Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Going For The B***S, Revisited

Looking back at the beginning of this, And how life was,
Just you and me and love and all of our friends, Living life like an ocean,

But now the currents slowly pulling me down, It's getting harder to breath

It won't be too long and I'll be going under, Can you save me from this

'Cause it's not my time, I'm not going
There's a fear in me, It's not showing

This could be the end of me, And everything I know

Oh, I won't go

- 3 Doors Down

All right kids, the time has come.  Now, I had no intention on doing this till waaaaay After the termination hearing, but see, those soulless heartless and conscience-less bitches at DHS just sorta forced my hand.  So...come back to this one, or just let it come to you...because this is payback time.  Remember "Going for the Balls II & III?  Child's play.

It's about that time, and, quite simply, it's about time.  So here it is, America.  Every.  Single.  CONFIDENTIAL.  Document...concerning this case.  See, today, for no better reason than my callouts, these bitches filed charges of harassment; which they did before, with NO success, mostly because, obviously, they had filed it with someone that was obviously a bit more sensible and honest, and, as you remember, they used stuff that I had proof to the contrary for.  This time they evidently made some s*** up instead.

This time, they reported it to a Detective Lancaster, an asshole who didn't want to hear a word I had to say; nor, obviously was he nearly as honest OR sensible.  This time, they got their warrant out, and filed from July all the way to present day.  Of course, any detective with any sort of moral compass or a lick of anything resembling sense or logic would wonder why they decided to wait until now

There's only one...eetsee, beetsy problem.  THIS FATHER???  Doesn't live there anymore.  Too bad.  So sad.  See, they gotta find me first.  Then they gotta çatch me.  NAHNAHNERNAHNAH!!  I don't think they extradite for that sorta thing.

So, like I said, please check back and check back often.  We're printing them out as we speak, and comments need to be added, facts (they say) need rebutting, and things need to be sorted for a timeline's sake.  But it will be a day to remember, of that you may be sure.  So I need to get on it, lord knows how much time I might have.

Oh, and one more thing...judgy.  Won't be attending that hearing you have planned...no, these defendants aren't nearly that stupid.  And Gosch, I'm really sorry to put your business out there (coughcoughEsthervilleIowaJudyGoschsputter), but...not really.  I plan on sending a whole packet to yer parents, just so they can be prouder of their little 20something girl for stealing babies and breaking up families.  And, this week, we should be meeting with yet another parent and her mother to compare cases, and see what kind of s*** you might be pulling on them as well.  Damn I'm getting excited!  The U.S. Attorneys are too.  They might have to show up to take you and the rest of the court gang to Club Fed.  Hope you're planning to attend...cause I'm just gonna sit back....wherever I am (snickers) and watch the fun from afar.  :D

Oh, and detective? One more thing..wahwaaah, wahwahwewaaaah...lol.  It's a biiiiiiiiig country, and I don't drive...GLWT.  What's more, now YOU'RE on my list as well, not a good place to be, where your job is concerned.   I'm currently in the process of documenting your calls as you're harassing ME ..Not only that,  but if you call again, I will change my number, and then carriers...so I wouldn't call again.  There...NOW I'm proud of myself.

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