A deadly new virus is discovered…there’s no treatment or cure…it’s highly contagious…everyone is a potential victim…the world is at risk from asymptomatic super-spreaders…new clusters of cases reported daily…Everyone must get tested even though the tests are unreliable…positive antibody tests are called “infections” and “cases” even when the patient has no symptoms…every politician gets involved…media hysteria in high gear…activists demand salvation from government and Big Phraud-arma…Billions of dollars are authorised for fast track drug and va$$ine research…simple, effective remedies are rejected while expensive, dangerous ones are pushed……presumptive diagnoses…exaggerated death statistics…falsified death certificates…C-19?No.AIDS in the 80s.Every single fraud technique being used today to “sell” C-19 hysteria was invented in the 80s and 90s by Monster Fraudci to sell the AIDS narrative.The first and only film to put Dokterrorist Fraudci where he belongs: squarely in the middle of the AIDS story.Demolishing the AIDS narrative is one of the keys to undermining the C-19 phantasy and it will save millions of lives here in the US, in Africa and around the world."
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This warning is on just about every package and box of masks sold on American shelves today. Think maybe these companies MAY be trying to tell us something?? |
This article will include a lot of information gleaned from the "real" news (??) and from the REAL real news, (yes, that includes this blog), using some content recently posted from my article entitled "The Plan-*****, Part 3 - GOOD NEWS FOR A CHANGE - THE FINAL ADS POST", showing just below this one, and more. That post is also the Feature Article...at present. It is painfully obvious to you by now that I have chosen to NOT post "finally". I tried, I really really did try; but I can't help myself...when I see evil at work, I just HAVE to say something!!
In this article, you shall see COVID numbers as they have been presented by the Commonwealth of Kentucky; and they get to those folks straight from the office of Kentucky's current Governor, Andrew "Andy" Beshear (where they came from before that, or where these numbers originated from is, I'm sure, a mystery worth looking into.) You will see what other Governors are doing to their own Democratic supporters in other states. You will also see the ever changing numbers and recommendations of "The Experts" as presented by those of the CDC, the agency of Government that is largely believed to regulate health in these United States, and regulate information concerning that health.
Also in this article, we fully intend to draw all the lines needed to show where this is all coming from, as well as all of the "who" that might benefit from this little scenario of ours. That particular line takes a rather deep dip into the valley of U.S. corporate and Government corruption, as well as high into the mountains of those of the 1% who control everything we need (and everything we don't need as well) and everything that happens...here, and in the rest of the world.
Most of all, we are going to attempt to completely DEBUNK the myth/scare/panic that is COVID, or at the very least, dial the damn thing back down to the flu-like level that it SHOULD be at. Since this is the state I reside in, and I'm living in the same city as my demon-crat Governor, we shall be using KY to show just its part in this deception, and take our due 1/50th or better of the blame.
DISCLAIMER: For those who believe that there is NOTHING WRONG with our country (and that there hasn't been anything wrong with our country since "The Great Depression"...until President Trump took office anyway, if you listen to most Democrats); who do not believe in supposed and often TRUE (Alleged) CONSPIRACY THEORIES; who subscribe to and believe in both the "News" and the purity of those that we put in office; who regularly cop out using the phrase "I do not follow politics;" I suggest you turn away now. Nothing you see here will change your mind, because you are a good little "U.S. Citizen;" which for a good while now, has been wrongfully interpreted to mean "Law-Abiding Taxpayer." The law you are abiding by is not God's law, and hasn't been for many a lifetime. What you are abiding by is MAN's law, and man's law does not even apply to you...unless, of course, you consent to it, which of course, you have, in many ways. Worse than that, you are a sheep, hopelessly programmed, fast asleep (and loving it too), and you are doomed to your inevitable fate. I prefer that you go, trust me.
Other groups that I know won't be interested in this article (or this blog, for that matter) include, but are not limited to: People who believe that vaccines are safe, effective, and are supported by "Real Science"; people who believe that Child Protective Services is a good and wholesome agency of Government, whose sole purpose it is to protect America's children from abuse in their homes, people who do not at all believe that the Government would ever be involved in Government sponsored and legal (and illegal) child kidnapping, child trafficking and pedophilia; people who believe that ANTIFA and the BLM are "Peacefully Protesting" across our nation ( you know, by tearing down and chopping off the heads of statues, looting and rioting and starting fires, all PEACEFULLY) and that the "Proud Boys" and Trump Supporters (all white supremacists and racist domestic terrorists, MOST of whom simply travel from city to city, talk about the love for their country and drink beer) are destroying our country while fully armed; people who believe that Government loves you and truly cares about your health and welfare...except for the time they passed the one Government sponsored act of Obama's that USED TO penalize you for not being on it; people who believe that 9/11 was planned and accomplished by a group of highly organized terrorists (with box cutters) from the middle east, that never died and didn't know how to fly jet airliners into buildings with the amount of accuracy needed, yet somehow managed to bring down Building 7 using no airplane at all; people who think that a lone gunman was responsible for the death of JFK (and MLK...and Bobby Kennedy) and that the CIA was not at all involved; people who think Obama was a wonderful President who did no wrong and had a beautiful wife (ack!) and family, and who loved him and miss him terribly; people who believe that Hilary should have been our last president and got the shaft because the other side colluded with the Russians (surely it had absolutely NOTHING to do with the fact that she is a criminal, a murderer, a child trafficker and a demon worshipper;) people who believe in the recent surge of senseless laws condoning infanticide (killing babies DURING AND AFTER birth) and finally, all people who live in Democratic states who fully support their party and the absolutely insane lunatics that they've become of late. (Welp...there goes half of my audience.)
Last Disclaimer: I DO NOT subscribe to the Republicans EITHER. In all my years of being able to vote, I have NEVER liked either candidate, and I'm pretty sure I never will for what little remains of my life.
There. Now that we got all THAT crap out of the way, whaddya say we get this pahty stahted, hay?
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It's slightly comforting to see the world QUESTION, isn't it? Independent thinkers...just what Government NEVER WANTS. |
So how did this get started, what's the plan, who's involved, and how is it working against us?
