Sunday, March 30, 2014

Day #5 - Elections/the Electoral College/Education

The letter E consisted of more than one subject I wanted to cover.  This letter, therefore will help to indicate not 26, but 27 deadly American sins...but, if you like, you can lump them together using the sub-subject mode in writing.  I sure didn't want to mis-represent the main header.  I just felt that both subjects were equally pertinent is all.  This will, I guarantee it, happen again, at least with Day 20 (the letter T), and might happen yet again to some other letter as well.  We'll see.

I have a couple of links for you this time, BEFORE we get going here.  This is something you should not only file away, this is something you need to post on every possible social media site, memorize, and put a copy up wherever you go, so you can re-check your list as events occur in our country.  Most importantly, make sure all of your friends and family READ IT CAREFULLY.  Before you write off or chalk any of this up to paranoia, you'll be shocked, as well as downright upset at what you find. Be sure to Google each and every one.  Not for me.  Not for my satisfaction.  For your protection and safety, I insist.  For your children.

2nd, I'm posting another link to an ad that someone is using for profit...but if nothing else, listen to the first half of it.  It fits things occurring in our nation just a little too nicely.

The first?  A list of warning signs that your country is going fascist.  I read this and I was, the whole time, just nodding and saying to myself "yeah...yeah, that's it...check mark THAT"...and moving on.

The second, like I mentioned, is really just a scare tactic to make you buy something.  But listening to that first half, you simply have to nod in agreement and say "Yup.  Makes perfect sense."

All right, so now that you are better informed on the direction we might be headed towards, this makes my job a heck of a lot simpler.

One of those checks is fraudulent voting counts.  Remember G.W., the man we supposedly put in office not just once, but twice?  There's one for the books.  Gore had it, then next thing you know?  Out of NOWHERE comes the "Good Ol' Boy" supreme, out of our favorite well-to-do family (as well as former presidential family), the Bushes:  and just pushes that man right out of his rightly-won position.  Oh sure, we questioned it.  Funny how they didn't allow the re-count.  Funny too how G.W.'s brother was involved as well.  Of course.  Because they WANTED G.W. in office, regardless off what we wanted.  Why?  It all goes onto one of the bigger piles of crap ever put over onto the American public:  The Electoral College.

The Electoral College, a place where representatives of our state, the number depending on how many elected senators and representatives each one is allowed to send to Washington D.C., votes for our President, for us....supposedly.  There are, of course, things that most Americans don't know.

1).  The representatives of the Electoral College are pre-disposed to vote for a chosen candidate.  It's called "Pledging to a Candidate."  Even though it's only happened 4 times, it's bad enough that the Electoral College even ONCE went against the popular vote when determining the President and Vice President that would occupy their respective offices.  The fact that it even happened once should have abolished the E.C. right then and there.  Most recently, it was the 2000 election of G.W. Bush that it happened last.  Before the vote even happens, Electoral Reps already know whom they're voting for.

2.).  This way of voting is only for the offices of the President and Vice President.  Why??  Why do we need this?  We don't.  This is a safeguard, in case we decide we like someone Congress doesn't.  It takes the vote out of our hands, and places it in the hands of the Government, people who, as far as we know, vote for whomever they like...worse yet, that could be turned to vote for others we don't want, for whatever purpose.

This practice was taken up a long time ago, and is out-dated.  What's more, it gives congress the power to over-rule us when voting in the most important election we have.  We need to remove it from being what it is.  A way to over-rule whom we want to see running our country.

On the subject of Electronic voting, people, this is a no-brainer.  Get rid of it, vote against it, whatever you like.  Just get it gone.  With something as important as the popular vote, the main thing democracy is known for, this is way too big of a thing to get wrong and shouldn't be left in the hands of a computer...especially since the possibility of messing things up is so prevalent.  This system of voting fairly screams non-tamper-proof.  Virus codes, one of the things we computer users fear the most have been shown to totally discredit the software of these systems time and time again.  Why anyone went along with it to begin with is beyond me.  Sure, our old way of voting was slow and tedious, but the accuracy and tamper-proof-ness of the older way is much more trustworthy.  Vote tampering, candidate tampering, and group-tampering will never be completely extinct, but the more we put our votes in the hands of machines, the more we can bet that our votes will never completely be guaranteed to be what we really want.

Now, as to Education?  This one is huge.  I'm embarrassed to say that I don't believe we're ever given the education we need anymore.  We push everyone through.  I know this from personal experience, both because of my wife's high school education as opposed to her knowledge and success in college (she finished one term of college prep classes with a .34 grade average), and also because of my experience with acquiring a pre-law degree/certification.  Most colleges seem to be more about the money they get for tuition than the subjects they teach and the ways they teach them, and, in order to keep attendees coming, are given to pushing their students through with passing grades rather than failing them.  Worse though is the OBVIOUS pushing through in our public schools.  People want their kids to pass, therefore the schools are pressured to throw these students to the harsh world with passing grades, whether they deserve them or not.

When the "No Child Left Behind" program came to fruition, I remember visibly shuddering and shaking my head, waving bye-bye to the ability to swear that our students were prepared for any curve our world might throw at them.  Illiteracy is up to record levels, and math skills are as good as out the window.  No, they have calculators and computers that do all that for them now, so what do we need traditional math skills for? One of the biggest mistakes we currently make is thinking that all the lights will never all go out, and that those skills might, at that time, be desperately needed in accordance with our survival.  Each generation that passes by and that hands off more and more of their harder-thinking tasks to computers may someday wake up to a country deprived of its electricity...and where then would they be?  How many of those students do you imagine have the girl-scout/boy scout training we had when the majority of us were graduating?  I'd be curious to find out the knot-tying-type survival skills known by the average high-school graduate today.  I'd have to say I'd be scared to death to depend on the leadership abilities of any of them that might someday be in charge of...well, anything.

Education and learning is more crucial to our existence and survival than just about anything else we humans do for ourselves.  Every time we Google anything, it's been proven to lessen our ability to recall.  And that, I'm sure, is only the tip of the ice-burg.  Our brains get lazier and lazier with each new do-it-all device that comes out on the market.

See you manana...:D

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