Saturday, November 7, 2015
This Is War, Part III - "The Plan"
Well we are.
We survived the End of Days set. We met, evaluated and dispelled the Native American con game that was Chief Fast Horse and his travelling show. We have considered and rejected the Hawaii Pink Slip theory, and pointed fingers til it hurt. We signed up for national lawsuit after national lawsuit, joined paralegal groups run by lunatics...and we did it all without considering anything we were doing. We talked to no one, we did no real research...and we got nowhere. No big surprise, right? Wendy was jailed...Jill hijacked the Op on Twitter, disguised as Wendy, and Wendy, when she gets out, finally...someday...will have a real hard time describing what semi truck it was that actually caused the most damage.
Me? My group was infiltrated and stolen, I was banned from several key CPS groups, scolded for giving bad legal advice...(by the way, the Lakotas really had the right was who it was that was promoting the idea that screwed up that solution...not the solution he proposed), lost a ton of friends over it...and was temporarily labeled an insane cult leader who was dead set on ruining people's already shitty lives. Oh, and I was accused of being a hard-headed, impulsive, brash and dangerous. Hey, if that was the worst of it? I can live with that...No harm done. I'm still here, ain't I? Might have had to take a short vacation here and there, but I lived.
I don't know about the lot of you, but I already grow weary of this supposed battle for the freedom our children barely remember having, as well as the children we parents barely remember having...and I only have one thing to say about all that stuff I just mentioned above. Get over it. Move on. You're never gonna get anywhere dwelling on what was. Take off the blinders, throw off the drama, and let's mosey on over here to the bar, lemme buy you a beer, and let's talk about....
Yes, it's THE PLAN. The plan, you ask?? (Or, maybe you aren't asking)...
Well, friends...what I WANT to do...supposedly has been done. but the way I see it, it hasn't been done quite the way I want to. You see, I'm a twisted individual who combines vindictiveness, prowess and a love for mankind and and a hatred for the suffering it endures, enough to give something like this a new spin. Not only that...but this isn't a single pronged war on the, there are actually 2 separate fronts for this plan...And this one, I've thought about more than the rest. I've turned it upside down, inside out...and changed some rules to suit my taste and to better achieve my success in doing it. I thought about the good side, the bad side, and the line between 'til the rest of my hair fell out...and I'm done with it. It's time to get a move on...and fast, before we forget what our children look like, and we die in our rocking chairs trying to get through to the Governor's office to stay our execution.
Part of our problem stems from our target audience, for one. We are bitching to the wrong people in this fight, in most cases. Every once so often, I notice someone telling everyone that they need to write to The Department of (human, social, WHATEVER), and make complaint. File Grievances. Write your senators, your state reps...the Ohmbudsman (man what a piece of wasted space THIS guy/gal is), when all you're doing with this is, preaching to the already damned. Used to be I'd comment badly against whoever was suggesting something like this, then press the block button on whoever it was. You're complaining about the the creators of the problem. You can't fight the problem by telling the very people that caused your pain everything they're doing wrong...they're in bed together, having crazy orgies while we whine, celebrating their victory in getting one over on you while everyone looks on, shaking their heads. Protests are good...for informing the public; but here's the problem. Public protests done to inform the public, tend to spur evil to move faster before they get caught.
Second, another problem I notice alot, is the court's assignment of "Lawyers" to your case. Added to that are the folks who want to use lawyers for their cases. Attorneys are, once again...part of the problem. The first rule of thumb folks is: an attorney's first loyalty is NOT to you and yours. He is a servant of the court, and he obeys the JUDGE. If the judge is a crooked bastard, so, more than likely, is your court appointed attorney. If you have hired your own, be prepared to work 1000 hours a week to afford one, or throw your money down the toilet. An attorney's 2nd loyalty is to his bills. I've known people to pay for their attorneys, and halfway through the case, they withdraw, after already being paid...usually, at the judge's behest. This generally happens, particularly if your attorney is doing the right thing and serving your best interests. Your best interests, by the way, are an attorney's distant third loyalty. Forget attorneys. They are members of the BAR, and serve the BAR. Not you.
For three, we are doing this too much under our own little flags. Linda Hickey has had a good idea or two, and everyone likes Geri and some of the ideas she's had....but the problem lies in the fact that we are in-fighting each other, over things as simple as going off and producing our own little sects. We don't get along with the person in this group, or we don't like person that runs that other one. Here's the one I really love, if we even slightly dislike someone, or if someone just whispers something about us, it's off to the drama wars. We cross our arms, and go our own ways when someone argues with someone else, or presents something to the crowd that hasn't been fact checked, then call them out, bad mouth them, then label them impulsive idiots, then run off to fight the battle on a whole new level on a whole new battlefield, leaving the newcomers wondering what they said or did wrong, and the heck this fresh new Hell is about. Gathering the throngs under one flag has flopped time and time again, mainly because of someone in possession of a Napolean complex, or personal glory tends to get in the way of common sense. Sometimes, its just not someone you would normally consider to be leader material...or they're just misunderstood...I don't really know which. Sometimes, they're just really good at or enjoy bein' an ass...right Ash?
