Friday, May 31, 2019

Expecting the System to Fix or Change Itself (The Facts, Pages all, facts all)

There couldn't possibly be anything that pisses me off more than someone who suggests, to me or anyone else, that I talk to my lawmakers, my senators, my Governor, or anyone else in Government, about what they can do for me; or, again, for anyone else.  The System, folks, is not broken.  It began broken, and has been utterly mutilated for a good many years.  Worse yet, it's not broken, it's damn near dead...and if we don't completely dismantle it?  We'll be dead too.  There is nothing you can do within the system that will fix the system.  The System is dead.  Justice is dead.  Our principles, our morals and our expectations of those who are in alleged authority over us are deader than dead.  The System is a well oiled, self-serving, self-protecting crowd of criminals, pedophiles, mafia bosses, narcissists and control freaks.  Talking to it now in any way is not much different than talking to a rock or a wall.  I've always been a hater of cliches...but I think there is one that most certainly applies here, mainly because of the animal it references.  You cannot expect that a tiger will ever change its stripes....mainly because THIS tiger happens to like what it has become, and will not give up or change, yesterday, or tomorrow...or any time before or after those periods of time.

Now, let's talk about this situation.  Do you believe, for even one lonely moment, that to get something accomplished within the System is any kind of a victory?  Because I guarantee you...if you get a law changed, or get legislation passed or hindered, that it's no victory.  Why do I say that?  Because those of our respective governments have been at this a good, long time.  Those in office for years know what's up; they know what it takes to make you go away.  And if you won't do so willingly, they have plenty of big guys named Tiny on the payroll that will ensure your disappearance.  I bet you; that within a month of you getting what you want, what you wanted will get changed, will get repealed, or will be circumvented by some other ruling or "law", as soon as your back is turned.

But this is not why I brought you here; what I brought you here for was to lay before you some of the sickening things that have been occurring of late.  The first thing I want you to do, when you hear some of this stuff, is I want you to immediately think what you would do, should anything like this happen to you and yours...then puke if you should feel so inclined.

I have friends in California.  Lots of friends.  There, and New York....and I gotta tell you, some of the stuff I hear coming out of these liberal states just makes me downright ill.  Today, I was dragged into this story:

A parent's five year old son in California, who was asked to draw himself, drew himself like he was often dressed at a Laker's jersey.  Evidently, he often wore this jersey by itself around the house, and this is how he drew the picture.  The teacher then called on the parents to inform them that they thought it best that this boy see a Trans-gender Counselor, who functioned at this school.  Why?  Because the drawing of this jersey in this 5-YEAR-OLD'S SELF-PORTRAIT appeared to the teacher to be a dress, and presented to this teacher that it was the alleged desire of this kindergarten-aged student to be a different sex....can you believe that?  Oh, but it doesn't stop with, if that wasn't infuriating enough to these parents, because the parents told the teacher to get bent, they were then THREATENED TO SEE THIS COUNSELOR, OR THE TEACHER WOULD BE FORCED TO REPORT THEM FOR CHILD ABUSE.  That abuse?  Depriving that 5 year old child of his alleged desire to be a different sex.

In New York, there are now legalized full-term abortions people.  FULL-TERM.  I believe there's another name for this....something that would have made you physically shudder even 20 years ago.  INFANTICIDE.  If that weren't bad enough (most people laugh when I tell them this is legal somewhere) this is legal in TWELVE STATES!!!!!!!!  I cried out at the one.  I could not believe it when I saw that number grow to 12 before my eyes in just one Google search.

As if doctors, teachers, police officers and more weren't enough, now DENTISTS have become "mandatory reporters" on your right to parent, and now can call CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES on you if you and get your kids taken from you if, say, you don't approve of his diagnosis to give your child a root canal, say.  Where doctors are concerned, more and more parents are having their children stolen from them with GUNS DRAWN, NO WARRANTS, ETC. because the parents wanted a 2nd opinion...or didn't agree with putting the child up in a hospital for a couple of days.

Folks, this insanity MUST STOP....or pretty soon, there will be NO REASON LEFT for your children to remain home.  This cannot continue.  Nazi Germany had it better'n us.  Do what you want to me, I care...but you will not continue to persecute my children and my grandchildren, for whatever agenda you're after.  It's MY FAULT, AND YOUR FAULT THAT THINGS HAVE GOTTEN THIS BAD...AND YOUR CHILDREN AND MY CHILDREN ALIKE ARE SUFFERING FOR OUR COMPLACENCY.  STAND UP NOW....OR WE AND OUR FUTURES ARE LOST.

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