Saturday, July 4, 2015
Friday, July 3, 2015
The Speech
Lock all your doors from the outside
The key will dangle by the inside
You may begin to understand
That this is the night we ride
This ain't the Garden of Eden,
There ain't no angels above,
And things ain't like what they used to be,
And this ain't the summer of love.
- Blue Oyster Cult
"Good evening everyone. My name is Christopher Bruce, The Mighty Sword. Some of you know me as America’s Deadly Sins. Some of you don’t even know me. Believe me when I say that’s probably a good thing.
I have gathered you all together today to talk about the mess we’re in. Between Obama, Jade Helm, the World Bank, The New World Order; and Nibiru Murdok the Purifier. we have a full plate of issues to face, and none of these will be at all easy to confront. Naturally, we will go in order of priority. Following these issues, will be our only and best solutions to stop these issues from taking us down.
1. Jade Helm
On June 29th, in a video that I posted to those of Anonymous, my home state of Iowa, and on my profile page, the CIA announced their False Flag, scheduled for none other than Independance Day. I feel it important to mention that I think it’s strange of us to celebrate such a thing tomorrow, when tomorrow marks a time when we are most under the chains of our oppressive Government. I personally believe that this “False Flag” will involve the actions of the Middle East, or, more my belief, of Russia. In collusion with the massive armies of China, this “Flag would spur a world war, our third, the likes of which will be unparallelled in its fury. This is, of course, by design. The actions of Hitler in our 2nd world war were but a taste of the plans of a much bigger organization which included the Illuminati, The Elitists of the time, and Eugeniticists across the globe. When Hitler got out of control, the Elite then convinced us to defeat him, and the Elite and the Illuminati learned some valuable lessons. Since then, and with the incredible advancement of technology, they have implemented a plan so diabolical as to finally reign us into their New World Order, and is now Hitler and Germany on a world-wide scale. In case you haven’t noticed, they are hardly hiding it anymore. There are several reasons for this. One, they know, that thanks to their efforts, in the media, in mind-control, utilizing chemicals put in our water, our food and in our atmosphere, along with drugging most of America today, they know that the majority of Americans are now of the sleeping sheep, with their heads buried in the sand, or looking the other way in order to avoid the painful truth of what is really going our country, in our world, and in space as well. Do not be fooled by this false flag, America. Use your heads, and open your eyes. Fight against our war-like behavior in the past, and remember 9/11 and what happened then. It has been proven over and over again that this was only one; albeit a much bigger “one” than most; false flag, brought on internally by our Government, in order to better take away our rights, little by little. It also brought on reason to expect and deal with a militarized police force more easily. You must remember that this is brought to us BY DESIGN. Some of the richest most powerful people have been hatching this little scheme for decades...centuries even. As each decade goes by, their thirst for power on a world scale grows larger and more evil.
For those of you still unsure of this, let’s look at only the destruction of our biggest foundation...the family unit. I have told you, as well as shown you that this dilemma is not only state or nation-wide, it is WORLD WIDE. Ask me for a copy of “The Secret Courts”, and you will see that the exact same method of child removal and break up of families is happening all over the world, more importantly, in the biggest threat to the N.W.O...first world English speaking countries. CPS, or Child Protective Services, is, I guarantee you, the German Gestapo reborn..on a world wide scale. They answer to no one, not even their own administration, and are above the law in almost every fashion. Mark my words people, these evil social workers are following the commands and answering to only one faction...the New World Order Elitists. Their job is to destroy the family unit and tear us to bits, in order to take away the only thing that holds humanity together...the family. Discipline of our children has been abolished, and medication has taken its place as the solution to defiance of authority. Couples are forced to divorce or separate in order to get their children returned. Destroy the family, and you destroy togetherness. Drug Americans, and you destroy our will. Wake up and smell what’s happening people.
More importantly, we as Americans, and as humans, are being conditioned to separate. We have locked each other out of our homes, as well as our lives. Personal bubbles have grown so wide as to shut out love, liberty, and THE PURSUIT OF ALL THAT MAKES US HAPPY. We must NOT LET THIS HAPPEN. Take the buds out of your ears, and your eyes out of your phones and computers! You may miss something of importance, when it DOES HAPPEN.
2. The New World Order.
I think this one has been covered enough, and proof of everyone involved, as well as their purpose in what they’re doing to us, and their plans for us humans, is quite obvious, evident, and right on out there, these days.