Look here, folks, you have to understand who you need to help you fight against evil...not hire evil, or advertise to evil that they're about done for, and in so doing, cause them to move faster and fight harder against good. What's more, you have to realize that the leader of your group is only the leader of your group. They may have good things to use, they may know the laws, they may have great advice...but you have to understand that most of them are in the same exact pickle as you are. If they had ALL the answers...there wouldn't be any groups, and there wouldn't be people to run them. So what to do? What's the plan then? Well, I think I've made things more than clear, when i said that EXPOSURE is the primary solution to this problem. This problem can be attacked on two fronts On the Exposure front; which we have been doing with the #Op; has to be bigger and badder. As I've said, t's working...but it's working slowly; and in some cases, isn't getting to our intended targets, and if it is, it's not getting to them fast enough.
The other prong, of course, is the legal side of things. First, get rid of all attorneys. We have, between all of these groups, informed, educated and practiced and learned enough law to start our own Facebook Attorney's group. We know the laws, and if we don't, there are tons of leaders that inhabit our groups that someone else knows, and can direct us to. Most of us have filed paperwork in these courts 'til we're blue in the face. Most are willing to part with a good version of what you've filed. 2nd, we need to make amends with each other, and work TOGETHER. We have a ton of people out here that are dangerous to the courts and CPS, and all of you banded together would be 2 forces to be reckoned with. Is there any reason anyone can imagine that we aren't combining into a large menacing think tank, in order to get the job done? I can't, personally. So, here THE PLAN:
It's time for a plan that we can think about for a while, then get behind, unconditionally. One that doesn't require massive effort, cost a lot of money, and does the most damage to the enemy. Mull it over...research...bounce it off others for integrity's sake...and find a non-entity to implement it. A good multi-pronged plan, one that makes sense, and does the trick...full of law, common sense, one that's doable...and most of all, involve good people to get it right. Get it going. Get those boots out there, and roll 'em over and grease it down with. I volunteer my inane those of us that wish the nightmare to end...and end with us in the victor's chair...without wishing for all the fame and glory that goes with it and hereby nominate....BRENT SWALLERS to lead the way (HA!!! DIDN'T EXPECT THAT ONE, DIDJA?).
Folks, I'm a good guy...but I already have too many damn enemies out there (and have, already, probably made a few new ones), and though some have already eaten their lunches and rethunk my brash behaviors of the past, Brent Swallers has a lot going for him that I could never live up to. I have only known this guy for a week, and if I were a girl, I'd already be head over heels without ever seeing the guy face to face. He's younger, very well spoken...he's kind, loves his daughter...and has the courage of a pack of lions. He's not afraid to risk it all for everything he desires, and he knows a lot about the law we should be practicing, and how to make things click. He's been already tested in the waters of loyalty, and has come out a winner...hands down. Smart as a whip, with a polite tongue and a good demeanor, this man is a doer, not a whiner...and dammit, will make us a fine leader someday, if we can ever screw up the courage to give our crooked governemnt the boot and move on to a REAL brave new world. And he gets along with Theodore Booker like they've been family all their lives. Who here can say that without cracking a smile and shooting milk outta their noses? Few, I'll warrant.
And who, in their right mind, really thought that Facebook is where we were going to get the job done? Not this horse. Most of you know this, whether through common sense, or through trial and ain't gonna happen. There's too many eyes, and way too many people here to cause problems and divide us into a thousand individuals instead of a force to be reckoned with. We all have phones. We all have other means of communication. Use them. We can teach those younger than 30 to use the phone again, I promise, it will be a success. Teach them something new, they can handle it.
But Brent, as much as I have faith in him, isn't gonna be enough. We have a lot of cold-blooded killers out there, some are full of it...others aren't...but it doesn't matter what they're full of. What matters is that instinct. The motivational properties of these leaders is not to be messed with. Me. Kenneth. Raquel O, Ronnie D, Michael C. Bryan K. Geri P.. Linda H. Wendy Greene (may she rest in Orange or Sick Green)...Christi A., Patrick R., Angelia B., Theodore B., Bill W., Ted V. Sean Q. Paul H., Al S. and a few more I don't need to all, People like this, whether they're right or not, have that special "Listen to me" quality that makes others sit up and notice, while with the other hand, they're whipping their listeners into shape...and fast. Whether they're in the know or not, they got it down, where amassing the throng is concerned. Each one of these folks will make a fine General in the new army someday...and that war is being
Screw the differences. To hell with the way they fly. Who cares if they're an ass..they're OUR asses...and we can use them...NOW. NOW is the time to strike...the time for over. The time to move in and get the job done is today. Not next week. Not yesterday. Now.
