Sunday, March 22, 2015

The Need to Ignore, Part I (repost)

Well folks, I did promise this church that their post would remain at the top o' the line, until such a time as they stop filing charges against this father, stop supporting the Pritchards in their fostering stolen children, and as soon as the Pritchards stop taking in foster children, as presented to them by DHS.  So here's how all that's gonna work.

I will either be adding to this post, or I will delete it, add my post, then repost this one.  So this will, I guess, be my "flagship" post, until all I have asked is done.

Needless to say, nothing has been done...except the filing of false 1st degree Harassment charges against this father, in an effort to stop him from a. Attending pertinent hearings that are coming up, in which I will be bringing my felony charges against DHS and all involved in our legal 3-ring circus.. as well as attending b. the appeal to the termination...if Judge William A. Price would ever get off his assets and get out a freekin' order so I can.  In the meantime, I'm sorry you will have to dig under this one for the newest stuff, but I promise that anything that comes out after (or below, as it were) this post will be well worth the dig, trust that.  Keep on truckin'...that's what I say.  On to Washington then!!  :D


Ain't that something.

I sent a copy of the recording of the removal from the mother to the foster parents, in an effort to convince them they need to get out of the foster care business.  It would seem that ignoring the evidence and continuing to speak to the enemy in order to stop the father is what DHS and the Pritchards now have in mind.  So, I guess it's back to the church, their support system, right??  Thank God for the right to free speech...

So anyway, the FIRST FAMILY CHURCH, 317 S.E. Magazine Rd., in Ankeny, Iowa, has chosen to support the Pritchards in their efforts to continue to foster children ILLEGALLY SNATCHED from legitimate loving parents.

Here are the emails of all of the primary officials of this church.  Be sure and ask them what THEY'RE thinking?  Joni Boone, Ministry Assistant  Jennifer Coleman, Officer Manager/Finance  Becky Doubleday, Children's Ministry Assistant  Chris Eller, Pastor of small groups and Administration  Carlos Jerez, Family Pastor  Chris Kelly, College Ministry Intern  Steve Noble, Worship Coordinator  R.J. Parks, Director of Operations  Amy Schendel, Children's Ministry Assistant  Josh Skow  Todd Stiles, Lead Pastor  Travis Walker, Youth Director  Tanner Battles, Communications Director

...and of course, Ms. Pritchards email again:

The Church's Phone Number?:  515-964-8300 more thing.  The "Dick" that's trying to get me arrested doesn't even have a warrant.  His little corrupt ass is just trying to stir up trouble.  I told him if he doesn't quit bothering my mother, and calling my phone, that I will, not unlike everyone else involved as well, cost him his job and destroy his career as a "detective".  DHS has stepped their last step where this father is concerned, now it's all about them and their pet brainwashed foster parents.  Whatever it takes, America...all within the boundaries of the law, of course.  They will all pay.  And as we speak, as well, the police and, I'm sure, DHS are now taking all of the SINGLE emails that I sent everyone and trying to make more counts of harassment out of it.  Funny how that works.  Remember too, not a SINGLE ONE OF THESE PEOPLE has asked me to stop, with the exception of Lindsay, and all she did was say "do not contact me again"....once.  The rest have been eating up the blog and the emails.  It's because I posted this post that they're going crazy now.  Sounds like they're both trying to deprive me of my right of free speech, and trying to drum up more charges to get me arrested so I can't bring out the truth in both my appeal and my assessment...doesn't it?  Yeah.  Me too.

Remember too, "Dick", that it's not slander or libel, unless it's FALSE.  The facts are these:  That DHS is stealing newborn babies and giving them to people like Lindsay and Nathan Pritchard.  Lindsay and Nathan Pritchard, regardless of the facts that were duly presented to them via my emails (the address which is publicly found ONLINE), and the recording of the removal were duly ignored, which means they condone this in DHS.  The church, where she publicly speaks on the wonders of foster care has been also duly notified of all of the facts (via email addresses which are also ONLINE, FOR EVERYONE TO SEE), and I have done nothing short of pointed the blog out to them, and sent the minister ONLY the copy of the removal.  None of these people has contacted me and told me to stop, hell, the minister opened his copy (to read the blog) over 120 times (I have a program that lets me know this..)...and they duly ignored this and are now trying to claim harassment.  Therefore, it's obivous that they fully support the Pritchards in supporting DHS and foster care, and stealing babies from innocent loving families.  Therefore, their information, which can be obtained anywhere on the web, got published.