It's important that everyone who comes here realizes that this is much bigger than some random germ. This has been the plan for a very long time...maybe as far back as 2000; some 20 or so years. First, you must absolutely understand that this is a manufactured and patented bio-weapon. If you like the word "Engineered" better for political correctness purposes, then by all means, soften the blow for yourself...because I'm sure not going to do it for you.
Pshaw you say....I just did a google search, and I found HUNDREDS of articles all saying that the patent for the CURRENT coronavirus doesn't exist, and of course, that people claiming there IS such a patent is a CONSPIRACY THEORY....and about part the first, you would be most correct. There are no patents in existence for COVID-19. But there IS a patent on the Coronavirus of 2003, known as SARS. That patent # is US 727937. Important to note here: There are 474,000 related documented applications that are all for the exact same virus; all in the SAME YEAR. The patent by the way, was GRANTED...but expired...in 2019, due to those having the patent not paying up the maintenance fees. Why would they pay further? They had already achieved their goals.
So what's the connection to the CDC, and Fauci? The head scientist applying for all of these patents was none other than Ralph S. Baric; a long standing science officer at...the CDC; under Mr. Fauci.
What's the plan? THE PLAN, is complicated and intricate. We need to globally RESET EVERYTHING...including those of the population. Why are we doing this? Not because we're too many people...that's ridiculous, because you can take the population of the earth and fit it comfortably into the states of TX and Oklahoma. No, it's because we're too many people to hold back and control now. We're getting smarter, and those in control of the planet are becoming afraid of us. Their scams are no longer unknown and some no longer work at all. The truth and all it entails is spreading rapidly. Oh, it's quite simple really. We take over every country in the world...which "they" have. Venezuala is a prime example...first, convince them that socialism is the way to go, find some political tyrant to take control, then destroy the country. Happened in the Ukraine as well. Happening right now in Canada, Australia, Germany and more. Here in the states...well, not so easy. Might have to do this one differently. We have a political leader in charge of the U.S. that we didn't think would elected, a leader that sides with the people, who holds life and God and country first - So first, we have get rid of him and put in who we want, so as to get the job done.
Enter a little something the CIA calls "A color revolution"...add funding from some of the most corrupt and evil men in the world...those with more money than the average person could possibly spend in ten lifetimes; sprinkle a little Agenda 21 and 30 over the top; and begin it all with a billionaire with a grudge...none other than Bill Gates III, whose company we tore to pieces in 1998 (Microsoft), and who gave up that life for revenge against the nation who grilled him over the coals for 18 straight months...and who has a new career in vaccines; andc what do you have?
COVID-19. Event 201. Operation "Dark Winter".
We then fund an off-shore Chinese lab to produce the virus (so that the common thought will be that it was their fault, of course). And here we are.
So yeah, Beshear is Kentucky's problem, but he isn't the root of it. Those of the Globalist UN, Bill Gates, George Soros, Jeffrey Sachs, and more...including Pope Francis and the Vatican are at the helm, pulling Andy's Chain, he and his treasonous party. "The News" and Big Tech are the orchestration, the catalyst if you will. Keep the country in fear; then crush them like the dogs they are.
The Numbers for KY, the U.S. and the World (?)
Now for those numbers, at present, as tabulated by Wikipedia (since when did this site's administrators decide they were gonna keep records of the affects of the Corona thingy??) and others as well -
There are, allegedly, at last count, 7.5 billion people in the world. Of those, there are 35,000,000 COVID cases. There are allegedly 1,000,000 deaths from this. Percentage of people worldwide that are (allegedly) catching this? 0.46%. Percentage of people that are dying from this worldwide is .013 percent. It is THESE PERCENTAGE NUMBERS that you're going to want to remember.
There are, allegedly, at last count, 331 million people in the U.S. Of those, there are allegedly 7.5 million cases. Percentage of Americans catching the virus? 2.265%. There are allegedly 209,000 deaths here. Percentage please? 0.063%. The percentage numbers as compared to the world's numbers are 1.8% higher and .05% percent higher, respectively. Odd, isn't it?
Now we arrive at Kentucky. Kentucky, since the appearance of COVID, has (allegedly) had 75,000 COVID cases in total, all by itself. There are, at last estimation, 4.5 million people in KY. Percentage of people that have caught the virus thus far? 1.66 percent of its population. There are, supposedly, a total of 1,275 deaths. That percentage? 0.027 Percent. These numbers, as compared to the world numbers, are 1.2% higher and .01 percent higher, respectively. Hmm.
Wait...Pause. Is it just me, or have I not heard Beshear say KY has been ABOVE a 4% infection rate for quite a while now? Where is the other 2.3% percent of this rate coming in, and where is it in relation to the figures given us above? This 75,000 number comes from Beshear's offices...so this is HIS number. Rack that number against 4.5 million, and it comes up to the number above: 1.6%. Somebody's LYYYYYYYING!
Let's continue. I found some data that correlates to the number of people that were tested for COVID since day one. On one day, in April, in the middle of a sea of numbers that never went above 20,000 for a single day, there was a day where the data shows there were 148,000 tests done, state wide. WHAT?? c'mon. You're going to tell me that 148,000 people tested in KY in ONE DAY??? Funnier still, the next number that is lower on the chart is almost at half that number, showing 69,000 people testing on a single day, and this number was no where near the 148K spike on the chart. Both of these numbers only show once in the entire timeline. After a couple more numbers at that height, the number dips almost half the amount again, showing a number of folks in Kentucky who tested at 39,000. After a few of those amounts, there isn't a number over 20,000 for a single day shown. There are even a few zeros, but those are more than likely days like Sunday where no one was doing tests; I can understand that. But 148,000 tests..in a single day, at the true onset of the virus in KY?? What, did they hold a statewide mandatory test day and not tell anyone else about it? Evidently. You know what my opinion is? They held a bunch of tests in that day to help to boost those case numbers.
hold it, Hold it HOLD IT. Stop. Say no more. Let's jet back to these numbers again. How many of you believe that even 20,000 people (on the average) get tested for this, DAILY? Even 10,000 sounds very wrong. Let's talk about that for a minute. To get a number as high as 148,000, you'd have to test everyone in Government in KY. The current count of total State and local employees comes out to....well, what do you know...142,000. And I was just guessing before I Googled it, HONEST! Damn I'm good. As to the rest of these days this year, who can say who's really doing all these tests. I just find it hard to believe that nearly 20K a day are actually volunteering to have a swab stuck up their nasal passages up into their brains to get an accurate sample.