OK, so back to the plan (now that I have your obvious attention).
Prong the first: Wake people UP. Not just nudge them gently and tell them it's time to get up for breakfast, I mean throw cold water in their faces, throw them off the bed and throw their clothes at 'em, and tell 'em to GET THE HELL UP! It's time to stop acting alone, with our little warped ideas, giving people a mild 2V shock for shock's time to zap the hell out of 'em. Let's get out the electric chair. Shock Value, that's what we always sells more movie tickets, right?
So here's what I have in mind. Now, some of you are sayin'..Oh, I did that once. No you haven't. Not the way I wanna. I haven't got it mind to show this to the Governor. not our elected officials. What are they gonna do? You know what they'll do. "Sure, we'll look this over, and get back to you"...and 6 years later, you say..."you know, they never DID write me back...I wonder why not? That's it, he doesn't get my vote in the next race" this is going to hurt his/her feelings, if you don't get up that day and don't go vote...he's got you covered already, that you can bet on.
Let me ask you something. When you were going through your moments of terror; like the removal of your child, as the sneering social worker finally informed you that your child or children were going into foster care, while they screamed with terror at being ripped away from their mother. And how about the first hearing, when you realized that the same social worker; whose voice was cold and unfeeling, and just grated down your spine; was out and out lying as she testified, and who was smiling at you parents like she was having fun doing it. How about when you looked in the judge's eyes, and knew the son-of a bitch was going along with every lie the social worker was telling him, and knew almost immediately that he would rule against you easily at the end of the hearing. In that same moment, you probably realized that your rights would someday be terminated by this bastard and you were never going to see your babies again. And how did you feel when you studied the prosecuting attorney's face in utter disbelief, as he pounded you with ridiculous questions at 100 miles an hour, asked with only the obvious intent to make you look like first, terrible parents, then awful nasty people, in general? Finally, I'm sure you remember that stoney look on your court-appointed attorney's face as he sat throught it all without even a whispered objection slipping over his sneering lips.
I remember all of that, as if it was yesterday morning. I also remember the first thought that crossed my mind. This wasn't just a bunch of corrupt people trying to make money...these people were ripping out our souls, were conspiring to work in harmony and unison to destroy our lives, and, with unwarranted vindictiveness, desired to completely and utterly rip our family to shreds and spread it to the four winds. They had not a single shred of mercy. They were operating without conscience, or of thought of what they were doing to us. They were malicious. They were cruel. These people were, for lack of a better term...Evil.
To add to that, their actions drew the same ugly picture, as did their words. In my Child Protective Assessment, the social worker lied a total of 55 times. And not just little white lies, or twists, this woman out and out fabricated our lives to suit her whim. The Judge heard our testimony, and of the social worker, and just straight made up his own facts...using things we didnt say, and leaving out things we said in our favor. The Caseworker once stated, in a written legally filed report, that I threatened to kill her. I did nothing of the sort. They would use that to arrest me, in order to keep me from attending my termination hearing. And all the while, they would come and say to us "We're only about the re-unification of this family", then would, in the same breath spit out the words "Termination of your parental rights" like it was their real intention. They had me arrested, cut me off from my defense for almost two months, then acted like it was a mistake...then threw me off the case, when things got too warm for them. These are not the actions of people with morals, or with standards. These are the actions of wicked, nasty human beings. Not fit for consumption by beast or bird, nor deserving of special consideration. Wastes of space. Evil beings.
So now, we've determined that evil is what we are, indeed, working with. Suprisingly, however, this makes our job a lot easier. Corruption is rampant. It's almost acceptable in our elected officials. Evil, on the other hand, is intolerable. I am not, as such, a religious man...however, it's my firm belief that the majority of people in this country...are. We need to target those who fear or want to be rid of Evil. And who would this be, where the rest of the world is concerned? The pillars of the community. Neighborhood Presidents. Church groups. Little ol' ladies. Veterans of war. You get the picture. How to get the word out is another thing, but we the people have the special ability to think of all kinds of cheap easy ways. They're out there...right in front of your face I'd say.
Email? What a tool to get people to read what you want them to. See, when you get something in the mailbox, it's as easy to throw it away without looking at it as it is to pull it out of the box...just a little extra hand motion and BAM...all that promo money you spent getting that junkmail is to John Q. is no better than burnt toast. Email, on the other hand, is very easy to get people to open. Sure, you get it in the envelope, unopened...but Email has one over on snail mail....the subject line. See, the subject line is an opportunity. You can manipulate it to say something so intriguing it's impossible to ignore. For men, it's "I can do things only your mother knows how to do"...for women it's "70-90% off the regular discounted price"...and your in. Opened...HAHA!!! CAUGHTYA!
