There are still millions of people asking for the current President's head. Me? I think he's doing no worse or any better than any other, I take that back, I think he's doing better than most.
I figured it out. I thought long and hard on why this President isn't the public's favorite, and I finally saw the light. You know why the people are mad at him and hate him? Because he doesn't hide what he's doing behind a bunch of smiles and lies, like every other President we've had. President Trump obviously doesn't pay a speech writer to write up something pretty to say to the people. And that's the only difference. Obama and GW were destroying our country and taking us down, but they paid someone to write up enough fairy tales to tell the people to placate them while they did it. Kudos to Trump for not feeding us full of BS.
It makes a lot of sense, if you think about it. Let's look at George Carlin. Half the nation adamantly loved or hated the guy. Why? I thought the guy was the best comedian EVER, because he didn't pull any punches. He TOLD PEOPLE THE TRUTH...what was really going on out there. Americans don't like the truth, can't handle the truth, and would rather hear lies, fairy tales and bullshit.
Let's move on to the last two Presidents we've had. I was in a group (that I obviously do NOT belong to'll see why in a minute) and saw a picture of President Obama and his...OK, please hold on while I take a quick gag..."Gorgeous" wife Michelle, and family. The first thing I noticed were thousands of comments, all pretty much saying how beautiful the picture was, and how much everyone loved and missed this President. It was then I realized just how duped the American people are...and were. This President tripled our national debt. He sent millions more troops to the Middle East to die; in what is one of the longest and deadliest wars we've EVER HAD. The man promised to bring our troops home...and didn't do it until the END of his Presidency...and folks? There are STILL troops over there!!! He spied on the people, he EXPERIMENTED ON US TO GET US TO VOTE HIM BACK IN FOR A 2ND TERM, FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!! Please, wake your asses up, and re-read this article I wrote, back in the day:
At the very bottom, you'll find the executive order that Obama put into place to experiment on the people...any time he felt like it.
And don't even get me started on G.W. Bush, that beady-eyed idiot. This is the man responsible for little gems like the Patriot Act, and the War on Terror...let's not even get started on the towers, and Afghanistan, Iran/Iraq...hell, the whole friggin' Middle East...and what he did there. For God's sake America, the man was STUPID. He made things up as he went along, and you could see the lies coming 10 miles away. But the man was a hell of a golfer, wasn't he? THERE WAS NOT a terror attack people! Wait, no, there was...but it wasn't any terrorist, unless you wanna put that label right smack in the middle of G.W's forehead. Can you say INSIDE JOB? Been proven over...and over...and over again.
And Clinton? Do I really need to go there? Mr. Clinton is part of one of the biggest child trafficking rings this country has ever known or seen. What's more, he's never been his own man. Hilary was the true power back then. We can't let her be President! For one, she's already been President for two terms, she can't serve again! Add to that, she's the real author of the Adoption and Safe Families Act, the very act that turned CPS into a business, and caused the majority of our children to be removed from their true families, often for no viable, chargeable, true or good reason. All Bill did was sat in his office, smoked marijuana without inhaling, played the saxophone and got blow jobs from anyone he was able to talk into it. I shudder to imagine what the man did with the REST of his time in office.
And Clinton? Do I really need to go there? Mr. Clinton is part of one of the biggest child trafficking rings this country has ever known or seen. What's more, he's never been his own man. Hilary was the true power back then. We can't let her be President! For one, she's already been President for two terms, she can't serve again! Add to that, she's the real author of the Adoption and Safe Families Act, the very act that turned CPS into a business, and caused the majority of our children to be removed from their true families, often for no viable, chargeable, true or good reason. All Bill did was sat in his office, smoked marijuana without inhaling, played the saxophone and got blow jobs from anyone he was able to talk into it. I shudder to imagine what the man did with the REST of his time in office.
Folks, I want to make something abundantly clear - You don't miss Obama. You certainly don't love him, or his family. What you love and miss are the well-planned speeches that made you feel better about all the stuff that shouldn't have been happening. You miss the beautiful dresses that Michelle was buying with your taxpayer dollars. You miss their family...because America doesn't have families any least not ones that don't include adoptive or foster parents; or adopted children. The family has been systematically destroyed by the very Presidents you thought were wonderful and good...all because of their fake ear to ear smiles and their pretty speeches.
You've been duped into believing that our last two Presidents were two of the best we've ever had...and that's the only truth I can't swallow. Trump is one of the best we've had to date, but he tells you the truth, and doesn't present as someone he isn't, like the rest of our Presidents have...and YOU DON'T LIKE IT, because it isn't all a fantasy or a lie, told to us to make us believe that it's all gonna be all right...or all right in the future. America is screwed, and you don't want to hear that. For once in our country's history, you're truly afraid...of our future, of the futures of our children, and for the future of our country. You want to continue to hear that we're the greatest nation in the world, something that hasn't been true for decades.
Kinda reminds me of when people used to talk well of FDR. This guy was a serious crook, yet we believe he was one of our best. Look into it, folks. Do some damned research. This man sent FBI agents all over the country with guns in their hands, to knock on America's doors and steal our gold from us. This is the man partially responsible for international bankers, income taxes and the need for welfare. He was just the first in a long history of bullshitters, who wrote impressive speeches that would insure that we never saw what was really going on...the beginning of the imminent and total destruction of our great country. He did a fine job of it did G.W. and your precious President Obama. Hillary would have taken us the rest of the way down.
Thank God for the Trump reprieve, friends...because the next President may just continue to take us down the path we've been headed for all along - U.S. Hell, in a hand-basket. Me? I'm ready. I can't stand it anymore. Take Trump out, I dare you. It will be the biggest mistake this country could make. You'll be looking for Trump to take over again, when the next one continues the destruction, or, more than likely, finishes us off...I guarantee it. :D