Saturday, April 19, 2014

Day #26 - Zero Tolerance for Terrorism (The Article)

“No group or nation should mistake America’s intentions:
We will not rest until terrorist groups of global reach
have been found, have been stopped, and have been defeated."
- George. W. Bush

The policy was drawn up in 2001.  It was issued to the public in 2003.  Georgey Bush Jr. was President.  Two whole years went flying by before we knew the real deal in Washington, where our war with terror was concerned, you gotta love that....I'd say that was more than enough time for every terrorist we knew about (along with their families) to get out of the country, safe from harm, if nothing else!  The enemy wasn't just one was a regime we're after....OK Jorje...whatever you say Jorje...

The thing I remember loving the most was the diagram of "The Structure of Terror".  I remember laughing my ass off the first time I saw that little pyramid.

I have to say, that of all the bull-crap this nation has ever endured in the history of our country, this one had to have been the brownest of them all.  Never in the time since America became a nation, has there EVER been a document to surpass anything previously published, as far as the percentage of stupidity per 100 words; or typed sentences the Government has ever expected us to swallow.  It was truly the tops of ruses, the king installer program of fear, meant to falsely rally us behind one of the biggest morons to ever be in charge of our country to date.  And the worst of it?  We FELL FOR IT!!  We were so severely encompassed in shock and grief over what had happened, that we fell for every word - hook, line and paragraph.

Oh sure, it didn't take us long to recognize what we'd actually ingested.  'Twas very nearly the time our attention turned to Iraq that we realized we'd been duped.  Of course, by this time, it was already way too late.  No, we'd already let our sons and daughters go overseas, to participate in one massively ridiculous war that could only be surpassed in its senselessness by the Vietnam War.  Worse yet, we (evidently) still feel we need to be there?  WHY??  Well, I think we all know that answer, don't we kids?  If not (one of my fav moves, no doubt) please see the article on...well, just see every other article I've written on this subject as well as others.  Can't miss it.  It's in there, over...and over...and over...

Look, I need not go on.  No, I'm really NOT getting lazy America, but as to the biggest sins we have committed, you have to know - that we ALL know, what's up!!  We KNOW what we've done.  What I can't believe, seriously, is our propensity to do it again...over...and over...and over...THAT'S the REAL sin!!  We keep swallowing the President's and the Department of Defense's BS, and we let them kill off generation after generation of our families in senseless war after senseless war...over things we either know nothing or very little of, or in order to engage in placing ourselves all over the world in smaller chunks so we can bully everybody we used to be good neighbors to.

I'm getting pretty tired of repeating myself, is more the likelihood.  If you don't wake up after what I've written in these posts, or, to go waaaaaaaay back, didn't wake up with the words of people like John F. Kennedy, Martin L. King, or a hundred other people who were just plain fed up with the way things were and were big on changing them...then I just don't know what to do or say anymore!!  I could scream at the top of the highest mount with a megaphone and it wouldn't do a whole lot of good, if you aren't going to think for yourselves!!  We are...and have been trained to be, a nation of sheep...and if we continue, we're headed on the path of your average lamb as it comes to the slaughter....DEAD MEAT!!  Dead meat, laying on a plate next to the potatoes and the green beans, waiting to be eaten, first by the humongous evil corporations we serve, then by the remaining powers in the world...China.  Russia.  Watch your step America, Terror is the LEAST of our worries.

Let's count it again, shall we?  Let's count the number of times we've been attacked on our own soil.  Pull out a finger...there you go.  Now let's all say it together...."ONE".  Now read the report.  Google it, use "National Strategy for Combating Terror".  Be sure and look at the lovely "Pyramid of Terror" in figure one, and the "Transnational Chart of Terrorist Networks" of figure two...then take a moment to privately chuckle about figure 3's title of "Operationalizing the Strategy (Operationalizing isn't even a damn word!!), then get back to me about how big our problem with terrorists truly is.  Check those borders.  Be sure and talk to the one...maybe two state troopers that are diligently guarding us against terrorist infiltration on both coasts.  Bet they'll have some stories to tell your grand-kids.  Then, please, if you will remember the nut-sized brain that eeked out this national document concerning terrorists.  Give me a break, will ya?  WAKE UP AMERICA.  'Nough said.  The final curtain has closed, but only on our gravest issues.  Stay tuned for a lot more to come.

Day....Number....26.....Zero Tolerance for Terrorism (Intro)

Yeah, America.  I did it.  It's a done deal.  I came up with enough wrong with America that I was able to go through the whole freekin' alphabet without even blinking.

Wheel of Morality, turn turn turn, show us the lesson that we should learn....

- WakkoWarner, The Animaniacs

Tis a sad state of affairs America.  I'm truly disappointed.

And yet, I'm good too.  I'm good, because I was able to show you it was possible, that we're a messed up country, in need of a big fix.  OK, a heck of a lot o' big fixes.  It can be done.  Thanks to your readership, a little eye-opening, and some trust, we're well on our way.  Thanks to the lot of you (it's sorta starting to sound like that massively large thank you I've been promising to my faithful, as well as the more flaky followers, isn't it?), I've decided (and announced more than I care to admit) that Americas 26 Deadly Sins will continue on to America's Deadly Sins.  It will now have the subsets of Politics and Law and The American Consumer by the end of today as well.  I haven't quite figured out how to do that as yet, but it WILL be done.

I'm also noticing that comments, once again, do not seem to be working in Blogger, which leads me to believe that I'm STILL doing something wrong.  If anyone can shed some light on this for me, I'd sure love to hear it.  This will be problem #1 that I work on today, right after getting my posts moved around, and blogs obliterated.