So what to say...well, go through your spam through the unopened titles that you're used to recognizing as spam...and don't use them...or anything like them. That's a good start. Now look for the ones that you're either tempted to open to see what they really say, or are just dying to see...there you go. The more clever, the more original...the more're in. Opened. Appeal to what people crave...allude to what people are morbidly curious to know...get 'em where it hurts...where the heart is, or what's on tap at the water cooler. Pick an issue that's popular to talk about...something that will include three dots at the end, wondering what ends it. Leave 'em wanting more. Put it in the subject line, and lure them in. Then look at the subject line, and wonder if you would see it and open it right away...if you would, then do it.
What's inside of this cliff-hanger? Doesn't matter now. We have their attention. You can do whatever you want now, you got your foot in. If I were you? I'd move straight to the jugular, pop that baby open, and eat lunch. Now remember...we're talking about church ladies here. We're talking about people who influence...for a living. Make it good. You have them, now just do it.
No, you might wonder, who are the targets? Who are we looking for, for instance? Well, we mentioned church ladies...let's stick with it. First, pick and choose your power congregation. You want the Antioch Catholic Church...not Andy's curb-side drive by lady of the Cross Street chuch. And don't look for the ones you can't find in a google want the big ones, with websites. Like I said, mail doesn't reach most, especially junk. You have to think like what you have is junk....because it the uninformed. So in order to hold'll want to either hook them immediately with a scary stat? Or make it short and line the bottom of the email with interesting looking vids with titles or pictures that make you want to click on them immediately to see what it's about. Don't be afraid to scare these people...THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT TO DO. Shock value goes hand in hand with morbidity. And, thank God, most people have a very morbid curiosity.
Another good idea, is line your email with links...with a one liner no one could possibly ignore to intro them. I've found this to be a very effective tool..just make sure your first video or article is the best one you have, or they won't be back for the 2nd one.
Ok, so we've talked about delivery. If you're not a good one-liner's ok! I'm here to help! I had a minister of one church open his email, with a link to my blog 121 less than the weekend. I know what it takes...I've been doing this for months. Sure, after it was all said and done, they did response, no write back (not that I ever expected that)...but I guarantee they've taken time to re-evaluate their values. That, I will guarantee. Whether they did it or not, matters not to me...only that they tried to. Good enough. I'm fine with that. I got them to think, sit down hard, and look twice. I can live with those kind of results.
What about the content. Well, I think that should be obvious. You know what you want. You want your kids...and you want them back, yesterday. Don't call the foster parents, they're almost always sympathetic to your enemies. Remember, you're trying for moral outrage here. Make it as horrific as you can. I wonder what that would be....
So I thought, why not ask for the very worst of stories...and get everything someone has about it. Not the story itself. Not your opinon, not your side of a story. No, I'm talking about the truth. See, Truth hurts, and it cuts a person deep. The more moralistically driven a person is, the deeper your words will reach. Show them pictures. Include the sound bytes from your latest DHS meeting. Here's a great idea, let's meet and talk with some of the people that come into our groups...and give them something else to think about rather than their kids being in state care...let's give them PURPOSE. Tell them what we're trying to do, and let's set it up to be there in court and record what happens...or interview them after they've been shell-shocked when they hear the order of the judge, when they thought what they did to you would come out and you would get your children back..and you didn't. I know, you can think we're using them...but if you put out what we're doing to them first, I think they'd understand why, and you'd feel better, knowing this goes to end their suffering. We may have to work the kinks out of that idea, but I think it's very doable.
More than this...we need documentation. We need hard evidence. We want the most horrible acts of lawbreaking, conspiracy, collusion, kidnapping, perjury, threats to your welfare, threats using your children. Evil stuff. not just the bad...the really ugly stinky stuff. Show these people the heartless, callous evil these people employ. Remember, you want ticket sales. You want interest. You want them to buy popcorn and remain on the edge of their seat until the credits roll.
