Monday, July 27, 2015

The Vision Quest, Part IV - The Journey Home (B)

Welp...I made it.

More thanks are needed here.  No question.

Thanks go out to my new Native American friend Chase Ironeyes.  Chase is a big activist for the Sioux Tribe, and he got me to see Arvile, the Medicine Man's place in Green Grass, and took me back to my new Elder Mother's house again after the big Sioux Meeting there was over.

First, a HUGE thank you to the guy who got me out of Beresford, S.D., and saved me from having to take even MORE moolah away from my already teeny bank draw...Mike B.  You're the shit dood.  This guy and his dog Roo took me outta S.D...and all the way home.  You're welcome to the house anyday friend.

Then, of course, there was the wonderful law enforcement team in and around Beresford.  They tried to get me a hotel room for the night, but thanks to the 75th Anniversary of Sturgis (that was due to get 1.2 million visitors this year), and a local concert, there was "no room at the inn" for this traveler.  Instead, they dumped me at Truck Towne in Beresford, where the wonderful night manager immediately directed me to the travel lounge, where they had mucho comfy sofas to sleep on...ahhhhhh.  I passed out with little urging.  The new owners of just three weeks welcomed me in the morning, and pointed me onto my way.

Prior to that, there was the matter of Sioux Falls, which, if you remember, was a bane to me the first time around.  I had to walk several miles from there this time around, and almost got stuck in a real bad storm before the local sheriff found me.

Fargo was another nightmare.  I spent nearly 36 hours there, before Scott and Bonnie rescued me and took me all the way 40 miles from Sioux Falls.  You guys were mahvelous.  Again, thank YEW, thank YEW!!

Finally, goin' alllllll the way back to Bizmark, ND, I forgot a very important thank you, and a plug for a 3 month old temp agency named Labor Match, run by two very special ladies, the owner being Mary Wolf.  Thank you for getting me the work to get me on my way.  :D

In conclusion, it wasn't a bust.  I did find myself, just not really in the way I had originally planned...well, and that wasn't all bad either, at least I got to witness and participate in the Buffalo Ceremony, and saw the pipe bundle.  More than that, I got to interact with the whole Sioux Nation. So much more than that, I made some really good friends on my trip, including many Sioux.  How many idiot white konchillas can say that??

So....I'm home now, and it would seem that it's more important than ever to warn y'all that the end is quite near.  I leave you now with a link to more news that's important for you to know.  I give you all, Global Currency Reset...the most sneaky and underhanded method with which our government intends to pull the plug on us:

*Update*....'Twould seem that I didn't know that the Global Currency Reset...has already occured, in April.  Twon't be long now, and monopoly money will be worth more.  Prepare, my brothers and sisters.  Martial law is just around the corner.

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