Friday, May 31, 2019

Researcher Jailed After Uncovering Deadly Virus Delivered Through Human Vaccines (Reprint) ("The Facts", Page 3, Fact #4)

Researcher Jailed After

Uncovering Deadly Virus

Delivered Through Human

(Reprint, Collective Evolution, November 6th, 2018, Author - Richard Enos)

"FACT:  Modern medicine is not meant to get you well, it’s there to KEEP YOU SICK, in order TO MAKE PHARMA COMPANIES AND DOCTORS RICH.  Natural cures for cancer HAVE EXISTED FOR CENTURIES and are constantly kept from you in order to KEEP YOU SICK AND DYING.  Diabetes II has had a cure for a long time.  Vaccines do NOTHING to prevent disease.  VACCINES DO NOT PREVENT DISEASE, THEY CAUSE THEM.  A lady scientist once found RETROVIRUSES in vaccines, and published a paper stating it.  She was arrested, jailed and discredited.  Now the Government/pharma companies are making claims that they are discovering this as well and garnering all the credit for telling us this."



  • The Facts:
    Dr. Judy A. Mikovits, PhD, was thrown in prison after she refused to discredit her own research that led to the discovery that deadly retroviruses have been transmitted to 25 million Americans through vaccines.
  • Reflect On:
    What is the role of the Awakening Community in honoring and protecting courageous whistle-blowers who risk their lives and careers to stand in their truth?
If you have been following stories in recent years of scientists and researchers who make discoveries that are threatening to the Deep State and the bottom line of Big Pharma, you will have seen the pattern before. Those doctors are often ‘persuaded’ to recant their studies, offered bribes or other benefits to distance themselves from or even destroy their data, and even threatened with jail time or, if a legal case is too difficult to fabricate against them, they may simply be killed.
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Such is the tale of molecular biologist Judy A. Mikovits, PhD, in the disturbing true story first detailed in this Natural News article that included the video below of how she was thrown in prison for research that led to the discovery that deadly retroviruses have been transmitted to twenty-five million Americans through human vaccines.

Isolating The Virus

With a well-established history of working for the National Cancer Institute as a cancer researcher, Dr. Mikovits worked with human retroviruses like HIV. Her work focused on immunotherapy research. In 2009, she was working on autism and related neurological diseases. She found that many of the study subjects had cancer, motor-neuron disorders and chronic fatigue Syndrome (CFS). She believed a virus may have been responsible for these symptoms, and through her research, she isolated the viruses that turned out to come from mice.
It looked like a virus, it smelled like a virus, a retrovirus, because those are the types of viruses that disrupt the immune system. And several other investigators back in the 90s had actually isolated retroviruses from these people but the government called them ‘contaminants,’ that they weren’t real and that they didn’t have anything to do with the disease. Well, we isolated a new family of viruses that were called xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus. So these viruses were murine leukemia viruses, mouse viruses.
So spin forward two years, our paper published in one of the best scientific journals in the world in Science, October 8th, 2009. Usually that makes one’s career, in my case it ended my life as a scientist as I knew it.

Virus Delivered Through Vaccines

Dr. Mikovits’ paper, in and of itself, did not immediately bring the wrath of the powerful pharmaceutical industry. However, when a paper published 2 years later made the connection between this new virus and vaccines, then Mikovits’ research findings became too dangerous for the Deep State. 

So in 2011, another AIDS researcher in a journal called Frontiers in Microbiology wrote a paper that really cost me a lot; I didn’t know that he was going to write this paper, but it basically said the most likely way that these murine leukemia virus-related viruses, these types of viruses, entered humans, was through vaccines.
So when did we start vaccines? 1953, 1934, right in the 30s with the polio, and what we were doing to attenuate, to make the virus less pathogenic, less toxic, is we were passing them through mouse brains, so we were passing them through the brains of mice, and every scientist who works with these viruses, and worked at the National Cancer Institute recognized the possibility that if you put human tissue and mouse tissue together the possibility is that you’re going to pick up a virus that is silent, in the mouse, that is it doesn’t hurt the mouse, but it kills the human, or causes serious disease in the human.

