Thursday, February 15, 2018

Sovereignty/"The Sovereign Citizen" Movement; or "Are you Man? Or Chattel?"


If you do NOTHING else this year, read the definition of the word "Sovereignty,"  just below.  Then, find and read some other definitions - Webster's, etc.  What you'll find will surprise you.  You won't find any mention of, reference or parallel to terrorism; foreign, or domestic.  There will be absolutely NO mention of anti-government behaviors by U.S. Citizens gone bad, or any other citizens for that matter.  What you WILL find in contrast is this:  "Sovereign" is what you are...and what you have been all along.  You, the sovereign human race, are people capable of having power over your own lives...without the huge nose of Government, or anyone else for that matter, that feels a necessity to interfere in it.

"Sovereignty is the full right and power of a governing body over itself, without any interference from outside sources or bodies. In political theory, sovereignty is a substantive term designating supreme authority over some polity."

If you are ready for the truth, and really, interested in learning'll read on.

Folks, sovereignty is NOT some new concept.  This is not a recent development.  This isn't some new terrorist ideal.  This, my fellow Americans, is TRUTH; and in order to enforce a con-game against the citizens on a national scale, you cannot KNOW THE TRUTH.  You!!  Yes, you, are...have been, and always WILL BE a sovereign.

Now, before we tear that into little pieces, let's start with the FBI an the Government's explanation of this "Domestic Terrorist" faction:

In listening to the FBI and those of Government, they will allege that there is group of rogue people in this country claiming to be "Sovereign Citizens".  This dangerous group of people started popping up around the country some 40 or so years ago but were, at first, more docile. In recent times, however, we have seen a sharp increase in their numbers.  They are, in fact, doubling and tripling lately, because of a growing dissatisfaction with the current establishment, a dissatisfaction that, more than likely was due to the long and very unpopular wars in the Middle East nations.  They even engage in inconceivable, unbelievable and ridiculous concepts.  They claim that they don't have to pay their taxes, get driver's licenses and do not have to obey the law, or engage with those that enforce that law.  This rogue segment is known to get violent in their confrontations with law enforcement personnel, and have killed a number of law enforcement officers.  This group of people numbers at approximately 200,000 to 300,000 citizens or so.  They are ANTI-GOVERNMENT, EXPLOSIVE, UNPREDICTABLE and DANGEROUS TO THE VALUES OF OUR COUNTRY, AND THEY ABHOR, SPEAK OUT AND DISRESPECT THOSE OF LAW ENFORCEMENT AND GOVERNMENT.  They are to be considered to be DOMESTIC TERRORISTS. about SOME TRUTH HERE!?

Now I will say that they did NOT use these EXACT words....but what they said when they were quoted in an article done about me, two years ago, did say PRETTY MUCH that.  Below you'll find the link to the article, which I re-posted to my blog.  Now, please, skip over the boring crap, concerning the "crimes" I was set up to take a fall for, and look further down for the man from the FBI who they inquired of, in order to get his take of those claiming to be sovereign.  He then began describing some nation-wide group of terrorists he called "sovereign citizens"; evidently some crazy story the FBI (or the Government, by and through the FBI) has concocted concerning those who are, more and more, re-claiming their sovereignty.  They would then continue using this moniker to apply to what I was claiming to be.  I never called myself a "Sovereign Citizen."  But it was their name for us, so of course, regardless of how we correct them on it, they still revert it to that phrase, so they can, I'm thinking, keep their lies about us straight.

Number one, most of ALL of those that use the word "Sovereign" to describe themselves and what they stand for don't ever use the word "Citizen" to go along with it.  Sovereigns are NOT citizens.  This entire phrase is an oxy-moron.  Sovereigns and "Citizens" are two groups of people, with two very distinct defining characteristics.

Number two, there are not 200,000 to 300,000 "sovereigns" in this country.  I can dispel that number entirely by stating only this fact.  Ask each and every Native American in this country if they are  "sovereign"...they are, of course, even according to the Government themselves. They have been referred to as a Sovereign people and a sovereign nation SEVERAL times.  Native Americans in this country USED to number in the 50 to 60 million range.  What's more, they sure didn't "pop up recently."  Only those folks know just how long they were here before we got here, but it was a damn sight over 40 years. Add to this number, every citizen of this nation prior to 1871.  All of them claimed sovereignty as well.  And they were damned proud of it, too.  Imagine if you will, if our current Government were to call George Washington or James Madison a "domestic terrorist."  No, that phrase would have, more than likely, been used to describe them in the court of the King of England.

