Tuesday, December 15, 2020

THE GREAT RESET: Davos & the Plot to Cancel Trump

Someone asked if I could post all the Matt videos I'd found over the months.  This guy..THIS guy has his finger directly on the pulse of everything going on in the world...and why Trump was demonized, EVERY SINGLE DAY of his 4 year term.  It also lends MASSIVE credence to the idea that COVID happened because Trump stood up for freedom.  THIS...THIS ONE, IS A MUST SEE.  Below this one, you can follow along as we reached the "2020 fraud-ridden election".  You folks must see these videos, you can see where this is all coming from, where it came from and WHAT THE HELL IS REALLY GOING ON HERE!!

COUNTDOWN to D-DAY 2020: America on the Brink

AMERICA in TWILIGHT: Calling All Patriots

TRANSHUMANISM: Biden's Plan for America

HIV=AIDS - Fauci's First Fraud

AND NOW...the video I have been dying to get into this blog...you people need to see this.  I know, I know, 2 and a half hours is hard to come by all at once...but do it in 1/2 hour segments if you have to, because if you ever had a friend "die of AIDS"...IF YOU EVER KNEW or had a lover that did...then you have to, Have To, HAVE TO see this.  More so, you have to see it...because of what is going on RIGHT NOW.  You will see startling similarities between other "Health Emergencies" that we've had over the years...and it raises SERIOUS questions on what is really happening.  Do it, especially BEFORE you even consider taking this vaccine!