I'm going to post a grand total of 5 times today, so look for more.  Post #1, this post, is my thank you to all of you that read this.  The largest portion of this thank you is for the readers of Twitter, who followed me without having the first clue who I am.  I'm proud that I have garnered the likes of people such as Russell Brand, Kat Williams, Obama's former Campaign Manager Phil Gaskin, American Family Insurance, Benjamin Saks, Nate Maingard, Danisha Danielle, Peter Kelly, Mike Wells, Aric C. Carter, Handsome As Sin (Rock Band). Carla Bianco, Georgia Reed, Dave Neal, Bridgette, Eden Burning (Rock Band), Royal Jacks (Rock Band), Steve Balbi, Space March (Pop Band), Thoughts From Paris, Jason Rosell, Ashely Lux and Crystal Lee Morgan.

Post #2 will be the story for Z.  Post 3 should contain news of my moving blogs.  Post 4 will concern comments, and what I've accomplished in fixing 'em.  Post 5 will address the continuation of America's deadly sins, any changes in finding things moved, and another big thanks to America.  Keep in touch.  :D

Friday, April 18, 2014

Day #25 - Youth

Man.  I'm lovin' it.  I'm just a single day away from the end of the alphabet.  I have to say, it's been a pretty crazy time, trying to come up with a subject for every single letter of the alphabet.  It's harder than you think!!  But here we are.

Day 25 is about Youth.  Our Youth.  Young'n's.  Youngsters.  Young People.  There, that ate up about 12 words of the subject.  There, is that good enough?  Are we done?

Yeah right.  Sorry America, I'm afraid I could write entire encyclopedias here.  Let me at least eek out a couple volumes before I go to bed, OK?  Deal?  So let's get going.

Let's get right to some meat.  Then I'll move on to the 'taters.  No, no, the 'Taters.  Not the Toddlers. What's the meat, you ask?  That should be obvious.  How we're allowed (or not allowed) to raise our children.  This is probably the most disturbing that's happened to us in the course of my lifetime.

Now, I'm just sure that people everywhere are simply gasping at the audacity of what not only comes out of kids' mouths these days, but also at the sheer size of their "cahones" when it comes to the things they do. And us eld people just shake our heads, and can be heard saying things like "Wow...I can't believe he just SAID THAT" well as "Can you believe that?  Why, if I had done that to MY father..." usually quickly followed by a rather graphic description of father and son in some torture session, usually involving a wood shed and a paddle with nails in it...that sort of thing.  Yes, America, things have indeed changed some, haven't they?  Used to be, kids sassed us, it wasn't that uncommon to see mom stretch her arm, usually over a greater distance than believed possible, and just POP that kid in the mouth.  Sure, we may have winced slightly, but it was acceptable back then.  Sometimes it just took just that to keep that kid in line, and you could sure believe that the next time sassing came to mind, he'd remember that pop, and zip it up.  And mom was the preferred parent for punishment.  What was it mom was always saying?  Oh yeah..."You just WAIT till your FATHER gets home!!"  We knew we'd had it then, for sure.  Visions of dad's belt coming off his waist was the biggest nightmare around for most bad kids.

No more of that crap though., we're in danger of losing our children with that kind of behavior by parents.  The state is the all-powerful god in this day and age.  The department of Child Protective Services is the enemies of parents now.  Phrases like "What's best for the children" became household words no parent wants to hear.  And worse yet, not only are parents fearful of them, they fear their own children!!  One smack too hard, armed with another child's story of someone else's parents that got hauled off, or that had their children taken away for whatever reason...and your child is now someone you no longer know.  Next thing you know, DHS is speeding up to your curb, and those little innocents that were so cute 10 years ago, and that you loved and cherished are now evil pre-teens, who, after being told they couldn't go to the Justin Beiber concert without first finishing their homework, have decided they've had enough and turned on you.  After a couple years of foster care with a new family that spoils them to no end, they can file to be emancipated.  12 year old girls, who, after watching their barely older sisters having kids before their time, dressing up to emulate them, then getting picked up as they bounce down the sidewalk and raped, mostly because they look like they're more 19 instead of 13.  What can we do about it?  Not a damn thing. Can't spank 'em, you could go to jail.  Can't yell at them too much, we might damage their mentality.  No, we can't touch the little demons, for fear they'll take us to court and divorce us.

If you happen to find your way to YouTube, look for a video by The Whitest Kids You Know (WKUK) entitled "Get a New Daddy".  It's pretty funny the first time around, but about the time you decide to show it to the wife to make her laugh, you start thinking about it...and then you get a little peeved that someone has put something like this out there where kids might see it, or that they even had kids in the video to begin with.  The thing that really ends up making you the maddest, however, is how absolutely true it really is.  Anytime one of your kids wants to replace a parent that's making his/her life difficult, just set 'em up, either call the police or DHS, and wait for the fun to begin.  It's sure easy enough to make those things stick, trust me.  Check out the video at:

if you don't feel like searching today.  The thing I REALLY love is that there's been 800,000 views to this, and there isn't one....single...bad...comment about it.  Mostly just comments about how cool it is, or questions like "Who's kids are those, I wonder?"....REALLY????  That's IT??  That's all you have to say America, for real?

I'm sorry kids, but I think it's about time we took punishment back into our homes, away from the prying eyes of the government, before this gets out of hand (like it hasn't already).  It is, of course, only going to get worse, the more people forget what it used to be like, and all the older people that used to get spanked die off with that secret.  By then, of course, children will be so out of control that we won't have any idea what to do about it, and won't be able to do anything about it if we did think of something to do.

We used to have great alternatives to punishment.  The YMCA/YWCA.  Military School.  Cub/Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts.  Youth Camp, Youth Groups, Bible Camp.  Oh sure, we still have those options...but getting your kids to attend these geeky functions is next to impossible without tricking them.

