Thursday, May 17, 2018

The Final Ball o' Wax - Connecting the Dots

This post marks the very last of my truth-telling days.  The podcast is finished, the tour is over, the blog can croak for all I care.  Google keeps my truth from getting out there to all it could anyway, so they can kiss mah grits too.  And, what's more, the people of this country either care nothing for the truth, don't wanna believe the truth, and don't wanna hear it either.

But before I go, there are some revelations that I've come across the last couple of weeks that have helped me piece the whole thing together.  All the dots have connected, and all the pieces of the puzzle that I've been collecting for years just all fell into place one day.  The faces involved have crimes associated to them now.  It's time we let the world know what's coming to them, and that you will never win out...mainly because you have no time remaining, and are dead asleep, anyway.  So here it goes, and may God have mercy on your soul...if you even have one left to have mercy on.

You are fully aware of the elite of this world by now, if you haven't been already.  If you're not, just look up anyone named Rothschild, The Bilderberger group, the United Nations (who is completely owned by these same idiots), Rockefeller, get the picture.  My name is there too (Bruce), and yet obviously I am not contributing, nor benefiting from their evil.

They control business, commerce, and are all immune to all suit.  They control all the energy sources, they control all the media, and they control the food supply.  They control the sciences, they control the judiciary, and they control and rule over all governments of the world.  Most importantly, they control all the wealth of the world, and give out only what they have to, in order to achieve their ultimate domination.  I personally dread the day they achieve that goal, by the way, because it will be then that they've gotten all they ever desired...and next will be new ways to entertain themselves with the few of us that are left.

The reason these people still exist (why, as a world or race, have we allowed these truly evil people to continue to exist?  You have to ask yourselves that) is because they time travel.  The technology exists.  They go back and correct anything that goes wrong, and do over.  3 days, is their max, I've heard...but that's all they really need, isn't it?

Anyway, there are other technologies that you have yet to be made aware of.  Someone just invented (and patented) a cloaking device too.  They have all they need folks.  DARPA has handled the rest.  Bullets that can be guided now, once they're fired.  Cyber insects with little chips installed in their brains to control their flight patterns, suits that can turn soldiers into name it.

DARPA by the way now controls social media, and all the information that comes with it.  Facebook building eight is run by their head people.  The reason you can't get away from it and go elsewhere should be obvious.  They control you now.  Not this horse.  My profile is disconnected in 24 hours.  I'm sure they have all they need on me, but they won't get more, not unless they find me on the little island in Fiji I intend to inhabit that has no other life that's human on it, and unless they pump my stomach for it.

So let's go there.  First, the elite control and own everything and everyone.  Not you, you say?  Sorry.  You're not free.  You don't have any rights.  You don't own anything.  It's been sold and doled out from underneath you.  All your items of value belong to them.  Your currency was devalued and stolen from you ages ago.  You're owned.  You're property.  And you did it with your knowing about it and doing nothing.

Your children are now all screwed up.  They have the mental capacity of a paper clip.  They're separated from each other and church and family, they've been dumbed down to the lowest evolutionary level, and are about to come into their own.  We only slightly smarter people are all but dead now.  Those who remain will make perfect slaves.

There exists only two laws in this world.  God's law and Satan's law.  Satan's law is the law of contracts.  The people of the judiciary follow it religiously.  Therefore, they are Satanists too.  The world is full of them.  Stars.  Recording artists.  People in power.  Pedophiles.  Politicians.  They're all subscribers, and Satan has bought and paid for them all.  Therefore, the law of contracts rules.  You're all Satanists too, though you know it not.  You of the U.S. are default Satanists, because you listen to certain songs and sing along, eat meat, drink soda, all tainted.  Stem cells have been found in soda, thereby, you are cannibals.  Whatever the way or the means, you all consent by consumerism.  That's why the U.S. will be the first to go.  You are in the final stage of the empire...decadence.  I'ts the ME generation, and you will all burn for it.  My cell phones are all gone.  Wireless everything is out.  Bluetooth, gone.  TV (did you know that TV is mandated by law in Britain, India and China?  BY LAW.  WHY?  They don't have to do that here, we all have one anyway!) has been sold.  The next to go will be when I move to a little island...internet.  No more will I be controlled.  I will just be dealt with when 5G goes up, but I'll at least know what's happening then.  The vehicle that pays their salaries in my state?  Gone, soon enough.  I will not be blamed for the sin of gluttony.  I refuse to contribute.  I will file to get my driver's license canceled. My signature, by law of contracts, will be rescinded, with a vengeance, and on file in every possible way.  They will not be aware of who I am any longer, though they may be able to identify me anyway, I will not be found, not by anything I supposedly "consented" to.  Soda and meat are both out of my diet now, I will only consume ACTUAL minerals and vitamins.  My cigarettes are also gone.  Detoxing is my ritual now.  I will not die from malnutrition, and my immune system will be as strong as it can be.  I will live a lot longer than you...and by a lot longer, I mean more months.  Years is now out of the question.  Your materialism, however, will also claim your soul, something I intend to keep.  God's law will rule my life, once I am out and away from the U.S.  No more consenting through ignorance for me.

