NOTE: And lest we forget, most importantly, no mask is required of you, and no vaccine is either available for any of these, or required.
Granted, I swore that this would be my final post on CV-19, but it's already shaping up to be another one. For this time however, I am going to merely include an addendum.
This, of course, is probably a more notable instance of the stupidity of humanity; where believing everyone that's got a talking point on this is concerned.
I just read an article that stated we are going to need more boosters every single six months, according to the CEOs of Pfizer. NOTE: Since the publishing of this article, the alleged need for these boosters has been reduced from 6 months to 3 months. This point all by itself should have been the biggest red flag of all. Next to needing to wear masks after you get fully vaccinated, this is probably the dumbest point, ever. Why do we need to have boosters at all, let alone so soon? The original vaccination was supposed to protect you, but obviously only protected you from the original strain. The boosters are aimed at the Delta variant. Future shots will be tailored to handle more variants, they say. Isn't that funny?
There probably wouldn't be variants at all, had they not mass-vaccinated in the middle of a pandemic. Just where do you think these variants came from?
It has always been well-known and widely stated several times, especially these days, by many doctors, who were immediately discredited and silenced, of course. What is it that they have been saying? That the stupidest thing you can do in the middle of a pandemic is vaccinate mass amounts of people against the very virus that's raging at the time. This causes what they like to call break-through cases today. They aren't breaking through anything, they're variants! That's what they are. Calling them breakthrough cases is, without question, another way of saying that these vaccines are not only not working, they offer no protection to you, the wearer, whatsoever. You can (and will) STILL catch the virus, and you will, after catching it, pass it on to others. With both the Delta variant AND the Omicron variant, it is the VACCINATED that comprise the majority of cases.
So what do you think these booster shots coming directly after the first shot are going to do? Use your heads, people. They're going to cause more variants, which are, in turn, going to need more booster shots, tailor-made to handle the new varients...And the whole process will start all over again. This is going to go on forever, do you not get this?
Just do me a single favor will you? Look up the pandemics of the past. Look up polio. How many booster shots did we have for polio? How many booster shots do we have for the chicken pox on the measles? We don't have any. Booster shots didn't start until tetanus and malaria, I'm guessing. How often do I get tetanus booster shots? Once every 10 years. Why do I need one six months after I'm fully vaccinated for something now? It doesn't even make sense.
Another thing this article said was that the original shot took care of the original strain. The booster shot is supposed to take care of the Delta varient, as well as the original... so why do I need the original vaccine at all? Doesn't the booster cover both? Then why do I need the original shot? As soon as the Delta varient showed its face, the majority of cases from there were Deltanian in nature. The same is true of the Omicron varient. The original one and the Delta variant seem to have all but disappeared now. Thereby, logically, you wouldn't need either the first two shots or the first booster shot (not that you need either one, anyway,) since those only address covid-19 and the Delta variant. But they are still attempting to insist on mass-vaccinating everyone with the original. The original should be in the garbage by now. It only protects you from the original strain, which pretty much doesn't exist anymore...allegedly.
I really wish that you people would use your heads. I hate using my head. It hurts. Use your own heads will you? Give mine a break.
Another thing that really gets me about this variant mania, is how how fast they spread. Did you ever notice, that as soon as a variant comes out, it creeps around the world; next thing you know there's one or two cases in the United States, and then the next day there are thousands and thousands of new cases. Really? Are you serious? I'm sorry but there's no virus anywhere that spreads like that. Use your heads people.
By the by, there are 3 announcements recently proclaimed by the crooks running the CDC...These announcements will and do go far to show you, the unsuspecting reader, what this is really all about, and how deep the rabbit hole goes where COVID is concerned.
