Monday, June 23, 2014

Political Views & How they just suck. Big Time.

Hey kids.  Whatcha say we have some fun today, hmmmmm?????

OK, we're gonna start this out on the lighter side, because some of you might be beginning to wonder what I am.  What view am I?  Where is me?  Well, see, that's what I'm talking about.

I'm sure a lot of you, in referring back to .... sayyyy...the post entitled "Solemn Moment" where I make it very....clear...where I stand.  Where am I?  Outstanding in my field.  That's where I am.  But it's OK, I'll do it again, because it's important that you know what to call me.

I'm not left, I'm not right, I'm not conservative, liberal, democrat, republican, independant, whateverthehellholeyouwannaputmeinitjustaintgonnawork.

One of the biggest things that makes me angry about the issues and political views is:  It doesn't friggin' matter.  If I stand Liberal on abortion, what is that going to matter once I get in?  Do you believe things are going to change?  They're not.  We'll be fighting over this 100 years from now, just like we were fighting about it 100 years ago.  We'll come up with new thoughts on it, sure, and as times change, things might get so different we may just come up with our own solutions.  Until then?  Put it away.  Pack those things in boxes, then label them for opening later.  In case you haven't noticed?  We have real in your face issues that need to be fixed.  Today.  Screw that other stuff.  It doesn't matter.

I refuse to be on a side.  That's what a politician does.  Did you forget?  The UN-Politician.  That's about to be the thing people remember about me the most.  Don't ask me about the issues.  I've already related those...over.  And over.  And over.  That is NO LONGER the problem America.  Now, when the dust finally settles (if it EVER does) and things can be back to normal, not all up in the air like it's been the last two administrations...then you can ask me about that crapola every day of the week.  Right now, the problem is that we're about to lose everything we've fought for the last 235 years or so (give or take a decade) and now it's time to stop worrying about the paltry stupid things we've been arguing about for decades to no avail, and worry about that humongous shadow that's been hanging over our country since the Clinton Days.  It's because of all these shiny objects, that you and I are in this pickle.  We're so damned concerned about the "Issues" and where these people stand on them, that you're missing the BIG. GD. PICTURE.

We're gonna lose our country and all you people can talk about is whether we have a fetus in the womb, if it's human or not?  Really?  What's all that gonna matter when you get shuffled into a Russian concentration camp?  Who's gonna be talking about capital punishment when your family is murdered by the Chinese?  Finally, what amount of national attention will there be on affirmative action, the economy, education, embryonic stem cell research, energy, euthanasia, our role in global warning, gun control, healthcare, homeland security...etc., what's ALL OF THAT GOING TO MATTER WHEN WE NO LONGER EXIST AS A NATION, when the Government calls Martial Law in order to reign us in, when China or Russia takes us over and half of us die defending our country against the world, who in this country is going to care about Immigration?  NOBODY.  Matter of fact, we'll probably be swearing in the lot of Mexico, once we get in that situation.  We'll be scrambling to make them all citizens, with all our blessings, should we ever come up against someone else in war.  Last but not least, who's gonna care about anything...if we're DEAD???  N-O-B-O-D-Y.

So, what am I?  I'm someone who's eyes are on our immediate future, who loves this country and what it USED to stand for, who wants to continue to enjoy the same damn freedoms I've enjoyed since I came out of my so-called mother's womb.  I want to be free, I want to be happy and I want to pursue everything that makes me both of those things.  I am...nothing.  Only a member of the population of these United States.  A member, who, God willing, will still be able to run for President in 2020.  If we don't go belly up by then.

Do you feel me America?  Get where I'm comin' from?  Good.  Now get a clue, and quit worrying about where I stand, where he stands, and where everybody everywhere stands.  We have bigger fish to fry, and I suggest you heat the oil, and quickly, or it won't matter about the minnows you're grasping at.

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