Now the 'taters.  Personally?  I love 'taters.  Don't you?  This one, more or less, goes hand in hand with the meat.

Our kids are becoming drug addicts.  Worse yet, we're their best teachers.  No, I don't mean potheads.  I'm not talking about meth, or coke either.  I'm talking about, yeah, you guessed it:  our mini-medicine cabinets.  Every little quirk in our kids' personalities, has, nowadays, a different medicine to go along with it.  We, as parents, see something that's not mom or dad, or if their mouths or actions get slightly out of tune, and we're dragging them off to see their psychiatrists; where for $100 a visit, they'll flip off a prescription for about anything a kid can come up with.  WELL??  It's not like we can punish 'em, so what other option are we left with?  Get them before they get you.  That's all we got left!  Please, if you know what's good for you and your kids, check out Day #13 - Mental Heath, and Day #16, Pharmaceutical companies.  Maybe those'll knock some sense into you.

This one, hand in hand with Days 13 and 16, ranks collectively as our biggest sin America.  What are our kids going to turn out as once we die off?  What future do they have as pill-poppers?  What kind of defense are we going to have in our future with a bunch of druggies on our front lines?

And the door creaks shut on Day #25.  :D

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Day #24 - X-Ray Vision Satellites and Infrared Cameras!

Lois Lane please put me in your plan,
Ah Lois Lane you don't need no Superman
C'mon downtown and sleep with me tonight,
 I gotta pocket full of kryptonite

- Jimmy Olson's Blues - The Spin Doctors

Now...which of you didn't see this baby coming??

Superman?  Move it on over.  We got you beat buddy.  Yes kids, it's X-ray vision satellites.  Now, let's see if we can guess what happened here.  Here's how I'll bet it went down...

First, the government heard that a promising machine somewhere was being invented that used X-ray technology, but could be produced on a much larger scale, and be used in space to take extra revealing shots of our universe, utilizing space satellites.  Oh, I'll bet the Government got all over that.  They probably threw tons of money into that research...

Anyway, now that we've built up that stuff, we'll sell it to America that we're only pointing these out in space...really.  And you think we're buying up that bull?  Truly?  America.  Think on this.  Maybe that's the case this week.  How 'bout next week?  Just how long do you think It'll be before those satellites are turned around on us?  If they haven't been already.  Funny, how they can't find an entire jetliner...but they can use infrared cameras through walls to see how many people there are in a room.  Yes, they have a few of these x-ray satellites in space.  Invasion of privacy.  Out the window.  Expectation.  Out the window.  The right to privacy.  Never existed.  The 4th Amendment.  Full of holes.  Besides, never forget that EVERY right you have to ANYTHING can be bypassed by a little known thing called Martial Law.  And this law can be implemented by the Federal Government, as well as State Government.  What martial law means, is that you have no rights whatsoever and the government has any right they want.  They can deprive you of life, liberty, guns...anything their little heart desires.

And let's just say that they've been secretly checking out the country for a while.   What, you don't think they can see all of that unrest from waaaay up there on Mt. Washington?  You're outta your minds.  Surely you know...anyway, so all that unrest, you know, they're keepin' some kind of eye out on you.  Seeing who has the biggest cahones in all the land.  Maybe, utilizing those X-ray goggles in the sky, they already know who's keeping the biggest collection of cannons in their basements.

I wish I could say more.  I wish I knew more.  These are things we may never find out about.  So therefore I'm not sure how much more I can write without writing fairy tales.  Just know, America...just know that these things EXIST, and that, as we speak, they could be checking out what color of panties you're wearing, right....this... MINUTE!!

Need I say another word?  I think NOT.  The University of Texas is currently inventing X-ray vision technology, for CELL PHONES FOR CHRISSAKES!!  Are you trying to convince me that there are people out there who hate their privacy enough that they're asking for this?  Are you KIDDING ME????  I think it's absolutely amazing the bull-excrement the government expects us to swallow.  The spoon get bigger everyday!!  You may have pulled a lot on America, but this one,'s not hard to figure out who would need this sort of thing.  It sure ain't us, so it has to be the government funding THIS project.  C'mon Sheeple!!  THINK!!

2 more wretched days of America's Sins in the alphabet, guessed it, yet more will be done.  I think I'm going to give up on another round of the alphabet when I do, but there's mucho more to be done!!  :D

Day #23 - War

Wow America!! - For the very first time in the very short history of this series, I am about to come up pretty much blank.  I think what I'm about to do here is say "See everything else" and just list this as one of America's Deadly Sins...and be done with it.  I've written quite a bit already about this, and if you haven't figured out how senseless war (especially America's little subset of them) is, by what I've done to date, then there's no sense in my even discussing it with you again.

Now, I'm a great guy, so here's what I'm gonna do.  I'm going to point at the days that you should be reading now, if you haven't done so already (in reverse chronological order).  Day #22 - Veterans of War.  Day #11, Kinesthetics:  Reaching Out and Touching the Nations of the World.  There are more mentions of War and Wars then I can tell you about in so many other posts, but those are the biggies.  I love you kids, make no mistake.  This is sure to be my legacy, what I compare my later and greater works to.  And make no mistake, it's all because of you folks...*wipes a small tear out of the corner of one eye*...No matter how big the complaints, no matter how grandiose the problems are, we can get fixed.  We can be the great nation we once were, people.

I think this might just be a good time to say this...I'm going to run.  For President.  In 2020.  Am I gonna do the usual thing?  Hell no.  I'm an independent.  And I'm not talking about being an Independent in the usual sense.  I won't be part of the Independent party.  Nope.  I plan to be Independent of the Independents even.