NOTE: Later, we discuss California, and what they have going on there. The testing numbers spiked up to 179,000 in a single day, only once, in their line as well...on a day in April. Things that make you go HMMMM...
Now let's move on to positivity. Of the millions (allegedly) in this country who have been tested since this began, how many have come up positive? Keep in mind here that the web will tell you that the testing method for COVID is INFALLABLE (even though it's been contended that this virus has never ONCE been actually ISOLATED). It goes on to say that there is absolutely ZERO chance of a false positive...so if it says you have COVID, then by God, you are infected.
I love this. This is science people...and as much as I would like to think "science" is ever infallible, I have to laugh...more than likely out loud, anytime the "science" claims that there is no way it could be wrong. I can count on my toes, my wife's toes and fingers, and the toes and fingers of all the people that live in my city how many times the "science" has unequivocally been WRONG, WRONG WRONG. I could easily say that there are many occurrences of science being wrong nearly every business day. Lest America forget, there was once real science out there that said that smoking was good for your lungs. I don't think I have to give too many more examples to follow that one. It's time to face the real truth. "The Science" behind ANYTHING is only as infallible as you believe it to be. 20 years from now, all the science from today will be something science then will joke about around the water cooler. 100 years, and all that perfectly backed science will seem downright medieval.
So...considering the questionable fact that, for this particular virus, just 10 months off the presses, we have managed to develop, and are using a perfect and infallible testing system devoid of all possible error (smiles broadly); that is able to determine, accurately, "if" we actually have this virus; added then to the total number of tests done on Kentucky's population in the month of September, (source: The total of the numbers I found on a stats-filled spreadsheet made by the Governor himself that I downloaded off of his website) we come up with...20,753 total positive results (out of the approximately 600,000 or so tests done in the same month, evidently, since the numbers of tests done average out to about that @20,000 a day) in the entire state of Kentucky, just in the month of September. (September 2 - October 3.) Since the virus's appearance to now, the number of total cases, again, is 75K. Let us also remember that August was when the mask mandate went into affect. In month 2 of that mandate, September, KY contributed nearly a quarter of its running total of cases of 75,000? Something smells rotten in Frankfort. Wow. Good job Kentucky!
I also remember clearly that the reason the mask mandate was extended in September was because it was "WORKING"; or so said the very person putting the numbers to Kentucky every day of the week on TV; and those same daily numbers were also blasted every day in the State's most read and propagandized newspaper, the State Journal. Where the journal is concerned, I don't think there's been a single day where the numbers weren't smack dab in the headliners on the front page. Since that date, the state of Kentucky (allegedly) has had a steady, sharp and continual RISE in cases, and a massive run of deaths, in record-breaking days that seem to happen almost every day now; causing September to be dubbed the "most deadly" Coronavirus month since this started.
I dunno folks....seems this mask thing ISN'T working as well as Mr. Beshear told us it was. Maybe, just maybe, it isn't working at all. As a matter of fact, it seems to me that things are much worse NOW. Prove me wrong. That's all based on the premise that these unbelievable numbers are even real.
Another thing worth saying is this: The reason that our case load is going up in KY, according to the Governor himself? Is because we must not be following his rules. People just aren't wearing the masks like they should be. Wow. How cliche. Blaming others, in particular, the PEOPLE for the issues you're facing as its Governor is a Government staple from waaaaaaaaaaaaay back. I'm surprised, really, that he hasn't tried to blame it on the Republicans yet, a trick they like to perform often in his own party.
I don't know about you folks here in Frankfort, but I'm hard-pressed to find those who aren't wearing masks...It really surprises me how many people DO wear them, to be honest. I can't go anywhere without seeing these things, and God forbid I should EVER appear anywhere without one, because I will not be able to enter. This has GOT to be the one I just can't fathom the most, those people wearing a mask while driving alone in their cars. It actually causes me physical and mental discomfort to see that spectacle; not to mention the absolute throwing up feeling I often get seeing our 5 and 6 year olds lining up to go to school or daycare with their little kid-sized diapers planted firmly on their FORMERLY adorable little faces.
No, I'm sorry to tell you GOVERNOR...KY's citizenry is NOT the cause for a spike in your state's numbers. You are. Period. It is you that is tanking Kentucky and America's Economy. It is YOU who are destroying local business, destroying the mental health of both our youth and adults alike, and it is YOU that is lying to your constituents. The only fault that lies with us? Is blindly following your orders as if they are law.
What say we move on to something that SURELY has gone through your minds more than once....COVID's Death Toll in KY. 1,200+....wow. OK, it's almost working, I do feel a bit nervous...but wait. Back up. What age group is dying here, eh?
The last speech from Beshear pretty much speaks volumes. 56. 83. 96....OH C'MON. At the risk of sounding heartless...sure, these are your loved ones, I' get that; but people in this age group have a foot in the grave already; they're in danger of EVERYTHING that comes down the pike, including bathtubs and abusive care workers. With the survival rate at 94.5% for those 70 and over, I'd say the flu is a better bet, or pneumonia, for those things we need to protect them from. Above that sentiment, you certainly don't want or need government's help protecting your loved ones. I'm sure their chances of dying go up immensely if they're involved.
For those of you still in disbelief, and are still convinced this is a "conspiracy theory" and that the Government isn't bullsh***ing you at all about this, I only ask that you ask yourself one question; and this works for just about anything the Government is involved in:
"What's in it for them? WHY do they care about us so much NOW?"
Once you think you have an answer, or if you come up with no real answer that sounds right, do what the real media does every day...FOLLOW THE MONEY, use common sense (like we're supposed to), trust your immune system...it's served you well all this time, hasn't it? and finally, follow your instincts....unless you exercise bad judgement on a regular basis...then I suggest you listen to what others in your peer group are saying, and go with the best flow.