Sovereigns are those who choose to be sovereign, or know they are.  All others are who they are DEFINED to be, by someone else, more than likely, NOT THEMSELVES.  The citizens of our country are re-learning their rights, and re-applying sovereignty to their lives as they learn the truth...and it's scaring the Hell out of our Government, and for good reason, too.

We are ALL sovereign...just by being HUMANS.  According to Wikipedia's definition, if you are able to think for're a sovereign.  If you're capable of making decisions concerning your own life, with no need of interference from anything or anyone too are sovereign, and are able to claim sovereignty.  If you have UNALIENABLE RIGHTS...and a lot of people are really WRONG and uneducated in what this phrase actually means (and yet, have no problem using this label, oftentimes a little too liberally) you are SOVEREIGN.  I know this...because the Constitution, the real one; defines us thusly...and therefore, is, in and of itself...sovereign in its very design, intent, and nature.

"Citizens", expressly U.S. Citizens, are defined clearly in our very own CURRENT and FALSE version of the Constitution of the United States.  WHAT??  False version?  Oh yes, friends.  In 1871, right under our very noses, our Constitution was switched with a redesigned replica...a replica that looks, feels and tastes like the Constitution...but has some very small and effective little differences, to fool those who might dig into the matter, and would, due to the immensity of the text around these differences, miss them entirely.  For instance...did you know that our ORIGINAL Constitution, drafted in 1776, was called "the Constitution for the united States for America?"  The 2nd, drafted in 1871 was very subtly changed to be another document altogether...and is NOW called "The Constitution of the United States of America."  Who of us would notice this change?  Only those who drafted it, surely...and surely, none of us would be any wiser.

"Who cares.  It's still the Constitution...isn't it?  It lists and provides us all the same rights that we enjoy today."  And you're does.  There is a very large and glaring difference in THIS Constitution, however; for hidden in the language of this false document is a new, allegedly RATIFIED amendment...that was NOT ratified by a majority of our states.  Read, if you will, the 14th Amendment.  Make sure that you read, very carefully, the part that defines a "U.S. CITIZEN"  This is the part that changed; and is all that matters.  In this defining section, you are, without your knowledge, turned into something else entirely.  No longer are you sovereign, as you once were.  Now, you're a "Citizen."  Other characteristics of this citizen?  Under this very amendment, U.S. Citizens, in one fell swoop, are deprived of each and every right provided you by the original U.S. Constitution.  You are, as you stand where you are, not free.  You aren't free to speak, you are not free to bear arms, or arm bears.  You are not given the right to practice your own religion, nor are you protected against unwarranted searches and seizures.  More importantly, what you are is also very un-clearly presented here.  Consider the language closely...repeat the words out loud.  Read it a couple times.  You'll see it, eventually, I guarantee it.

You are, as it states here now and in very uncertain terms, no longer are, in fact, dead, lifeless PROPERTY....Property that now belongs to a company...The United States, Inc.  As property, you are not unlike something else...chattel they call it.  The word "chattel" by the way, is a derivative of another, more common word:  Cattle.  You are, according to the definition of "U.S. Citizen", dead property of the United States of America, as alive and as important as a member of any cow herd, and respected for your status just as much as any cow, too.  Only to be heard when you moo too loudly.  And even then, you have no rights.  No, then you're slaughtered to shut you up, and put you out of your misery and to live up to your only good uses: Job security for those who Governance is given to in this Constitution, and as sustenance, in order to ensure its continued survival...through any and all means necessary..

As the afore-mentioned dead property, you are not only stripped of any and all rights that USED to be yours; those mentioned in the Constitution, the rights listed in the current Constitution belong to only certain folks...but those rights are not yours.  The people those rights apply to are none of you U.S. Citizens.  The only people who have those rights live within the borders of the 10 mile by 10 mile District of Columbia, and who also live in our insular states.  Yes, Puerto Ricans have rights, all provided them by the Constitution.  You, DO NOT.  Not as long as you continue to claim to be a "U.S. Citizens."

