Thursday, September 26, 2019

How To Spot A Sovereign Citizen ("The Facts, Page 2, Fact #5)

This, my friends, is a very....very important video.

See, we SOVEREIGNS (everyone in the United States that isn't a U.S. Citizen, as defined by the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, every indigenous person that has not accepted government benefits, and every person that lived in our country before 1864;) are a serious threat to the current order....

Now, the point of THIS video, is that the police do, in fact, believe themselves to be above the law that they enforce.  What it does NOT say (but what I do), is that, NOT ONLY THE POLICE; but every....single....judge, elected official, Mayor, Senator, Representative...every single elected official on every level of government in alleged "Authority" over us believes THEMSELVES to be sovereign...because every one of them believes they are above the law, and that the law that applies to US does NOT apply to them; which if you look up the definition of sovereign, that's exactly what they are saying.  Judges, for instance, enjoy sovereign immunity; but even though they don't call it that, every OTHER official ALSO enjoys sovereign immunity.  Don't believe me?  Try and sue any one.  You won't believe the immunity ALL of these people enjoy.

What you're also going to see in this video is a cut and continued segment that demonizes any of US that believe that WE are sovereign...which we ALL ARE.  Most of us have had this trained out of us.  We aren't aware of our sovereignty anymore.  That's because Government claimed this sovereignty for itself, and doesn't want us having it.  Believe this folks...and if you still don't believe this, just listen to this guy, the police chief...who I guarantee believes HIMSELF to be part of this sovereignty scam, and has enough immunity to protect him for life.

Sometimes you just have to watch what people say and how they say it to realize the real truth, right?  :D

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