by 2002 the number of children in foster care who are adopted or otherwise permanently placed." 

It all sounded so heartwarming. We, the American public, are so easily led. We love to buy stereotypes; we just eat them up, no questions asked. But, my mother, bless her heart, taught me from the time I was young to "consider the source." In the stereotype that we’ve been sold about kids in foster care, we picture a forlorn, hollow-eyed child, thin and pale, looking up at us beseechingly through a dirt streaked face. Unconsciously, we pull up old pictures from Life magazine of children in Appalachia in the 1930s. We think of orphans and children abandoned by parents who look like Manson family members. We play a nostalgic movie in our heads of the little fellow shyly walking across an emerald green, manicured lawn to meet Ward and June Cleaver, his new adoptive parents, who lead him into their lovely suburban home. We imagine the little tyke’s eyes growing as big as saucers as the Cleavers show him his very own room, full of toys and sports gear. And we just feel so gosh darn good about ourselves. 

Now it’s time to wake up to the reality of the adoption business. 

Very few children who are being used to supply the adoption market are hollow-eyed tykes from Appalachia. Very few are crack babies from the projects. [Oh… you thought those were the children they were saving? Think again]. When you are marketing a product you have to provide a desirable product that sells. In the adoption business that would be nice kids with reasonably good genetics who clean up good. An interesting point is that the Cape Cod & Islands office leads the state in terms of processing kids into the system and having them adopted out. More than the inner city areas, the projects, Mission Hill, Brockton, Lynn, etc. Interesting… 
With the implementation of the Adoption and Safe Families Act, President Clinton tried to make himself look like a humanitarian who is responsible for saving the abused and neglected children. The drive of this initiative is to offer cash "bonuses" to states for every child they have adopted out of foster care, with the goal of doubling their adoptions by 2002, and sustaining that for each subsequent year. They actually call them "adoption incentive bonuses," to promote the adoption of children. 

Where to Find the Children

A whole new industry was put into motion. A sweet marketing scheme that even Bill Gates could envy. Now, if you have a basket of apples, and people start giving you $100 per apple, what are you going to do? Make sure that you have an unlimited supply of apples, right? 
The United States Department of Health & Human Services administers Child Protective Services. To accompany the ASF Act, the President requested, by executive memorandum, an initiative entitled Adoption 2002, to be implemented and managed by Health & Human Services. The initiative not only gives the cash adoption bonuses to the states, it also provides cash adoption subsidies to adoptive parents until the children turn eighteen. 

Everybody makes money. If anyone really believes that these people are doing this out of the goodness of their hearts, then I’ve got some bad news for you. The fact that this program is run by HHS, ordered from the very top, explains why the citizens who are victims of DSS get no response from their legislators. It explains why no one in the Administration cares about the abuse and fatalities of children in the "care" of DSS, and no one wants to hear about the broken arms, verbal abuse, or rapes. They are just business casualties. It explains why the legislators I’ve talked to for the past three years look at me with pity. Because I’m preaching to the already damned. 
The legislators have forgotten who funds their paychecks and who they need to account to, as has the Governor. Because it isn’t the President. It’s us. 

How DSS Is Helped

The way that the adoption bonuses work is that each state is given a baseline number of expected adoptions based on population. 

For every child that DSS can get adopted, there is a bonus of $4,000 to $6,000. 

But that is just the starting figure in a complex mathematical formula in which each bonus is multiplied by the percentage that the state has managed to exceed its baseline adoption number. The states must maintain this increase in each successive year. [Like compound interest.] The bill reads: "$4,000 to $6,000 will be multiplied by the amount (if any) by which the number of foster child adoptions in the State exceeds the base number of foster child adoptions for the State for the fiscal year." In the "technical assistance" section of the bill it states that, "the Secretary [of HHS] may, directly or through grants or contracts, provide technical assistance to assist states and local communities to reach their targets for increased numbers of adoptions for children in foster care." The technical assistance is to support "the goal of encouraging more adoptions out of the foster care system; the development of best practice guidelines for expediting the termination of parental rights; the development of special units and expertise in moving children toward adoption as a permanent goal; models to encourage the fast tracking of children who have not attained 1 year of age into pre-adoptive placements; and the development of programs that place children into pre-adoptive placements without waiting for termination of parental rights." 

In the November press release from HHS it continues, " HHS awarded the first ever adoption bonuses to States for increases in the adoption of children from the public foster care system." Some of the other incentives offered are "innovative grants" to reduce barriers to adoption [i.e., parents], more State support for adoptive families, making adoption affordable for families by providing cash subsides and tax credits. 

A report from a private think tank, the National Center for Policy Analysis, reads: "The way the federal government reimburses States rewards a growth in the size of the program instead of the effective care of children." Another incentive being promoted is the use of the Internet to make adoption easier. Clinton directed HHS to develop an Internet site to "link children in foster care with adoptive families." So we will be able to window shop for children on a government web site. If you don’t find anything you like there, you can surf on over to the "Adopt Shoppe." 
If you prefer to actually be able to kick tires instead of just looking at pictures you could attend one of DSS’s quaint "Adoption Fairs," where live children are put on display and you can walk around and browse. Like a flea market to sell kids. If one of them begs you to take him home you can always say, "Sorry. Just looking." The incentives for government child snatching are so good that I’m surprised we don’t have government agents breaking down people’s doors and just shooting the parents in the heads and grabbing the kids. But then, if you need more apples you don’t chop down your apple trees. 

Benefits for Foster Parents

That covers the goodies the State gets. Now let’s have a look at how the Cleavers make out financially after the adoption is finalized. 