So Forget it pally.  It's never going to hold up in court, my little "Dick" friend.  Arrest me all you like, I will, regardless, get ALL my days in court, and this WILL be settled; the church can deal with their decision to continue their support, and I will keep my right to free speech.  This post, and all it contains will REMAIN AT THE TOP OF THIS BLOG, in full living color, as it will remain at the top of the OTHER blog, the Des Moines blog, found HERE:

 and will be reposted over and over again...that is, until the church stops supporting the Pritchards, the Pritchards cease their foster care, and we get our daughter back.



Probably almost a week ago now, I wrote the chief of the Des Moines Police in an effort to get "The Dick" out of my a**, and he didn't read those...until yesterday.

Now remember, yesterday, my bright and shiny countenance went into the "Metro's Most Wanted" list, for a false charge they still haven't shown me any proof that they can legitimately make that charge stick with.  And won't either...mostly because they don't have that proof.  No, all they care about is putting something out there that they can make people call in with, with the promise, I'm sure, of some sort of reward to get me arrested before the assessment appeal happens.  Too bad, so sad guys.  I'm more than far enough away already, and by this time, Monday, I'll be out of the state.  There isn't an idiot on earth stupid enough to believe that you're going to pay to have me extradited for a misdemeanor...even an aggrevated one.

However, I almost doubt that it's going to get that far.  I have brought upon myself the interest of the law firm of Parrish & Kriedenier, and that's no law firm to screw with, if you know anything about Des Moines at all.  If I can get them to take this soon to be high profile case, the ripple effect should have DHS, the county attorney, Judge Price, and the DMPD fairly shaking in its boots.  If I can weasel a "Sure, we'll represent you in this" outta them by Monday, I won't be going anywhere, but the promised Assessment appeal.  I won't need them for that one, that's pretty much open and shut.  The evidence alone will bury them.  Then there's the fact that I'm counting the days...all 17 of them now, until I can look the Bitch, Nieman, straight in the eyes, as I lay her career to rest.

So, back to "The Dick" situation, so I watched as all of those emails FINALLY got opened, almost a week later, and a day too late, they emailed me to tell me that the Major in charge of the detective's unit would be looking into it.  I promptly replied with "Too Late.  Damage's pretty much done now, isn't it?"

The morning I found out that my face was first in line for arrest in Des Moines, I called non-emergency.  I got a call from a sargeant about it (sure as hell wish I could remember the guy's name), and I'm going to quote you the things he said, as close as I can remember them.  See, at this point, since they have NO idea where I am, and can't find me through the traditional means, all they want now is for me to show my face...naturally, so that they can arrest me.  So after I told the guy that they had no proof, and that they had best take my face down because they have no proof of any of that, and that what they were doing was slander and libel (remember, this is aired on Fox 17 and channel 13's newscasts as well), that I would sue.  Know what this professional police sargeant said to me then?  "You know, I've been a cop for 25 years, and if I had a f***ing nickel for every Motherf***er that said he'd sue this department for that, I'd be a rich man....You're a big man on the phone, why don't you come talk to me?"...and naturally, I said "You're kidding me" which he said..."Yeah, you're a big man on the phone, but you're just a big chickensh**...".  In case you hadn't figured it out, he was trying to push my buttons in his big cop way and get me mad enough to agree to come in.  What he didn't know is that they had tried this on me before...and it worked, and I'm sure you know what happened next.  I got arrested.  For non-payment of child support to the first ex-wife, in case you were wondering.

Then, after the chiefy read his letters, I get another email...from another such sargeant.  I was Majorly disappointed that I wasn't to hear from the promised Major.  Here's THAT email...including another sorry attempt to get the "suspect" to come in for arrest:

"Today, I was made aware of your complaints of harassment by Detective Lancaster in regards to his investigation into case # 15-4490.  Due to the unsecure nature of email and the inability to properly identify parties responding, I would ask to speak to you in person reference this matter.  Thank you for your time.  I look forward to seeing you in person.


