Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Promise, Part I

Hey America...been a while, hasn't it?

After a month of moping around my apartment, I decided that enough is enough, where the judiciary is concerned.  I'm never going to see justice...that much is obvious.  So?  It's time to get back to my favorite job...Vengeance against the criminals involved in their conspiracy against me...served COLD.

Hence, a little statement I filed in each and every case I've been involved in.  Updates on this plan will be forthcoming, as they are done.  Should be good, eh?

"I,Christopher (Bruce), the Living man, do make this statement to this court, and every court he has been involved with since 2014.
I had intended to appeal this case to the Supreme Court of Iowa, but, since it took them a year and a half to address the last case they reviewed; and after they upheld the decisions made during the course of our juvenile matters, including the termination of our rights (even though the very agency that took her cleared us of all allegations and said they should have not removed her, expunged our records and removed us from the abuse registry; and made that decision prior to our case being heard by the Supreme Court), and have left the matter open so that it can never be resolved, it would seem obvious to this plaintiff that justice will NEVER be served, in any legal matter involving those criminals of Polk County, no matter what their position. I imagine that you all get together for drinks and laugh it up over how well you put me in my place.
I imagine that bringing these matters to Federal Court, where I had planned to go with these matters, would be no better; and would also cost me a lot in God knows how much time and money.
Therefore, for the record of the court in this case, I will exercise my only remaining viable option, an option I have gone with since day one, and that is massively more effective, when done right, and that is to Expose, Educate and Inform. I’ll just have to hit you all where it hurts most - In your personal lives, in your careers, and, most of all, in your pocketbooks.
This, by the way, is no threat. It is a promise. Within the next few months, I will be compiling mailing lists...both USPS and email as well. By the new year, Polk County will be saturated with the misdeeds of everyone that has been involved in all of my cases. They will also be provided with proof of all that you have done, right down the line. I am also saving up to pay a private detective to find out all about each and every one of you...where you live, what you do with your days, and what you have. Polk County will know everything about you when I am done...where you live, what liquid and property assets you have, what you are paid...even what color underwear you wear, if I can afford to find out about it. Even if you could possibly manage to avoid the damage this will do to you in the voting booths, you will never escape the years of embarrassment and damage this will do to your characters...not that they aren’t damaged enough already, but hey...every little bit helps, doesn’t it?

You know, the smartest move I’ve made since this all started....was to move out of the State.  No longer can I be arrested by the criminals in elected office in Iowa, and the feds won’t touch me.  Why would they?  What am I doing?  I’m exercising my right to free speech...and nothing more.  It’s obvious that exposure of your crimes against my family, as well as against other people’s families in Iowa will shine brighter than the brightest star in the heavens when I get finished with the lot of you.  Only in this way will I ever (lawfully) get what I deserve...TRUE vengeance against all of you.

Others are convinced that going through Iowa’s legislature and getting change in Iowa’s laws is the way to go.  I do not share their optimism, though I do applaud their continuing efforts.  They are making some changes...but it won’t be enough, and laws can be changed BACK.  No, the only way to bring change to Iowa is via moral outrage, I know that...therefore, I take it upon myself to produce that moral outrage.  The people have to be educated on the legal shams that purport as “Justice”, but are really just sources of revenue, and the people that are involved in these shams.  Most of what goes on in our judiciary goes on, very much without the knowledge of the majority of Iowa’s citizens, until they are directly involved in some fashion...and by that time, it is usually too late.  More so, those who supposedly oversee these criminals...those of the Iowa Supreme Court, are just more of the same criminals, just in higher positions.  This system has worked for you for many a year, I’m sure...but the upcoming year promises to be different.  The fleecing of those less fortunate in Iowa will end in 2018, and I will get the majority of you cleared from office...through impeachment, or though the voters.  I will get this done, come Hell or death.  Either is welcome, neither is feared.

Oh, just one more thing...Thanks to another Iowa victim, I just got my hands on the training manual given to Iowa’s social workers, the manual that trains them in their Nazi tactics in removing Iowa’s children.  This will be the crown jewel of my little mail packet to the residents of those in Polk County, and all over Iowa.  It’s time that Iowa’s citizens become truly aware of the child stealing business that keeps a lot of you in your jobs.  I really hope you, the district and Supreme courts of Polk County and Iowa,  the Attorney General’s office, and the Department of Human Services can survive the upcoming purge"

/S/Christopher (Bruce) The Living Man

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