Wednesday, March 28, 2018

It's Almost Over Now! Part II - The 5G "Beast" System

OK folks, I've been swimming calmly along for a good while now...and now, it's time to dive right off the deep end.  The problem with that is, there's an awful lot of people out there...millions, I'm afraid,  that are keeping me afloat.

Please read, if you will, the paragraph in the photo.  This was said, in front of 1000 people, at a TED-X conference fronted by Mr. Gates here.  Say the words out loud.  This is what people actually heard...and there was not a single person that appeared to be phased by it.  Does this sound like something you'd want to hear out of the mouth of your Senator?  Your own mother?  Then why is no one saying anything about a stranger saying this to us, someone we know little or nothing about, save he brings in billions of dollars at our expense.  Read it aloud a few times more, and you'll never allow or take another vaccine.  By the way...anybody notice how many died from the flu this year?  If you haven't, there were more deaths from the flu this year...then there has ever been.  69 CHILDREN died this year of the flu.  You know the last time I had the flu?  1975.  And I haven't had a SINGLE flu shot.

The #1 danger to this country isn't guns, I think we all know that; and if you don' should.  If you want some critical facts?  Here I am...or you can just read those facts for yourself...right here:

It certainly isn't Trump; Trump, just like every other president we've had since the beginning of the American Nightmare (C' know as well as I do that your chase of the American dream is like following up the very first hit of Heroin you shoot get high on the idea that someday you'll own all capitalism has to offer...but end up having to do more and more to attain it...and there's the's NON-ATTAINABLE...IT DOESN'T EXIST!) is, quite simply, another tool to get the job done.  It might come in a different package, or might get bought for you from the other side, but I'm sorry to tell's the same tie that you got last year for Christmas...except this one, you can't return to the store to get your money back for four....long...years.  You feel me?

It isn't impending war or terrorism...although they are working awfully hard to start yet another war as we speak; mainly, because war is our best distraction, (that, and mass school shootings) and all those billionaires in the 1 percentile make a killing at it, as long as they can keep war going....literally and figuratively.

To those parallel with me, the number one danger is not the BAR, nor the judiciary, your husband or wife; nor my friends, our greatest danger as we speak is something that we have not given our approval to (nor is it likely that we will ever be asked either), are currently in the middle of a heated debate about, where it's safety to our health is concerned; and is not only OUR is the WORLD'S DANGER.  And I'm not just talking about other people in the world.  No, I'm talking about everyone....AND everything; including insects, animals, plants...and us.  I always wondered...if they wanted to kill off 7 billion people in the world, what would they use?  The answer to that would be something that's even in the pockets of every homeless person, thanks to our last president...the cell phone.

Enter "The Beast System" that is 5G.  Folks, I hate to state this...but there's a REASON they call this the "Beast" system.  God himself is probably in awe of, not only the sheer ingeniousness of the enemy's current move (yes, this is ALREADY being rolled out as we SPEAK), but has probably stood to ask for an encore.  The destruction of mankind doesn't need to be fought on the battlefields,'s being fought right now, in plain view, and will accompany the WORLD-WIDE roll-out of the 5G system.

Why do I refer to this plan to destroy us with fear and almost religious reverence?  Because it reeks of one religion in particular.  THEY EVEN NAMED IT THE BEAST, GUYS!  HOW MUCH MORE BLATANT COULD THEY BE?

It's ingenious, I tells ya....Because it's going into the United States FIRST...and not only is everyone 150% behind it that's in Government positions, it's literally being shoved down our THROATS...and to cherry that sundae, WE'RE AS GOOD AS BEGGING THEM TO SPOON IT TO US TOO!!  As hard as you may find it believable, it's even being done so with zero...yes, that's ZERO research into the possible affects on us or the world; nor will there be any standards in place to regulate it.  Wonderful.  Yes folks, as we speak, cities are being bought off, and councilmen are being swayed to the lure of the (and yes, this has already been said PLENTY) BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars they're going to get "pumped into the economy", once this whole thing is in place.  It's important to note here that there are already countries around the world that are violently resisting this technology be installed.

It will be when it is, in fact, in place, that I will completely let loose of all of my few remaining marbles, and you'll hear me actually emit a rather hysterical laugh...because, little do you know - there isn't going to be very much time, or very many people left on this planet that will get to enjoy that easy money for their respective cities.

The head of the FCC (at the time), Tom Wheeler (appointed by...big surprise, OBAMA), has all but WORSHIPED this new technology.  While he's doing so, remember that THIS MAN, the head of the FCC, is the one saying that there will be NO TESTING OR STANDARDS for this roll-out in the United States.  I'm providing you a link right here, that will convince you that you and your health...even YOUR VERY MINDS...are of absolutely NO anyone involved in the implementation of 5G technology.