Announcement 1: The CDC announced that they are changing the number of days to quarantine after testing positive for COVID from 10 days to 5 days. Why is that, I wonder? I'll tell you why. The CDC is located in Atlanta GA. So is Delta Airlines. Just after Christmas, 2021, Delta wrote a letter to the CDC, asking them to cut the amount of days required in half, because they were having a real problem with employees having a good reason to take 10 days off. Not only did the rules change as requested (showing, obviously, that none of this is really about your health), it changed, almost literally, overnight (within a few days). Thanks go to Lee Watts of KY for pointing this out for me. He is also responsible for letting me know about some other things that I am going to go over now.
Announcement 2: The PCR test is about to be disbanded....and for damn good reasons, the majority of which I've known quite well, and have tried to impress upon you for months now.
Why is the CDC just now discarding this test? For one, it was NEVER meant to be used for the purpose of testing for infectious disease; this was stated numerous times by the inventor himself...not that they will ever admit it.
I remember that I googled false positive rate for this test way back in early 2020. You know what Google tried to tell me? (And yes, this was GOOGLE'S ENTRY) That this test was perfect. There was NO WAY IT EVER SHOWED A FALSE POSITIVE. This has been, many times, very much debunked by a host of sources. I knew, even before I Googled (and subsequently DISREGARDED) for their take on this test. Nothing made by man is PERFECT...more so, a test that was never meant to be used for this purpose. The original use/intent for this test had absolutely NOTHING to do with the medical field. (Should you investigate this fact for yourself, you will find nothing but fact-checking articles that try to convince you that Mr. Mullis, the inventor, never stated that it should not be used for detecting disease in humans....but then, you'll also find an article stating that the test was newly invented just prior to the COVID outbreak in 2019....funny, since the PCR test was ALSO used to test for another fraudulent virus....the AIDS virus. See my Fauci video at:
Another reason they're getting rid of the test is because you can test positive for covid up to 12 weeks after you tested positive for the first time.
But the real reason is simple. The accuracy of this test is nowhere near 100%. It's more like 50%... Or less.
Here's one for all you mask wearers. The CDC on their own website put out a report. Buried in that report at the top of page 1261 is a report on covid and people that wore their masks and how often. If you add up the numbers, 93% of all people that contracted covid were wearing their masks all the time or almost all the time. Only 4% of all covid cases were contracted by people that didn't wear their masks at all. How do you like them apples?
Here is your link to the report:
Where can I possibly go from here America? Not far, I'll say that.
Apologies to all. I've been MIA and massively inconvenienced for some time now, due to the absolutely TYRANNICAL nature of both the Biden administration and the Communist in the office of Governor in KY. Those natures forced me to flee to a more...conservative area. I honestly WAS in flight to the great state of Florida, where the wonderful Governor there rules those in Florida with kid gloves and allows the RIGHT leaning majority to engage in what every American SHOULD be allowed to engage in...FREEDOM OF MEDICAL CHOICE. We plan to cover this in phenomenal detail here shortly. Meanwhile, I am stuck currently in the middle of AL...where I never intended.
First, we have other more important things to possibly making the WRONG medical choices.
You know, it never truly occurred to me that maybe people were being vaccinated with a placebo as well as the real thing...but it makes good common sense, if you think about it. What better way to convince the world to take it? If half of those you know have gotten it and have no side effects whatsoever, and brag about it and peer pressure you, it's likely that you might eventually break down and go get the damn thing...and it might just then be the REAL thing...and you're a dead man...or what I am hearing more and more people say could just as well be tomorrow...or as much as 3-5 years from now.
I like the video uploaded below, for 2 reasons. 1. I like it for the same reason I like a lot of videos like this...someone with balls is actually standing up to the monster that is the AMA and speaking out against this evil bullshit. 2. This man validates what I have researched about the jab and what I have heard other people say as well. 3. He's an actual doctor who is moving his lips and saying what I have been trying to tell all of you.
Here are those points again...there IS NO PANDEMIC. If anything, we are ENDemic...what is happening now is VACCINE INDUCED. The variants are coming from those vaccinated. The cases....breakthrough cases they call them (scoffs)...I call them PROOF THE VACCINE ISN'T A VACCINE AND DOES NOTHING TO PREVENT COVID WHATSOEVER...masks do NOTHING. 6 ft. social distancing does NOTHING to STOP spread of infection...especially the ones YOU are using...and what are you gonna do...wear the damn things for the rest of your lives? Because then you are truly stupid.
