Monday, March 23, 2015

Unfreakin'believable, Part III (The Assessment Appeal Railroad Job, Part I)

NOTE:  Contact DHS....Where I sent my combined certificate for appeal to the Supreme Court to appeal the Termination Hearing order? (By the way, THIS is why that order hasn't come out yet...they're going to use the results from the assessment railroad job to fuel that order, and make our appeal to the Supreme Court afterwards look frivolous and ridiculous...make sense?)  They have opened that certificate...get this...128 TIMES...AND SEVEN TIMES, JUST TODAY.  This is the Attorney General, looking to make sure he's covered all of his bases, and has come up with just enough to make us look as stupid as possible.  He don't know me vewy well, DO HE?


Well kids, we're now 9 days out from our long awaited assessment appeal, where we will be tearing up the careers of MANY.  This father?  Can't wait, personally.

I've just discovered that this appeal is gonna be even more fun than I imagined.

Why you ask??  Welllllll.....

Get this.  I couldn't believe it when I opened it.  Here's what I'm a talkin' bout...

Now, first of all, this appeal applies to the Child Protective Assessment SUMMARY, DATED:  July 17th Through August 12th.  This document is the social worker's report, that dates 21 days from it's beginning to be a case, and is a summary of what, who, why, where, and how....from the worker's point of view.  This worker's point of view, as you all well know, is that her fairy tale is true, all of the 55 lies plus she told in it are true, founded, and backed up by more facts that she drummed up, using....whatever, out of thin air, and that the removal of the child was cool, the D.A. was cool in backing that up, and the judge was cool for ruling the way he did during the course of it, using HIS fabricated facts...and the ones she and the D.A. fabricated, and that we deserve to sign a child abuse registry for ten years.

You'll notice, that on this document (sent to me after I sent in MY witness list of over 25 witnesses plus a ton of evidence, of which only two are really needed for sure...the recording of the removal and the removal order), that this is their return list of evidence THEY will be presenting, and their own witness list.

Note too, that what they are using, in order, is this:

1.  The Child Abuse assessment notice.  Hmm....don't remember that, out of the 700 other documents I had, but that's ok.

2.  The child abuse assessment for me, one for Liz.  Check.

3.  The Child Abuse Assessment summary...well, that's coo.  I submitted that as well.  Check.

4.  the CINA Petition.  Check.  Me Too.

5.  The CINA Removal order...ah, but here's the deal.  We're not talking about the order itself.  No, we're talking about JUDGE PRICE'S removal order, dated on our first court date.  Yes, we've passed up the temporary removal order...they don't want that one.  That one is all BS. is Judge Price's, but we won't talk about THAT.  We all KNOW about that one.

6.  Now here we have The adjudication order....ah, but wait...that took place on September 12...why are we looking at that?

7.  The Disposition order, October 21....WHAT??

8.  The Permanancy Order, 1/15

9.  The DHS report....whoa, now COME ON!!  dated 12/30/14.

10.  The Termination report, dated 2/16/15....

Need I go on?  What the f*** do #6 through...whatever have to do with the assessment summary, the only thing we're talking about here??????  And we're going to use, as exhibits, all of Judge Price's fabricated facts, based on the D.A.'s hearsay facts, gathered from Emily Nieman's fairy tale facts, gathered from Jacque Karlson's made up reported call to DHS, also hearsay.  And let's not even talk about the reports from noted liar KATIE GOSCH...Are you starting to get that railroad feeling again yet????

Now, here's what I love too...Their reserve on the right to call any exhibit necessary to refute or respond to unanticipated evidence offered by another party....

Now, I don't know how many lawyers we have in our audience, or lawmakers, but this sounds a bit shady to me.  First of all, what other party are we talking about?  There's us...and them.  Are there more parties to this I don't know about?  And if I don't know about them, shouldn't I be aware of these to present a proper defense???  And what about that evidence?  Shouldn't I be aware of that too?  I mean, why did I send in an exhibit list, and have to do it before 14 days of the hearing, when they can submit their evidence anytime?  Here's another thing I love, I had to submit my witness list 14 days prior...and they sent me theirs 10 days before the hearing.  Evidently, they don't have to follow their own rules.

...and, any exhibit listed by another party...


What does that mean?  I'll tell you what it means, Iowa/America.  This means they can call in whatever and whoever they want for just about any reason...and don't have to tell me a damn thing about it.

Let's move on to section II, the witnesses.  OK....

Well, this is cut and dried.  We have us, and Emily.  Perfect.  Oh, but wait...there's that reserve the right thingy again...We the DHS have the right to call witnesses listed by the appellant. WE have to do all the hoofwork, and serve all the subpoenas, whilst they sit in their cushy offices and let me do all the work.  Then, THEY can call OUR witnesses to the stand, in order to ask direct questions to the witnesses...MY witness, that they had no intention of calling themselves, and ask them whatever they want too.


You gotta love this.  Aren't you getting any of this yet peeps??

Here's the deal tho.  I could give a flying rat's kiester.  Let 'em have their day in the sun.  Everyone I called is straight up GOING DOWN.  And all this does is continue to fuel that conspiracy fire I've been yelling about for 8 straight months.  I hope, after all I do, that they rule in favor of keeping that assessment, and making us sign that, I TRIPLE DOG DARE 'em.  I'll make sure and ask for the transcripts from this one folks.

Oh more thing.  Here's the info to contact the Iowa Attorney General's office, and it's head, Tom Miller.  Make sure and ask him whose laws and court procedures HE follows, as opposed to the rest of us.  Or, if you really want answers, ask for Mr. Grant Dugdale, who's in charge of the Prosecution:



Phone Number:  515-281-5164

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