What I'm saying, essentially, is this: There are so many things that cause so much more misery than just a few deaths here and there amongst the elderly, that Government STILL hasn't fixed, though it has to be obvious that there are solutions, especially in such a wealthy nation....Why is it that THIS is so much more important to address than say...unemployment rates. Ridiculously overpriced healthcare with no TREATMENT happening...(giving someone a prescription, then another one to balance out the side affects of the first one is NOT a CURE; and neither is recommending chemo for cancer when a. They wouldn't recommend that for themselves or their own loved ones, and b. It's been proven to work in only 5% of patients.) Our unbelievable homeless problems. The decline of the Education system and intelligence levels. The total disregard for justice and human rights. Human trafficking and the rampant pedophile problem that appears to be brow-beating America of late. Urban, class, sexual-based and racial disparity. Need I go on? If Government truly cared at all about your grandma, these problems would have went away ages ago. Yet here they still are.
As to the true numbers, we may never have a clue. It would be best; from a person who knows Government and all they do and get away with well; for you to disbelieve, doubt and research EVERYTHING coming out of the mouth of those in power. Even research is suspect, since Government has been heavily involved in spying on its citizens (and has been caught doing it....AND OFTEN ADMITS IT DOES) and could be toying with the very information you receive in any standard internet search. As I have told you, deaths from COVID have been incentive-based since this nonsense began. Doctors have been telling us this for months...and those that have been warning us have been demonized, censored, discredited without a shred of proof to the contrary, banned and de-activated on all platforms. No matter what they're saying or not saying, just the fact that the CDC; particularly Fauci, has done several 180's concerning COVID, and can't seem to make up his mind about the recommendations (Fauci, by the way, has no more a medical degree than Gates. He does, however, have heavy financial ties to the Gates foundation, several vaccine companies, the UN and the WHO, and does hold several vaccine patents, s serious conflict of interest with someone that is supposed to be in charge of regulating and reporting on the health of the United States) SHOULD tell you all you need to know. I'd say, it depends on the political winds and which way they're blowing this week. One week, Fauci said that it would be absolutely ridiculous for everyone to go about their lives wearing masks everywhere they go; and the next, he thought maybe adding goggles and entire face shields would be more effective. Last week, 6 ft. was fine, and there was a better chance of not catching it if you stay 6 ft. apart, and this week, it has now changed to how it can hang in the air for HOURS, can travel much further than 6 ft. via aerosols, essentially saying that staying 6 ft. apart is absolutely NO GUARANTEE that you won't get it; and won't be enough of a distance anymore.
Should you doubt that Fauci shouldn't be listened to at all where sound medical-related advice is concerned, I highly recommend this article I came across, a few days ago...it's an old article, from April of this year, but it speaks mountains for me...
More so, you think 3 months and more of wearing these silly masks... this is about grandma? Government cares deeply about your elders? C'mon....you KNOW BETTER. If they really cared and really wanted to protect your grandma, they wouldn't allow chemicals to be sprayed in the skies, wouldn't have allowed Factor-Aid, tainted with the AIDS virus to be sold on our shelves for MONTHS; wouldn't have hired over 30,000 Nazi war criminals to work in our country; and wouldn't allow our youth to carry assault rifles and attack innocents in their homes and squat on entire blocks in our cities, screaming BLACK LIVES MATTER. Surely you see that healthcare and prescription prices haven't improved any since big pharma first opened its doors...so what makes you think grandma matters to your government NOW?
There will be no celebration when things "Go back to normal," Kentucky, primarily because the intent is NOT to EVER go back to the "Old normal". There will be no burning that mask if you allow this to continue. C'mon people, get with it. The Ford Motor Company just donated 4 MILLION masks to the state not 2 or 3 weeks ago. You really believe this is gonna stop in a month or two? It isn't...trust me. No, matters are certain to only get worse...and, because you might get truly get fed up, or figure things out if left to your own devices, your lying Governor will compensate by tweaking those numbers to rise, more and more, until finally the constant fear-mongering by him and the traitorous MSM will get to you, and you will beg for the end of it...which, according to Mr. Beshear, will indeed come someday...some months down the road, when the vaccine finally arrives. This vaccine, provided to you by the funding from the loving and caring arms of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, will be mandated for you, along with a little parting gift they intend to include with it (without your informed knowledge or consent) called ID2020.
Trust me when I say that you don't want this vaccine, no matter how much you believe in them.
I feel this might be a good time to mention that, the vaccine industry and its science? Has been deemed a fraud since the 1700's. Pastuer's idea to scare the hell of a lot of folks into believing that they might get some bizarre exotic disease and need his vaccines to help them fight it off are well documented, as are the opinions of his medical peers, who all thought he was off his rocker to call them "medicine". Add to that America's unwitting victims...it's children, who are currently scheduled to get over 72 vaccine shots before they are 5. How many was it for us parents? 3, maybe 4?
Just so you folks know, I haven't had a cold in probably 5 years. The flu, any variety, hit my doorway last in 1975. Thanks to folks like Mr. Bill Gates III, politicians that have been bought and sold, and more, the companies that produce these "vaccines" are raking in billions scaring the world into taking them. What they don't tell you is that they also enjoy zero liability for any damage they most CERTAINLY cause (an act passed in 1984 releases these criminal companies from any and all liability should their products kill anyone or cause damage to them. Secret "Vaccine Courts" were implemented to pay off any victims or their families before they exposed what they went through to the media and the public. These courts have shelled out a whopping 4 billion in damages so far).
Fortunately, a lot of people have started seeing through this ruse; the flu shot and the shingles scare have hardly succeeded in even bringing in a modest profit. "But make a vaccine that the world will be begging for so they can go back to the normal lives they once knew? THERE'S a real moneymaker. Let's get on making this happen!!" And bonus, the 1% can wipe the majority of the knowledgeable troublemakers off the face of the earth...you know, the UN's Agenda 21 says there should only be around 500 million people on it, and no more, to stay in harmony with the planet...and after digitally tattooing you with ID2020, they will be able to continuously track and control the rest that remain. Would you like to see my source(s) on that? I have just the link(s) for you, just in the article below, afore-mentioned. Don't feel up to a good hunt? Here's your direct link.