Deep State Comes Knocking

It was not long after the implications from the paper became clear and the Deep State saw the threat that was being posed to the vaccine industry that their powerful mechanisms of cover-up, obfuscation, and deception were activated:
I was fired, jailed, without cause, without hearing, without any civil rights at all, just drug out of my house in shackles one day, on November 18th, 2011, I refused to denounce the data, I refused to say it was a mistake, we have the data, I showed the data, I showed all of the data, and I just refused, they basically said tell everybody you made it all up, and you can go home. And if you don’t, we’ll destroy you. And they did.
She was arrested without a warrant and held in jail for 5 days without the opportunity for bail as a fugitive from justice, and was given a 4-year gag order. Her career was destroyed. Her story is documented in the book Plague: One Scientist’s intrepid Search For the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Autism, and Other Diseases.
Ironically, the FDA has now approved a testing protocol to detect retroviruses in the U.S. blood supply which is worth millions of dollars, and based in large part on Dr. Mikovits’ research, but it is being managed by Big Pharma. So while this distinguished scientist is now bankrupt and without employment, others are allegedly capitalizing on her research to earn millions of dollars to clean up the U.S. blood supply.

The Takeaway

Whistleblowers in all fields of human endeavor need to get the attention and the support of the Awakening Community. Brave people like Dr. Judy Mikovits show us that it is possible to keep your integrity even under tremendous pressure being brought down by the Deep State. We need to hear and proliferate their stories, since they provide us important insights into the way the world really operates, and help us to distinguish between those seeking the truth and those hiding it. Let’s all work together in continuing to remove the veils of deception in our world.

Expecting the System to Fix or Change Itself (The Facts, Pages all, facts all)

There couldn't possibly be anything that pisses me off more than someone who suggests, to me or anyone else, that I talk to my lawmakers, my senators, my Governor, or anyone else in Government, about what they can do for me; or, again, for anyone else.  The System, folks, is not broken.  It began broken, and has been utterly mutilated for a good many years.  Worse yet, it's not broken, it's damn near dead...and if we don't completely dismantle it?  We'll be dead too.  There is nothing you can do within the system that will fix the system.  The System is dead.  Justice is dead.  Our principles, our morals and our expectations of those who are in alleged authority over us are deader than dead.  The System is a well oiled, self-serving, self-protecting crowd of criminals, pedophiles, mafia bosses, narcissists and control freaks.  Talking to it now in any way is not much different than talking to a rock or a wall.  I've always been a hater of cliches...but I think there is one that most certainly applies here, mainly because of the animal it references.  You cannot expect that a tiger will ever change its stripes....mainly because THIS tiger happens to like what it has become, and will not give up or change, yesterday, or tomorrow...or any time before or after those periods of time.

Now, let's talk about this situation.  Do you believe, for even one lonely moment, that to get something accomplished within the System is any kind of a victory?  Because I guarantee you...if you get a law changed, or get legislation passed or hindered, that it's no victory.  Why do I say that?  Because those of our respective governments have been at this a good, long time.  Those in office for years know what's up; they know what it takes to make you go away.  And if you won't do so willingly, they have plenty of big guys named Tiny on the payroll that will ensure your disappearance.  I bet you; that within a month of you getting what you want, what you wanted will get changed, will get repealed, or will be circumvented by some other ruling or "law", as soon as your back is turned.

But this is not why I brought you here; what I brought you here for was to lay before you some of the sickening things that have been occurring of late.  The first thing I want you to do, when you hear some of this stuff, is I want you to immediately think what you would do, should anything like this happen to you and yours...then puke if you should feel so inclined.

