You know, I was sitting at home re-reading this article...and it occurred to me that I was slowly sinking down to this man's level; and bonus, I was missing a massive opportunity that this "Community" presented me. I also realized that the article was not only rude, crude and....well, let's be honest, primarily SOCIALLY unacceptable; it was way too personal...and to be Frank (Since it's obviously way too dangerous for me to be Chris); I decided to dial it down, and be reasonable, logical and a lot more intelligent about this; and show that I can EASILY rise above this man, his "community" and their attacks. After giving it a lot of thought, I have decided to leave the original article, then inform you of the presence of an addendum that you can find at the bottom of the original that you will find more to your liking and mine; just after the next set of stars.
I think it's pretty damned sad that Fogbow, a gossip forum consisting of lunatic Democrats who supported, easily, one of the most criminal Presidents ever to crawl into the Oval Office (Obama), and who also commands a group of fanatical political fringe idiots who framed a Navy Veteran with ROBERT MUELLER on gun charges (see that story, HERE:)
out of the East Coast, has nary a good subject to discuss after 3 long years, except for what I'm doing with my life. I was really doing fine, honest...until someone pointed out that one of the main things that pops up when people Google my name is this jack-off's forum...though I have never ever had this criminal pop up in my brain since the last time we....uh...crossed paths, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in 2015. I sure haven't missed his tired ass, that's for sure.
After calling out Jill Garrett, an obvious Federal Agent posing as a CPS victim, and proving that she was nothing less (she managed to erase emails that she had sent ME out of MY email account....who could do that, short of the Government??), she enlisted the help of this 100+ year plus wrinkled up old man to threaten to come to Iowa to beat me up with a baseball bat. Some idiots have WAY too much time on their hands. Funny how we haven't seen much of poor Jill after I called her out....*sniff*
It's time, after 3 long crazy years of utter corruption and absolute insanity in our "Justice System" to finally take a moment and call out this insane old man, who has somehow managed to keep HIS posts at the top of the Google search results of just my name (while my thousands of articles, all with my name on it, on a very successful blog, a radio show, a youtube channel, etc. have stayed far down the list....apparently showing THIS stupid idiot to be a Government agent as well)...and tell him that, if he should care to pay me a visit with his sorry-assed baseball bat, I'd be more than thrilled to poke him in the chest and tip him over.
I'll make this a special invite...sir, if you would like to come to South Dakota, I have been living at the same address...well, forever....and I would just love to see your shriveled old ass at my door, so I can beat you to a bloody unrecognizable pulp. Please sir, there are 321 Million some citizens in this country. There has to be someone you could waste your time on that is more worthy of your time than I. There are more influential truth-tellers that are out there, ruining your plans of Governmental control and tyranny, and they could really use your attention about now. So scrape the mold off of your fingers, and get a life; write about someone else that's more of a threat to your fascist ideals of Government rule...or better yet, just die already. I would think the amount of candles on your cake have just GOT to be leaving no more room for the cake to be.
I really just can't believe your mother never taught you to not talk with your mouth open. Here's my address....though I hardly think that you would ever in your short remaining life have the balls to ever come here in person. It's 701 South Duluth Avenue Apt. 1. Bring an army of wrinkled up old geezers....cause you're gonna need 'em.
Oh, one more thing....I noticed that great Grand Jury Indictment of yours really did the trick. Please, try again, because it DIDN'T WORK... MORON. Can't believe you actually thought that would work...but hey, meth'll do that to ya, eh?
Sorry folks. This'll come back down after he's seen it...and after it remains the featured post for an eternity or two.
P.S. - Maybe you could get your communist buddies in the FBI to set ME up on gun charges...oh, no, shit...I've never owned a gun in my that won't work, will it? And good luck hacking my computer, considering I'm only online around once in a given week.
Considering what I am really attempting to do here folks (Educate - Inform - Expose); I would like to apologize for what you have read, just now. Allow me to explain.