Is this about money?  It would be...if money were in fact, tangible...if it didn't consist of little white pieces of cheap paper with some green ink on it printed using the fractional worldwide banking system, and we weren't constantly assured that it most CERTAINLY is worth something; and when we need more, we just fire up the presses!  I would most assuredly have more faith in that idea if the only things in this country THAT ACTUALLY WERE worth something weren't forced from our hands, at gunpoint if needed be; by our own government and (allegedly) IS STILL locked in up in the bowels of a giant safe somewhere in Knoxville, TN.  Folks, MONEY, in and of itself is probably our most outdated, useless, largest and most deceptive barrier to human evolution.  I'ts just a greedy dream...and quite literally too, I might add.  Money, as a lot of us suspected as early as the abolishment of the Gold and Silver Standard, is quite worthless.  Its actual worth is not worth half, a quarter, or even 2 cents anymore.  It's worth ZIP...and getting zippier by the second.

I guess that only leaves one remaining answer, by default.  This is about power folks.  It's also about power that none of us can either imagine...nor will we ever get to see or experience either...mostly, because we will probably be brain-dead the minute they flip the switch to ON for 5G, as well as dead in body in 10 to 15 years.

Nope.  I'm sorry, I did not go blither blather on you.  I'm not insane.  This isn't some injecting of an aspirin bottle somewhere, or something that can be re-called.  This is utter and total control of you, your lives and the world and what is left in it, in whatever shape it can be said it's in then.

Oh, you'll move to the country or the mountains??  Out of the country?  So solly Cholly.  Literally?  There will be nowhere to go; and nowhere safe to live.  See, this is a WORLD-WIDE ROLL-OUT, remember?  You'll find out by as soon as 2020 why.  Once it's in, there will be no getting rid of it.  There are other ways to ensure that you won't be rid of it as well.  We'll get to that soon enough.

Here is a very comprehensive article you must read from a source I've come to accept as the "real news", where this matter is concerned; as well as some videos I just have to insist that you PLEASE WATCH.  I would lean towards questioning the data presented, had there only been one or two videos concerning the dangers of 5G...but if you'll notice the sidebar of upcoming videos on the right, you'll see that there isn't just one...maybe 2, but literally HUNDREDS of videos on this in circulation already...some by the public, others by ACTUAL SCIENTISTS!  And we haven't even officially even begun to implement the system yet!  Sure, propaganda and fake news succeed entirely because of repetitiveness...but that's usually using the same medium.  This truth is being presented by ALL name it, it's in there!  Kinda lends a little credibility to what we have not been told about all the electro-smog that is as good as swimming through our atmosphere.  The beams that they are going to be using, as well as the unused frequencies your phone will be using, will be directed at us from outer space.  Really.  So why is it that we have an entire organization in place that is allegedly trying to stop these same beams from getting here at all?  Makes you wonder doesn't it?

That article, is here:

There are more, of that you can be certain, but this one, I felt, was the easiest to comprehend.  Here are some of the videos I found.  These are probably the most all-encompassing, that covered every angle...even the religious implications of it:

From what I'm getting from all of this, we may as well just move into the aftermath of a nuclear war...because the radiation levels we'll be taking in are about as destructive.  Your skin will be the first thing to go.  Like microscopic antennas, your skin's pores will be massively affected by such wavelengths, and we will see skin disease like we never knew to be possible.  Your skin, in reaction, is going to be all over your body in new places and in new ways that you have never imagined it could react, once these waves start hitting it.  The biggest complaint will be that your skin...not part, not some...but ALL OF IT, as a WHOLE will be in pain.

Rabbits were used to study the same exposure to the same waves we're going to be hit with, for just 8 hours.  In those 8 hours, all the same rabbits developed cataracts. we'll be in pain...and we won't be able to see either. adverse health problems here!

Here's one I KNOW you'll like.  Not only will this radiation make us sterile (the Canadian video I saw, one linked to above, indicated that men may already be sterile...with 4G radiation levels...over-population problem...SOLVED!!!) also affects us in many ways at a cellular level (maybe THIS is how they got the name "cellular" phones).  We'll be just like the food we put in our microwaves.  Cooked slowly, from the inside out.  These levels can even rip the strands right off of your very DNA.  This is NO JOKE PEOPLE.  It causes autoimmune disease.  It lowers your body's natural defenses and nervous system.  It enhances bacteria, even mutates it.  It will make your skin SCREAM IN PAIN.  But, oh, I'm afraid there are many MORE dangers as well.