I have friends in California.  Lots of friends.  There, and New York....and I gotta tell you, some of the stuff I hear coming out of these liberal states just makes me downright ill.  Today, I was dragged into this story:

A parent's five year old son in California, who was asked to draw himself, drew himself like he was often dressed at a Laker's jersey.  Evidently, he often wore this jersey by itself around the house, and this is how he drew the picture.  The teacher then called on the parents to inform them that they thought it best that this boy see a Trans-gender Counselor, who functioned at this school.  Why?  Because the drawing of this jersey in this 5-YEAR-OLD'S SELF-PORTRAIT appeared to the teacher to be a dress, and presented to this teacher that it was the alleged desire of this kindergarten-aged student to be a different sex....can you believe that?  Oh, but it doesn't stop with, if that wasn't infuriating enough to these parents, because the parents told the teacher to get bent, they were then THREATENED TO SEE THIS COUNSELOR, OR THE TEACHER WOULD BE FORCED TO REPORT THEM FOR CHILD ABUSE.  That abuse?  Depriving that 5 year old child of his alleged desire to be a different sex.

In New York, there are now legalized full-term abortions people.  FULL-TERM.  I believe there's another name for this....something that would have made you physically shudder even 20 years ago.  INFANTICIDE.  If that weren't bad enough (most people laugh when I tell them this is legal somewhere) this is legal in TWELVE STATES!!!!!!!!  I cried out at the one.  I could not believe it when I saw that number grow to 12 before my eyes in just one Google search.

As if doctors, teachers, police officers and more weren't enough, now DENTISTS have become "mandatory reporters" on your right to parent, and now can call CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES on you if you and get your kids taken from you if, say, you don't approve of his diagnosis to give your child a root canal, say.  Where doctors are concerned, more and more parents are having their children stolen from them with GUNS DRAWN, NO WARRANTS, ETC. because the parents wanted a 2nd opinion...or didn't agree with putting the child up in a hospital for a couple of days.

Folks, this insanity MUST STOP....or pretty soon, there will be NO REASON LEFT for your children to remain home.  This cannot continue.  Nazi Germany had it better'n us.  Do what you want to me, I care...but you will not continue to persecute my children and my grandchildren, for whatever agenda you're after.  It's MY FAULT, AND YOUR FAULT THAT THINGS HAVE GOTTEN THIS BAD...AND YOUR CHILDREN AND MY CHILDREN ALIKE ARE SUFFERING FOR OUR COMPLACENCY.  STAND UP NOW....OR WE AND OUR FUTURES ARE LOST.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

RT America's Rick Sanchez Hits Hard on Ties Between Verizon and the NY times ("The Facts", Page 2, Fact #6)

FACT:  5G (The New Cell Phone service upgrade) is absolutely DANGEROUS, involves the launches of 20,000 satellites into space (compared to the 2,000 we have now) that will carry the ability to see right into your homes, putting up cell phone towers every 2-10 homes and will be totally invasive into EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR LIVES…and will continuously subject every person in this country to DEADLY SPACE RADIATION 24 hours a day, wherever you go.

This post is very important, in that it shows how white-washed the news has been about 5G...and that every person with shares or investment in the telecoms...including those of our traitorous corporately-owned government-driven propaganda news media is helping with the lies told to the American public.  Folks, corporate interests drive the Government, and both drive our media.  This reporter, and more importantly, the ties of his station, even REMOTELY, to Russia make this about the ONLY news source you can trust.  I suggest watching it MORE OFTEN.  At least here, you get unbiased news.  With no ties to corporate interests here in the United States, you can bet on it.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Connecting the Dots - (The Facts, Pages ALL, facts ALL)

Hey there.  Just thought I'd throw this out there.

There are, just this year, for the first time ever, mandatory vaccination laws taking hold in CA, OR, WA, NY and ME.  Vaccines, of late, have been found that contain absolutely no antigens (what makes a vaccine work), but have been found with as many as 172 chemical contaminants....43 % of which were identified, (and 57% NOT ID'd)....and, heavy, silver, tungsten, etc.

Spraying occurs in the skies (for Geo-engineering purposes, they say) over just about every 1st world country on the planet...and these contain Strontium, Barium and Aluminum, Cadmium, and Nickel....also heavy metals  Other ingredients that have been used are black coal fly ash, mold spores, radioactive thorium, and Yellow fungal mycotoxins.  About the only country they're not spraying is communist China (Evidently, the planet is cool enough in China, and doesn't require any geo-engineering?).  Aluminum is the biggest ingredient in most spraying that happens.AND THIS CAUSES CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM TYPE ISSUES, such as Alzheimers, dementia, nervousness, memory loss, headaches and emotional instability (Alzheimers and dementia affect around 1 out of 3 seniors these days - a rather alarming rate, if you ask me).