Here's another thought....IMMIGRATION...think it might come in there? Southern border? Afghans in flight? Maybe this is why we are going through ANOTHER WAVE OF CASES??
And only if you believe there ever was a pandemic...or its defining "novel" virus. I believe, with all my heart, that 5G might be the cause of it all. I believe I have given the lot of you MORE than enough evidence that the coronavirus does not even exist.
If it does, riddle me this. If this is a real pandemic, and this is such a deadly virus, then why are the homeless not wiped out? How about the prisoners? None of these wear masks. Most don't wash for days. A good portion of them are close-quartered. The homeless share everything...drugs, cigarettes, drinks, food...pipes, needles...and yet, the SAME homeless are still here after almost 2 years, with new homeless every day..RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT. I believe that as much as I believe the Sturgis rally was a super-spreader two years running (Author's note: That rally drew exponentially more people this year than last year. Evidently bikers love getting sick...or maybe they just don't
Another friend of mine recently put up to me (sans evidence) that there are no hospitalizations for those vaccinated suffering from side effects...and my comments on that were obvious and viscous. If you were murdering the majority of the population, or at the very least, were poisoning them to ensure the customer base of big pharma for life; would you allow people to report the hospitalizations from the weapon you were using?? Would you allow those who had survivable side effects who could still speak legibly to survive such a hospitalization? Would you allow the news to tout even a single headline showing or proving this?
If you allow any of this, then your now useless. Why do you believe the majority of doctors out there aren't saying the same as this guy? Because most of them are selfish, brainwashed, self-interested and scared to death of those obviously in charge of both the pharmaceutical industry, and those same people who issue them their licenses to "practice" on you. Those who grow a pair are instantly de-platformed, demonized, shamed, and drummed out of their practice and their jobs....did you really expect your doctor to tell you what's really going on here? Because if you did, you're as dumb as those voluntarily engaging in this mass human experiment..and you deserve to lose your lives.
REVIEWING THE STUPID case that isn't dumb enough, whaddya say we back-pedal the stupid for a while?
Let's go wayyyyyyyy back to the start of this...and we'll start with the fact that neither Gates nor the head of the WHO are either one of them, doctors or medical professionals. So why did anyone ever listen to either Gates or the WHO as a whole? Stupidity.
Then, let's go to the fact that Fauci was caught flip-flopping and lying...about EVERYTHING to do with this...right up to the present day...and yet, we still listen to him and follow everything he says, against all logic....more stupidity.
What say we go on and mention those brainwashed to such a degree that they insist that we wear our masks or get vaccinated, because they're worried about getting this virus from those of us choosing to be unmasked or un-vaccinated....all the while obviously not trusting their own masks OR the vaccine that is allegedly supposed to protect them from it. We'll get to that in more detail, shortly.
The stupidest thing of all, however, is the fact that every measure that we have taken to slow or stop this has only caused more cases, and subsequently, MORE DEATHS...ALLEGEDLY. It has done NOTHING to decrease any of it; in fact, things are worse now than ever! There are, at present, over 100 variants of the original "virus"...SO WHY ARE WE STILL DOING, RECOMMENDING, FOLLOWING OR MANDATING ANY OF IT???
One more thing...has anyone actually gone to these hospitals, evidently over-run with COVID, to find anything out if anything that they're telling us is the truth? Because I've heard more than enough from whistleblowers telling the exact opposite of nearly the entirety of the current narrative to last me 2 lifetimes.
To add to all of this, there are simple web searches ANYBODY can do to find out all of this; but more importantly, there are websites you can go to in order to find out what's really going on here, and who's behind it. I will point you to those websites AGAIN...just so you can't say I didn't do it. I will also link you back to those articles that contain the most information about it all...just because I'm that kinda guy.