So what's that mean?  What that means is, I will be the Anti-Candidate.  The no BS Candidate.  The candidate OF the people, and FOR the people, like it was supposed to be from the beginning of our nation.  Not spoon-fed, and, by no means, PERFECT.  I've been in trouble.  I've tried drugs.  I've been divorced.  But see, rich, heavily backed candidates, voted for by our "Electoral College" and bought and paid for before they're even sworn in...the people are sick of it.  The times, they are a changin', right Bob Dylan?  People are tired, America is tired, and the time is ripe.  It's ripe for someone that comes from the front lines of the war to keep America in its best business, being a land of opportunity.  No, I'm not a perfect guy, nor am I a model citizen.  There are things that I will be however, that no other candidate for the presidency of late can come close to claiming:  honest.  Straight-up.  Cards on the table.  In the trenches, right along with the rest of America.  Wow.  Honest candidates.  What's the world coming to, hmmm?

Congress is currently batting around a law that will make honesty a law in campaigning.  This is almost laughable kids.  First of all, what dishonest batch of yahoos is going to be deciding who's lying and who isn't??  And what's going to happen to these dishonest candidates??  Gimme a break willya?  Sorry congress, I'm way ahead of you.

This is going to be the way of things America.  On November 5th, 2016, I will announce my candidacy.  On November 6th, I'm gonna hit the road....on foot.  There will be NO buy-offs, and I will NOT take a single thin dime for my campaign.  The first land to conquer will be Iowa, then I'm moving off into the rest of the U.S.  How am I going to get to you America?  Not by plane.  Not by Limo.  Here's the deal.  Everywhere my little feet take me...anyone who picks me up and gives me a ride, anyone that has me for dinner, or puts me up for the night will have his say so.  America will take care of me on my mission.  That can be your contribution.  That can be your donation.  And you'll know, from that, that every dime you put into my campaign will be going where it's supposed to, and not in my pockets.  There won't be any offices opened in  my name...I can't stop it if one just starts up without my knowledge...more power to 'em.  Anything would help, of course.  Here's what you'll count on.  I won't lie to you.  I won't bulls*** you, and I won't pull any wool over your eyes.  I've been a member of "the trenches" so very long, I know everything that's killing us, and just what's going to fix it.  I've taken law.  No, my intention will simply be to open your eyes, trust me there.  And every day until that day?  I'll be writing this blog, collecting followers and laying it all out.  By the time our county sees the date of November 5th, 2016, everyone everywhere will know my name and know full well what I stand for, you can bet on it.

There are things in my past that would hinder today's possible candidate.  Not horrid things...just not super-good ones.  But before the candidacy even gets out, all those cards will be laid out, face up.  There won't be any dirt to discredit me, I'll have that pile dug up before-hand.  Look all you want, but everything you'll want to know will be there.

But then this post is about War....RIGHT???  Sorry, I just felt it was time to get this out there.  Pretty soon, you're about to be so sick of political ads...and I thought this might be a good time to put it there, before that happens.  Besides.  This is war.  War on the way Government is messing us up.  Count on it, I plan to be the General that heads up that war.  We have a, a RIGHT to be good again America!!  GIVE GOVERNMENT BACK TO THE PEOPLE, WHERE IT BELONGS!!  WHERE IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ALL ALONG, SINCE DAY 1.

Day #22 - Veterans of War

I need to apologize yet again.  For one, I got behind on my day again, and I just hate it when that happens.  I am now doing yesterday's post today, and I will definitely do tomorrow right now as well, so when I post and share this day's subject, tomorrow's subject (that's now today's subject) will follow it immediately.

For two, any comments that you may have made on any article in this series, before today never made it to my moderator board, because I'm  pretty new to this, and didn't have a clue on how to enable my comments (who in the hell has the kind of time needed to read help files in this busy world?).  This problem is now resolved (please see the post previous to this one for more information).

So, today's subject is Veterans of War.  This is one most definitely close to home, since I myself am a Veteran of the U.S. Army.  Fortunately for me, I was not involved in any of the senseless wars of late, but sometimes that fact does tend to make me feel a bit less of a defender of the United States.  This is not just a personal thing, this particular feeling stems from other things as well.

You're 18.  You feel that, after 18 years of parents and school that you deserve a much needed rest, and yet you don't just want to camp out in your old room with your football trophies and your Disturbed posters, for what could be up to 2 or 3 more years, living with your parents...a sentence to Hell, in a lot of young adults' eyes.  I'm sure that your parents would happily agree with the reverse of that sentence.  So, to avoid receiving that list of household chores that you will be stuck with, if you give both parents enough time to talk about it; and are hard-pressed to design and print them up, you quickly run over your options.  You may, if you're halfway bright, decide that the Armed Forces might just be the way to go.  This is, regardless of anything your parents or your peers may say, a pretty bright idea on your part.  Here, you'll learn respect and discipline, get into the best shape you'll ever be in during the course of your life, as well as earn money you can save up towards college (depending on the G.I. Bill that's currently in force during the course of your service), you'll get world experience and see other countries, you'll get free room and board, free food, free health and dental benefits, and maybe even learn some valuable skills that will translate to good jobs in the outside world.  Better yet even, if you manage to stay in and stay alive for more than 20 years, you can retire!  Your benefits when you're done are pretty much endless.

There are, however, some real setbacks to this logic.  Let's address each in turn.

1.  Sure you get paid, but it ain't much.  Oh sure, it hardly costs you anything to exist in the service. Everything's pretty much paid for.  Even with all of that, you don't get a whole heck of a lot to live with, let alone save up.