And then, there's 5G, with 270 untested frequencies of microwaves to be used for your cell phone communications, set to hit every corner of our country and the world in just a few months now.

Q.  What happens when you put heavy metals in the microwave?  Something to think about...

FACT:  Currently, on the U.S. Senate floor and on the floors of quite a few states across the country, there are several newer bills....around 170 of them, most of them SECRET bills (WHO KNEW THERE WAS SUCH A THING??)...asking for more chem spraying.

The majority of Americans are not aware that there are several secret wars happening in our country.  There are those fighting vaccines.  There are those exposing the spraying.  There are those exposing the fraud in our courts, the abuses of our children by those in the system, pedophiles, 5G....but these are all really the same war.  It's a war against humanity.  Most of all, it's our war to save it.  The problem is, YOU people do not know about, or care about the danger.  And, because of this, we are winning the smaller wars...but we're losing the big one, because we are so into our smaller wars that we're missing the bigger picture.  We're all about to lose.

See, the criminals in office AND IN POWER, those who own the world, those that have perpetrated all of this fraud, war and death...are they're bringing in the big guns....5G.  And we don't have much time left.  "The Beast System" is a weapon.  They're they only have a single option remaining.  KILL EVERYONE....before everyone comes for THEM.  It takes time to create moral outrage.  But the people are waking up, and a lot faster than was to be the RACE TO 5G ISN'T ABOUT BEATING THE COMPETITION...IT'S ABOUT GETTING THE JOB DONE BEFORE THE JOB DOES THEM IN.

They have weapons....biological.  Demonic.  Particle accelerators.  Inter-dimensional portals.  Time travel ability.  Tools for mind control.  Weather control.  Resources, money...they have it all.  Now they want all we have too.  And they can't do that while we still live.

December 5th, is worldwide D-Day folks.  We don't stop 5G by then, 5G will stop US.  I suggest you all wake up...yesterday, and do something about it.

The Sabrina Ray Nightmare and Traci Vargas, Iowa ("The Facts", Page 1, Fact #4)

In the rear, left to right, the son (arrested and charged) Justin Ray; the Mother (arrested
and charged), Misty Ray; the niece (arrested and charged) Josie Bousman.
Front:  Left to right, Trayton Hills (Jascen Ray, 8), Sabrina Ray (14),
 two unknown children, and far right, Traleigh Ray.

FACT:  (CPS) Child Protective Services and “The Foster Care System” are officially proven to be 88% responsible for ALL of the missing, dead and sex-trafficked children in this country.  The Supreme Court of this country, by the way, ruled that social workers are allowed to lie in the removal of your children; can take them simply based on hearsay, are immune to perjury charges; are completely IMMUNE TO ALL SUIT and are IMMUNE TO FEDERAL CODE ITSELF.  Why????  And, Health and Human Services, Washington D.C. (CPS) is also A BUSINESS; NOT A BRANCH OF “GOVERNMENT.”

Links on this story:

Important add on the way!!!!  A former Ray child was denied adoption by them because they PROVED ABUSE OF THIS CHILD!!!!  That means that CPS IN IOWA KNEW there was abuse happening...but they allowed more children to be placed there and adopted by them!!!!
Proof of this HERE:


EASILY one of the most horrific stories to come out of the criminal state of Iowa of late is that of Sabrina Ray; the Rays being the foster parents who starved and imprisoned numerous kids...which eventually caused the death of Sabrina Ray, 16.  It was then that the family was arrested, and the story hit headlines all over Iowa and even nationwide.  Folks, I'm only going to say this, and say it loudly.  Everybody talks about the evils of human and child trafficking, but no one talks about the ROOT of the problem...and that is our own CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES...and those of the media and the Government who COVER UP THEIR INVOLVEMENT in 88% of all child trafficking.  They say they need more money...lighter case loads...move oversight.  No they don't America.  They need NONE of those things.  What they need is TOTAL DISMEMBERMENT.  These people are responsible for thousands of missing and dead children all over the country...and Government in EVERY STATE covers for them.  I once called over 60 agencies of "Government on EVERY LEVEL...State, Federal, County, City, you name it...and no one...NOT EVEN HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES will claim responsibility for those of the evil group of child traffickers.  No one can get involved, not one person can help.  No one.  Does this tell you anything?  These people have more power than the President America.  Their fingers are dipped into EVERYTHING, from Child Support, to Divorce and custody battles, to schools, the name it, they have unlimited and UNWARRANTED power.  It's time we let them go.  It's time to get them out of our lives.