You know what?  There just might be 200-300 thousand sovereigns in this country after-all.  What was I thinking?  I forgot all about them.  This group is also self-claimed and very much self-recognized.

Would you care to know who these terrorists actually are?

The Government...and all who work in a governmental capacity, on any level are self-defined sovereigns.

Yes, that's right...EVERYONE WHO IS GOVERNMENT has been defined to be, by themselves, as sovereign.  Oh, they don't use that word by itself.  By itself, sovereigns and "sovereignty" are terms not indicative of anyone in government.  So, they decided to add another word to sovereign, in a very successful attempt to confuse us, so that we wouldn't try to claim it for ourselves, and sovereignty, as it is truly defined, would be made to look like extra special designation, only applied to and deserving of those in power.  I'd have to say it worked pretty well, too.

Don't believe me?  Ever hear of "Sovereign immunity?"  You know what sovereign immunity is?  The immunity of those that would call themselves "Sovereign", but do not dare use this word by itself for fear of losing their edge, their power over us, should we discover the true meaning of the word..  Those of Government..and yes, those of the crooked court system, their lawmakers; as well as those who enforce that "law"; are protected by this "immunity" against any claim or suit brought by us, "We the people"; against them.

It's said by the agents of Government that this is needed, because if they allowed these people to be sued, then they'd be in court constantly defending their actions in hundreds of frivolous and baseless suits; and would never have time to work in their actual jobs.  I claim BULLSHIT to be afoot.  The only reason anyone ANYWHERE would need immunity of any kind would be to get away with doing things wrong, probably on a constant basis.  The only people who would logically need immunity to prosecution would be those who mess up all the time, whether accidentally or on purpose; who need the ability to deny responsibility on a daily basis; and who probably avoid confrontation when it concerns their mistakes; and who wishes to be allowed to not follow the law or, worse yet, make the law, and expect others to suffer at the hands of those laws.  They are those that SHOULD be claimed against in lawsuit after lawsuit, because of their constant lawbreaking, and their total disregard for the well-being and unalienable rights of the Citizens of the United States and it's FORMER Constitution.  To put it simply...if you were doing the RIGHT thing, why would you need immunity to prosecution?  Could it be that you're afraid of being in court a lot, because you do things that SHOULD BE PROSECUTED, MAYBE?  I'd have to say yes...Yes...YES!

Let's look at our Judiciary for example.  Lawyers....are immune to prosecution.  Judges, being glorified and promoted lawyers, are ALSO immune to prosecution.  Senators?  IMMUNE.  Representatives?  IMMUNE.  Anyone working for and in any capacity of Government, ON ANY LEVEL...IS ALSO, IMMUNE TO PROSECUTION, and though this group of people is not clearly is, in fact, implied...and very well too.

The reason for immunity is pretty simple.  Immune people are able and allowed to make mistakes....even BIG MISTAKES..with no worries, and with no fear of doing so.  This label, when applied to Government, means that they can do pretty much whatever they want, anytime they feel the us "U.S. Citizens"...they can, therefore have NO accountability, NO responsibility, and, most importantly, be totally without fear of reprisal from those they harm in the process of them getting where they desire to go...NAMELY, US.   Worst, and certainly with no shame either; the very people calling sovereigns "a domestic terrorist faction" are, at the very same moment, claiming THEMSELVES to be SOVEREIGN.  Something's not raht here Clem.  Finally, immunity is the brother and breeder of a little thing this country has a real problem with...Corruption.  Immunity to anything simply means that, should you want to, you can be a criminal, and, essentially, get away with it, lock stock and barrel.

I would finally like to say something that concerns the accusations the FBI and Government make of Sovereigns, namely their statements alleging that sovereigns are of the firm belief that they don't have to pay taxes (like U.S. Citizens do...and are FORCED to, by law and by and through the I.R.S.; or suffer grave, time-taking and expensive consequences), do not have to get driver's licenses (something it's been said we all MUST have, in order to drive), and who feel they don't have to follow the law or deal with law enforcement if they have not committed, or are not suspected of committing a crime.  I think I'll just jump up another step, and also say that all these things...are 100% TRUE.

