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http://www.leanza-art.com/paintings/railroad-crossing |
Never let it be said that I don't give credit where credit is due.
This is a serious moment in our history friends. We're at the crossroads (or the railroad crossing, if you will). In one direction, lies the easy road, all sunny and green...the one made for all of America's Sheeple. Here, your battles are fought for you, whether you know it or not, whether you care or not, or whether it's right or not. The other direction, there's the rocky road, one laden with strife and hardship, where we fight to take back what was rightfully ours in the first place: Our lives, our freedoms, our rights, and our country.
This will be the first of many fights I intend to pick on the abusive departments of our federal and state government; it begins on September 12th, and it promises to be quite a battle...at least that's what the lawyers are saying. That's what my friends tell me, some of who have been through this kind of thing before; and if not, know people who have. You know what's truly sad though, is that they all say there's no way I'll win. Did you hear that America? No way. What exactly does this tell you? What it should tell you is, these folks have abused their power long enough. That the government often turns a deaf ear to what's really happening. It should also tell you that it's time for some change. Not Obama's kind of change, mind you. No, I'd say it's time for a bit of old-fashioned vigilante justice.
I, personally, love to tell the other side what's going down; kind of like telling Batman and Robin how they're going to die by the villain who intends to do them in, I like to make it clear that this will be no easy road they intend to drive next to me on. See, I'm not one of the Sheeple flock...I don't roll over and take my licks, I fight back, and, since I won't have legal fees to worry about - mainly because if I don't find pro bono council, I'm in a position to go Pro Se (that's "defend yourself", for those of you not sure what that means). Sure, I'll respect the court as well as the judge presiding over it, but see, I already know what's going to happen here, and I don't care if I have to fight this one right into the Oval Office, however long it takes, I'm gonna win this one...for me, the baby, my wife - and for the rest of America as well.
You see, some of us don't handle oppression too well. I'm not too crazy about our law and our courts as it is, either. So, if you want a fight, I'll fight right down here, in the trenches, where most of our battles take place anyway. Oh, I intend to fight dirty. I'll call in the rest of America, as well as the media too. I intend to deliver fliers to the courthouse about my little fiasco soon, in order to garner the attention of others who currently oversee or dispense justice. I want them to notice that someone out there really cares about the way others are treated in this great nation of ours, and that the days of the "sheep" are coming to a close. No more rolling over for dangling treats...not this sheep.
What's more, whether I'm directly involved or not, others will be fought for as well. This will be just the first of many internal fires I intend to start. Our version of the Gestapo, the IRS, is big on my hit list. The FDA. The CSRU. The DOJ. The Law Itself!!
See, what you don't get, America, is that, since the 50's, we have been steadily programmed to serve and support our government. Oh, they put the reigns in our hands, where we've always believed they were, but as soon as we start going off the road, they take them back into their possession, in order to keep us in line. They tell you that you have rights, but they've never been real rights. They are, as the great George Carlin once said, "Temporary Privileges" that can be repossessed or revoked at any given moment. Just a whisper of the phrase "Martial Law, whether on a state or federal level and WHOOSH!! You haven't got a single right to call your own.
Am I making myself clear? Is there a rumbling in your belly yet? Think I'm off my rocker? Let's play a little game then. Take this mini-quiz (in your own time, of course), and when you've finished, look hard at the answers you've given, then ask yourself this: Who's in control here? I dare you to take it...go on....TAKE IT ALREADY!!
1. When you get a ticket for something you've done wrong, but you have a nagging feeling something didn't go down right, do you:
a. Open your wallet and pay the ticket, knowing you don't really have the time to fight it
b. Gather the facts, take names and badge numbers, make your case, then clear your calendar for the court date, in order to fight it.
2. If a new law is passed, and a week later, your neighbor gets arrested for that law, do you:
a. Shrug your shoulders and say "Whelp! That's the way it is!"
b. Offer to help your friend out in court, in order to defend his innocence (as well as his ignorance of the law) in this matter.
3. It's time to elect your new president. The best candidate for the job doesn't even show up on the ballot, only the two idiots from each of the major parties, and you hate both of them. Do you:
a. Not vote, just writing the whole thing off to the way things go, and hope for better fare in four years, figuring that, if you don't, no one can say "Yeah, but you voted for him" when he messes up.
b. Demand an inquiry into why your choice didn't even make the ticket.
