Sunday, May 26, 2019

The Enemy of Government (Page 2, facts #2, 3 and 9) IS YOU!!!

FACT:  Every birth certificate drawn up and assigned to any individual in this country is immediately monetized, is worth millions, and is traded on the Stock Market.  They are, in fact, SHARES.
FACT:  You do not own your HOUSES, or the land they sit on.  Your home is designated “Residential”, a COMMERCIAL term, so that it can be property taxed.  You own a HOME, AND IT IS PRIVATE PROPERTY.  Call your tax assessor today and tell him to FIX YOUR DESIGNATION.  If he won’t, sue him for tax fraud.
FACT:  The police are trained to see you as inhuman scum, and you are considered to be AN ENEMY OF THE STATE.  Every time you are stopped, it is to only elevate the stop to a DUI or a drug bust, or, if all else fails, to issue you a ticket to pay.  No more warnings, and EVERY offense can now be a jail-able offence.

Folks, what you are looking at here is an excerpt from Black's Law Dictionary, 6th Edition.


What does this statement, highlighted in yellow mean, exactly?  What it means, my good Americans, is that, because the Government couldn't control itself and its spending, because of its BANKRUPTCY, it has FAILED to do its duty....and as you will find this out, you will be PISSED, and will then, turn on your to identify you as that pissed person, ahead of time, well, you have already been identified as the ENEMY OF said government.  GET IT?

What you are using now, that being a FIAT CURRENCY, is not LAWFUL tender.  It is, in fact, LEGAL tender, a whole different animal.

Lawful money is any form of currency issued by the United States Treasury, (silver and gold) and not the Federal Reserve System. It includes gold and silver coin, Treasury notes, and Treasury bonds. ... Fiat money includes legal tender such as paper money, checks, drafts and bank notes, and these are, essentially....DEBT NOTES.

So do you get it yet?  Every time you use LEGAL, unlawful tender, friends, you are engaging in the national crimes of....are you ready?  COUNTERFEITING AND FORGERY.  Yes folks, you are breaking the law every single day of your existence.  You could, by all rights, be arrested for it too.

Allow your debt to be brought up in a court today....then, when you are ordered to pay, be sure to ask your judge the LAWFUL means to pay your debt.  Tell him that, according to the LAW, only Gold and Silver is LAWFUL tender.  Then, you may want to mention also that Mr. Roosevelt stole all the gold and silver that your parents and grandparents were in possession of, and Mr. Nixon abolished the Gold Standard that assured us that any bill under that standard could be refunded with GOLD.  Take your bills to the bank now, and all you will get is more fiat currency.  All worthless.

By the way, you should probably be informed that there is, to date, only ONE remaining....lawfully identified beans.  I suggest you buy yourself a few bags, and get to paying off your debts.  You can find all the legal paperwork for this at:

Here's what they WON'T tell you.  Your souls, friends, have been monetized; through the avenue of your BIRTH CERTIFICATES....AND YOU; and everything that you currently "own"; is the REAL security for our nation's debt.  Yes, upon your "registration" (registration, by the way, stands for GIVEN TO THE KING....what king is that, I wonder??) at birth, your "share" is immediately presented on the stock exchange as something that will someday turn a profit, in that you will pay taxes someday.  If that doesn't happen, it's OK, since those non-working kind of people will be JAILED instead, and will produce money that way, from those that pay the federal government to do so.

That debt is high in the 20T's range these days.  Your birth certificates are worth millions, and, should you find your CUSIP numbers on your ORIGINAL birth certificates (which you can no longer get, by the way.  Those are held in the U.S. Treasury, and are only allowed to issue you certified COPIES of your birth certificates...with all financial information blanked out, of course.  These are stamped with a federal reserve controlled bank stamp, i.e., the Bank of Canada); you can actually track who it is that owns your security.  For all you know, all you are and own is owned, more than likely, by some little guy in China...who may just decide to come looking for his share someday.
You know, I think it's hilarious that certain organizations are selling us our own gold back to that, someday, they can just gather it back up and sell it to more generations a couple of decades down the line.  What a great scam that one is.  Worse yet, you people are FALLING FOR IT TOO.

Folks, you should really scour ebay and your law libraries for older copies of "Black's Law Dictionary", and compare some of the terms with their current and older definitions.  You'll note, very quickly, that a host of these terms have been changed....and not for your benefit.

For more on THE FED, check this:

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