See, it's not just that this man and his community continue to attack me after YEARS without a word from me, it clearly tells a much bigger tale, and it's THIS tale that paints a much bigger picture that disappoints, saddens and infuriates me....not him.
What we have here, folks, is a decline of the values of good moral people in general, of this country, and of our founding fathers. It is also an OBVIOUS decline of our morality, our common sensibilities and of our way of thinking. We are, in general, becoming much less HUMAN....and it shows, like an octopus permanently attached to our faces. This man and his community are a ugly example of all of the above.
Even in as little of a time span as just a couple of decades ago, we would have gasped in absolute horror at the idea of anyone setting up a respected war veteran - who dedicated a portion of his life to (allegedly) defend our way of life and our freedoms - on gun charges, using the FBI.
Another more glaring example that I use often to display this decay in our way of thinking is this: We once threw a Republican President (Nixon) out of office because he spied on his Governmental peers in a hotel room....and a little over a decade ago, a monster who was posing as our caring President authorized the spying on of EVERYONE...and half or better; but really, pretty much ALL of the country; let that go.
Now you know I hate all political persons with an equal hatred....seldom will you EVER find me getting political. Politicians are, and have almost ALWAYS been POS's. I hate the Bushes nearly as much as I hate the Obamas, and the Reagans almost as much as the Clintons. Not because of their affiliations, or their positions on the issues...but because of their inhumanity; because of their callous disregard for the basic foundations and principles of our forefathers and humanity in general.
Now you know I hate all political persons with an equal hatred....seldom will you EVER find me getting political. Politicians are, and have almost ALWAYS been POS's. I hate the Bushes nearly as much as I hate the Obamas, and the Reagans almost as much as the Clintons. Not because of their affiliations, or their positions on the issues...but because of their inhumanity; because of their callous disregard for the basic foundations and principles of our forefathers and humanity in general.
Another prime example of this degradation of our morality shines through with this guy and his "community" (I think it's pretty safe to call this a CULT) of followers; a group that doesn't fall from the Jim Jones debacle of the 70's; where hundreds of people with insane beliefs and morals killed themselves with a glass of grape kool-aid, simply because some guy that was good with words somehow managed to convince them that it was the right thing to do....except that this guy isn't about hurting his own followers; he's worse yet; he's intent on hurting GOOD HONEST HARD-WORKING AMERICANS who are being victimized by an absolutely insane and unjust judicial system and its Government. Crazier still, is the fact that, anyone reading just this portion of the article could see that anyone who writes and thinks like I do is obviously not on meth....but then, it's easier to call someone a drug addict than it is for a leopard to change its spots; and call someone stupid rather than admit they're wrong....right?
Let's start with the imagined "movement" that this guy primarily attacks...a little ditty, dreamed up by those of our Government, called "The Sovereign Citizen" movement. Now, you've heard me talk about this before. This is a term dreamed up by those of our alleged Government to demonize, not only a fundamental ideal (which, by the way, was part of the principles of those who FOUNDED this country!), but the group of people that have realized that the life and freedoms that we allegedly "ENJOY" today are not what they are supposed to be.
First, there is no such thing as a "Sovereign Citizen." You can be a sovereign, and you can be a citizen; as the "law" defines such a thing....but you cannot be both, per that very definition. As a are A SOVEREIGN. You have LOST that sovereignty by becoming Government's definition of a U.S. CITIZEN. If you don't believe me, you need only do three things:
1. Read the entire 14th Amendment to our "Constitution"
2. Read the definition of "Sovereignty."
3. Now compare the two side by side.
Simple, right? You would think.
Second, what you have to understand is simply this group of words: You do NOT need a middle-man between you and your freedom. You do NOT need to be told you are sovereign. You just ARE. Most important, though, is this. You do not need Government to tell you that you have your own power, to shape your own destiny, or control your own lives. You can do that WITHOUT Government.