First, the very website showing the exercise that happened not 6 weeks before this even hit, showing also the exact same measures they took in that exercise that mirror exactly everything we're going through right now:
Then of course, once again, the website of "The Great Reset", run by none other than those that brought all of this on to begin with, in order to implement that "Reset" (AKA, the New World Order, using a more palatable moniker.)
And finally, the links to 4 of the more important articles that give you everything else you need to educate yourselves:
Now...what do you say we move on to the ridiculous attitudes of those engaging the stupid head on. We'll start the story about a guy I recently encountered at a city council meeting. The same will be sorry he confronted me following that meeting, believe, and at the next meeting this coming Thursday.
This guy...we'll call him TROUBLE...has had to be hauled away from the mic and off of the premises following his speeches at the last 2 meetings after speaking in the "Public Input" portion...for trying to speak on after his time was up. Now granted, I believe public input is always much too remember my alleged "stalking" debacle from my Sioux Falls city council rounds back a couple years, surely. 3 minutes is hardly enough to even get rolling, let alone say everything you have to say, and decorum is only as good as those allowing you to speak, and usually doesn't tend to apply to those favorites of the relative council in charge. Neither here nor there, the guy evidently was never told about the whole "catching more flies with honey" analogy.
Anyway, following the last meeting, I came out, saw him talking to someone outside and commented that I thought he was purposefully attempting to get removed from speaking at EVERY meeting, and possibly altogether...and after a rather disrespectful wave-off, he stated "I don't want anything to do with anyone not vaccinated" and went on with his conversation.
Needless to say, this is a growing problem. You see, those vaccinated are actually of the mind that it is those of us that are NOT vaccinated (a personal choice, as I remember...or used to be, anyway) that are the source of their issues. Nothing could be further from the truth...nor could another concept be any more ridiculous. How can we be the problem? You're the mask wearer. You're protected...aren't you? My favorite though is the attitude on not being vaccinated. "Stay away from me then" was the response I got, after I was asked by another person if I'd had my shots, not long ago. The obvious question here is...WHY the attitude when I give you an answer you don't like? Don't you believe that vaccines protect you? Obviously...NOT....or you wouldn't care at all how I'm wearing my mask, whether I'm wearing one at all...and whether or not I'm vaccinated. PERIOD.
Also obviously, you don't at all believe in the effectiveness of that vaccination, or you wouldn't have a problem OR an attitude.....or even a care in the world about where I'm at, concerning the personal medical decisions I've made after much research and knowledge.
Let me tell you where, I believe, 125% of these attitudes arise.
1. Great brainwashing those of the media, the health "agencies" and the AMA.
2. These folks are pissed at themselves for making a bad medical decision to take an experimental vaccine, and have now taken to not only trying to drag others down with them, but have adopted an attitude because others haven't made the same bad medical decision.
Quite simply, it will be these attitudes, fanned heavily by those self-interested "professionals," politicians and more, added to these people who can no longer believe that they have been duped by all of this, that will quite literally be the death of us all.
And please, for God's sake, don't believe those alleged Government tracking numbers of those allegedly vaccinated. I myself find it exceedingly IMPOSSIBLE to believe that 75% of this country was dumb enough to engage in this mass experiment...and/or genocide. It really can only present as another great way to convince you to get one.
There are three more videos that you MUST see. The first I was not able to find anywhere (big surprise), except on FB (another big surprise). I most certainly hope that you have Facebook, or you may miss one of the most important videos I've seen during the course of this entire pandemic.
Here is your link to a crushing batch of truth:
Another Doctor that is screaming out the truth for the masses, urgently:
And finally... and this includes a clip of MAINSTREAM NEWS, of the Governor of WV reporting the 25% increase of deaths...not from the Coronavirus itself, but of those FULLY VACCINATED:
I believe it might be time to start listening to some of these ACTUAL health experts and doctors...don't you?? :D