Thursday, May 24, 2018


CITIZENS OF IOWA!  I give you more proof that the FBI is going through your PRIVATE EMAILS, sent you by me...because John P. Sarcone, County Attorney, does not want you to be aware of the crimes he commits against citizens of Iowa.  Did you know that he prosecutes...get this...1100 cases against Iowans EVERY SINGLE MONTH OF THE YEAR??  For those of you who don't like having to pull out your calculators, that's 13.200 crimes a year.  I have his own attorney stating this on the record of the court.  You're going to tell me that this many crimes occur in Des Moines, Iowa and the surrounding cities every month?  Do you believe that? I'm sorry, I got a bit of a problem with that figure, personally.

Folks, you've been going to ballot box for years and re-electing this criminal in charge of the Polk County Attorney's office on the basis that he's an incumbent, and is doing his job and doing it well.  1100 cases?...I'd have to say he's doing his job a little TOO well...wouldn't you?  It's also important to mention that the man's offices sit behind 4" thick bulletproof glass, and you can't even leave the man a voicemail if you don't tell the secretary the reason you wanna leave one.  Sounds like a criminal to me.  4" of bulletproof Des Moines Iowa.  I'd say the man MAY be doing the wrong thing, wouldn't you?  And has anyone seen this guy, other than once or twice a year?  I haven't seen him even once...and I should have, considering the sheer number of cases I've been pulled into over the last 4 years...let alone the fact that I've called him to be a witness in 3 cases, and a defendant in my current one (see below/feature article).  He's managed to weasel out of them every...single...time.

It's time you rid yourselves of the mafia kingpin, with a stranglehold on your county...cause next might be you.  I love it when people say "Well, that'll never happen to me..I don't do the wrong thing."  With the sheer number of codes and statutes that they pass every year, it will soon be IMPOSSIBLE FOR YOU TO NOT COMMIT A CRIME.  You'll stay at home?  Uh UH.  With the 5G prison system coming out, added to social crediting?  You won't be able to brush your hair without the world counting along with you.  You post one thing on Facebook the Government doesn't like, and you can kiss your social credit buying power to run itself down to nothing.  Every little opinion, every little statement you make will  be used against you...and suddenly, you won't be able to travel, rent a house...oh, they're already doing this in China and don't  think it won't come here?  It already has, friends, and you're about to become victims of the same sort of slavery.  Get these criminals out of office NOW...or you may go first.


  1. Can you say P.R.I.S.M. Surveillance, come now Bruce. ALL communications are indeed monitored...😉

  2. Wow and we are powerless against the CRIMINALITY


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