2.  This one's a biggie, and affects every other benefit I just got done listing.  During the course of your enlistment, you may be called to serve in a deadly war.  This wouldn't be such a bad thing for most countries; yet American Presidents have this bad habit of seeing opportunities to get what they want somewhere, then getting us into senseless wars and sticking their big democracy into places it never little extensions of the United States.  United States Mini-Me's.  What these places really are could be defined as strategic U.S. footholds in other areas of the world.  And when somebody big gets froggy, it's OK, because Afghanistan?  Iraq?  Hell, we practically own 'em.  I can hear the President now, if Putin is a real problem?  "We can whomp in with our troops there, because we got Democracy put into those places, and, since they don't really know how to operate, and aren't really sure what they're doing, we can "Offer Our Help" and put troops there, and they won't be able to say much about it.  What're they gonna do, fight us off?  I doubt it!"  Whenever our President gets a wild hair up his nostril, the first thing he tends to do is bring you in to enforce whatever stupid idea or reason that we had where we felt "justified" to invade.  The chances of bein' in a war these days, when you join up?  Odds are pretty damn good.  There's some incentive to join up, right?

3.  Free health and dental benefits don't do you a whole hell of a lot of good if you're killed in the line of duty.  There goes every other benefit.

4.  Free Rent & Board?  Oh thank you armed forces!!  A tent in the desert.  That's where I've wanted to live my whole life!!  It's the American Dream come true!!

5.  Retirement?  Fat chance these days.  We're so trigger happy we can't keep out of a war at all!

6.  Let's say you're just one lucky sonofabitch.  You survive all those wars, and you're a decorated first sergeant by the time 20 years hits.  What do you think the chances are that you're going to come out complete, 100% whole?  Looking at our propensity to fight these days, the chances of you not physically fighting somewhere are almost nil.  If you don't lose a limb or two someplace on your person, it's almost guaranteed you'll lose some part of your mind.  PTSD cases  (as well as a host of other mental diseases) involving vets these days are quite numerous.  But it's OK right?  My government will take care of that, there's service-related disability, right??  C'mon guys...I've seen people that were in the service for ten plus years and have been out another ten years that are STILL trying to get that...and they're in wheelchairs paying for everything themselves as we speak.

7.  Here's one I really love(d).  These little crap benefits they offer you when you get out.  You think you  have it in the bag.  Guaranteed home loans...I'm still trying to get that, and it's been almost 34 years, and I still haven't gotten that.  But here was the real kick in the ass when I got out.  Because I DIDN'T serve in a war?  My benefits level was cut nearly in half.  Yeah, that's changed SOMEWHAT since I got out, and got somewhat better...probably because there was a lot of people like me that did a  lot more to get it changed...and this last war happened and probably made things better.  I just remember hearing this sentence a lot back in the day:  I'm sorry sir.  We only offer those things to Wartime Veterans.  REALLY????  Come on Unc.  I expected to fight, and was ready to serve anyway!!!  Doesn't this COUNT???  I had just as much chance of being in a war as a war-time vet did when he joined, didn't I???  And I don't get what he does because the dice didn't come up against me?  Get real!!

8.  Last, but certainly not least, there's the fact that, now that you've joined?  You belong to Uncle Sam.  They say that almost once a day every day that you're in.  What does it mean, now that your Uncle has chosen to adopt you?  The Army and Uncle Sam, as well as any other Defense Department Yahoo can now do with you what they want.  Experiment on you.  Stick drugs and other wonderful things into your food and drink.  Set up your base on 100% toxic land, and hope for the best (I was an MP in the service, and I was based in Ft. McLellan Aniston, Alabama.  Look it up.  It was a former nuclear waste dump back in the 40's and 50's.  Has the government done one damn thing about this, for the people stationed there, or for the town of Aniston camped nearby??  NOTHING!!)

Now, if those aren't good enough reasons not to serve your country?  Let's just look at the way Veterans of our wars are treated these days.  Since the last world war, U.S. Veterans have never been celebrated in any way.  You know why that is?  Because we never belonged in ANY of these wars.  People have been against us being in every war since the big II.  We HATED those wars, they were all totally UNCALLED FOR.  Korea.  Vietnam.  Guam.  The war in Afghanistan, and the Middle East farce back in 1992.  Bullshit wars, all.  So when you're back on U.S. soil?  Don't expect a ticker-tape parade...ain't happening.  Get over it...and good luck!

America, the 26 major sins are about finished...and there's oh so much more to cover.  Day 23, on the way.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Day #21 - Unemployment

Hey kids!  The sun has risen on a new day!  The sun is shining, the birds are...well, you get the idea.  I'm lovin' it.  Spring is officially spranged.

What to talk about....hmmm...Unemployment problems, yeah, that sounds like a good one.  Let's do it.

For those of you that are out there, everyday, looking for work, I applaud you.  I have good friends that are doing the same, and some, very few, aren't too successful.  Times are tough, you say?  True, true...but we all know what's going on, don't we?

If you don't, let me bring you up to speed.  First of all, they say, due to 9/11 (a little finger-pointing I have trouble accepting) our economy went into recession.  It's Osama BL's fault.  No...wait...Sadam...yeah, it was him...NO WAIT...yeah, you get the picture there as well, don't you kids?  It's never our fault, just everyone else's...and let's pick on those nasty dictators that we let run free for years...and years...and funded...and gave guns and weapons too...but now we're getting bored seeing what they'll do with 'em, so let's just blame them, bomb them, and shove democracy down their throats, while we secretly take all they have of ours..and theirs..back into our coffers.  But, as usual, I digress.  It was the fault of the 9/11 incident (yeah....sure it was.  Don't blame Enron, or AIG.  It was those damned BROWN PEOPLE!! *thanks for that joke, George C., God rest your soul).  Unemployment went through the roof.  I refer you here to the "Insurance" scam of Day #9 under this blog.  Please see, also, the post entitled "Going to work...If you're lucky."  I love unemployment, as well as unemployment insurance, it is, and always be, one of my fav subjects.

