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http://blogs.umsl.edu/news/2013/05/27/constitution/ |
America? It’s come down to this, I guess. Yup, you got it, it’s time for yet another one of those serious talks. You remember, back in the B&S Railroad Job series, In part IV, when I sat with the lot of you discussed...well y’all know what we talked about. Ain’t nothing changed...so what’s left to discuss? Well, there’s everything to discuss. And it’s time we got started.
This one, I’ll tellya, promises to beat out everything we’ve talked about in this li’l blog o’ mine since it’s conception, allllll the way back in March of last year; where length and constructive content are concerned. Once again, I fully intend to continue and continue this post...ESPECIALLY this post, for this post, above all others, will be the one that defines what we hope to accomplish...as well as everything we intend to try and do about those hopes. After all that’s happened along the way, as well as all that we really need to fix in this, our beloved country that’s been discussed thus far; I ask only this: What better time, but at the anniversary of the aforementioned blog, and all the posts contained therein, could there be, but now?
A few decaposts back, I came about mentioning that maybe a revival of some good ol’ fashioned civil unrest should be implemented, mixed with, quite possibly, a bit of a revolution, of whatever kind, against whatever entities might cross our paths. Any doubts that this talk might not be needed, and that the problems we’re having might just work themselves out? Any inkling that maybe this writer was just plain wrong about these issues? GONE baby. Nope, I’m pretty darned sure that we’re screwed, and in a lot more ways than one; and if we don’t get to it? We’re gonna sink down the drain we’ve been headed into for nearly the last 60 years or so.
Let’s just revisit what we have so far.
First, we have the Constitution of the United States, a document written nearly 230 years ago by a bunch of drunken freeman with a dream to put their footprints in the soil and make a name for themselves; after they beat back the country that spawned them and ruled them with an iron constitution, even after their departure; who had in mind the intent to create their own country, as well as their own law. Now some of you are already thinkin’ I plan to just say PHOOEY to the Constitution of our country, and all it stands for...and yeah, I’ve kind of done just that. But this isn’t to say I thought the Constitution was a piece of garbage...no. No, it was a great document, and it served its purpose...at the beginning of our country, a couple centuries ago. There are also some mighty fine things that this document, which we have stuck by all of this time, had to say. Some of those ideals, as well as the rights mentioned, and the Amendments passed are, without a doubt, quite valuable, and some are pretty smart ideas as well. Others are nnnnnnoooooooot so much applicable, as they are....well, old. Outdated. Let’s just say it, NON-applicable to this day or this age. This constitution, which, in it’s day was the “sh**!”...is now just “Eh”. It applies...and it doesn’t. Some ideas are great, others are just plain crapola, and in bad need of revamp. Simple as that. You know it. I know it.
Why do I think that? Even with amendments made over time (which, according to the Constitution itself and the language used therein; wasn’t supposed to be done...Yup, the President was to defend that Constitution tooth and nail, and yet...it changed...but we didn’t call it change, we presented it as amending; because evidently, that was OK, and wasn’t, technically, meant to change anything), it still presents with a little something this country shouldn’t have; nor does the majority of this country want or need these little somethings. They just kind of appeared with the territory they were located in. I’m, of course, referring to the word we all know and love so well - Loopholes. Loopholes in its language, Loopholes in the law it lays down, loopholes in the meaning of much of what it says, and loopholes in the rights it describes.
There’s been too much damn independent interpretation of this document;and by some who should have never had a right to even lay eyes on it; and it has, for decades past even, been used in the name of evil in order to pass law that wasn’t wanted or needed, nor have those changes been for the good of the people, but only for those who sought to get it changed that way; as well as most certainly without its citizens having even a slight say-so in the matter. As pure and as simplistic as this document was, the corruption of its ideals was inevitable; due to those stupid pesky loopholes our forefathers left in its interpretation of it. This, I’m afraid, is where we’re at.
Continuing on, I don't think we need to say that this country, although technologically advanced, is guaranteed a win, should a war....any war, and, more so, a looming possibility of world war, would, at this point in our existence as a nation, be even considered a sure bet. I would, even, consider this nation to be a sad display of disappointment to many, should this happen today. Should we come against ANY other major player in today's world, I'd have to even go as far as betting with the other side.
Ever notice the countries we go against anymore are significantly smaller, their people not as bad-assed? There is, truly good reason for these plans of attack. What better way to show we're not defenseless when it comes to a good battle, then to pick on countries we know we can defeat? Yet, have we even done that??? Look at our last war. Notice how that one lasted just a smidgen longer that the 2 second desert storm excursion we took upon ourselves to stick our big nose into? Like 13 years? Come on America, we wouldn't stand a chance against...well, you know who. If you're still not certain who I mean, then let's take a trip back to, saaaaaaay......this post?:
This is scary stuff kids. We used to be gods to these people, now they could very well pick their teeth with our smelly dead bodies, should they so desire. If I ever heard that we might possibly come up against the likes of this country, I'm afraid I'd have to become a Buddhist, and FAST. Scarier still, if we were to ever take a poll of what America thinks, where coming up against these folks are concerned, and you'd hear an awful lot of YEEHAWS and LET'S GET 'EM from most of America. We still believe we're number one. WE'RE NOT, BY A LONG SHOT. Come on America, we fight for 2 years and we're ready to run home...these people have been fighting since they were five, and they ARE home. And if that's not enough? In case you're not aware of their actual numbers, think of it in these terms. They have 5 1/3 people to every one American...and they have half the land mass. These people are going to come out of the closet, and quick, and there won't be a red dawn that would even compare to this, They could, feasibly simply run us over...but that's not enough, no, their new air carriers, which they have been consistently and steadily developing over the period of just a few years now, that have, upon moving oh....50 miles or so either direction, missile capability that could wipe out ANY major target in the U.S. Let's not even talk about the fact that they represent the best the Communist party has to offer. I don't know about you, but as much as we fight internally, and have been playing with our food in order to get a bit more oil we can waste, we're easy meat to somebody like these guys. I'm SCARED!! You go on thinkin' you're number one....I triple dog dare you...then when it happens, I don't wanna be the guy standing next to you when you yell YEEHHAWWW out in YOUR firing squad of anti-Charlie insurgents.
