So. You have no Government. The United States, Inc. is the corporate headquarters of one of the largest corporations in the world. It is a business owned by The Queen...of England. Everything else is under that, a franchise. Yes folks, you work for the Queen...inadvertently. The picture above should be enough to prove at least that you are part of something much bigger than you think...but if that's not enough for you, there is more proof. Here, I will first give you the hierarchy here in the States....then, a link to where you can find the rest.
Probably the best example yet in this article, is this entry for the "County of Minnehaha," Inc.
And here, finally, is the coup de gras:
By the way, be sure to look at Google search entries for "Humans are free," in Rational Wiki and the like. Every one of them will tell you this is a "Conspiracy" site that deals in BULLSHIT. Tell me...have you ever in your life seen a Wiki entry that uses this word?? I have yet to. This tells me all I wanna know about how good these people are, and how much truth they're telling us. If that's not enough for you? Take a gander at the list of this sites contributing authors. Almost every one has a PHD or a Doctorate. Hardly is it a list of college goof-offs trying to raise unwarranted Hell on Earth.