Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Solemn Moment of Silence - The Death of the Dishonest Politician

Wow, what a ride, right?  For those of you who have absolutely NO friggin' clue what just happened there?  See, anyone you see on TV, in the papers, on the Internet, well, there's no transparency, period.  These people that come along, you know what they want you to know.  You know what they allow others to tell you.  Who am I speaking of?  Presidents.  Vice Presidents for that matter.  Your Senators, Representatives, Supreme Court Judges, etc., etc., etc.  Who are these people and where do they come from?  What have they done in their lives that we little people really know about?  When do we usually find out what their secret demons are?  When they get to office, 9 times out of 10.  Is this right?  HELL no.

I'm beginning to think that, someplace, they must have a politician genetics farm, where they hand-raise these people, and, when they mess up in office...(like when Bill goes for Monica, Richard M. forgets to tell people he's spying on others, or when G.W. says something that doesn't make any sense), well, it's back to the genetics lab, and we try for something a little more acceptable.  This is probably how we arrived at Barry, we were getting sick of the demand for a black President, so we threw in some African-American DNA this time, just to see how acceptable he'd be.  "Not too much...just a sprinkle.  We don't wanna piss off the white voters COMPLETELY, ya know...And when he's gone, well, back to the ol' drawin' board.  And we WERE gonna try Hilary in 2016...Because of all the screaming about a female President...but I think we'll back it off some...maybe bring out a new star right after the election....We really screwed it up with this Benghazi crap, didn't we?  Oh well....maybe...Chelsea, for 2020!!"  Who knows.  It seems like there are some really strange people that pop up for this crap at the last second...and does anybody know them, or know where they came from exactly?  I never do.

I just think, really, more than anything, that it's bizarre that almost no one who runs for office, as corrupt and greedy and...HUMAN we Americans have become, that nobody we elect ever seems to have any kind of a record, or hasn't ever done a damn thing wrong in their entire lives...but as soon as they're in, they're messing up, and with record-breaking fervor, no less.  You can't tell me, unless our Government is actually a secret corruption factory (which I refuse to rule out entirely), that all of these people are corrupted by their offices alone.  Which, of course, leads me right back to that politician genetics testing farm theory. "Oh damn.  We forgot to weed out that addiction WONDER he bought crack and got caught smoking it!  Ohhh.....that's right, we threw in a little African-American to appease the Washington D.C. voters that time, didn't we?  Jim, you really gotta make sure that 'love of crack' strain is sifted out entirely when you make the next mayor, OK?...sheesh. And no more high blood pressure either...I don't know HOW many times I gotta say that!!  Oh well. Back to the drawing board!!  Try again people, and this time, let's get it right!!  And I don't think that Barry thing is working out anymore, no more politicians named Barry, first OR last name.  The people are beginning to make the connection!"

I guess what I'm trying to say here, America, is that it's about time you knew who in the hell you were dealing with next time.  If it's not too late, I have big plans to run for the office of President next time around.  For those of you just picking me up for the first time, I plan to run in 2020.  There's going to be some big differences here though.

1. The most important difference here between me and the rest of the usual rabble we'll have cropping up to run for office that year will be the fact that I'll be the most open book you're ever going to see run for this or any office.  Dig all you like, but you guys all know...well, everything.  If you're new here, and you know NOTHING, well, please read, start to finish, the entire INTERRUPTION OF SERVICE series.  I've left out as little as possible.  Everything's there.  I dare you to find ANYTHING you don't already know.  Every card is out there, and my heart, bearing a tattoo of the American Flag, carried by an Eagle, is on my sleeve in neon.  I love this country (in general), and want to see the days we were happy, respected and prosperous RETURNED!!  I'll warrant, when taking a poll that this country's pride is suffering at record levels, that a lot of people, at this time, would say they aren't as proud of US anymore as they used to be.  When the sun comes up, the first words out of my mouth are usually "God, I hate this place."  Yeah, I'm usually referring to Des Moines, Iowa, when I say that...but I think, deep down, that the U.S. is also on my list of intended targets as well.  I feel the need to reiterate this statement, I'M NOT GOING TO BE THE PERFECT CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT.  I don't think anyone in this country can say they are.  I won't be either, but you're going to know that, as well as why.  That's the IMPORTANT difference.

