Sunday, November 15, 2015

CPS threatens to cut off all visits with my child if I talk about the fe...

Published on May 11, 2015
This was a confrontation of myself and CPS caseworkers telling me I couldn't talk to my daughter about our the federal lawsuit against them, or the Constitution.

Additionally they tell me that we cannot speak about our lives together before CPS interfered with us, or our future when CPS stops interfering in our lives.

It should be noted, I have never been found guilty of any maltreatment, neglect or abuse, and all "supervision" claimed by these workers was based upon no grounds or cause, they just did it because they can and because they feel their decisions and control over my child are superior to my own natural parental rights.

Even their characterizations of my daughter's behavior is facially inaccurate - their own notes of our visits show that my daughter never acted up, or was upset, or anything but happy and engaged during our visits; their own statements here show no connection between my daughter's visits or conversations with me, and her being upset.
Any other behavior occurs long after she leaves the visits, and other people are in control of her, and I am not around to be with her. The angst and upset comes from not being with her father anymore, not the other way around.
Their own inability to care for my child and keep her happy, is too embarrassing for them to face up to, and transparent skapegoating me is the only explanation they can summon to save face.

Shortly after this video, the county filed another neglect/abuse petition against me to shut me up, and to interfere with the lawsuit against them even further.
They claimed, without proof or evidence, that conversation about a federal lawsuit against them, was causing emotional harm in my daughter. This was despite the fact that my daughter wanted very much to have such complaints made, and to be reunited with me again as father and child.
They essentially extorted me to stop the lawsuit, at the threat of never seeing my child again.

These edicts and prohibitions violate a half dozen Constitutional rights of both myself and my daughter, as well as creating a conflict of interest, where the defendants are interfering with the very civil rights action against them so as to usurp our case against them, another violation of law.

1 comment:

Thank you very much for your comments! Thank you again!! I value your opinions!