The fault, once again, and for just about every single solitary subject covered here, is the fault of our faulty government, as well as the faulty people (all of us, in case you don't get where MY finger is pointed) who faultily allow our faulty government to continue on in its faulty fashion...:D.  Wow.  Didn't quite see myself as getting all the way through that last sentence.  Yeeeeeesh.  Here's the deal though, it's all just going to get a lot worse, never better.

It's all about the poor and the rich.  Robotics are coming into play once again, and with fervor.  Robotic Semis, trucks and cars are being tested and implemented on our roads, which will in effect eliminate all driving positions currently in force.  And with the machination of the driving industry, the Truck Stop will be a distant memory.  Drones will soon replace all transportation in the air and in our seas and oceans, putting those people out of work.  Think those automated phone menus are bad?  Enter the completely automated customer service industry, putting millions of customer service related jobs in jeopardy.  Yes, these systems are tested fully as we speak...on our seniors.  Even those wonderful jobs in India will be history.  Baggers, checkers, small talk makers?  The unmanned check out aisles increase in size daily, and those run by cash handlers are goin' bye-bye.  Guarantee there aren't many drawer shortages in those aisles.  You think unemployment is bad now?  Hang on to your seats kids, it's gonna be a white knuckle ride.

I've just blathered on concerning this subject and all the subjects linked to it, and am not yet even started on the V letter for today (ya, this one's a little late...WHAT OF IT????), I'm gonna stop right here, and call this the shortest post in the series.  Oh, but you KNOW I'll be back for yet ANOTHER round of our sins and, either how we can ultimately repair them, or how we're gonna end up paying for them...depends on much.

I love ya, folkses.  Please continue to return.  You are, quite simply, makin' me a happy camper.  Cheers!!  Here's to ya!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Day #20 - Taxes and Technology`

Well, it's day 20, and I guess you could call this a milestone.  Not only did I not believe I'd last writing this for more than 15 days in a row (all my friends bet against me making it, or I would have had more faith in myself), but I never thought, at this point that I'd be thinking about writing yet another set of these posts after the alphabet is exhausted.  I'd even have to expound on it further by saying, dear readers, that you comprise the majority of the reason that I plan to continue on.  Oh, don't worry...if this appreciation of you doesn't seem like it covers all the bases it should, look to the end of the afore-planned 26 day period.  I'll be so damn grateful for making it through by then, I should be falling all over myself doling out the gratitude.

So enough of that blather.  On to our fun-filled day!!

Oh, and in case you didn't notice right away, yes, it's yet another two-parter.  Oh, sure...I could have waited till the next go around of the alphabet, but sometimes the subject is so exciting, it gets hard to hold it all in.  Hence, two-parters.  No waiting.  Satisfaction guaranteed.

Aaaaand the lucky subjects of the day are??  Taxes will start off the bid as the more severe of our issues.  Then we'll move on to technology.  Technology isn't so much a problem, in and of itself, it's the levels at which we've embraced it that are the problem.  But I get ahead of myself.  Back to that age old man, U.S. taxes.

It would be fruitless and stupid of me to even try to define what taxes are.  I think we all know that definition.  It's that chunk o' funds that regularly gets swiped out of our paychecks...that comes out of our hard earned dollars every time we make a purchase of goods.  I don't think more is needed here that we don't know about like it's 2nd nature.

Let's start with the majority of taxes we pay on the open market.  The biggest of these is a state imposed sales tax, implemented, of course, to help pay for state related bills and salaries.  We then have numerous other taxes that we pay, from the manufacturers of goods all the way down to the consumer, and at every level we hit in-between.  There of course is no stone left un-turned to tax.  Some of these taxes include:

Manufacturer's sales tax (implemented during the sale from the manufacturer to the whole-saler);

Wholesaler's sales tax (implemented at the stage between the wholesaler and the Retail sales outlet);

Retail sales tax (put out to the end consumer when they purchase items from the reseller);

Gross Receipts Tax (implemented during the sale of a business);

The Excise Tax (implemented on certain products of national interest, such as gas, tobacco & alcohol, where the tax is decided to be placed on the manufacturer of these products, rather than the end user.  NOTE:  Taxed items in this category are given an additional tax called something else entirely to cover the expense paid in taxes by their manufacturers.  I believe the tax we pay to make up for their tax is called the same thing at the pump, but I can't be sure.

Turnover Tax, similar to a sales tax, but indirect.  I didn't get a very good description of this tax, so I can't legitimately write much about itt.

Use Tax, which is paid by the consumer on items where no tax is applied, or where there is no sales tax charged.

Securities Turnover Tax is paid when securities are traded in the market.

Value Added Tax, which is paid on all salable goods and is only applied to the difference in a price paid in each subsequent sale of the same item.  This tax is meant to get rid of the need of resale certificates when buying and selling goods.

There is yet another tax, not goods related, that is and has been debated about for over 15 years, and is still not good enough (or rather, isn't lining enough people's pockets yet to be considered logically) to pass, called Fair Tax.  In it's creation, it was supposed to be something more fair that would replace our current income tax system.  I could easily fill up two more complete pages in this blog defining what it is, and what it accomplishes over our current system of income tax, but it'd be much easier to just direct you to the Wikipedia Entry for review:

So America is taxed (to the limit, I'm sure), it's citizens are heavily taxed (suddenly Jesus, the Jews and their version of the IRS, the Pharisees, all come to mind), our lives are taxed, what we buy and sell is taxed, our jobs are taxed, and our deaths are taxed.  And it doesn't stop there.  If we leave goods or moneys to our relatives, their inheritances are taxed too.  I wouldn't be surprised if our taxes were taxed.  I know our tax refunds count, so maybe that's the definition of taxed taxes.  Don't ask me to explain the tax world, or our tax law, I wouldn't take it if you crammed it down my gullet with a large wooden spoon.