The non-growth of the human race is proceeding nicely.  China controls their population by allowing only the rich to pay to have children.  We're all next on that agenda.  The birth rate in the U.S. dropped by nearly 600,000 from 2014 to 15.  We are all being sterilized through radiation.  As for us non-affected as yet people, 5G will finish the job.  All that aluminum they've been dumping into the atmosphere will be ingested, and the microwaves will reek havoc in our bodies.  We will no longer be immune to anything, and we will be shot up with vaccines that will polish a great deal of us off.  These will be mandated by law.  Bill Fucking Gates just dumped 15 billion into the two biggies of vaccination.  I'd say he knows something none of the rest of us don't.

We're finished you guys.  It's over.  No one wants to know, or be involved; or, God forbid, do anything about it.  We are asleep.  Because we are asleep...we're dead.  Goodbye human race.  I pity the ones who remain to take care of the ruling elite.  You will have it worse than any of us.

So.  How will it come?  First, there will be the financial crash.  It should have happened in '08, but they were waiting for another technology.  The good news is, your country didn't bail out the banks.  The elite did it.  The bad news is, they were doing it for a reason.  The technology was not yet in place to kill us off.  Well, it is now.  Microwaves.  5G.  Here it is then.  Financial crash time.  Time for your beast mark, the one that will allow you to be a slave, and sing for your suppers.

Next, will be the 2nd 9-11 false flag, which, should also occur on....9/11, not sure about the year, although it might just be 9/11/2021 to be in sync.  For those of you that don't know it yet, the very first speech about the New World Order happened on 9/11/91, via GWB I.  The first false flag also happened on 9/11/2001, ten years later, via GWB II.  It may wait til 2021, to be in sync with the Agenda 21, by the same name.  It will probably be a nuke attack, though anything is possible.  Russia will be the biochemical target.  China will surrender after a great fight.

Trump is our last hurrah U.S. President.  Obama, the anti-Christ, will be the new world leader.

Somewhere along the line, probably sooner than we think, the 5G towers that have ALREADY been installed will create a new "disease", which will probably caused by your exposure to them.  Bill G. has predicted that pandemic to occur in the next 6 months to a year.  Then, vaccines to "cure" this little number will be mandated by law to be taken.  Most will die here, or worse, be paralyzed or sicker still.  Bill Gates will clean out the market.  The new world order will now make it's move.  The halogen collider, in Switzerland, will be used to either time travel, open inter-dimensional gates to the unseen world of Satan, or both.  The reincarnated and re-named HARP system will control the weather, and who lives and who dies.  The sun will be blotted out, to ensure that no one gets their vitamin D, or to to prepare for those interdimentional beings; I'm not sure which.  The world what's left will then be suffocated slowly.  The rockets used to launch the 5G satellites, thousands per each telecom company, will emit carbon and chlorine enough to destroy what's left of the ozone.

Finally, how do they intend to escape their own destruction?  The North Pole.  The last frontier.  Where no man of any importance has ever been.  They've been there plenty, though.  They know what's there, all the United Nations know.  Mammoths.  Prehistoric life.  Rich supplies of energy, minerals and oils.  71 degree temps in January.  Mars.  That's where the rest will go.  This world is toast.  We are toast.  This is Christopher Bruce, the (so far) living man, signing out.

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