Do this in your own state groups. Look for people that are with you. If they're afraid of what will happen, don't say "Oh, it's ok...everything's gonna be fine"...because it ain't...and you know it ain't. Chances are, if they took the children? They're going to keep the children, and those parents will more than likely never see their kids again, or play games trying to get them back for a couple to forever years, while the courts make the state money...meanwhile, their kids get further and further away...and more screwed up by the minute. Don't pull your punches. Tell them what's up. There's no one that knows what's up better than you. If they come at you talking about the social worker said if you act right you'll get your kids back, of you keep your case quiet, things will go better for them. Go right to the end of the book and make them read the end. Ruin it. If you don't do it now, they'll do it later. Bring them around and make them see the truth. Then shape them into the warriors you see in them. Make them fight for them. You and I both know what the state has in mind for these save them from that. Take them right from upset to mad, and tell them what they can do for us all. Don't use them for you, use them for everyone, and use them to fight for themselves and their children. Once you get their acceptance, here's a thought...find out when their next hearing is. Interview them as they come out of their first hearing, while thier shellshocked at the absolute lunacy that is their justice. Interview them, get their feelings on camera. Go to the office that houses CPS, and talk with the families that go in and out all day for "Supervised" visitations. Look for people with horror stories, and get it from them. Another idea is hang out by the local drug testing center, and ask people as they come out, if they feel they're being tested fairly. I think you'd be very surprised at the amount of folks that would start pouring out their emotional stories, in gory detail.
Now, once we get the states doing this, and we get the job done, bundle it into the biggest most diverse package we can manage. CD's, DVD's, circled documents pointing at corruption and RICO. Use these people's names. These are their elected officials, their law enforcement officers, the trusted department of child protective services. We want the people to know that the Governor they elected into office is involved in a very intricate web of lies, deciet and moneygrubbing..and by God, here's your proof. Make accusations that you can prove beyond the shadow of a doubt ONLY, one unproven finger point can ruin the entire package. Crimes committed need to be black and white, with no doubt. On court paper is best. Filed where it can be looked someone who demands to.
Another thing, this is family court...and no one in our groups isn't affected. This isn't just about CPS, this is about divorce...custody battles. We want to bring down family court in all of it's evil glory, as well as destroy CPS's obviously undented reputation.
Once we have our respective packages, each state takes care of its own. It's the responsibility of the state leaders (of which, it seems, we have one in just about every state) to deliver what we've garnered. As great as it would be to deliver a whole package to everyone, it's not cost-effective to do so. So pick your battles, as well as the ammunition you use. Deliver whole packages to people like Church offices. The nice thing about going to churches is that you don't have to be afraid to ask for the boss...the pastor or minister. That's what he's there for. If he's not at work, ask when he would be. News stations. Blue collar businesses, like car lot owners (nice cars), hair salons, and mom and pop stores. Owners of booths at local farmer's markets. Old folks homes. Neighborhood associations, and activist groups. Small business owners, downtown. Places that you know will pass it around, like Veterans groups. Lodges. People that aren't so big that it gets shuffled into the trash after the first sentence, but big enough to care enough to skim through the package with some interest. You have to pick people that are connected to their communities, that love their city, and want nothing but good for it. That know that evil and corruption does their cities no good, and, might possibly destroy that good. Hold a garage sale, and give a DVD with all of my shows on it to everyone that buys $5 worth of your stuff. Make it $3. You don't wanna just give them away. Make them seem like they're worth it if they buy something else. Valuable to take from you. If they ask what it is, just tell them you don't remember what it was exactly, only that you lost the case to it, and you know it's a good one. You didn't wanna give it up, but what good is a movie without the case?
For the coupe de gras? We build one...massive package, from all 50 states. This one, we deliver to select few. Army bases. The ACLU. The NCAAP. A couple civil rights groups. You get the idea. Not Government related...but very influential, and easily offended when wrong is done to America.
And for you folks that are working a different war, the war against the tyranny that has surplanted our government? Exposing the plan and those in power? This plan is ALSO for you! Just change up the corruption evidence...and whala! Voters go up in arms. Moral outrage against the problem is a glorious thing, and worth witnessing. Use my plan to get the word out, and I bet you can guaranteee viable solutions to your problems as well.
That's enough about my prong. Let's move on to the legal prong, Prong two.
I have been around these groups for almost a year now, and I have met a lot of characters that know what they're talking about. And yet, here we still are, fighting. I have been on the steady lookout for a STANDOUT, however, someone that knows the game from start to finish...and has succeeded in beating it, with proof to back up the big talk. I believe I have finally located that standout.
Therefore, I announce that I have chosen a partner against crime. Her name is Nelida Torres-Santiago, and she is the leader of the group Legal Deception. She has been called the Black Widow of the court system. She's stopped many a worker in their tracks as they tried to kidnap children, and won several back for parents.