More Demon-crats At Work
Now, whaddya say we mosey on over to the bunkhouse in California, to compare our fine state to other democratically run states. Then we'll also see how New York and Colorado are faring.
In California they have, according to the testing line, tested an average of 20,000 people...A DAY, just in April. I say average....because one day, in California, 168,000 people went in to test for COVID. You gotta be kidding me. There was no other day that was even close to that, the next highest number in that month, April, was around 20K. The day before it was around 20K, and the day after it was 20K...but that ONE DAY in April, 168,000 were voluntarily testing for COVID....riiiiiiiight. Now that was the approximate testing number for APRIL. From July to the present, that number jumps up to an average well over 100,000 testing EVERY....SINGLE....DAY. Only one of those days ever beat that one day that 168K people went to go get tested on a single day, with 179K. Sorry...not buying THOSE numbers, on a bet. Granted, there are 39 million people in CA, but still.
Now let's get the percentages, shall we?
In California, out of 39 Million people, they have had a total of 831.5K cases thus far. Of those, there have been 16,122 Deaths. Truly phenomenal. Let's see what that comes to. For the percentage, against the population for new cases, comes out to 2.13%. Sounds to me like we (the U.S.) are moving towards being the largest contributor to COVID cases..that's 2 states that have had a higher case rate than all the world does, almost 2 full points worth. Deaths for CA come in at .04%, again, .03 higher than the rate of the rest of the world.
What say you, NY?
NY has a rather interesting flow of the numbers. They show half...yes, half of the number of cases touted by CA...yet over 6000 more deaths than CA. So, per cases at half the number, there are, evidently, 33% percent MORE deaths. That seems....Oh, I dunno...LUDICROUS?? The survival rate for COVID...according to the knuckleheads at the CDC...is 94% for those 70 plus. For everyone else, the survival rate is supposedly never lower than 99 percent. So how is this possible then? The percentage rate for cases against the number of people in NY is 2.46%, 2 percent higher than the world combined. Again. The deaths, on the other hand? Come in at .173%. That's nearly .16% over the world rate, and .13% over the rate in CA. Again, I say, WOW. Who's shitting who here?
"Mandated" Vaccines....without an actual mandate? - that's the plan:
We spoke of this briefly, and accusations have been made, mostly by me, without actual proof. Well, I'm going to lay out for you what the plan actually is, and you can file this one away for future reference. For one, I asked the question...why would they produce vaccines for billions if you are going to be allowed to refuse it? "They" (Gates) wouldn't. For two, here is how it's likely to go down. The Source? "The New England Journal of Medicine." This is a direct recommendation for what could only be the inevitable...Government's "Lawful" and justified vaccine mandates. You heard it here....2nd.
"'[B]ecause of the infectiousness and the dangerousness of the virus (?), relative substantive penalties could be justified; including employment suspension or stay-at-home orders for persons in high-priority groups (ADS: I'm guessing that the phrase "High-Priority Groups" refers to those of us that are "Essential Workers" and the "HPG" I believe they're referring to here: "non-essential workers") who refuse vaccinations,' says the NEJM paper.
It also states that Authoritarian medical personnel should be given the legal backing to bypass due process so that their orders cannot be challenged in a court of law. stating 'Neither fines nor penalties should be used, however...criminal penalties invite legal challenges on procedural due-process grounds, and [may] stoke distrust (ADS: like the initial denial of your due process wouldn't stoke that distrust at the onset?)'
It goes on to explain that vaccine mandates should not be promoted as mandates. Instead, those who refuse vaccinations should be harshly punished as a way to enforce the mandate without ever declaring it. [S]tate mandates should not be structured as compulsory (absolute requirement); instead, non-compliance should carry a penalty.' the paper states.
And then, incredibly, the same paper goes on to state that Health Officials must 'build public trust' through a 'transparent and inclusive process;' even though this same paper advises that that public should be misled and coerced into the vaccine mandate.
To this paper's credit, it does insist that vaccine manufacturers should not be involved in crafting public policy or pushing the mandates (ADS: but that IS exactly what they ARE doing...obviously), since hardly anyone trusts vaccine companies anymore. (ADS: I wonder how that could have happened?)
So the bottom line here is as follows:
- The health authoritarians (ADS: Their word, not the words of the guy writing the article) are pushing for vaccine mandates, but they won't call them mandates.
- Instead, they will PUNISH you for not going along with their mandate, making your life miserable.
- They are avoiding any kind of mandate that could be challenged in a court of law as being unconstitutional.
- They then remark that this is how the vaccine industry can 'build trust' with the public by pretending to be engaged in 'transparency.'"
If you would like to read the entire paper (or the article talking about it), I'm sorry, but I can't find that EXACT quote in the search I ran on the NEJM's website...but I DID find several articles speaking of mandating vaccines for children and for COVID that were atrociously similar, and that's good enough for me.
One of the paragraphs from another such-like COVID vaccine mandate article should be proof enough of how these people think (as if the first quote wasn't enough). This one can be found at the link below this quote from it. The context of these words is very very clear. Do whatever you have to, even lie about other measures as "not working" or "not sufficient", lie about the case numbers and DEATHS to get that vaccine mandated and into your subjects! Naturally, being the helpful guy I am, I have highlighted the portion of this that should really bother you...a LOT:
"We believe that six substantive criteria should be met before a state imposes a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine mandate (see box). The first is the existence of evidence that Covid-19 is inadequately controlled in the state by other measures, such as testing, contact tracing, and isolation and quarantine — as indicated by sustained, troubling trends in new cases, hospitalizations, or deaths. Principles of public health law and ethics require that interventions that impinge on autonomy be reasonable and necessary; therefore, Covid-19 must present an ongoing threat. By the time a vaccine is available, more will be known about natural immunity in the population, the consequences of relaxing community mitigation measures, and the feasibility of scaling up test-and-trace strategies. There should be a reasonable indication as to whether further measures are needed.
I'm sorry, but whoever wrote these horrific articles sounds as though it was dictated by a Nazi scientist who likes to practice a little eugenics on the side. If nothing else, you can certainly ascertain that "they" work closely with the vaccine companies...and mention them often in their mandate articles in a way that leads you easily to believe that they are working FOR them, instead of being objective.
