Saturday, April 20, 2019

The End of Life as We Live It, Part III - Is this it? ("The Facts," Page 2, Fact #6)

My mother never gave me a lot in my life.  She didn't lend me her car, or attempt to help me get a license so I could learn to drive and pass that course.  She never told me "The facts of Life", never prepared me or tried to help me transition to a place on my own, never told me how to handle my finances...was very much not a contributing factor to any portion of my life.  A big nothing.

She did, however, give me three things.  On the health side (and the lighter side), she gave me a weak bowel; I know, about 2 minutes before that, that I have to go, and I've got 2 more before it makes its "MOVE."  Boy, hasn't THAT been fun.

She also provided me my sharp wit and sarcastic demeanor, with an nice side-ability I can pretty much live without.  I can not only put you on the best guilt trip you can buy, but I can get you the best seat on the train, and help you pack too.

Then there's #3....and this, my good friends, is the gift that I appreciate most.  I have an intuition and knowledge of people that is, quite simply, very nearly infallible...and it has, over the years, served me well, far beyond my expectations.  Only 1 person....EVER, has managed to pull the wool over the eyes, but it consoles me that I was able to find out that I was, by no stretch, alone.  This guy had fooled hundreds in 10's of states by the time he worked his magic on me...and even then, I saw the end of his foolery and his demise, long before others involved in my state did.

With this gift, I can spot a bad egg at 500 paces.  I can tell within 5 seconds whether I'm going to like someone or not, and within 5 minutes more (this is all face to face, generally) I can tell you basic facts about you and your personality.  Another 5 hours, and I can practically tell you your life's story.  I can even tell people things, sometimes, just by looking at a picture showing a full view of your face.  I believe that makes me somewhat empathy-driven.

Today, however, is a day that I do not really appreciate this gift.  Today, I wish I could distance myself from it, far far....FAR away.  Today, my stomach is doing the Flippies, and I don't like the Flippies....the Flippies, for one, are never wrong.  For another, these are BAAAAAD Flippies.

It all started with our current day President.  I have to say that this president did manage one thing....he saved our lives...for now.  Under Hilary, we would have been but a distant memory in the days to maybe weeks after her inauguration.  Trump just bought us a few more years.

There was a short but sweet period of time that I shared our country's enthusiasm, and thought maybe they were right....maybe he did have THE PEOPLE in mind.  Not any more.

3 reasons.

#1, the Julian Assange Debacle, and his complete support of...and subsequent denial of WikiLeaks, like he knew absolutely nothing about it.

#2., his incessant push for 5G, which is, by far, the most ridiculous, stupidest and most dangerous thing that we have ever implied our consent to be installed, since the world began.

Reason #3?  The arrests of those who sought to destroy our country.  They did not happen...nor, do I imagine, will they ever.  All those indictments aren't for the deep state....they are, in fact, for those of us who are in the way of the plan of BOTH sides.

Folks, believe that the U.N.'s Agendas, those labeled 21 and 2030 are still very much in play.  There is no Q Anon....and there has never been a vetting of his information, for reliability.  It hasn't happened.  You're being played....again.

Another thing worth mentioning, major blows against these agendas, in 4 wars, are happening in OUR FAVOR, as we speak.

War #1, the FINAL VETTING of 9/11, as well as all that were involved?  Is very much coming to light, and howdy.

War #2, the exposure of the real purpose behind Child Protective Services.  That should be evident in nearly every strand of my blog.

War #3, against the dangers of TODAY'S vaccines.

War #4 - The worldwide and overt omni-present war...against 5G.  It is ramping up, and fast.  Faster than the enemy ever thought it might.

Because of these four very significant micro-battles, and the good people who wage them that are winning, we come to possess a light sense of victory, of security.  This security, is FALSE, MY FRIENDS.  It does not, and will not exist...for long.

I present to you several quotes from "The Art of War", a novel I have read only briefly...but just enough to warrant a series of excerpts from it:

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” 

“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”

“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.” 

And, probably the most relevant of these is this quote:

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

- Sun tzu, The Art of War.

In relation to quote #1, I only refer you to "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars."  Find a copy here:

As for quote #2?  The enemy has been here for a very long time, has passed down its knowledge to its inherits without fail, and has meticulously paid attention to the history only privy to them, those who more than likely fabricated it all.  Of this you can be sure:  The subversive tactics practiced by this enemy have been all done, without your knowledge of them; only your suspicions.

Quote 3 tells us the manner of these subversive tactics.

As to quote 4 - In order to know your enemy, you must first recognize who your enemy truly is.  It isn't Government, though it would be nice if it were in fact, that simple.  It isn't the military industrial complex, and it isn't the elite.

The Enemy, my dear you.  It's you as it pertains to you, and it's you as it pertains to the enemies that present their faces to us today.  You are, as the old saying goes, your own worst enemy.  Know yourself...and know what you can do, what power you have, and what you're capable of doing....and you may just win out.  Otherwise?  We are well as good as outta here.  Please, if you would...wake up.  The end is very very near.

I leave you with a conversation had between a friend of mine, and a future friend of mine.  This should tell you what is coming, and what this technology is really about....5G isn't about a cell phone upgrade.  It's a weapon.  Has been for a few decades now, folks.  Should this get any more of a foothold in our country, you'd do well to just stick your head in the microwave, and press the on button.  It's sure to be a quicker and more humane end, than the one they have in mind for us.

The names have been redacted to protect the communicators...

In case this makes no sense to you....5G towers have a minimum of 10 times the range they're telling us they do.  Get it?  Not only that, but they estimate that over 800,000 towers will have to be installed nationwide for this (currently, there are 250,000), and a launch of 20,000 new satellites (when there are, at present, less than 2,000) explain to me how they are safely guessing profits into the billions, some even trillions in the next few years?

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