2.  I won't be full of it.  This, the 2nd of the most important things we should make sure of before ANYONE runs for the highest office, goes hand in hand with #1.  No more BS, no more hiding, no more lying, and NO MORE DISHONESTY, ANYWHERE.  No more promises I have no intention of fulfilling once I get what I want, no more hidden crap, no more secret agendas, no more NOTHING.  We're all tired of it.

3.  Nothing...and I mean nothing will be done without the acceptance of the people.  Our offices will be there to serve the people.  The doors will open, and all "Cabinets" laid bare.  The open door policy will indeed be in place, unlike Obama's play scene.  Letters will be answered by ME, not some pre-fab letter writing program.  I remember writing four letters to the current President, 4 to different senators, and 3 to various Judges in Washington.  I got nothing but pre-fab back.  I couldn't believe it.  Did anything I discuss get any sort of notice, come up before anyone...ANYTHING AT ALL??  Nope.  Nada.  All valid, nothing crazy.  Simple stuff, really.  Not a peep back or action taken.  Just dead air.  This has got to stop.  This is the greatest and biggest indicator that the government is out for the government, SCREW the people.  Who gives a crap, RIGHT?  We're already here, what are they gonna do, huh?

4.  I will NOT...I repeat, NOT take a single...thin...dime for my campaign.  I will not be seen flying over America, nor will you pass my Limo on the road.  No, keep your eyes pealed America, because the fanciest thing you might see me in will be the Lincoln Town Car that picked me up on the side of the road, as I walk across America to get the way that you really feel about things.  Look for that, and do it soon, my plan, ultimately, will be to be on the road by Nov. 5, 2016.  I'll be looking for shoe donations, that's for sure.  It'll be of the "Man in the Wilderness" philosophy.  I want to be amongst you, show you I"m just like the rest of America...Tired, get the picture.  What I will take, however, will be your support, your input, and your hospitality.  I want you to take care of me while I'm out there America, I'll take a ride, and we can talk about your concerns and your issues.  If you'd like to put me up at the motel you run on the side of Highway 69, come on by, let's play some spades, and we'll talk about what you'd like to see happen from 2020 til 2024.  "Hey, there's a restaurant my Uncle Tim runs, just over there, you want some dinner?"  I'm good with that.  I want no money though, America.  I want you to know that your President's soul is as clean and bare as it can be when I get to office.  There will be no corporate sponsors, no buy-offs, no bribery.  I won't make a single promise, I won't guarantee anything, I won't smile and say "It's gonna be all good, don't worry."  It's not gonna be easy, all good or any of this.  It's gonna be a hell of a battle, if I manage to make it through the front doors.  Washington isn't going to want me there, of that you can be sure.  But then, I won't be there to make Washington happy, either, so the hell with it.  Bring it on, I say.

5.  We will, without question, right any wrongs, with haste.

6.  I will not be a party affiliate.  I won't be left, right, radical, liberal, conservative, archaic, independent...none of it.  I will be human, I will be fallible and I will be an American...and most of all, I will be a Patriot. That's all you need know, right?

7.  If I die along the way, or I get assassinated for running, then you'll know what's what, and I have no problem with it.  I WANT to be a martyr for America folks.  If it comes to that...and you know that it's likely, that if I'm that popular, knowing my views, It may just indeed come to that...and it's important for you to know that I'm ready for that.  And, when it does happen, if it's unavoidable, I'd like you to completely ignore the Parties' attempt to shrug it off and continue on....and try again, with someone else you want.  See, they don't want me in office, you know it, and I do too.  They'll do everything they can to stop me.  I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't open my door today to an assassination drone sent by Barry himself.  The important thing you have to do though, is TO NOT ROLL OVER.  DON'T YOU DARE.  Blow off the caucuses...raise your voices, and put your next candidate for President on your shoulders, and carry on.  I WILL BE A MARTYR TO HELP BRING BACK THE AMERICA WE ALL KNEW...AND STILL LOVE TO THIS DAY!!

Whatever it takes.  You know what we all need.  Let's bring it back, and take it back.

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