Don't think it'll come to this in the great state of KY? Don't think wimpy Governor Beshear has the cahones to try that one?
Well, let's see...we're on day 190, well over 6 months of the 15 days to "slow the spread"....and the spread is (allegedly) getting worse amd bigger and badder DAILY. We are 60+ (with the numbers "going up", I'm sure another month or two is in the works) days into our 30 day mask mandate to ALSO "slow the spread"...and he has been quoted as saying that this is likely to continue until another event I'm sure we're all going to dread happens...the day the vaccine arrives, and we're all given one.
Your Governor, the Guinea Pig?
I seem to remember seeing an article, not long ago, that stated Mr. Beshear would be THRILLED to take the first of these questionable vaccine shots; and plans on doing so, in public, for the world to see. From what I've read about the 2ND shot of this 2-part vaccination (yes, there will be more than one), we shouldn't accept his acceptance of the first one as something proving how well it will work out. And really....I'm sure that placebo shots and saline shots are a dime a dozen. If this is going to be a real thing, I believe we need to put him under a 24 hour medical watch, live, right after he gets shot #2. And, to ensure that he is actually getting what they're giving everyone else, we, the guinea pig people to follow his example, should enlist the help of an undisclosed medical professional (until the day the shot is accepted) who will remove a dose from a batch of vaccines meant for the rest of us that will be kept in this professional's refrigerator until the day of the shot. Then, after his 2nd dose, Mr. Beshear should be temporarily relieved of his duties to be placed in front of a camera that we can all check up on via the internet anytime we want to; with our professional taking his vitals every hour on the hour. We'll see just how "safe" these vaccines are on someone that could only be a perfect guinea pig; the very person insisting on his public that they need one as well.
Here's a very helpful and informative article, ran just a few days ago, that reports on the REAL 3rd stage trials and their result; and gives you a breakdown of the ingredients of any that plan to be used in great detail. Also important to remember is that this will be the very FIRST vaccine EVER that will use a little treat that will genetically alter your RNA, allegedly for the purpose of fostering the immune system into fighting this virus. What is RNA, you might ask?
What better source than your standard medical dictionary. It should suffice in scaring you straight:
"ribonucleic acid, a nucleic acid present in all living cells. Its principal role is to act as a messenger carrying instructions from DNA for controlling the synthesis of proteins, although in some viruses RNA rather than DNA carries the genetic information.
So....it's not a lot different than your DNA...the building blocks of the human body. I don't know about you guys? But you're not going to attempt to play God with MY cells. I happen to like me, just the way I am. And, knowing what they've done with GMO's and Hormones in plants, food and animals, I can only expect and assume the worst".
Here is that article. In it, you will hear that Trump used something like this, and it was the treatment that allegedly cured him. Now he's shouting its praises, and ordering that it be made available to the public IMMEDIATELY
If you read the article just prior to this one, where I talk about Bill Gates and all the doses of vaccine he's making as a good indicator that you will NOT be able to refuse this vaccine; the article link below solidifies that belief. There are a minimum of 12 vaccine makers that are all scrambling to produce the vaccine that will SAVE OUR LIVES. Each have suspect numbers of promising results in their respective trials, and each have already produced (or promised to produce) anywhere from several thousand to millions of doses already, ready for use. Still think this won't be mandated here in Kentucky, the states and the rest of the planet? Au Contraire, my friends. You can bet your sweet bippy it will be. Here is that article:
In almost all of the human trials, the voluntary subjects have experienced SERIOUS side-affects after the 2nd dose. Sure, these side affects allegedly subside a day later...but what damage it managed to do during that day will remain in question for what could be months and years to come. Why do you think the majority of vaccines take a whole lot longer than a few months to develop and more before it's made available to the public, or at least it WAS like that...until now. There is nothing recorded or written anywhere that indicates that vaccines were given to millions of people in just a few weeks after the shots were given to humans for the first time. It has always been YEARS. Are you willing to risk your own genetic make-up on what happened or didn't happen (or happened and isn't apparent as yet) just a month after the human trials? Because that's what we're talking about here. I'm sorry...but I am NOT OK WITH THAT.
Be sure to follow some or more of the links in red, because some take you to a site called "Fierce Pharma"; a site that houses other rather disturbing articles on these massively rushed vaccines.
If you're concerned about the tracking side of this vaccine coin, don't worry, I got you covered here as well. You get the vaccine? You WILL BE TRACKED...simple as that. In the article, they reference a "fluorescent protein", the use of which, by vaccine makers, is not patented by them to use, but was patented by someone else; and this matter is currently being disputed on in the courts.
How did this protein become "fluorescent" you might wonder? For that answer, we turn once again to Bill Gates. The "Fluorescent compound" responsible for these "Fluorescent proteins" is called LUCIFERACE (Really? LUCIFERase? They couldn't have picked a more inconspicuous variant for its name that didn't have the name LUCIFER in it?); a compound patented by none other than the Gates foundation. It's sole purpose? Tracking. It will be able to be seen in your body using a phone app or a portable body scanner.
Can you say "Invasion of the (Nanotech) Body Snatchers?" I knew you could.
I'd say the chances Kentucky will see vaccine mandates without the mandate at better than 90 percent more than the chances of you catching this virus.
NOTE: I feel that it's important to mention that there is no logic that grants the Governor of any state in our country to issue medical advice....or medical mandates, for that matter. Does this Governor have a medical license or degree? I think no is a valid answer. Who is he listening to? Our Health Department? Well, let's see...they answer to the Federal version, The Department of Health and Human Services. And who do they listen to? Dr. Fauci and the CDC. And where do these people get the majority of their thoughts? From the WHO. Who comprises the WHO? Why those of the U.N., naturally. Who funds the WHO? I promise you're gonna love this. The WHO has two very big donors...the United States Government (who is currently trying to stop this, under Trump)...and whaddya know...Bill Gates III; King of the Vaccines, Prince of Computers/Technology, Creator of ID2020 and digital identification chips (and LUCERACE, for tracking); Pusher of Climate Change and the Great Reset, and ardent student of the art of Eugenics. Please, if you will, take the time to peruse my article just below this one for more important information on Mr. Gates and those things he invests his time into:
Be sure, in reading through the article, that you visit the part with the title LOCKSTEP. It will give you a bit of insight on what the plan has been for a good 10 years or so, concerning us and the rest of the present earth.
