Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Beating the DHS Railroad Job Part III (B) - The Court Hearings (The Reasonable Person Theory and Reasonable Efforts)

Hey guys!!  Sorry.  You know I have things to be.  People to do.  Bizzay, Bizzay Boy.  My apologies.

So where were we again??  Oh yeah.  The dispositional hearing.

Like I said, you have this one at around 3 months in.  Now, you might notice some things to be somewhat...different.  First, the hammer D.A., the one DHS needed to make sure things went their way?  They step down, and someone either a lot nicer or more easy going (less experienced) comes in.  A new player.  Why?  Well, because "the Hammer" has already done her job.  Thanks to her, there's no way you're gonna get out of the water you're currently drowning in (she thinks..).  You're a horrible parent and person, and all charges have, like I said, been written on your criminal nametag as a description of what you've done and the evil parent you really are.  She's done HER job, and DHS is pleased that all is going according to their plan...eventually terminating your parental rights.  Now, you might be lucky.  Could be that they've got their quota, and you could be the one who gets her kids back...but then you might not.  Maybe DHS needs babies for their adoption drive this year...or maybe they need more money from the federal government...who really knows the mind of our state department of gods/godesses, right?

Now, the dispositional hearing's purpose is to "find out how you and DHS are getting along...", and to find out if you're acting like a good little sheep and playin' nice.  If you're not?  If you are?  Please don't forget, this all depends on several things:  If DHS likes you, if your worker likes you, and if the Judge likes you...but if they've got a h****n for your kid(s)?  They'll rule against you yet again.  This will be more than likely.

So, after yet another disappointing loss?  You then head towards the baddie of the bunch, just one little step away from the Termination of your Parental Rights, which, since I haven't gotten there yet, I'm guessing comes almost immediately after this...the Permanency Hearing.  This hearing, I'm guessing (but I think I have more than enough proof that it most certainly is about this) is that this is where the Judge decides where the kid should be....PERMANENTLY.  With you, or with foster care/up for evenuual ADOPTION.  If it's a newborn, she'll probably be offered, first to the parents currently in force as taking care of her, and if they want her, they'll get her.  If they decide they've got more than they deserve already, and if you have relatives that aren't all as wicked as you, they may offer the child to them.  But I think that sometimes, they just go right to least, in my case she will.  Yeah, I believe they have been coming up a little short at the Adoption Drive of late, and need a few more prizes for interested people to win for themselves.

This hearing, MUST occur, by law, at 6 exact months.  Some Yahoo in congress, more than likely at the state level, passed a law stating that 6 months is more than enough time for people to decide what's more important, winning their case by whatever method they BELIEVE no one has tried yet, in an effort to get their children back some other way than playing this game; or your kids.  If you go for option one, you're more than likely gonna lose...from start to end.  It's already been decided.  Why?  Because they pick and choose their well as their losers.  These people have been doing this forever, remember?  They know, a mile off, who the kids they want are, and which parents are guaranteed losers.  Here's the deal with that though...some of these idiots think YOU'RE an idiot.  As a matter of fact, most of  go out of their way just to prove you are, just so they can assess you ahead of time to see what they're up against, I'm guessing.

That makes perfect sense to me...they ordered a mental health eval on me almost immediately.  The funny thing though?  They said they don't need mine.  You wanna know what's even funnier though?  Every bit of my "Long standing mental issues"; as the courts and DHS are trying to prove me as having?  They don't exist.  First, for the longevity part of my "Issues", they fell onto the fact that I was in a mental institution when I was eight, for 8 months.  There wasn't anything wrong with me.  I was one of the first gens of kids to experience the beginning epidemic of ADD/ADHD.  Om, I was a button pusher, of that there was no doubt, AT ALL.
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As to your methods?'s BEEN tried, and it's BEEN done...maybe not PRECISELY like you're doing, and maybe not with the same kind of players...but damn close, I guarantee it.  Unless you have something so I do, and some more...I'll just say "Unusual quirks" and special interest/circumstances"?  You're headed right to TPA, believe it.  So.  This is what it's going to come down to.  You're gonna lose your children, or you're gonna play by sheep rules and MAYBE get them back.  And because you only have one shot at this, and only 6 months to do it in...being totally ignorant (until now anyway) of how this all works, and your attorneys are actually on the side of the state, and the judge is against you before he even hears a single word out of your mouth?  It'll all be over before you even know what happened.  You lucky person you, you're gonna choose which road to travel.  I'm going to repeat this though.  To keep these people honest, and MAYBE win, if you're lucky enough to have things not so kosher happen during the course of all of this, RECORD EVERYTHING...texts sent and received, all interactions...and if you know what you're doing, you might even be able to get your court hearings recorded too.  Either that, or you will have to pay for the DVD of your little hearing...for around 300 dollars...any way you have to do it, make sure and record all.  This is the ONLY chance you have, and your chances of winning just on any one injustice alone, done to you, could be the way you can win those children back, goes way up, trust me.

There will be one more installment of this part of the series, Part III (C), concerning the Reasonable Person Theory and Reasonable Efforts...and one more whole part IV...and it will be coming soon enough.  After I win, of course...also coming soon enough.

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