Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The State Post Conviction Relief Case, Part XIII - The Transcripts (D)

Finally!  The last batch o' bull!  Thank God that's over...oh wait, there's still the "Sentencing" transcripts to go....that'll take me a few days.  I'm hoping to be really busy trying to change the world in DC by then.  Fat chance, yes I know, but dammit, I'm willing to try!

Here it is, in all 15 pages of it's glory, the last of the case itself.

The State Post Conviction Relief Case, Part XIII - The Transcripts (C)

Volume 3 has arrived for your approval.  Keep note, that commentary WILL be added to these transcripts, as I often like to do, but currently, I cannot afford internet.  Who can, when the BASIC package is $108 a month?

On we roll.  Volumes 3 and 4 are, thankfully, considerably shorter.  Enjoy!