4. A new year has been issued in, and with it, more income tax you're required to pay, with a lot less deductions. Do you:
a. Argue with the preparer a bit, just for show, then pull out your checkbook
b. Write your congressman, asking whatever happened to that "Fair Tax" bill they've had on the floor for the last 5 years.
5. You've done your duty and paid your income tax, and now it's return time. However, the state has taken out all your state return for the city ambulance you called to go to the hospital just 2 weeks ago. Do you:
a. Bitch about it to your friends, then do nothing about it
b. Write your state representatives to ask why it is the State feels it's necessary to take the only money we get all year back for our labours, a taxed almost 35% amount of a wage that already isn't nearly enough to live on; money that shouldn't even be taken out of our hard-earned gross earnings in the first place, in order to be the collection agency for its cities.
I'm gonna lay money on the fact that most of you, whether you like the way the answer was phrased (put that way on purpose...to get you to think about what you're really doing, of course) or not, answered A to almost all, if not all of those questions. Why? Because you're trained to. Like dogs, you're trained to behave the way that best suits our government, that puts more money in their coffers, that pays the extravagant wages our state and federal representatives and senators (as well as the entire upper echelon) enjoy during their way too long terms.
Whether I live to tell the tale or not, please, I beg you, pay attention to what happens to me. Mark my story America, and let's see where it leads. If I die before I wake, take note, and carry on the fight. It's not too late (I hope) to take back your country and the freedoms you've (mostly) enjoyed since our inception some 235 years back. I hereby put myself in the position of lead man, a martyr for America. If have to die to make a point, I don't care. So, send in the drones, or drive by me in a truck with a microwave equipped to make it look like natural causes, I don't give s flying f*** anymore, because us little people have HAD ABOUT ENOUGH OF THIS CRAP!
*Whew*....there, now that we got THAT outta the way, let's move on to the set of our first battle. Here are the players, as well as their roles in our little circus:
On the side of "Good":
Defendant the first: Me, of course. The black sheep of the family.
Defendant the 2nd: Ms. Elizabeth black sheep. The angel of the bunch, the only member of the clan who wouldn't have the first clue how to do something wrong, let alone do it.
Lawyer the first: Hers. I don't know his name, and what's more, I don't care. She can have her public defender, I don't rightly care for mine.
Lawyer the 2nd: Colin McCormick, public defender. All right for the hearing part, but I don't really think I'll be using him for this fight. He can be there for all intensive purposes, but I'll be doing the talking. I might also need him to cross examine me if I'm asked to take the stand. Sorry Colin, but you lost me at "Pay the $25, and play ball"
The Prize? Little, innocent as a new-born babe (mostly because she is a new-born babe), drug-free Trilynn Bruggeman, signed under duress into foster care by a malicious and wrongful DHS worker named Emily.
On the side of "Bad":
DHS, their workers, as well as their inquisition-style attackers. These people would have you believe they care about the welfare of the child, but their sole purpose it would seem would be to break up and make miserable the lives of innocent people; as well as keep a lot of paid workers at the state level in their respective jobs and receiving their paychecks...to make it look like they are actually there to protect neglected and abused children everywhere...whether they're being abused and neglected or not. To leave children in the care of crack mothers and prostitutes, but to take them away from good loving (as well as FIRST-TIME) parents who have the best intentions to make it work.
In the middle (supposedly): Judge Price, a criminal trial Judge (who wasn't the original signer of the order to have the child removed, by the way...'magine that"). who immediately showed disdain about the fact that we were trying to raise, online, legal fees to fight this and to make it through it. Never mind the fact that my wife wouldn't be allowed to work for most of this period...who cares about us, as long as the Judge is happy, right?
Once again kids, the battle is September 12th, 2014, at 9 a.m. at the Polk County Courthouse...unfortunately, I don't have a room for you as yet, but you'll be the ...(counts) 12th person (give or take) to know, I swear. Please come. This may be the most important thing you witness in this decade...the beginning of the end of an oppressive government. :D
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