We, as citizens of not only the United Nations, the United States, and all of the 7 continents on the planet, need to focus our attention on 5 very Elitist groups, followed hotly by a list of criminals responsible for what we go through today:
1. The Rothschilds
2. The Rockefellers
3. The Bildeberger Group. Home to the CIA and the National Security Council, this group is the epicenter of all of the most powerful, influential, and Elitist people, corporations and banking groups of the NEW WORLD ORDER. Here, I guarantee it, is where all of the commands for the NWO are issued.
4. The United Nations
5. The World Bank
Take out these five groups, and all the world will be a much better place.
Now, for the list we’ve been waiting for. The people on this list do not just signify those of the Elite or the New World Order, but something a lot more sinister...The Occult. Satanic rituals are practiced by a lot of the people on this list. Here is a chart laying out their order in the heirarchy.
The Rockefeller Family
The Rothschild Family
The CURRENT chief of the CIA.
The Pope.
Bill Gates
Ted Turner
Prince Charles
Queen Elizabeth
Prince Phillip
Pope Francis Bergoglio
Pope John Paul II
Joseph Ratzinger; Anglican
Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Pachon
Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby
High Court Justice Judge Fulford
Dutch Crown Prince Alfrink Bernhard
King Hendrick, consort to Queen Wilhelmina of Holland
Queen Beatrix
Prince Johan Friso
Mabel Wisse Smit
3. The World Bank, and the financial crisis.
Imagine go to the store or the gas station someday, and as you try and purchase whatever it is you’re buying...your account comes up with insufficient funds. You go to an ATM, and it tells you to call your financial institution. You make a quick call on your cell phone, to find out it’s dead...and your service tells you that you haven’t paid your bill. On your way home, you stop at the Gas station and pay in cash, and make the call to your bank again, from your home phone. You get a garbled message that sounds to you like it just said that your account could not be verified.
The next day you go to work, but the plant is call the general number, and you get a computerized menu. You go through the options, and it states that the plant is closed until further notice. As you drive by the local grocery store you just shopped at the day before, you notice its closed as well. Panicking, you drive by the gas station as well to see that it too, is closed. You turn around and decide to drive to your bank, where you see an already growing number of neighbors and friends clamored around the outside, pounding on the glass doors of the bank.
You stop by your children’s school quickly, to find out that your children were sent home. Arriving at home, you find your kids out back in the yard playing. Knowing this isn’t their usual type of activity, you ask what they’re doing. They tell you the electricity is off.
You have yet to become a character in an identical story, and will be experiencing something just like this quite soon. Jade Helm 15 is just the first step in a mass scheme involving the World Bank, as well as the New World Order. President Barack Obama has, single-handedly, as a distinct believer in the New World Order, helped to spend more money by himself than all of our past presidents combined, in an effort to cause the biggest financial crash in the history of the planet.
Soon, your dollars will be worth less than Monopoly Money. Your credit cards will be quite useless. The food you have, will be the food you have. Gas? Same thing. Your cars will remain in your garages, and you and your children will be huddled in your homes, awaiting the next round of looters to come by.
Most importantly, your Government will be strangely absent, and the new lords over your bodies will be the military...including those of your local county and state law enforcement officials. Chaos will reign, and Martial Law will be in full effect.
My suggestions to you? Be FULLY prepared. By tons of food by bulk. Stock up on drinking water, as well as water filters. Remove all of your money from the bank, and go buy silver and gold. These and Gas will be the new currency, and I’m guessing that gas will be the new gold. Buy lots of rice, peanut butter, drinking water, ramen meals (like the kind with meat and veggies), and tons and tons of canned goods, like veggies, fruits and meats in a can. Buy silver...Gold is sky high, and silver is an equally valuable metal, and tons cheaper; around 160 a bar. Get yourself a generator, as well as a gas lantern, and stock up on kerosene and gas. If you’re a smoker? I suggest you get a goodly supply of hand rollers and rolling tobacco. Buy filtered tubes in a box. Either that, or invest in some patches. You could need them in these times of stress. And for God’s sake, buy a ton of Bic lighters and boxes of matches. Stock and overstock personal items.
Jade Helm will bring on our capture, and is, more than likely, meant to start a new world war, in order to bring on the remaining events that will implement the New World Order. The financial crisis has been avoided til now, but with the enormous spending by our government in this administration, and the TPP agreement, financial ruin is most certain. Be prepared.