Traci Vargas was the mother for 2 of the children, Traleigh and Trayton.  Following the pictures is the timeline of the horrific involvement of CPS in her life as a mother, all because Traleigh, her 2nd child simply had THC (marijuana) in her system at birth.  This is a ridiculous reason to mess with a mother so much America...but this is the sort of crap they pull.  Use of a drug as non-dangerous as marijuana is ABSOLUTELY NO GOOD REASON to claim a mother not able to parent her children, let alone mess with her for as long as they did.  The trauma alone was horrific...we need to get this people OUT of the child protective business.  They are corrupt...ABSOLUTELY.

The timeline:

May 1999 – Kentraya is born to Traci Vargas, nothing found in the baby's system, and no abuse.

June 2000, DHS takes Kentraya, puts her in foster care with a social worker.  Social worker already had 11 other kids.

August 2000, Traci sentenced to women’s facility, Kentraya was supposed to come there with her, but DHS forgot to get her put with Traci on the court order  She finally came home on her own at 18 years old, 17 years later.

December 1th 2004 – Traci has Traliegh comes up positive for THC in cord stadt.

December 6th, 2004, CPS takes Traliegh, placed in foster care.

March 2005 to July 2005 Traliegh goes back with both parents

July 2005 – July 2006 Traleigh is given to only Traci

July 2006 – Traci arrested, Traliegh supposedly went to her sister, but was really put back in foster care.

March 2007 – Traleigh placed back with Traci, CPS case was set to close

May 2007 Trayton is born to Traci.

November 2007 – CPS says Traci's ex James molested Traliegh, a lie, and CPS takes both Traleigh and Trayton, and puts them back in foster care, this time with the Rays.  She was pregnant with her fourth child, Jamareion (from Ex James); CPS threatens to take her baby when she has it.

July 2008 - Jamareion is born, Traci in jail for domestic against James (NOT THE TRUTH), James gets custody of Jamareion first.

September 2008, Traci goes on house arrest at James' house.

September 2008 – November 2008, Traci in Work Release Program at Des Moines Broadlawns.
Deyoveion, Traci's 5th child (James) born March 2010

September 2008 – August 2010, Traci forced to live with ex James.  Traci once tried to take kids, and the situation turned into a domestic, so she was forced to leave both James and the kids.

August 2010 – February 2012, James calls DHS on Traci saying she’s harassing him, gets court restraining order. 

February 2012, Traci moves to Missouri with her 2 kids from ex James.

May 2017, Traci finds out that Sabrina Ray dies, finds out that Traliegh and Trayton were in the Ray home.

1st daughter Kentraya finally comes home June of 2017 on her own.

Sabrina Ray just before she died, with Traleigh Ray (Vargas)

Traleigh (Vargas) as a fat cheeked baby (left), and wasting away as a pre-teen (upper right)
Trayton Ray (Hills) left, The Rays again, right

Kentraya as a healthy baby

Traleigh with daddy Larry (upper and lower)

More pictures of baby Traleigh

Baby Traleigh with both parents (Traci Vargas and daddy Larry)

from left to right:  The Ray Neice, Father Ray, unknown girl,
Sabrina Ray, Traleigh, Misty Ray (mother), the son Ray, and Trayton.

Traci and Baby Kentraya

Charges for the Rays, hardly anything for what they did.

Charges for the Rays, #2

Denial of records for Traci Vargas, as issued by the criminal Iowa Judge
William A. Price, the judge responsible for all of my CPS terrors.