You've all read (or at least I hope you have) my article, under this particular blog, about the IRS.  Tax then, since it is the ferry that transports our hard-earned cash into our system of government, by default is inherently just as evil, and one of America's great sins against its people.  There I go on about the beginning of the Income Tax back in 1913, as well.  It's a story of government greed that should not be ignored.  Needless to say, a lot of this is covered as well in another day, about Greed.  Check 'em out.  Be informed.  Look into the Fair Tax, and let's see why it's been held back for 15 years, maybe it's a GOOD THING and that's why it's still on the floor in Congress.

So, since, up to now, as well as now, and probably well into my blogging future will taxes, government and the law that drives it will be more than beat over the head enough.  Let's move on then, shall we, to our next subject...Technology.

Here's another subject I've discussed more than enough.  Some shining examples are both the Video Ticketing and Internet Regulation articles in other areas of this blog, as well as the Elections/The Electoral College article under Day 5 of this series.  These all address how current technologies are massing together (obviously, through no direct fault of their own, since they are indeed inanimate) to hurt America.

The biggest weapons that technology carries in each arm is Naivete and Ignorance.  If you go and buy something that's brand new, for instance, and you only do it because a.) you've heard so much about it/them, or b.) all your neighbors and friends and relatives have one...but you have no idea whatsoever how to make it work, then in your hands, this new and budding technology is at its most volatile.  If you don't know how to use it, it's like a gun in the hands of a caveman. Until you read the instruction manual (or the help file, in today's world), it's a toy made for adults that somehow got into the hands of a child who doesn't know any better, and who may harm someone trying to figure it out.

People that buy tablets, cell phones, computers and laptops (as well as current gaming consoles today) that have no idea what they bought them for or what they'll use 'em for once they get a hold of one, are pretty dangerous.  Clickers by trade, they'll press every roll-over and enter information for months before they're told they have enough ad-ware and malware to fill up a small nation.  I've seen email accounts that belong to these tech tenderfoots that were carrying well over 1000+ emails in their spam folders, and that received over 100 emails, easy in any given day.  Every day that these people are asked for information so that they can get a free this, or win a 1000 gift card to Wal-Mart if they do that, are endangering themselves and the rest of the internet world.  They're tracked, and forced to carry files in their computer that attach themselves to innocent file systems just waiting to spread themselves, sneakily enough, onto the more protected systems through plain old-fashioned trust...either of family or friends.  "Uncle Harry's coming over...he wants to play his vacation pix that he took in the Bahama's.  He wants to know if he can hook up his laptop to our digital projector"...then next thing you know, the hard drive in your laptop crashes because you got a virus Uncle Harry picked up, transferred to your projector, which in turn transferred to your laptop in a business meeting when you hooked it up to the same projector.  It's all about playing the dumb ones...those who barely know how to turn on a computer in the first place.

Worse yet, with each new generation of tech that appears on the market, there are proportionately less and less people who know how to keep these gadgets from being hacked, and, what do you know, each one that comes out can be attached to the other, either wirelessly (usually utilizing BlueTooth technology), through wifi hot-spots or wirelessly through "4G" supernetworks, like the ones used by cell phones.  Also, as these new technologies emerge, there seems to be more and more of a need for people that can clean up the virus codes, mal-ware and cookies that are spread onto them.

I am, by trade, a computer cleaner/fixer.  I deal daily with hardware and software issues alike.  And where our computers are now faster and better than ever, there's also a lot more out there that messes them up for life.  This brought out a need to portion off sections of our included hard drives with entire virtual "recovery" drives.  Unfortunately for most, these drives are really only there as a recovery method that most people don't really want...what used to be the option of last resort:  Restoring your equipment back to it's original factory settings.  This option used to be used only when no manner of attempt at fixing your computer would work, and was and is the only guarantee that whatever screwed up your computer would be completely and utterly destroyed, never to return again.  With almost every virus or malware program being of the more destructive type these days, recovery back to the item's original out of box condition appears to be the only real logical end.  If you don't quite know what you're doing, the virus or malware that you're attempting to rid yourself of (which has, more than likely, imbedded itself into your memory or written itself into your registry, for the sole purpose of its re-reproduction) will re-appear like a bad penny to re-destroy everything again on a later date.  Utilizing this option will indeed put everything back to brand new condition, sure, but then you'll lose every bit of data as well as all installed programs you put in after purchase.  You then need to call every software company that you bought from and tell them that you made a mess of things; and that you'd love to be able to acquire a new license for them so that they can be re-installed.  A lot of companies will give you a great deal of grief on this issue, however, due to the fact that they've had a lot of pirating problems in their pasts; and the ones that have been around for ages will more than likely charge you for any kind of extended license.

With cell phones being precisely the same as tablets and like computers, they fall prey to exactly the same dangers as real computers.  Yet there's no real choices of anti-virus or mal-ware cleaning options for cell phones, or at least not yet.  The apps that are offered for cell phones and tablets number in the tens of thousands, and are advertised on every page of every store, or in Microsoft 8's store, and on just never ends.  A great portion of these apps are made by companies or individuals that no one has even heard of, so have the possibility of being 100% bad for your device.

Finally, as stated in many of my previous blog posts, every....single...device offered by today's tech market includes A CAMERA.  Some, like cell phones, offer cameras front as well as on the back.  And every techie gadget today is able to sync, hook up to, or be able to communicate to every other modern device...through the internet, as well as independently.  Should there ever come a day, kids, when someone where to pick up a sword and state that he was the current ruler of the universe, and that we should fall down and worship, I don't believe it would be too much of an effort to do long as he does it in the room where the main central computer, the one that houses the majority of data issued out to the network is located.  That man could easily take over the world, no questions asked.