I have listened to a lot of people in these groups, and have made a lot of unresearched decisions using their methods and paperwork, and have often failed in the execution to degrees varying from devastaing loss to simple disappointment. I've noticed that everyone seems to have a lot or most of an answer to this...but not all of it. Nelida is an old school warrior, a tried and true fighter. She has been using her methods for a long time, and I believe her to be someone that has perfected her craft to a very sharp and deadly point. I would imagine that the only reason she's not currently famous is that she had to quit for a number of years, due to some health issues. Now she's back, and ready for another round...and I think she has all of the answers...and the meat to back up her potatoes, where showing that her methods work goes. What I'm going to suggest is, that all of the leaders that are proficient in law meet with this warrior, discuss what's working and what isn't, battle out your differences...and let's develop a killing blow to this madness. A package so deadly as to wipe the smile off a judge's face at 100 paces. Let's be quick, and let's iron out the kinks, and let's mass produce, select a test market, and put it out. If it fails, well, a couple of hours back at the drawing board, and I think we'll have a winner...if it works, distribute it quick and get it into every court in America.
YOU WITH ME? THEN LET'S DO THIS, and quit farting around. It's time to strike the fear of God into these assholes, and BRING THIS SHIT TO A HALT....RAISE YOUR HANDS IF YOU'RE TIRED...and let's get to where we can take a vacation...with the families we had. LET'S GET OUR CHILDREN HOME, WHERE THEY BELONG...WHO'S WITH ME???
Thursday, November 5, 2015
JUSTICE IS DUE TO BE SERVED...FINALLY/WTF is wrong with our Media??
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The (Dis)Honorable William A.(sshole) Price District 5C, Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa Major criminal, as well as a criminal, not a family, judge. |
Well America? This father's fight may soon end. THE FIGHT, for America and its wronged parents and doubly wronged children will, of course, continue, regardless.
First, the November 1st date, in which I promised to go and get my daughter, more than likely against the better judgement of the world, and what would have been the crime of "kidnapping"in the eyes of the law (even though I didn't commit that crime to begin with...CPS did. Their administration even admitted they did wrong...ensuring that they did, because of the illegality of it, Did anyone ever suffer for commiting that felony? Hell no. No, it was within the lines of their duties...they were just doing their job. They broke 6 or 7 laws doing well as commited felony crimes during the entirety of the court well as AFTER...but it evidently doesn't count as crime when they do it...only when I do), did not happen. I do believe, with all of my heart, that there was a good reason for this. OK, three.
For one, the bio father...wasn't at home. Neither was my daughter. That'll teach me to tell the bio father what I'm about to do before I do it...sometimes, I believe I am devoid of thought just before I act irrationally.
2nd, PRECISELY as I returned from my ill-thought embarassment, I received some fabulous news. Neil Shelton, easily the winner of the Victim of Corruption Award for the decade, got contacted by a major news network about his story. And, later, his success there gave birth to 5 or 6 more interviews in other areas, both of his hometown, and his state. This fact alone made it obvious that getting jailed for what I wanted to do...wasn't worth it.
3rd, I'm about to win this case. Guaranteed. In little to no time at all...and with little or no effort at all.
How you ask? I knew you'd wanna know.
It concerns this form...that today, somehow (remember, I have NEVER seen this form...EVER IN MY LIFE BEFORE TODAY) just fell out of the sky...and into my scanner:
As I read it, a light engulfed me, and I shouted out "THE BAAND....THE BAAAND...THE BAND!!!", more than likely to the vision of James Brown screaming out "DO YOU SEE THE LIGHT?"
After dancing around my living room, I quickly composed this wee note for the bastaches who presented themselves as my Magistrate, no jury, and Executioner of my existance:
"Subject: I got you!! (Justice will be SERVED!)
I'm afraid, at least for the persons involved anyway, that you are going to lose...and by no means, is it going to be a small victory; nor will a small mess be made of your lives.
First of all, not only have you committed fraud in our case (on so many levels, no less), you made another little booboo as well. One that will reverse all decisions of one William A. Price and the prosecution by YOU, John P. Sarcone, with no effort.
See, I have in my hand 3 things. One, is a recording of your Clerk of Court, one Randy Osborn, telling me that you folks don't make recordings of Juvenile Court Proceedings.
I also have in my little hands 2 affidavits, per one Jerren Young, of Des Moines Iowa and her boyfriend (also involved in an absolutely RIDICULOUS case, where her 16 yr. old son, who had only an unpaid $50 citation; for only BEING IN THE VICINITY of another boy's crime; was taken from her and placed with the boy's father (who has never been involved in his son's life) by yet another corrupt judge; where he's been for a year now. This was AFTER she IMMEDIATELY paid the $50 citation, and still fights this legal battle EVERY DAY, FIERCELY), stating that they heard Mr. Osborn say those exact words over my cell phone, added to his statement that he wouldn't sign the form I provided him to sign stating that you denied me the right to a recorded version of my case, and that transcripts were all that was available to me, like those could accurately, without error, portray what went on in those hearings (like you couldn't just toss the whole thing after a hearing and retype up a brand new one, more to your liking...what's more, you're going to tell me that a single stenographer has the ability to hear EVERYTHING said by everyone, right down to how they said it, with what emotion, even when talking over each other? Get real folks. If this is how they keep themselves in business, I think we need something a little more accurate, don't you??? Sounds like depravation of due process and hearsay to me...which, for those of you who aren't privy to it, hearsay...and hearsay of hearsay...and hearsay of hearsay of hearsay, is only allowed as juvenile court...which I suppose included stenographers, evidently).