We've talked about this and these people already...haven't we? Sorry...but I feel a dire need to expand my opinion, and shove it down your throat sommore.
Now, we JUST drew a pretty important line...But we have so many more to draw.
Mr. Anthony Fauci has a rather interesting history in his position at the CDC. He does not, at present...at least that we know of, have any DIRECT ties to Mr. Bill Gates...but his wife on the other hand, is HEAVILY tied to him and his foundation. She is ALSO big on human experimentation and eugenics. Here's a little synopsis of all the little lines connecting her (and thereby, by default, Mr. Fauci as well) done by a woman I tend to admire: The Amazing Pauli.
STILL interested in what Mr. Fauci has to say? Let me work just a little harder to change your mind.
Here is a woman that used to work for Mr. Fauci...back in the days of AIDS. Her story, told here in this article, is very eye opening. After this, there is ANOTHER video of equal or greater importance. It's an interview of this same woman, telling you all about the evil that is "Tony" Fauci.
Now, go to this page, and scroll down slightly to find the banned video, Plandemic.
Since the appearance of this video (and its subsequent BANNING on Youtube,} several "doctors," (One, I believe, was a chiropractor, for christ's sake); with no real motivation apparent; have come out of nowhere to discredit both the video itself and Dr. Makovitz. I made sure to comment my feelings about that on every single one.
The point here, is this...why are all of these people, speaking out against big pharma and our little surprise plandemic, being BANNED, not only on youtube, but on every...single...feasible media platform? Shouldn't it be OUR decision, as well as our right, to listen to BOTH sides of a narrative, and formulate our own valuable opinions on whatever matter we decide to investigate? I think so. Call me crazy.
Now, for a very important line, one that I'm sure a lot of you have wondered about...your Governor to start with, and his absolutely out of control party.
Now, I have talked with some folks who have out and out accused this Governor of stealing his election away from someone I've come to understand was probably one of the best of Kentucky's Governors to date; one that appeared to really care about his constituents...Former Governor Matt Bevin. I hear nothing but good things about this Governor; and it often makes me wonder about certain sets of factual events in our history. One of those factual sets of events is elections. Now, generally, we have had a rather tumultuous history flipping party control in these elections; but that flipping usually tends to happen when constituents directly affected by the opposing party are, quite simply, fed up with the antics of the opposition...not when they're thrilled with the job done by the incumbent. I read up on Mr. Bevin, and I have to admit...as Governors go, he seemed pretty effective in his position, and more so, the people appeared to like the guy and what he had accomplished.
Considering what the situation is NOW, however, you have to ask yourselves how you ended up with the masked masker. Were the people in this state truly unhappy and wishing for change from Bevin, the evidently "tyrannical Iron-fisted ruler" you used to have? And isn't it funny that this Governor, at present, is happily working hard to "Save your lives" on the one hand, while seemingly Hell-bent on the Destruction of everything Kentucky...its economy, its small business owners, and the mental stability of its citizens and their children, with the other? It seems rather too coincidental that someone making such rash decisions about your future would happen to come from behind (unless the incumbent's Governorship was riddled with bad decisions, lawmaking, etc., they almost ALWAYS enjoy re-election; almost by default...why elect someone new when you're at the very least neutral on the job the man occupying that office is doing; and to take, instead, a possible risk on someone new to the job you're not sure they're qualified to do yet; let alone a job in the highest position over the state you live in, someone who possibly has the ability to make your lives a living hell with a single stroke of your average everyday ink pen? Lucky for the currently placed Governor, the former had no real proof of his accusation of voter fraud; but I think the idea is worth a re-visit, considering the obvious attempt by his party at mail-in and text-in based presidential voting, two systems riddled with infinite ways to defraud. Surely few are exactly thrilled with his edicts at present...as few anywhere would be.
C'mon people...use your heads. I've come to gather that there have been numerous threats against this man's life, lawsuits filed, etc, ALREADY. Strangely enough, I've also come to understand that, whenever there are such events, the State Journal always seems to stick in the fact that the Governor is hardly bothered when it comes to these things; and that fact is heavily covered and almost religiously reported in every story I've read, such like. I'm sorry, I don't care if you're guarded by an entire army, you're going to be bothered by such things. I also remember one story saying "The Governor isn't bothered by this" right after the same story stating that there were plans to raise the fence higher around his mansion. Maybe I'm crazy, but I believe that these are hardly the kind of things that happen when someone isn't bothered by events that might directly affect his duties.
Oh...I forgot to tell you, when I first arrived in Frankfort, I called the State Journal to give them a tip that I might also be taking legal action against this Governor; and Mr. Beshear was so unbothered by it, that the State police showed up at my door in less than 24 hours to warn me to stop harassing the poor man...even though no direct threat had been made, nor implied; either to him, or the State Journal. Thank goodness I wasn't present, because had I been, they certainly would have wished they hadn't even come over. Since that incident, naturally, I have moved and changed my phone number; because they also tried to contact me in that way as well. Not bothered by anything my ass. I have a rather extensive history of fighting the evils of Government; and I am sure...no, I am CERTAIN that it took the paper and this Governor absolutely zero time to consider my reputation before wasting the time and resources of the State's police to have them show up at my door.
This man, my good neighbors, is an uncaring little POS "elected" official (and believe me, I've seen plenty of his kind, and can recognize the like at 100 paces); and, unfortunately for the lot of you and me, quite crooked. Usually, at least in MY experience anyway, when an elected official...at least, one that is RIGHTFULLY elected anyway, acts like this man has, not only with me, but also with others of our 4.5 million or so in population? He not only has a lot to hide...but you can best believe, he's up to nothing good. And all that is just him, standing alone. Add him to other Democrats in charge of their respective states nationwide, like New York and California, then calculate into that equation his party as a whole; and you're talking about something else entirely, and nothing that could be considered any better than him acting on his own. I am positive that he most certainly is NOT. In considering the actions of the entire party in just the last few months? All I've seen is nothing short of pure, un-adulterated and condensed EVIL; or at the very least, treasonous. From Obama to Clinton, from Hilary to Biden, from socialist Sanders to the head demon, Nancy Pelosi, I wouldn't at all call the appearance of Beshear anything but a non-chancy addition to a very well-laid out plan to infiltrate, destroy and upheave our country and everything it used to stand for and replace it with....I shudder to imagine what that might be. Those who fund that party heavily are the exact identical people running the show at the WHO and the Gates foundation...in particular, that ghoulish, protagonistic anti-America U.N. glob of goo, George "Foot in the sludge of the Earth" Soros.
