Sunday, May 26, 2019

Connecting the Dots - (The Facts, Pages ALL, facts ALL)

Hey there.  Just thought I'd throw this out there.

There are, just this year, for the first time ever, mandatory vaccination laws taking hold in CA, OR, WA, NY and ME.  Vaccines, of late, have been found that contain absolutely no antigens (what makes a vaccine work), but have been found with as many as 172 chemical contaminants....43 % of which were identified, (and 57% NOT ID'd)....and, heavy, silver, tungsten, etc.

Spraying occurs in the skies (for Geo-engineering purposes, they say) over just about every 1st world country on the planet...and these contain Strontium, Barium and Aluminum, Cadmium, and Nickel....also heavy metals  Other ingredients that have been used are black coal fly ash, mold spores, radioactive thorium, and Yellow fungal mycotoxins.  About the only country they're not spraying is communist China (Evidently, the planet is cool enough in China, and doesn't require any geo-engineering?).  Aluminum is the biggest ingredient in most spraying that happens.AND THIS CAUSES CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM TYPE ISSUES, such as Alzheimers, dementia, nervousness, memory loss, headaches and emotional instability (Alzheimers and dementia affect around 1 out of 3 seniors these days - a rather alarming rate, if you ask me).

And then, there's 5G, with 270 untested frequencies of microwaves to be used for your cell phone communications, set to hit every corner of our country and the world in just a few months now.

Q.  What happens when you put heavy metals in the microwave?  Something to think about...

FACT:  Currently, on the U.S. Senate floor and on the floors of quite a few states across the country, there are several newer bills....around 170 of them, most of them SECRET bills (WHO KNEW THERE WAS SUCH A THING??)...asking for more chem spraying.

The majority of Americans are not aware that there are several secret wars happening in our country.  There are those fighting vaccines.  There are those exposing the spraying.  There are those exposing the fraud in our courts, the abuses of our children by those in the system, pedophiles, 5G....but these are all really the same war.  It's a war against humanity.  Most of all, it's our war to save it.  The problem is, YOU people do not know about, or care about the danger.  And, because of this, we are winning the smaller wars...but we're losing the big one, because we are so into our smaller wars that we're missing the bigger picture.  We're all about to lose.

See, the criminals in office AND IN POWER, those who own the world, those that have perpetrated all of this fraud, war and death...are they're bringing in the big guns....5G.  And we don't have much time left.  "The Beast System" is a weapon.  They're they only have a single option remaining.  KILL EVERYONE....before everyone comes for THEM.  It takes time to create moral outrage.  But the people are waking up, and a lot faster than was to be the RACE TO 5G ISN'T ABOUT BEATING THE COMPETITION...IT'S ABOUT GETTING THE JOB DONE BEFORE THE JOB DOES THEM IN.

They have weapons....biological.  Demonic.  Particle accelerators.  Inter-dimensional portals.  Time travel ability.  Tools for mind control.  Weather control.  Resources, money...they have it all.  Now they want all we have too.  And they can't do that while we still live.

December 5th, is worldwide D-Day folks.  We don't stop 5G by then, 5G will stop US.  I suggest you all wake up...yesterday, and do something about it.


  1. Since stating my search for answers a year ago, You blog is absolutely the best of the best. I don't see where to post my email but I will be coming back often to learn & share. Thanks for your hard work in getting yout blog set up & working to keep it up. God Bless Us All*

  2. Frightening. Ought not be.


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