Third and finally, let it be known that I have, in my hand, from the Iowa Judicial branch, a form that allows you to request a RECORDED version of your proceedings....and that one of those boxes of the type of proceeding available for JUVENILE. Granted, it's starred...but it states clearly that if you DO want a recorded version of it, a special form must be completed, due to the confididential nature of the case....but no place on the form does it state that they are not available, or that they aren't made.
For those of you that are missing the point here, this is not only a depravation of DUE PROCESS...which immediately qualifies me for federal court,..if even one word of the transcripts differ from the recording (which, I've heard that altering or destroying transcripts is very much common practice and that hardly anyone is privy to this particular rule of Fraud upon the court), and I find out about it? Their entire case can be overturned, and I will instantly I wouldn't win anyway...and I can sue their respective asses off for the rest of my days, without much of a fight.
The Commercial Liens are coming, very very soon. Hold onto your homes, I'm coming for you and your pocketbooks, and it ain't gonna be pretty. I already, as you know, am holding onto your oaths. Thank you for taking them, and upholding them SO well. I'll see you soon."
Christopher Bruce"
Now you know...and I know....that as many laws these people broke, and with all they lies told, facts made up, and the obviously BIASED AND UNBELIEVABLE rulings this judge made against these parents; and the illegal crimes commited against us in our court hearings...they most certainly altered those transcripts. The double guarantee of that being that this confidential. Under that shroud, alteration is most certainly a reality. If they're smart, they'll recover those transcripts from the Supreme Court...and quickly too. But then, due to the fact that they aren't...very smart...I can bet they won't get the chance. Nor do I intend to let them.
See? I knew you'd love it.
Now, on to the nasty portion of this article. Here, to contribute to your growing belief that your judicial system is engaged in massive corruption as well as fraudulent, unlawful and unconstitutional behavior in family court cases of ALL sizes, shapes and colors on a daily basis, in every state in the Union, are these two articles that I've found for you, in order to help you lose some of that unwanted weight through the scientifically proven process of giving you the nauseating truth.
In order to further your journey into the world of weight loss (might as well grab another bucket), here is a friend of mine's video recording of a social worker's supervisor withholding visits from the clients grandparents in the case, as is their wont. Listen, as CPS explains to the grandmother involved, early on, long before termination, that they are going to terminate the parent's rights, and adopt her grandkids out. Note that their grandparents LEGAL rights to their grandchildren, are also terminated...even though the grandparents aren't accused of anything, and did nothing wrong to deserve this treatment, or the threats of the rescindment of their visits if they don't "comply". Is this right? No. Can they do this? Oh yes. And they do it all the time folks. More than you can imagine. After stealing your children, they then use them...against you. Against the grandparents. They can't legally do this, especially if the judge has ordered that you have visitations with them. But they do it anyway, and they do it often...and it should be obvious that they have no problem with you recording them doing it either. Mostly because of their unlimited power of Government (thanks to the laws passed by your Governor's administration or lax laws that help protect them, like confidentiality), cannot be sued or held accountable for their unlawful or color of law violations; don't answer to anyone (yes, I've checked into it...they don't answer to ANY branch of our United States Government, and are praised and promoted for law-breaking, not punished or fired), and because we allow this crapola to continue, unchallenged...until it's us.
And if you're defiant, don't "Engage" in their unneeded services? If you speak out against them, either in the news (if you can find one that'll report on them) or on social media? Their favorite thing in the world to use against you to keep you quiet? Your children...and the visits with your children/grandchildren, these bold and evil criminals, like kidnappers, hold your children for ransom away from you, in order to control your behavior and stop you from using your first amendment PRIVELEGE (Notice I don't use the word RIGHT here, since we technically don't have any) of free speech, in order to stop you from exposing their nasty, evil and oftentimes, illegal behavior.
I say, screw their confidentiality. To hell with their gags. The more they shut you up, the louder you should yell. Gag orders especially. The only time they issue legal gags on you is when they've screwed things up so badly and broken so many laws, if you say something, people might believe what they're doing, every single day, and drawing paychecks, provided by YOU to do so. SOOO...