You don't have to pay taxes.  You agree to pay taxes.  You and your ancestors allowed whichever government they had in their day to levy all these taxes on you, with your complete consent...whether it was obtained literally or implied deceitfully.  I don't blame you.  For one, I'm sure that these taxes were presented as being needed using some absolutely necessary thing, at whatever time; to build roads, build and pay for schools and teachers, or pay for toll booths, sewers. etc.  This list, of course, is endless today; as well as not accounted for to the people.  This is only stated as fact.  Do you think, even for a moment, that the Government of your state is going to ask its "citizens" to include, in the annual budget, enough money, using your taxes, to try someone they don't like incessantly...and to appeal the case over and over and over again, as much as they're able to, until you finally lose, or give up trying to win?  No.  Do you believe that the Government is going to ask it's citizens for cash in order to pay others to remove children from their biological parents and their homes?  No, they will not.  That money, instead, will come from one of the many taxes you citizens are imposed on and over-burdened with, one that brings in tons of revenue that can be distributed across the board they made....a good example, is those taxes associated with motor vehicles.  Motor vehicles, as a whole, are overly-laden with rich state revenue; in the form of....driver's licenses...imagine that.  Also for S-R22 insurances, reinstatement of driver's privileges (which usually follows suspension or revocation of your driving privileges, and this suspension is often only known to the DMV and the police); traffic courts via the issuance of traffic tickets, maintenance, licensing, registration..and any and ALL taxes you pay concerning any of the aforementioned. Whether it be included, or added on, you the citizen may never know where all, most, or even part of what this revenue actually goes to pay for, I'm betting.

As to driver's licenses, I will hereby point you to another very informative article I wrote, "The Whole Ball o' Wax, part II", which is known to include some very true and very respectable arguments concerning our need for a "Driver's Licenses."  It also contains a slew of other subjects, facts and figures that every American should be made aware of, including your UNALIENABLE RIGHTS...and what they mean.

This is a post whose link I very much plan to place.....uh....HERE:

In layman's don' need no steeenking driver's licenses.

You wanna know why it's important for them to mention these things, SPECIFICALLY? are all law-abiding, taxpaying citizens, something the government KNOWS that you are proud of.  By mentioning just these things, the Government knows that they can turn you against these "terrorists", as well as the possibility of you wanting to be the very thing they don't want you to know about.  They most CERTAINLY don't want you to know about the power you have,WITHOUT THEM.

Finally, I very much intend to address the most damaging and libelous/slanderous statement I've EVER heard or read, concerning these alleged "terrorists" and their "movement"....that they often become violent when confronted by those of law enforcement, and that they have been known to kill the same. God.  Is our government really that afraid of the will and the power of the people, that they would say this so blithely, without a shred of proof or inkling of what such a statement might do to those this lie is about.  Or maybe, they DO know.  Whatever it takes..jail..slander, death, etc.  "Whatever it takes to protect MY family from you sovereign fanatics, and from those who would steal the money and the bread, and not share it with the likes of FREEDOM LOVERS! CONSTITUTIONALS!  Get out of our slave country, and find somewhere else that you can be free in...because it ain't here.  Not in the good ol' U.S. of A., anyway."

As to sovereigns getting violent with those of law enforcement, or them being killed by members of this criminal group?  I'm afraid to say that EVERYONE is starting to get violent when engaging those of law enforcement these days...mainly because they're starting to get a bit tired of the violence they get from them, some having endured this violence at the hands of law enforcement for generations.  Even if one or two WERE killed by someone claiming to be sovereign, and this were a legitimate claim, I can say, with absolute certainty, that there are many other groups of people in this country...even citizens, who have done this as well; so this is a bullshit factoid.  It also doubles as a great way to mislead the people....away from the groups that deal in the truth, that tell it like it is, like it was, and like it should be.

America?  You have been duped...Conned for years to believe that you had BETTER pay your taxes, that you are required, by law to have a driver's license, when the UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) expressly states that only those with commercial interests or drive or transport those of any Government entity have one, implicitly.  Law makers?  Law enforcement?  What do we need these people for?  Killing innocents in the street?  No thanks.  I'll take care of things myself.

Loves and Kisses all.

The Living Man.  :D

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