What this man, his community, and his Political group of "Liberal Progressives" are trying to convince you of is nothing short of outright communism. Government is right, Government is good, and Government cares about you so much that it will do anything to protect you from what you should already know. You have the power to govern your own lives, your own destinies, and your own existence. All you have to do is use it. If you don't like what's going on, all you have to do is realize it....find others that agree with you...AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Nothing more....nothing less.
This man does what every liberal progressive does, and has even taken it a few insane steps further - and it should not be tolerated under ANY circumstance in this country, no matter WHAT side you're on. Instead of logic and reason, he resorts to libel and slander. Instead of intelligent uttering, he resorts instead to name calling and insults. Instead of listening to or considering another viewpoint on a subject, he resorts to threats and intimidating behavior. Instead of legal or lawful recourse, he instead uses blackmail, crime, physical violence and his tyrannous government to silence those who disagree with everything he's attempting to shove down your throats.
This man's ideals are criminal at best...and absolutely TREASONOUS at worst. It's people like this that we should be hanging by their toenails, let's be honest.
What you have to know is that everyone is sovereign, and "the law" is something that policy dictates....not Governmental or the political policy....YOUR policy. Get that through your skulls now; or Government will do it for you, and control your lives and the way you think...and this man will have you drinking grape kool-aid before you know what hit you. Thank you for your time. :D
Let's start with the imagined "movement" that this guy primarily attacks...a little ditty, dreamed up by those of our Government, called "The Sovereign Citizen" movement. Now, you've heard me talk about this before. This is a term dreamed up by those of our alleged Government to demonize, not only a fundamental ideal (which, by the way, was part of the principles of those who FOUNDED this country!), but the group of people that have realized that the life and freedoms that we allegedly "ENJOY" today are not what they are supposed to be.
First, there is no such thing as a "Sovereign Citizen." You can be a sovereign, and you can be a citizen; as the "law" defines such a thing....but you cannot be both, per that very definition. As a are A SOVEREIGN. You have LOST that sovereignty by becoming Government's definition of a U.S. CITIZEN. If you don't believe me, you need only do three things:
1. Read the entire 14th Amendment to our "Constitution"
2. Read the definition of "Sovereignty."
3. Now compare the two side by side.
Simple, right? You would think.
Second, what you have to understand is simply this group of words: You do NOT need a middle-man between you and your freedom. You do NOT need to be told you are sovereign. You just ARE. Most important, though, is this. You do not need Government to tell you that you have your own power, to shape your own destiny, or control your own lives. You can do that WITHOUT Government.
What this man, his community, and his Political group of "Liberal Progressives" are trying to convince you of is nothing short of outright communism. Government is right, Government is good, and Government cares about you so much that it will do anything to protect you from what you should already know. You have the power to govern your own lives, your own destinies, and your own existence. All you have to do is use it. If you don't like what's going on, all you have to do is realize it....find others that agree with you...AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Nothing more....nothing less.
This man does what every liberal progressive does, and has even taken it a few insane steps further - and it should not be tolerated under ANY circumstance in this country, no matter WHAT side you're on. Instead of logic and reason, he resorts to libel and slander. Instead of intelligent uttering, he resorts instead to name calling and insults. Instead of listening to or considering another viewpoint on a subject, he resorts to threats and intimidating behavior. Instead of legal or lawful recourse, he instead uses blackmail, crime, physical violence and his tyrannous government to silence those who disagree with everything he's attempting to shove down your throats.
This man's ideals are criminal at best...and absolutely TREASONOUS at worst. It's people like this that we should be hanging by their toenails, let's be honest.
What you have to know is that everyone is sovereign, and "the law" is something that policy dictates....not Governmental or the political policy....YOUR policy. Get that through your skulls now; or Government will do it for you, and control your lives and the way you think...and this man will have you drinking grape kool-aid before you know what hit you. Thank you for your time. :D