Mold and mildew encompass day 20.  On to the 21st.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Day #19 - Sex

During the 1950's, before the onset of rock 'n' roll music, our country looked at sex and sexuality like it was just another venereal disease, all on its own.  Talking about it was reserved for slumber parties, locker-rooms and colleges.  Before and after these periods of our lives, it just wasn't DONE!!  Groups we openly recognize today were considered fictional or non-existent back in that decade.  We refused to acknowledge anyone belonging to any such group, and, because of this, they just didn't exist.  It was morally abhorrent to even talk about them.

After the passing of that decade, the 60's brought the beginning of sexual revolution.  Though there were still activities we considered morally offensive, the generic practice and discussion of sex and sexuality was becoming less and less of an evil.  Corporations like Playboy distributed as much sex as it could without total offense of the American Public, causing Americans to be more desensitized to it.  Recreational drugs and sex began to go hand in hand, making sexual tensions nearly non-existent.

With the coming of the following decade, the 70's ushered in the age of porn on film, and that particular decade was the freest we would ever get, away from the almost religious strictness and overall views we endured in the 50's.  It was commonly OK to be sexually adventurous and promiscuous, our morals were totally out the window, especially thanks to the number of drugs we had available for recreation's sake (regardless of their illegality, we tended, as a nation, to look the other way.)  Laws concerning sex and drugs were the most relaxed in our history.  The Disco Era (more prominent in the late 70's) only fueled our heedlessness of any possible danger.

The 80's however, turned sexual freedom on its ear when AIDS appeared, and with the onslaught of the crack epidemic, laws tightened and penalties concerning the same also stiffened, bringing the age of free sex and drug taking/sniffing to an end.  Thanks to crack, the number of prostitutes nearly tripled in metropolitan areas, and the number of prisoners that were jailed for drug-related offenses grew to unprecedented numbers during the Reagan years, the height of "The War On Drugs".

Because of the renewed awareness of the dangers of drugs and sex, and with AIDS as a crushing reminder of our mortality, should we carelessly engage in pre-marital sex, we turned to education during the 90's and beyond to teach our youth the advantage of sexual protection and the merits of abstinence.  Monogamy became the word of the decade, and the people who practiced it were more encouraged and admired.

Now that we're immersed in our newest century, the dominant generations have embraced the technological age as an alternate outlet to sex.  Internet porn is about the biggest and most profitable business in the world, and although sex is still a prominent instinct, we shrug off its need with every round of Pong, Pac-Man, Zelda, Sonic the Hedgehog, Mortal Combat, Assassin's Creed, World of Warcraft and Black Ops that we plug into our consoles.  Instead of foreplay, it's easier to just fire up our iPads and crush a few candies instead.  With the entrance of the Me (remember, I'm a firm believer in, not only a "Me" Generation, but in the 21st century as the "Me" Century) Age, and because of the fear of our planets over-population in some countries, as well as the fact that we fear the mutation of our current killer sex-related diseases (or the possible creation of a new one), we care less and less about consensual sex between two or more people, and are turning now to "taking care of the problem ourselves", if you will.  If the size of the Earth's population continues to grow at the current rate, I wouldn't at all be surprised to see controlled breeding as a norm in countries around the globe.

I stated, in an article I wrote about the legalization of drugs and prostitution in our country, that it wasn't so much the drugs we took, or the illegality of either prostitution or drugs, but our attitudes about the same that needed to be altered.  It's important that we hold, in both hands, the good and the bad of these things, and reconfigure the results to suit our current times.  Why have prostitution be illegal?  OK, it doesn't set a good example for our children to see it being practiced out in the public arena, but that's really about where the bad side ends.  Besides, our kids see it anyway, even in its illegality, so that makes that a silly argument.  And, as far as that goes, the de-sensitizing of our more recent generations to violence and sex has really made this a moot issue.  If it's still an elephant in the room, it doesn't need to be practiced out of doors, does it?  With it being legal, it can operate just as well indoors as out without fear, so that doesn't really need to be a concern either.  On the other side of the argument, there's the saved costs of trying to legally crack down on it, when it just gets worse and worse regardless of our efforts to curb it or stop it altogether.  It just won't stop, no matter what we do.  Then there's the blatant spread of disease we experience with it being illegal.  It's a rebellious thing to do...against our parents wishes, the common law, and against law enforcement, so the lure of it never will go away.  If you make it legal, the lure of rebellious behavior associated with this currently illegal activity will decrease, and, thanks to government involvement in making sure prostitutes are healthy (regular worker check-ups, regulations for the use protection, etc.), the spread of disease will slow as well.  Sex crimes, which often happen due to the way we approach the subject, would lessen dramatically if prostitution were made legal and more favorably viewed.  I just have to say, in our current times, and with stress being almost an epidemic condition, and the success of such things over in Europe and Asia, that we should be prompted to re-evaluate and reconsider alternate options.

Sex, in a nutshell, has been through the ringer in America.  It was massively frowned upon and held as a fatal sin to participate in.  Then it was freely practiced, and brought with that, one of the scariest diseases we've ever had the pleasure of contracting.  Then future generations were educated more thoroughly in our schools and in the public mindset, bringing about new generations that are well-informed and more prone to abstain, and are producing a higher consciousnesses when dealing with all things taboo, when and where it dares to rear it's head.  Until we become more open about it, however, it will have to remain high on our list of deadly sins.

The moon is in the 7th house, and Jupiter aligns with Mars (Not really, it just sounded good to say here, all of a sudden).  Day 19 is no more.  We approach the end of April, where we will, more than likely, begin again anew.