After the adoption is finalized, the State and federal subsidies continue. The adoptive parents may collect cash subsidies until the child is 18. If the child stays in school, subsidies continue to the age of 22. There are State funded subsidies as well as federal funds through the Title IV-E section of the Social Security Act. The daily rate for State funds is the same as the foster care payments, which range from $410-$486 per month per child. Unless the child can be designated "special needs," which of course, they all can. 

According to the NAATRIN State Subsidy profile from DSS, "special needs" may be defined as: "Physical disability, mental disability, emotional disturbance; a significant emotional tie with the foster parents where the child has resided with the foster parents for one or more years and separation would adversely affect the child’s development if not adopted by them." [But their significant emotional ties with their parents, since birth, never enter the equation.] 

Additional "special needs" designations are: a child twelve years of age or older; racial or ethnic factors; child having siblings or half-siblings. In their report on the State of the Children, Boston’s Institute for Children says: "In part because the States can garner extra federal funds for special needs children the designation has been broadened so far as to become meaningless." "Special needs" children may also get an additional Social Security check. 

The adoptive parents also receive Medicaid for the child, a clothing allowance and reimbursement for adoption costs such as adoption fees, court and attorney fees, cost of adoption home study, and "reasonable costs of food and lodging for the child and adoptive parents when necessary to complete the adoption process." Under Title XX of the Social Security Act adoptive parents are also entitled to post adoption services "that may be helpful in keeping the family intact," including "daycare, specialized daycare, respite care, in-house support services such as housekeeping, and personal care, counseling, and other child welfare services". [Wow! Everything short of being knighted by the Queen!] 

The subsidy profile actually states that it does not include money to remodel the home to accommodate the child. But, as subsidies can be negotiated, remodeling could possibly be accomplished under the "innovative incentives to remove barriers to adoption" section. The subsidy regulations read that "adoption assistance is based solely on the needs of the child without regard to the income of the family." What an interesting government policy when compared to the welfare program that the same child’s mother may have been on before losing her children, and in which she may not own anything, must prove that she has no money in the bank; no boats, real estate, stocks or bonds; and cannot even own a car that is safe to drive worth over $1000. This is all so she can collect $539 per month for herself and two children. The foster parent who gets her children gets $820 plus. We spit on the mother on welfare as a parasite who is bleeding the taxpayers, yet we hold the foster and adoptive parents [who are bleeding ten times as much from the taxpayers] up as saints. The adoptive and foster parents aren’t subjected to psychological evaluations, ink blot tests, MMPI’s, drug & alcohol evaluations, or urine screens as the parents are. 

Adoption subsidies may be negotiated on a case by case basis. [Anyone ever tried to "negotiate" with the Welfare Department?] There are many e-mail lists and books published to teach adoptive parents how to negotiate to maximize their subsidies. As one pro writes on an e-mail list: "We receive a subsidy for our kids of $1,900 per month plus another $500 from the State of Florida. We are trying to adopt three more teens and we will get subsidies for them, too. It sure helps out with the bills." 
I can’t help but wonder why we don’t give this same level of support to the children’s parents in the first place? According to Cornell University, about 68% of all child protective cases "do not involve child maltreatment." The largest percentage of CPS/DSS cases are for "deprivation of necessities" due to poverty. So, if the natural parents were given the incredible incentives and services listed above that are provided to the adoptive parents, wouldn’t it stand to reason that the causes for removing children in the first place would be eliminated? How many less children would enter foster care in the first place? The child protective budget would be reduced from $12 billion to around $4 billion. Granted, tens of thousands of social workers, administrators, lawyers, juvenile court personnel, therapists, and foster parents would be out of business, but we would have safe, healthy, intact families, which are the foundation of any society. 

That’s just a fantasy, of course. The reality is that maybe we will see Kathleen Crowley’s children on the government home-shopping-for-children web site and some one out there can buy them.

May is national adoption month. To support "Adoption 2002," the U.S. Postal Service is issuing special adoption stamps. Let us hope they don’t feature pictures of kids who are for sale. I urge everyone to boycott these stamps and register complaints with the post office.

I know that I’m feeling pretty smug and superior about being part of such a socially advanced and compassionate society. How about you?"

Massechusetts News
DSS and affiliates rewarded for breaking up families
By Nev Moore
Massachusetts News

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Let My Children Go! - Part 4

It has been said, there are none so blind, as those who will not see, and deaf, those who refuse to listen.  The stench of crime and corruption reaches the leaders of our nation, and yet they turn their heads to our plight and carry on.  For those of you who reject your senses, and ignore the cries of your brethren, a special spot in the Lake of Fire is reserved only for you and you alone.  To those ignorant or naive of the darkness looming over our great nation, open your eyes and force your gaze upon those who are willing to bear the torture of the destruction of the family unit, and fight to right wrong, unlawful and illegal behavior in those who claim to serve their citizens.  I hereby call you to ACTION

                                                                                                   - The Mighty Sword

This is the last of the "Let My Children Go" I had to post the 2 most recent pix I made for it.

The paragraph above, however, will be posted and reposted...again, and again, and will represent, for all of America and the world, as well as each and every individual State, County, City and family residents that have endured the suffering, pain and agony of this Government's actions against them; as well as their inactions, in their direct attack and eventual destruction of each and every person involved...parents, grandparents, mothers, fathers, siblings, immediate families, relatives, friends and neighbors.  The American people as they stand now, united, with their faces turned towards the sky, crying out for their Government to take heed to their plight, shall not endure this torture for much longer.  We ask, now, that action be taken...or action may come, regardless.

So sayeth the Mighty Sword.