4. Nibiru Marduk, the Purifier, a.k.a., the Destoyer, a.k.a., the Red Kachina, Nemesis, and the Comet.
I have spoken with a whistleblower, cooped up in Montana, that the comet, 2.5 miles wide, that is supposed to hit the Earth directly, is a decoy, and is false. This event is meant to distract our attention away from the Jade Helm events that are due to occur. There is only one threat to humanity, and that threat was hidden from us actively, by both our Government and NASA since 1992.
In 1992, a representative of the Hopi Indians presented at the national summit of the United Nations, that a red planet, with wings, was headed in our direction, and that it would, eventually, wipe out over 2/3 of our planet’s population. The Hopi believe this to be the Purifier, the Red Kachina, that will shine its light into the Earth, and all that are not one with Earth Mother will have their souls torn away from their bodies, and will perish. In the meantime, it’s said that we will go crazy, and exhibit schizophrenic behavior in droves...this is also predicted by the Hopi, and has already presented with a 30% increase across the world from its natural state of just 3 percent of the population. It is from this presentation by the Hopi, that the United Nations came to their sick conclusions that humans were in excess, and needed to be abolished, as well as the need for ecological amendment in global policies.
In 2003, NASA took a shot in space, of this “Planet”, and dubbed it Planet X, Nibiru Marduk, the Destroyer; and predicted its arrival, via the Mayan Calendar, to be in December of 2012. They were wrong. It is NOW...and over the next 18 months we will see a red presence, now just a blip on your sky cams, but this space-borne anomaly will only increase in size over the next few months, and will soon appear to be, at its height, over 10x the size of the moon in our sky. And it isn't going away until 40 years from the time it's the closest to us.
It drags with it, its own moon, which serves as its sun, and is called Nemesis. This “Moon/Sun” is 57 times as large as the Earth.
Other rumors associated with this phenomenon include that the planet is actually a black space ship, filled with the “Creators”...the very beings responsible for us being on this planet. It’s believe that they are coming to check up on humanity, and will destroy those who have disrespected the planet and the creatures that we share it with. This seems feasible to me. I wouldn’t even doubt it a little. Don’t you think it a bit strange that we humans are the ONLY PEOPLE IN THE UNIVERSE? ANYWHERE? C’mon, get REAL. How very pretentious of you!!
For those who haven’t yet been to my group on Facebook...well, you can either ask me to come on in....Or you can view and visit these pictures and websites for more information.
A recent update to the situation involving this planet can be found here:
Make sure you watch Hopi prophesy at the bottom of this page. It's a mind blower!!
Here is some additional information:
Here, you can activaly watch sky cams as they catch this planet in'll be looking for a red blip across your view...which, of course, will never been in the same location, unless you're looking in the same place at the same time of day, with little or no cloud cover. Look around...of course, soon enough, it will be impossible to ignore.
So now you have it America.
The next question is, after Jade Helm, after we defeat the New World Order, and after we take back the reigns of power from our corrupt and bamboozled Government...what then, of Nibiru? How do we stop that???
Well kids...I'm going to tell you the same thing that the Hopi told the United Nations back in 1992. If you haven't watched the Hopi prophesy at the bottom of that website I gave you yet, I suggest you get to it. Here's our solution to that...
See, The Hopi are Native Americans...but they're oh so much older than that even. They are ANCIENT...and have what they call "The Ancient Ways". For those of you that know not what these ancient ways are, they are the ways of the Pagans. I suggest you get right to ordering a copy of "The Witches Bible", which can be found on Might run you all of 12-25 dollars. If I were REALLY you, I'd run right to the biggest book store or occult store...NOW and get it. Come Monday, you may not be able to buy anything...ANYWHERE. And waiting for it to come in the mail just might be a futile effort.
Our brothers, the Natives of the Americas tell us we need to sup with our Earth Mother, in order to survive. And you know what that means, right? Your soul may just be in the balance my brothers and sisters...
This may be my last post people...ever. This is Christopher Bruce, the Mighty Sword, signing off. Don't shoot me...I'm just the messenger. Over and out.
Monday, June 29, 2015
The Appeal to Termination, Part I - This is WAR!!!
