Sunday, October 8, 2017

The Uphill Battle On Free Speech, Part II

NOTE:  First of all, the video that was being shown on this article has now been taken down.  I'm HOPING that the outrage it caused did the trick...but after looking for the guy who placed it, both in Facebook and on Youtube, it would appear that he has DISAPPEARED ENTIRELY, and that his youtube channel is now defunct.  This, unfortunately, points to some serious foul play.  I have heard that PA is very much corrupt, more than a lot of states, as are the majority of the original 13, so this would only make sense.  To those of you from PA (my family/some friends included, btw), I will include these links so that you can see the language of the bill that WAS being touted here, as well as how the "reps and Senators" of PA voted on this bill.

NOTE 2, to my readers:  This article from here was already posted....but I think a repost is in order, only to show America that the war against your right to free speech is bigger than what this article showed to begin with, thanks to all of it being taken down after its inception.

The Language:

and, how every senator of PA voted. you know who to not re-elect at the next election, right?


Been a minute America.  My bad.

You know, I keep saying that my blog isn't about politics...and that would be the truth of the matter.  But when one of America's Deadly Sins involves politicians, what am I asposed to do?  Lay down and let it go?  Sorry....can't do it.

The video link you see above you is an abomination, in this our (formerly) free and sovereign nation.  A direct attack on the Constitution.  A bomb-diddy against probably the DEFINING and really, the only remaining right we really have, as Americans...and a complete and utter description of the direction our country as headed. name it, this one says it all.

For those of you with no time, or who don't really care to have some British guy tell you what's up, skip through the video to around 15 minutes in...and be prepared to blast off, and blow a couple gaskets.  The woman speaking here at this point in the video says it best...what this is, is nothing short of a war on free speech; and along with everything else that's happening in our country, is most certainly an attack on those that don't fit - the "serfs" or the lower classes - according to those with power and money, that is.  Well, to those of you that are attempting to deprive us of our rights, let me speak freely.  I see this happening in ANY MORE states, you can best believe that the people will REVOLT, and with a vengeance...and who do you imagine you'll see right on the front lines, leading the attack?  General "The Living Man."  You will NOT deprive us of our right to free any fashion, in a court of Federal "Law"...or anywhere else for that matter.

Let's just move right along to legal "Gag" orders, and "confidential" hearings and court documents.  Quite simply?  This is criminal behavior, and bullshit of a higher concentrate.  No Judge, in a court of law, anywhere in this country, I don't care what God he claims to be, he/she has NO right to impose these orders.  If they threaten you with jail time or contempt, you immediately post an affidavit of truth, showing that you have no fear, and state that you will be sending a copy of that order or that threat to the ACLU, and do so.  Judges are not Gods, they are self-appointed misfits of what they like to call "Justice" in this country, and the only reason they want you gagged is so that you do not inform the public of their evil misdeeds.  Should America ever WAKE UP, they will see these misdeeds in their time...but I would hope things will come to a head before that.

The constant and ever-growing attack on our freedoms and our rights is getting more intense with each and every passing day.  It starts in Washington, and extends to where you live, and grows outwards like a cancer.  Stop it now, and rise up against the CONSTANT attack on our rights, or the red white and blue may just end up shedding the blue and white and go with a nice communist red.  :D

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