Sgt Michael McTaggart
Robbery/Homicide Bureau
Des Moines Police Department"

Just how stupid do these people believe I am????  See, the problem here, America, is that each and every cop out there thinks that we citizens that they believe have broken the law, are all IDIOTS.  MORONS.  Get a clue people.  I TOOK TWO FRIGGIN' YEARS OF PRE-LAW, and I know how YOU morons operate.

Anyway, the point is, my face is still there.  In another 2 added faces, it'll be off of the front page.  My friends are my friends for a reason...I trust them, and not a single one would turn me in.  Besides, only a select few have a clue where I am, and your efforts to find me will be more than futile.

One more jab.  As progressive as this city always claims to be, the fact that the only recourse these idiots are given is the option to try and piss us off so that we'll get mad enough at what the names they're calling us are, that we'll come down to talk to them, so that we can get arrested when we do, and to go to my mother's house where I haven't been known to even darken the doorway since the early 80's to look for me?  Sad.

You know what you have to do, just sift your way through the backdoor of Facebook that they provide just to law enforcement, and get the damn job done already, willya?  And you had best hurry too, I'm leavin' Monday, probabnly around 9.  Just remember though, Des Moines knows what you're doing...and so does P&K, the courts, your state and your country.  Arrest this father, and you might just get a pretty goodly backlash.  I mean, really....what do you think I do with all of my free time, talk about girls I've met, and post pictures all day?  No, I talk about you, I talk about DHS, I talk about the injustice in what you've done to this father.  And people are LISTENING.  So come on.  Arrest me MF's....let's see if that works on you, like it worked on me, back when I was  :D



Well kids??  'Twould seem I'm going to have to kick this trip off a day early.  See, I kinda got a hair up my *** and decided I'd call Katie the Gosch Darn Caseworker and Bitch Auntie 'Em and give 'em a little send off harassment.  You know, didn't want 'em to forget 'bout me while I was in Washington...since they're 89% of the reason I'm even  So I kicked off the trip at 4 a.m. this morning.

So anyway, good news, I'm already over a state line...which means I'm as good as free from their iron rule for the moment.  Next thing ya know, it'll be two....three...and with every line I cross, it's less and less likely Des Moines will be comin' to get me even if I DO get arrested.

Keep in mind...I am doing this for me...but I'm going for Iowa, and the nation as well.  I need to prove my fightin' mettle, so I have a prop for the campaign to be your President in 2020.  Like they say on infowars, "The Answer to 1984 is 1776.  And don't you worry....I'll sent you some ePostcards, I promise.  :D

SIDENOTE:  Remember now, all you kids in First Family Church land, as well as in Police land.  I can tell EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU OPEN ONE OF MY EMAILS...right down to who's opening what.  I love that you're keeping track, really I do.  Good luck on the hunt!!  It won't be over until everyone involved here is in CLUB FED...No, not you churchies...but this post WILL remain up on the number one slot...and look over there, to the purplish looking sidebar?  Your post is quickly taking over the number one read post slot.  I wouldn't push it by looking TOO  Btw, just so you know that I KNOW, three emails were opened at....9:00 a.m. this morning.  And thank you jboone, for your business 2x at....9:07 this a.m.  :D

SIDENOTE II:  Oh, and to the police, monitoring:  I post things long after I leave where I am, so don't go tryin' to figure out where I am by the time my posts go up, or by the pictures I'm taking, because it's likely that I'm about 3 hours ahead of you by the time you see them.  :D



Man!!  I can't believe how green Wisconsin is already!!!  One of the things I always loved about this state...if you're into the Irish thing, this is the state to be in.  Still just one state away, but I feel a lot farther along already.  Keep comin' back!!  It'll be a while before I hit the next state line, so be patient, ok?



Hey, it's one of my least fav states....but dammit, if there's a fan out there from Illinios, I'm truly happy ta have ya, make no mistake.  On to another one of those, Indiana....blech!!

Oh c'mon're hoggin' all the views!  Let somebody new look at it, will ya??

NOTE:  I thought I might mess with the cops a little and show 'em a house they might want to try and track me down  Of course, they probably didn't read all that hoohah about me bein' three or better hours ahead of 'em when I posted this kind of thing... :D



OK, so now I'm OFFICIALLY two states away....and I'm feeling a whole lot better.  But I'm not stopping today until there's a much safer 3 states difference, kids.  Not that I'm too worried about them finding me in this nice big world, America, but, you can never ever be too damned careful either.  I refuse to get overly cocky.  Cocky usually comes before the fall yannow...or was that Pride?  Who can be sure.  Whatever the case, it's time to rest and enjoy the local sights for a while.