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Well, in case you don't remember, the Supreme Court of Iowa has already denied me 3 motions, one to stay our termination (even though it's GLARINGLY OBVIOUS THAT THESE PARENTS HAVE BEEN DONE WRONG HERE), the Motion to un-confidentialize (Oh NO!! CAN'T HAVE AMERICA SEE WHAT WE PLAN TO DO, AS WE RE-RAILROAD THESE PARENTS), and the motion to re-consider the stay of Termination, which we're pretty GD sure will be right behind this little travesty.
First, remember, that after almost 11 months..well, I think I've had it...mentally, financially, and physically. I think it's time to bring this around, EH? I think a bit of Kharma action might just be in order.
So, here first, is yet ANOTHER letter received from the Asst. Attorney General, Katherine Miller-Todd-Jingleheimer-Schmidt; resisting ONCE AGAIN, our motion to have the Supreme Court of Iowa reconsider our stay of termination...along with my winning commentary, per usual.
Quite simply? I, Christopher William Bruce say FUCK YOUR CONFIDENTIALITY. NEEEEEEXT!!!
This legal moron first states that our rights have been terminated....WELL YEAH, IDIOT, THAT'S WHY WE'RE APPEALING IT! Man oh man, the waste of paper this woman promotes is unreal!!
2nd, she goes on to REPEAT that we filed a motion to stay our parental rights they had the RIGHT TO DO SUCH A THING ANYWAY...yeah yea...tell me me something I didn't fucking know, WILLYA?? I'm sure a whole lot of trees are getting chopped down yearly to fuel this woman's inkjet...
You know, they are right, the FINAL decision hasn't been made by the old decrepid idiot that runs DHS...but he will, and he'll do it just about the time this gets denied AGAIN...then I'll just refile it anyway.
Now the part that pissed me off to no end...*grits his teeth*...she states AGAIN that I have NO FUCKING STANDING IN THE CASE, BECAUSE THE CORRUPT JUDGE IN MY CASE THREW ME OUT OF IT WHEN I HAD SO MUCH GD EVIDENCE PILED UP IN THE COURT TO BRING THEM ALL TO THEIR FUCKING KNEES...I've had it with these assholes.
OK kids, you're gonna think I've flipped my lid...but I had to do it...
Katherine Miller Todd, the Asst. Attorney General and newsest member of my "Bruce Bitch List", and the prosecutor in my Supreme Court Appeal just heaped yet another straw on my back, and this Appellant has decided that he's had quite enough of the bullshit.
So...for your reading enjoyment (I suggest all of you with weak wills and sensitive ears please, look the other way NOW), here is a letter that I just sent this woman, after she "Resisted" my motion to reconsider the decision to stay our termination....AGAIN.
"Dear Ms. Miller Todd;
First of all, you idiot, you can't tell me I don't have standing in an appeal to Termination, when I was in a case where my rights were FUCKING TERMINATED...and, just because the judge in my case is a corrupt sonafabitch who couldn't find a moral compass to save his ass; doesn't mean you have to try and beat him out. What's more, just because, for now, you have the taxpayer's money forever at your disposal...MY keep this shit going for all eternity, doesn't mean you should open your mouth and speak. Say I don't have standing in this case one more time, I will come down there and personally rip your balls off.
Now, here's another li'l tidbit for you, moron. I'm bringing the ___ into this...know who they are? If you don't, there's a link to their website, along with a radio show you should listen to long before you take one more step towards me or my family. THEY'RE THE ONES, WITH ME, AND A MILLION OTHER AMERICANS THAT ARE GOING TO BRING ALL YOU CORRUPT ASSHOLES TO JUSTICE, ONCE AND FOR ALL. So I'm only going to say this once...back the fuck off, or you're all going to prison. Period. Or, as it states in the video? Maybe even worse than that...matter of fact, isn't it about time you stop trying me with my own tax dollars?
I suggest all you stupid people give it up NOW...before it's too late for you to run and hide. The days of Statutory law are all but over, and the days of Common Law have re-begun.
I suggest all you stupid people give it up NOW...before it's too late for you to run and hide. The days of Statutory law are all but over, and the days of Common Law have re-begun.
By the way, I'm shipping this off to all the other players in our bunch, as well as all of my news buddies and politicians. I wouldn't try the harassment angle again, it's getting old. Add to that, I have at minimum of 6000 people who are gonna bail me out anyway. Oh, and in case you hadn't noticed, NOTHING YOU DO IS CONFIDENTIAL ANYMORE. Every step you make, and everything you're doing is posted on my blog, on Facebook and on I wouldn't waste the effort.
Christopher "Always Standing" Bruce
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