Beginning today, and every day this week, I am going to be putting our nation-wide victims on the air, and we're going to be calling the news stations. It's going to be a free for all, an obvious madhouse, if you will, but of course, it hardly matters, does it? This has been long overdue, something badly needed. The show will go something like this:
Of course, we'll have guests daily. Oh, and wow, what guests. Pastor Wiley Drake, candidate for President in 2016 should be on the show this week. Hot on his coat-tails will be Arin Marcus, candidate for the Governor's chair of Oregon, and a fellow CPS victim. And on Friday, once again, we will, again, have my biggest show draw to date, Ms. Cyrus, from Iran.
For the first half an hour of each day's shows, folks from each state in the union, more than likely those with the longest and worst wars, will be joining us to call each news station in their states to ask them why they don't report these stories. 30 years ago, corruption, fraud, collusion, kidnapping...these things hit the papers without question...but today? These stories are swept under the rug, and someone is ordering it. Has corruption in our court system become so commonplace that it's not news anymore? Or has the American public become that complacent and compliant, that they hardly notice anymore? Have you noticed, of late, that NO-ONE wants to hear about your problems anymore? They don't WANT to hear what's going on in your divorce? This is by design people. We the people have been PROGRAMMED...we don't wanna know why our neighbors are losing their homes...we have enough problems of our own! Yes...but here's the problem...WHAT IS HAPPENING TO YOUR NEIGHBOR...MIGHT HAPPEN....TO YOU NEXT!!! That's the real problem here folks, and you dumbed down folks, you just don't realize it. Someday, you may get divorced...AND YOU WILL BE SCREAMING LOUDER THAN ANYONE I KNOW...because you didn't think it would ever happen to you. You don't think so, but you don't know how many times I hear this...
Yep. You'll say it...but here's the thing...WHY DIDN'T YOU KNOW? Was it because you walked away when your best friend as he told you about his divorce the other day? More than likely...or you more than likely tuned him/her out as soon as the word "divorce" crossed his lips.
This is our greatest fault America. We have disconnected from each other...shut everyone out, and concentrated on keeping our own lives together...and you don't know about what happens...and the news ISN'T TELLING YOU EITHER! So how is it your problem? It will be, trust me. Wait til you have to go to court for an accident you had. Wait til your wife tells you she's leaving, and taking the kids...wait for Child Protective Services shows up at your door, because a neighbor or friend who was mad at you and can't get you back for it, legally, calls them on you. Don't think it can happen? I didn't...and look at me...better yet, ask the thousands of families and stories I hear from them about whether it can happen. It does...and it will. And there will be more children taken, each subsequent year.
And where will you be? Screaming at the top of your lungs that the courts did you wrong. And I'll be there, shaking my head at you, and welcoming you to "The Courts did me wrong" club...with more record members every year. And as you tell us your unbelievable (to you) story, filled with the most ridiculous things they did, are, and will do to you in the near future? We'll be empathetic, sure. We may gasp a little...seems someone always comes along with at least ONE thing we've never heard of, as CPS gets even more bold in stealing kids...but it's the same ol' song and dance to us. Nothing we are surprised about. opposed to the neighbors thoughts as he made excuse to pick up his wife's dry-cleaning....typical. Nothing new.
You'll believe everything you're about to do will be a new and unique approach. It won't be. There are only so many things you can do...and believe me, I guarantee we, the victims, have done it all, long before you thought of your "original" idea or method of winning. There's only one real guaranteed method to win, and I suggest you get started on it; because all your other efforts are almost a sure bet for failure: expose, expose, expose.
That's what will, eventually, bring the change. Your children, if they've been taken, are, more than likely, lost. They're not going to give you much time. They'll start talking about reunification, as well as termination, often in the same sentence, almost immediately. Some states give you 90 days to change your "Evil" ways. Some give you a year and a half. If you're one of the unlucky ones...and these days, your chances of being an unlucky one is around 9 out of 10..and your rights are terminated, they usually remain terminated, even through to appeal. If your children are adopted, whether lawfully or not, whether right or not? They're more than likely going to stay adopted, regardless of your victories in civil suits against the courts that ordered them to be adopted. If things remain on a state level, you can bet that by the time justice might get served, or your appeal is heard, your children will be long gone, or out of your vision and reach. My advice to you? Open your mouth, and start exposing. The other option? Pray...or, hope for a miracle...something in a recording you have, something contradictory in your case to get it to the federal level. Forms that you've never seen that have your name signed at the bottom. But waiting for a miracle can be tedious...or be full of pain every day that goes by that your kids aren't home.
So start your case...without your court appointed pretender, open your mouth and get it out to anyone that will listen, and start looking for people like us immediately...who have already been there, have already suffered, have already lost, and who have already tried it all, and have done half of what we have had to do to successfully wake people up, and stop the next batch of losing parents...from losing as well.
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