Thursday, April 10, 2014

Day #16 - Pharmaceuticals and the Companies That Produce Them

Man....I just gotta say it.  Twitter is my hero.  Thanks to them, I now have 35 followers to this blog.  Thank GOD for the internet and all it entails.  There might be hope for this world as yet.

Whoah....Day 16.  Crazy, right?  Not nearly as crazy as today's beef, however...easily the #1 problem I have with America to this date.

I love this shot, at the pharm companies our government keeps throwing money into.  They won't legalize something as stupid and commonplace in our society as marijuana, but will throw more dangerous unneeded and addictive drugs like these at us, no problem.

What''s really going on here kids?  Mother nature gives us green and we spit in it's face, but man-made and dangerous pills are OK??  Are we INSANE?  

No doubt in my mind.  Pharm Companies and the geniuses that run and promote them are targets at best.  Pull out the long-range missiles that you're allowed to arsenal, thanks to the NRA, and let's take our best shots NOW, before they infect yet another generation.

Here's my favorite thing though...we let these people keep running!!  After years of studies that have vegetated or killed off some people.  After knowing full well what these drugs have been known to do to us.  After seeing lawyer's commercials time and time again on every station talking about lawsuits against these pills and their manufacturers.  After we see commercial after commercial that says "Here's a drug for your depression...but it may cause cancer, AIDS, violent seizures, and ultimately...death."...and we still ask for them, let them be prescribed to us, and gladly gulp them down when we take them, whether with meal or not!  OMG!!  WE ARE insane!!

Keep in mind, people (or re-read, PLEASE), Day #13 - Mental Health.  We aren't sick, at least not the majority of us.  We have been duped by these companies, the government, our healthcare system, our psychiatrists, etc. into believing that everything we go through in our daily lives is due to some type of mental illness!!  These are NOT illnesses, they are normal everyday different behaviors...things that make each of us unique!!

I think I've said more than enough about this.  Other articles in this series expand on it enough.

Quit making these companies rich, and never let your doctor set you up with an arsenal of pills to keep you alive, or normal.  These drugs, often taken, will screw us up to where we need others to fix what the first pills did to us.  Get a clue!!  Especially, if you're trying to stay alive.  If it takes their pills to keep us alive, you weren't meant to be.

Day 16 has gone on long enough...onward!!  :D

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