Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Freedom to Fascism - Part VI

Hey kids...(as he loops his fingers into the top of his jeans, pulls them up, and gives a good look around)'s good to be back (not that I ever left or anything)!

Yes, it's time, once again for Part Six of Freedom to Fascism.  Let's do a few checky marks today, shall we?

Check Mark #9 - Courts that support Presidential use of unconstitutional powers

Well, we kinda covered this one already...See the check mark that talks about Secret Courts...Part III in our series.

Check Mark #10 - Massive spying on citizens, especially those involved in Political Dissent

OK, now it's starting to get a little repetitive...I'm thinking I should have read through this list and lumped a few check marks together better, huh?  It's OK though.  Since this one's being discussed quite a bit, I think I can add to what I've done on it a little more.

Remember my "Former" CIA official, mentioned back in "Employer Discrimination and Former CIA Operatives?"  Oh yeah...he's still "following" me...I'm sure his purpose is exactly what I think it is too.  Just another agent sent out to make sure I don't say anything too treasonous.  Just like the rest of them having the same issues:  Tea Party folks, AP Reporters, conservative groups, you name it.

I remember, not too long ago, reading an article comparing the things Nixon did back in his infamous Watergate days, with Obama's current actions.  The news is disturbing at best, America. I give credit to this article, if you'd like to see it for yourself.

In this comparison, you will quickly see that Obama's power over the people of America is currently 50x worse than Nixon could have ever dreamed, believe you me.  Mr. Obama, of course, also has the added benefit of having the world at his fingertips, and can simply categorize his opponents by search keywords. Believe also, and anyone else.  Do NOT disregard these things as the rantings of certain conspiracy theorists...these "conspiracy theories", of late, have had this awful habit of coming true, or at the very least, have had some truth backing them up.  I remember back when we chalked a lot of stuff up to CT's, that we later found out were not only true, but were glaringly so.  Granted, some were just plain silly, but methinks that to take anything heard about our current government and it's Executive Branch, should never be brushed off lightly.  No, better than you should file these away for future reference, folks.  I'm finding out, rather quickly, that some of the things I never believed an American President would ever try and pull on his/her people are all coming to bear.

Keep your eyes peeled America.  Don't you DARE roll over. You are citizens of the greatest free country in the world...KEEP IT THAT WAY, WILLYA?  Add your voice to Congressmen in favor of the transparency of Government actions.  Better yet?  Let's suggest that, Bob or Chuck (anyman/anywoman, U.S. citizen) over there, be allowed to accompany Grassley's oversight of the secret NISA court.  Let's put an intelligent UN-elected representative in there as well.  I mean, really...maybe Grassley just needs an excuse for being in the court that can be explained to Iowans, so he won't get in trouble for being spotted in that direction, how do we know?  I say, let the people oversee the overseers to make sure all is good and pure in Washington...

On we go then, with:

Check Mark #11 - A government that uses words like democracy, freedom and peace, while engaging in acts that are dramatically at odds with such words.

Kind of like using the word "Change" a lot, then changing nothing that we wanted to be changed, and changing things we wanted to stay the same, isn't it?

This one too, is pretty obvious.  It's political double-talk...or as us lower class citizens like to refer to it: "Talkin' out of both sides of your mouth".  Or as an even LOWER class of people (or, as some of us tend refer to them sometimes anyway...I myself like to think of them as a Hell of a lot more enlightened) once said it, "White man speak with forked tongue".  Saying one thing, doing another, the left hand knowing not what the right hand get the picture.

I can't tell you how much I hear the word free or freedom, usually followed immediately by seeing or hearing about people being imprisoned...for pretty much nothing.  The right to free speech giving shadow to someone being taken to jail for opening their mouths a little too widely...or better yet, "accidentally" dying off, or getting shot by some "fanatical lunatic".  Peace being discussed as we bomb the hell out of someone, and of course, my favorite, democracy being introduced (by us, mainly...of course) into nations that want no part of it. Another one of my favorites is using the words "In slow and steady recovery" to describe our economy, while, upon close inspection, nothing is getting better in any way.  I think you know what I mean.  Telling us we're fine when we couldn't be any closer to disaster without being on the other side of it.

We shall continue.  And, as long as I suffer no permanent (and, according to Obama's administration, perfectly legitimate and legal!) jailing by our current administration, I shall continue to open your eyes.

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