Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Freedom to Fascism - Intermission

     Just when these American Citizens (speaking in reference to the 110,000 Japanese-Americans who
     were put into internment camps back in 1942) needed their rights the most, their Government took
     'em away, and rights aren't rights if someone can take 'em away; they're privileges; that's all we've
     ever had in this country, 'The Bill of Temporary Privileges"...and every year, the list gets shorter
     and shorter and shorter...
- George Carlin          

I'm going to take a small break in this series...an intermission, if you will...in order to accomplish two very important things. First, I'd like to give massive respect to a man who, inadvertently through comedy, has influenced much of what I feel and think; about the U.S., about we as human beings, and about the world we live on and/or in, as well as Mother Nature and her creatures, with whom we share this planet.  How much longer we'll be allowed to share it with them, of course, is in serious doubt.

To be perfectly honest, if the man had presented himself as a wise man or a prophet rather than a comedian, I would have more than accepted him as such.  If, after his death, someone had held up his book, "Brain Droppings", called it "The Word" and started a new religion called Carlinism, I would have been the first to join, and would have probably gone as far to self-anoint myself as that religion's first High Priest.

It's impossible to listen to George Carlin (may he rest in pieces - I think, for the most part, he was an atheist...no real surprise there) in his later years, and not only laugh til your sides ache...but also, more than likely, suffer the common side effect of plopping down hard in your seat and saying to yourself, "Yeah...he's got some really thought-provoking takes on this stuff!!"  He honestly did personally subscribe to almost everything he made jokes about in his later years, and presented it then, to us, in a way to make us digest it hungrily, regardless of the fact that we've become brain-washed naive sheep and roll-over-ish patriots who are stubborn in our beliefs, firm where we stand (wherever that is, exactly) and have falsely pledged our allegiance to a country and its government that is slowly turning us into a fascist nation without our knowledge, or our consent.  No, if you listen to us, we're the greatest nation on earth, and "There's no trouble here!"  Take a look around and put toothpicks in your eyelids America.  We WERE great...once upon a time.  But we've moved a whole lot of pegs in the down direction ever since, believe it.

I believe you're not really a whole human being unless you watch (or listen to) any routine George did from 1992 on.  His thinking influences a lot of my opinion, even though the better part of it is my own.  His way of thinking was, in this writer's opinion, way ahead of its time.  If you follow this link, you'll come across a menagerie of his best stuff over his career.  Someone really had it together when they combined this collection of video.  It's very much worth the time to watch.  It included more serious interviews he did along the way, and just listening to him, you can see he had a wisdom I wish I could find in more people today. I already miss the guy something fierce; he left a pretty big gaping hole in my life when he died in 2008.  He very wisely adopted his role in this country as a spectator, though, if he had tried harder, he could have been so much more.  The United States lost its favorite "Should have been" statesman as well as his well-informed and very outspoken voice that year.

To George...a moment of respectful silence, America, if you will

Check it!!:


Second, I'd like to include a contribution, submitted by one of my readers.   This reader of mine fears fascist practices in this country just like I do, and, even though there are some things in the article we don't agree on, he makes some valid points, and, since I am the open-minded guy I claim to be, I don't like to voice my own opinion in order to talk over yours.  Here then, is his contribution:


The State

 “Present Society With One Improved Unit, Yourself.” - Albert Jay Nock

Today we have two political institutions, the Government and the State. The Government is our ally, the State is our enemy. Government maximizes your ability to pursue personal goals when the law is designed to secure the individuals domain and protect your inalienable rights to life liberty and property and the pursuit of happiness. Government is an instrument of justice and a necessary component to a free society, true liberty only exists when there is true justice consisting of law and order.

The State is when the law is perverted so as to legally disadvantage some for the benefit of others and therefore it is the common enemy of all decent human beings. Government aims at true justice while the State aims at what is today fashionably called social justice. Social justice is not real justice it's perverting the law so as to legally disadvantage some for the benefit of others, this happens also quite clearly with crony capitalism. For example when taxpayers who work at Ford Motor Company have to subsidize their competitor General Motors through a government bailout. When you subsidize failure you should always expect there to be more.