I think that's enough lines for today. Let's move to what I HOPE will be the end of this conversation.
Fellow citizens of KY, I'm afraid I have some bad news for you. The mask is not going away. I once spoke to a lady, not long ago, who said she could not wait for the day she could burn hers. As I walked away, it occurred to me that people like her might be holding the match for a very long time. This mandate, friends, is going to be extended. According to the so-called experts, wearing your mask is the single most important step to curbing your infection rates...so why isn't it curbing the infection rates? First, it's obviously because the previous sentence is complete nonsense. 2nd, it's .because this is not about the infection rates, nor is it about the virus. This is NOT a pandemic folks. If it is, it's a piss-poor pandemic, if you ask me. A 95-99% survival rate, for a virus, is a big F is comparison with actual, more deadly pandemics.
You folks remember the Bundy's right? The cattle ranching family who the Government literally tortured for months, all because they wanted their land? They arrested most of 'em, riddled their land with teams of reporters and FBI agents; took their children away, had the entire country in an uproar, all because they were grazing their cows on land that belonged to them, but that the Government had decided belonged to them instead...without cause or title, just up and stuck their flag in it...as they are so fond of doing, eh Native Indigenous? Now they do it to their own. They even shot the head of the family in the back, much to the absolute dismay of his children and grandchildren. If there was ever a portion of our history that comes up in my head, where the evil of Government has affected our citizens directly and in the worst way, there are just 2 examples that crash land right to the front of my brain every time...9/11 and The Bundy Ranch.
Well, evidently, our system of Government and law enforcement isn't finished dealing with this family; because I became witness to an event that had my fists clenched tight with anger. A few days ago, Ammon Bundy, one of the sons of the man shot above, was doing a livestream. He had arrived at the football game his son was playing in, and he and his family were told that they could not enter the bleachers unless his family put on their masks. Now, we know why they want this, mostly because they're under the misguided premise that the damn things are going to slow or stop the progression of this laughably dangerous virus. But that wasn't what made me angry. Here's what happened then...
They told him (and, evidently, every other person that had entered up to that point) that once he arrived inside, he was welcome to remove the mask if he wanted to. I couldn't believe my ears. You're asking folks to wear them, or they can't get in to see their kids play....but you're OK with these same people taking off their masks once they're inside, around hundreds of other parents and kids??
Oh, but it gets better. The Bundy's decided against entering, in rebellion to this request, and decided, then, to watch their son play from the virtually EMPTY parking lot. The employees then told them that they weren't allowed to even stand in the parking lot without their masks, and called the police in to trespass them...even AFTER they offered to pay for entrance. What it comes down to is this: They were criminal, not because they did anything illegal, but because they refused to comply. This does not include a lick of speculation on our part, because the entire circus was LIVE STREAMED from beginning to end.
Here, you can find that livestream. As it happened, I caught it from a notification telling me that another friend of mine, James Freeman, who is in the business of 1st amendment auditing, was filming the live stream and asking for America's help with the situation.:
So you see, people, this isn't about any virus....this is simply a wish to see just how far your masters can push you to obey, and to see how many more lines these criminal demon worshippers can take this scenario....at the behest of some pretty evil people.
I'm just going to say this, people...if you can walk away from all you have seen here and in the article prior to this one with the same mindset you came in with, I applaud you. I admire your personal strength in remaining the stubborn, oblivious idiot you truly are. On the other hand, if you're as angry and disgusted as I am at this very moment, you'll help me stop this nonsense now...before much worse things come in behind this one. I think you know in your heart of hearts that they are indeed coming. If not, I pity you.
One of MANY Solutions
It is now that I would love to share with you, a recent Supreme Court decision very recently decided in the late great state of Michigan, a severely tortured realm (ran, currently, by another demon-crat Governor) that is all but fed up with the tyrant sitting in ITS Governor's chair. Take judicial notice, KY, because I'm certain that you could elicit the same kind of ruling right here...and possibly get back to living life:
(In reference to its Governor extending its unlawful mandates)
You folks be good now...yahear?
Oh....sorry....just one more thing.
To Governor Beshear (Because I am ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE he'll be here to read this article, more than once...and readers, this is your cue to leave some comments to your Governor. about all this, at the bottom..:D), I say this:
The people are as done with this as they can get. They don't care about the agenda of your masters. I'm even sure they don't care about what you get out of doing your masters' bidding. This article EASILY exposes the half-hearted sympathy and empathy that you have shown for the plight of the citizens that you govern as false. The way I see it? If you're willing to give Kentucky and America away to the highest corporate bidder for a lousy 30 pieces of silver, I suggest that you consider that I intend for just about every one in Kentucky to eventually read this article, much sooner than when your life-saving vaccines appear on the scene...and when they do, you will not be as happy-go-lucky as you've been through the majority of this "Emergency." I fully expect a recall or something of equal or greater magnitude...but I'd be more thrilled at seeing things go worse than that; as they will most certainly when these crimes are reviewed before whatever God is responsible for that sort of thing. I have to wonder where that God is at this moment; and what he's thinking of it all. If there is no such thing, I can always count on Karma, which I've noticed, never seems to lose an address. Good luck with that!
I used to love it when people were saying to me, "Stay Safe". I used to laugh at that. How can I stay safe, if I was never "safe" to begin with? Who says I'm safe? I wanna talk to them...:D
Look for signs that look a lot like this, popping up...everywhere in Frankfort. Then give me the same thumbs up that 80% of your neighbors have given me so far...so I'll know you read this:
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