Well kids, I just gotta say it.  I must have visited all of the wrong cities in Ohio, because I was nicely surprised by the cleanliness and beauty of this city, Columbus, and their skyline and general overall appearance.  I think I'm gonna call it a day.  I'm now a nice safe 3 state distance from the corrupt and awful state I live in, and I couldn't be more pleased about it.  I imagine that, at around 8 a.m. tomorrow or so, either the state police or the Des Moines or local police will, more than likely, be pounding on my door to search my new home for my presence there...even though I've made it abundantly clear where my current destination is.  Funny that, let's just waste the taxpayers money and try anyway, I'm sure is what they're saying.  What do they care, right?  Oh, and I'm sure the bonus will be to harass my wife as to my whereabouts, and maybe kill or maim my dog...the viscious little rat terrier I have.

Anyway, moving right along, I'm halfway there, and I need a rest.  So tonight, I sleep, and tomorrow we continue to Washington.

Some have said, already, that they don't feel that what I'm doing is going to accomplish a single thing, where ridding our state of corruption is concerned.  To that, I only have this to say.  I'm doin' it anyway.  I don't care about other people's experience..this is all that I have left to do.  Nothing anyone can say to me will stop my determination.  Not even those of Washington.  They will know the name of the Mighty Sword, or my name isn't...well, the Mighty Sword.

So, I will rest...and whether the city and state police of Ohio perhaps diligently hunt me down on the behalf of Iowa or not, I will get my rest...for tomorrow is a bright and shiny new day.  Remember my sacrifice Iowa.  Remember my name America.  For tomorrow, or quite possibly the day following (depending on the drive time, that is), I will be raising my hand to be heard, for all of us.  I will fight this battle alone, if necessary, at all costs, and I will either win my cause, or I will die trying.  Only time will tell.

I have, by the way, written 10 letters today.  One is to the United States Department of Justice, the last attempt to contact someone of any real consequence, hopefully to draw attention to my case.  Another batch were sent to the local and national news stations in Washington.  Another one or two to the foster parents and to our local police, Channel 13/17 (KDSM Fox) news and to our "Alternative" paper, Cityview, in an attempt to stop them from airing this father on the "Metro's most wanted" show/article they plan to soon print, or slander and libel charges will ensue.  I'm sure, because the DMPD says so, they will not listen.  Too bad for them.  Maybe they should, huh?  Hang in there America.  I still have faith in the legal system.  SOMEONE...if not all, shall pay for this.  So Sayeth The Mighty Sword.  Stay Tuned.  :D



Hey there kids!  Yeah, it's me again.  More pix, and just a 6 1/2 hour drive is all we're looking at now, and I just can't wait to get going.  Like I said, I imagine that Katie Gosch and Auntie 'Em are just now getting their harassing phone calls for the week, and have now figured out (if they have any brains, that is...) that this father WAS in Carroll, Iowa.  Of course, as you can see, I am in a galaxy far far away, and the chances of them coming across me in this or any state is now little or zero.  I'm gonna shoot for zero, whaddya say?

Keep an eye out, I'll be posting lots more today, but it looks like I might have to take my chances and stay away from Washington today, since I'll be arriving there just about the time the work day ends, and I imagine that the night life in Washington isn't all its cracked up to be, so the less nights I'm there, even if its only ONE less, would be advisable.  I will, however, be damned close to it by then, and I will be getting an exceptionally early start in the morn', of that you can be guaranteed.

See ya soon with our next state!

NOTE:  Hey, maybe I should pay a visit to LANCASTER, while I'm here, and tell 'em just what I think of the name of their fair  :D

SPECIAL NOTE:  To Des Moines and Polk County, as well as to the citizens of Iowa and our nation:  The Police Chief has now opened 4 letters of mine over 35 times.  He doesn't respond, nor does he do ANYTHING about this.  I've especially asked him for his proof concerning my first degree harassment, and indicated, that now might be a good time to come forward with it...before I get to D.C., would probably be best...:D

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