If we eliminate the State altogether and leave only the Government, which minds it's own business only to protect man against his neighbors and nothing beyond it, providing only Freedom and Justice. Government's whole duty is to abstain from any positive regulation on the individual's conduct and second to make justice easily available for all. In society the State creates crisis where it doesn't exist, then creates a plan to address the issue which always means more power for the state, and less power for society. The state has economic advantage to dispense and pressure groups and special interests organized to take advantage of it’s give aways which then becomes part political and part private when using public power for private advantage. In Society the only losers are the normal folks among us who are the peaceful and productive members of society.

The Superficial distinctions of fascism, Communism, Hitlerism the serious student sees in them only the one root idea of a complete conversion of social power into State Power and at the Root of all them we find the same deadly formula: The State Incarnates the divine idea upon Earth. By getting into the charity business, the State creates an enormous mass of subsidized voting power and enormous resource for strengthening the state at the expense of society. If you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on Paul's vote. Every intervention from the state enables another intervention by the state and so on. There may be times where the state recedes a little under different leadership but the tide is always rising, this is also commonly known as the ratchet effect, the state is screwing with us and at each turn of the ratchet only tightens the strangle hold.
When it comes to the implementation of Social Security back in 1913 I can't help but notice the rank and file Americans are reconciled to the idea of absolute State; living for the state is a condition of servitude to the state; slavery is still slavery even if it is voluntary. We furnish the means by which we suffer, the surrendering of our liberties to the state has been going on for quite a long time, and usually people have to be conquered before they are made slaves. The origin of the state is one group of people conquering another with the aim to economically exploit the conquered. Every revolution or regime change has merely been exchanging one set of rulers for another but the nature of the state doesn't change each class using the force of the state to advantage themselves by legally disadvantaging the other.

If History tells us so clearly it is why this keeps occurring and why nobody is stopping it. There are two ways to satisfy human needs and desire the first is to employ economic means which involves the society to work, I'm sure you would agree that going to work isn’t fun, the desire to have the least amount of work possible is why almost automatically everyone gravitates towards political system to satisfy their economic wants and needs. The State is the sinful desire to live off of others. Part of the problem is the prestige of the state, because it permits each person to persuade himself that the state is in part his creation an extension of himself, he thinks it expresses him, when it is glorified he is glorified.

Lincoln's phrase “of the people, for the people, and by the people” was probably the best piece of propaganda for the forge of the state. People look on the state like they do their children giving it a special code of ethics and always with the expectation that it will learn from it's mistakes sadly on nearly every page of history this wish is proven to be an illusion and fatal. A lot of us want something for nothing or at least something for less and so we create the state in our own image and only a moral transformation will change that image and nothing short of this will topple the state.

- Contributed by BostonKid9096 from Google +


Thank you for your contribution!!

If you would like to contribute an article or do an interview on this series, please feel free to email me.  My email address is cbstraighteight@gmail.com.  I would fully accept any and all contributions!!  You may either submit your contribution anonymously, or if you ask me to give you credit, that's fine too.  Make sure to sign your contribution, and then write your name again, legibly, so that I can give you the proper credit for it (as well as protect myself in case you accuse me of trying to steal your material).

If you have any comments, either on my stuff, or on a contributors work, please remember that your comments are most welcome, but that they are subject to moderation.  If you feel the need to swear in your comments, I may decide to blank it out and leave the comment if the swearing isn't god-awful and the comment phenomenal.  However, excessive swearing at or the abusive behavior of, either of America in General, my contributors or myself will absolutely NOT be tolerated, period.  The comment will be deleted for good to start, and if the abuse continues, you will be barred from comments.  We're all adults here, and you can catch more bees with honey.  :D  We continue our series tomorrow!!

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