Remember the nuclear aftermath thingy I allured to a few paragraphs back?  These microwaves they want to use don't go through things...they bounce off of things, until they're absorbed, and have no direction.  Because of that, mini towers will be erected every 2-10 houses if not more, and these will not only aim those waves directly at us and wherever our phones are, but amplify them as well, to ensure they get where they are supposed to go.  Again.  Nowhere to run...Worse yet, this level of radiation, because it doesn't go through most things, is things like...plants...and rain.  Rain then pours into your soil and food, and next thing you know, the only people that will have access to grow-able organic food?  Will be the people who knew the dangers of 5G in advance, and prepared their own underground farms in advance.  Oh...forgot to mention...this radiation?  Will cause aphasia in the plant world.  In other words...nothing will grow or stay green with this much radiation in the air.  No more plants?  No more oxygen. brainer here????

Ohh......but we have yet to reach the most dangerous part of this roll-out.  It will be coming in shortly. There's also a little selling point they've dubbed "The internet of things."  Everything...from your your umbrella, to your coffee maker will have microscopic chips embedded in them.  This means that your infidelity, should you engage in such behavior, will be known by the entire world. Whenever you brush your hair, the world will be able to count your hair strokes along with you as you do it silently.  They will not only know what coffee you drink, they'll know how many damn sips you take before you throw it in the sink.  Hackers will now be able to take their mentalness right into your homes, directly...thank you, mandatory smart meters, thank you cell phones, and thank you wireless...EVERYTHING.

You won't take the red pill?  Let me shove it down your throat then.  This technology, the waves and frequencies they're going to be using?  Conducted by microchips so small they are now called DUST?  They are clogging the air with these microchips...they are more than likely already in your bodies, in your hair, in your very blood.  It has been shown to be able to penetrate the very brain, even to the depth that it can cause you to go completely slack-jawed and brain-dead for as long as a few minutes, using just the right MMW frequency.  Folks, in this state, you can be can have your brains completely wiped of your personality, your memories...this is no longer a joke.  No longer is the plan to do this even being hidden by those in power.  The lie is so ridiculous now that it's impossible to believe; which is why no one follows politics, or do they subscribe to such conspiracies.  I think you had best rethink your thinking and fast...or you will literally BE DEAD.  First as a mindless zombie.  Then as a corpse, riddled with cancer.  First we will be under control of the United Nations.  Then it will be the New World Order.  Next?  Is our extinction.

How do they do that one?  Here's that most dangerous part I told you about a couple para's back.  The satellites they are going to launch into space for this are going to be many, around 4-5000 satellites per tele-com company, and will only last a few months tops.  So launches of these will be plentiful, and with each launch, the carbon and wastes from their fuel will destroy the ozone layer completely, literally, and without fail.  You will suffocate, little by little, until it's all gone, or you will be killed directly by the radiation you get now from the sun that you are currently protected from, by that layer.

Now, I hear you asking....why would they do that?  That will affect them as well, true?  TRUE.  However, I'm certain that I've figured out how they're going to avoid their own tools of mass destruction.  Check this video out, and think again:

I've also heard tales of the colonization of, will they be here to take all this abuse?  More than likely not.  Just like any other time, they will somehow be just far enough away from the mayhem to avoid any real damage like we're going to endure at the hands of this.  I wouldn't doubt if they aren't already there.

Knowing this, everything we victims have experienced makes mucho sense.  We are bankrupt...and it is we, the children of those who accepted INTERNATIONAL BANKERS into our countries (note the plural), carry the debt.  Worse yet and still, we will pay our debt off, too.  Our lands, everything will be repossessed.  Already is, in the process, of.  Our children, repossessed (CPS, FAMILY COURTS).  Our souls...yes, WE THE PEOPLE...will be repossessed.

You can call this a conspiracy, sure.  But look around you.  Listen to others.  Read. Watch.  And folks, they really aren't trying to hide it anymore.  Why not?  Because they're over the hump.  There isn't enough time, nor people awake anywhere, to stop it...they think.  You are able to get the documents that describe this plot against humanity. Agenda 21, 20/30...these are ON THE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, GUYS!  You do NOT own that property you bought.  You do not own ANYTHING.  (You are a slave Neo....a slave of your own mind)  It is very much a reality. the catalyst.  You do not want this anywhere near your city.  Contact your councilmen.  Present to them what I have to you.  We need to be convinced.  We need to be swayed.  Our lives do for real DEPEND ON IT!!!

I urge you to believe this folks:  Governmental employees (council members, board members, the police, and the rest that comprise HALF...YES, HALF OF OUR WORKFORCE TODAY) are all part of this agenda folks.  Every one of them gets it.  Most of them know it all.  They will not help you.  They are indoctrinated into these crimes as soon as they sit at their new desks.    They are, very literally, the already damned.  They all know what's listen to me..and know it for yourselves.  It's time folks.  Revolution is at hand.  Stop these things now, before their plan is complete. more thing.  Since I've written this, there is a part II.  This one you gotta see.  All the tech data I've found, I've found here:

Here's the article...part II, on the 5G beast system.