Finally, let's talk about how many people out there HATE us right now. Used to be, back in the WWII days, everyone in the world feared and or respected us for one reason or another. We also produced excellent products that lasted a lifetime. And, most importantly, we had a military edge and a lot of money to back up our big talk with. In case you didn't notice, WE HAVEN'T GOT THOSE THINGS ANYMORE. Our popularity rating in the world today has dropped substantially over the last few decades...we'd be lucky to acquire even ONE ally these days. Even G. Britain hates us. What do you think the chances are, that if we were to ask even one of those countries; in which we decided to force democracy down their throats; to help us, that they'd lift even their pinky to do so, NONE, ZERO, ZILCH. NEIN! Nope. 'Fraid we'd be allll alone in that next world war, I'm betting on it.
Here's one I know is just going to rip us in three. Our current propensity to blow one another off. I just know I've gone off on a tangent before about not calling people back to let them know that there are better people out there for the job you applied for, so you can move on and bother someone else. I mean, come on, it only takes a few lousy seconds to tell someone they're a loser, and you did say you would, goddammit. But no, America has developed a major case of the fear of confrontation, and these people prefer the act of letting you hang for weeks without a definite answer...and then, somewhere around thinking you're going to get the job for around a month and 40 followup calls, THAT's when they give you your massive let down...."We just didn't feel you're a good fit, Mr. Bruce...", like we have nothing better to do with what little time we have before we end up out on the street, because we're unemployed, than to wait for you to finally call me and tell me that, unfortunately, I'm still in the same boat as before I showed up for the first of the 3 interviews I was forced to endure. But you said you'd call, and, because of that, I waited....So call! Or don't give me that BS. It's not the courteous thing to say, as the hiring person at your company, it's misleading and cruel to your interviewees.
If this ranked as our worst fault, where dealing with one another is concerned, there'd be a huge "Oh, PSHAW!" coming on....but I'm afraid there isn't. No, better still are our more evil traits...the ones we refuse to confess, yet employ daily. Greed, indifference, callousness, stone-throwing maliciousness, condescending, belittling behaviors, as well as the downright need to utterly abandon the ones we love and care about, as their plight only gets worse, and assistance out of the hole they've dug for themselves moves ever-steadily towards non-existence. Somehow it almost reminds me of the Roman Arena days, where the most foul fates to ever befall human beings were shown every day; and even though it was terrible to behold such things, as they ate up your conscience with a single bite...you watched anyway, first, out of morbid curiosity, and then more out of cold thrill; that you were witness to something so taboo...as well as enjoying that witness just a bit too much.
Today, we are, as these terrible things happen to our friends and our family; first, naturally appalled...this, then, turns into a sort of disbelief...then helplessness; and finally, my favorite, back-turning, hurtful abandonment. We choose to, once we realize (or stupidly believe, via whatever programming we've endured), that there's nothing we can do, we then opt to just ignore the issue and hope it either goes away, fixes itself, or becomes someone else's problem. This sort of behavior in Americans today is about to destroy us...AND WE KNOW IT, YET WE CONTINUE IN IT, like I didn't just say that. We know we abandon our parents when they can't take care of themselves anymore....we turn our heads when the commercial for abused animals comes on...and we say things like...that's not my deal anymore...this one is, of course, my favorite..."I've fought, and I'm just tired of fighting. Now I just wanna sit back and relax, and watch the world go by...let the next guys deal with it...I wanna live out my life, and just pray whatever happens, that it doesn't get me before I go. I just want to enjoy my retirement with my grand kids, and be happy before I die."
And that's cool! Except for one little thing. Your grand kids are the next guys. And because you chose the spectator role, the problems you fought are gonna be unresolved...and a lot bigger, and more widespread. It's ok though...then you'll know why they didn't come to see you on your deathbed. Too busy fighting back those things you rolled over on.
Please, I beg you...come back, and come back often. Rest assured that this post will be all that will present itself in the upcoming couple of weeks, in many updating pieces, while I wait patiently for the Supreme Court of Iowa to make up its mind, where hearing our case is concerned. You’ll know...when I know.
In the meantime, I ask only that you read..and you think...not with the sheep mentality you were taught and taught well; by everyone from your Government right down to your parents; as well as from a very young age, until your present age; but with the free and open minds possessed of the fathers of our country.