Saturday, June 20, 2015

The Final Days of the (Free) United States, Part I - The Elite

You knew we were going there, didn't you?

This is it kids.

You wonder, as you watch the Twitter feed, what the hell is going on.  You wonder, as you sit in your living rooms and watch the news, what the Hell is really going on? You read the papers, you go to Youtube, WHATEVER, and you wonder THE THE HELL IS FUCKING GOING ON!!!???

Lemme tell you, in case you're just too ignorant...too brainwashed...too duped, to figure it out for yourselves...It's all over.  America, is over.  The land of the free, the home of the's over.

Worse yet, it's not just us over's them over there as well.  Japan?  Over.  Australia...over and out.  England, Ireland, Germany?  OVER OVER OVER...and gone.  History.  Humanity?  As we know it today?  Done.

Oh sure, you've heard this before.  HOGWASH.  Bullshit.  Crazy talk.  The end of days?  Yeah right.  That's what they said in the 60's...the 70's...the 80's...and just about every year since then.  Whatever dood.  Keep it up crazy boy.  Whatever you say...

Except this year?  Things are a little different.  You can hear it...taste it...feel it deep down.  The stench has reached our noses, and yet we still look away, plug our noses...This time it's for real.  Keep the blinders on, who knows?  It'll all go away....RIGHT??

Not this time America.  No way, no how.  Chemtrails...what did you think that was all about?  Well, here you go:

OKOK, that's real nice.

Agenda 21?  It's not even close to a secret anymore kids...but just in case you're still in the dark, by a longshot...

Who is behind all of this, you ask?  Is it Obama?  Yeah, could be.  But it's not him, nor did it start with him.  No, if you really want to blame Presidents, there are much better "candidates".  The Clintons.  The Bushes.  Yeah, those make a lot more sense...but it doesn't stop with them.  No way, no how.  Here is proof that Obama doesn't have either the sense or the brainpower to pull off such a thing:

No, it's a little deeper than that kids.  But it's at this point that I need to ask you...the red pill, or the blue pill?  Where do you wanna go with this?  How much do you really wanna know?

Here's where we first heard it.  This is where it started in America.  At least, this is where it started...publicly.  Really, it started a lot further back than that.  No, this started back in 1913, for real.  This is where it was that we lost our way.

This video here, will, over it's extent, explain how financiers are the ones who really started our decline...

This video further explains things.  Although put together by Alex Jones, a decided nay-sayer, the man has too many facts and tells the story all too well to ignore it.

Now you get it.  It's the United Nations.  The Elite.  The Illuminati.  Whatever you wanna term it, however you wanna put's about world control, about world domination...about the New World Order.

Let's start with Obama and what he's done to us.  Obama...all by himself, in just one term, has spent...with money that he printed out of thin air, more than the previous Presidents that we've had...combined.  6.5 Trillion dollars.  Where did the money come from?  How is this money backed?  Gold?  Haven't had gold since the 30's.  Anybody remember when the Government asked for all the gold its citizens had?  That was it.  But it's in the Fed.  Fort Knox.  Right?  I'm sorry.  No.  If you're really and truly not sure, let's go back here, to day 6 of my series...

And what of our national religeon?  What does the bible say?  Is this our time?  You decide...

We will continue.  Next we talk about FEMA..and the relation of this to what God says.


  1. Its nice to know another person who isn't afraid of the truth. However, I was hoping to be proven wrong about all this. Keep fighting the good fight. God Bless.


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