Saturday, April 19, 2014

Day #26 - Zero Tolerance for Terrorism (The Article)

“No group or nation should mistake America’s intentions:
We will not rest until terrorist groups of global reach
have been found, have been stopped, and have been defeated."
- George. W. Bush

The policy was drawn up in 2001.  It was issued to the public in 2003.  Georgey Bush Jr. was President.  Two whole years went flying by before we knew the real deal in Washington, where our war with terror was concerned, you gotta love that....I'd say that was more than enough time for every terrorist we knew about (along with their families) to get out of the country, safe from harm, if nothing else!  The enemy wasn't just one was a regime we're after....OK Jorje...whatever you say Jorje...

The thing I remember loving the most was the diagram of "The Structure of Terror".  I remember laughing my ass off the first time I saw that little pyramid.

I have to say, that of all the bull-crap this nation has ever endured in the history of our country, this one had to have been the brownest of them all.  Never in the time since America became a nation, has there EVER been a document to surpass anything previously published, as far as the percentage of stupidity per 100 words; or typed sentences the Government has ever expected us to swallow.  It was truly the tops of ruses, the king installer program of fear, meant to falsely rally us behind one of the biggest morons to ever be in charge of our country to date.  And the worst of it?  We FELL FOR IT!!  We were so severely encompassed in shock and grief over what had happened, that we fell for every word - hook, line and paragraph.

Oh sure, it didn't take us long to recognize what we'd actually ingested.  'Twas very nearly the time our attention turned to Iraq that we realized we'd been duped.  Of course, by this time, it was already way too late.  No, we'd already let our sons and daughters go overseas, to participate in one massively ridiculous war that could only be surpassed in its senselessness by the Vietnam War.  Worse yet, we (evidently) still feel we need to be there?  WHY??  Well, I think we all know that answer, don't we kids?  If not (one of my fav moves, no doubt) please see the article on...well, just see every other article I've written on this subject as well as others.  Can't miss it.  It's in there, over...and over...and over...

Look, I need not go on.  No, I'm really NOT getting lazy America, but as to the biggest sins we have committed, you have to know - that we ALL know, what's up!!  We KNOW what we've done.  What I can't believe, seriously, is our propensity to do it again...over...and over...and over...THAT'S the REAL sin!!  We keep swallowing the President's and the Department of Defense's BS, and we let them kill off generation after generation of our families in senseless war after senseless war...over things we either know nothing or very little of, or in order to engage in placing ourselves all over the world in smaller chunks so we can bully everybody we used to be good neighbors to.

I'm getting pretty tired of repeating myself, is more the likelihood.  If you don't wake up after what I've written in these posts, or, to go waaaaaaaay back, didn't wake up with the words of people like John F. Kennedy, Martin L. King, or a hundred other people who were just plain fed up with the way things were and were big on changing them...then I just don't know what to do or say anymore!!  I could scream at the top of the highest mount with a megaphone and it wouldn't do a whole lot of good, if you aren't going to think for yourselves!!  We are...and have been trained to be, a nation of sheep...and if we continue, we're headed on the path of your average lamb as it comes to the slaughter....DEAD MEAT!!  Dead meat, laying on a plate next to the potatoes and the green beans, waiting to be eaten, first by the humongous evil corporations we serve, then by the remaining powers in the world...China.  Russia.  Watch your step America, Terror is the LEAST of our worries.

Let's count it again, shall we?  Let's count the number of times we've been attacked on our own soil.  Pull out a finger...there you go.  Now let's all say it together...."ONE".  Now read the report.  Google it, use "National Strategy for Combating Terror".  Be sure and look at the lovely "Pyramid of Terror" in figure one, and the "Transnational Chart of Terrorist Networks" of figure two...then take a moment to privately chuckle about figure 3's title of "Operationalizing the Strategy (Operationalizing isn't even a damn word!!), then get back to me about how big our problem with terrorists truly is.  Check those borders.  Be sure and talk to the one...maybe two state troopers that are diligently guarding us against terrorist infiltration on both coasts.  Bet they'll have some stories to tell your grand-kids.  Then, please, if you will remember the nut-sized brain that eeked out this national document concerning terrorists.  Give me a break, will ya?  WAKE UP AMERICA.  'Nough said.  The final curtain has closed, but only on our gravest issues.  Stay tuned for a lot more to come.

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