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Well kids? It's that time again, and now we have the rest of the court filings to post...all 30 of them. These, I feel, are probably the most detrimental to DHS; these are the papers filed from Methodist Hospital, during the course of the first part of our "Railroad Job" story...where they escorted her out of the place we were staying in, to Methodist; where they forced her to check in the baby and stay with her for 72 hours, then forced the mother to sign the baby into foster care. We will, of course, be commenting on EACH...and EVERY posting. There are 30 sheets in all, so this will be a very long one. We'll start with the very interesting dialogue from Methodist Hospital, during Liz's undisclosed stay. Oh, and by the way, there's an awful lot to comment on in these papers, so if you don't see them all at once, well, please, keep coming back. I'll be updating all day long, making sure everything is just so...don't want any screw ups here.
Here's what really amazes me America....there is truly nothing here, out of the ordinary. Liz is, as stated a million times, a first time mother...she may as well be 19. The difference here, is that she's never had or dealt with a baby, even at her current age of 36. So how is she gonna be expected to be a pro right out of the gate? I want each and every woman reading this to think back to their first child. Remember how much fun diapers were for the first time? Think about how complicated car seats are. Think you put that sucker on just right the first few times? How about signs of hunger, different ways the baby cried...did you have any clue what rooting for food was? Bet your mother helped you an awful lot. Liz's mother died of altzheimer's disease...her family deserted her once they found out she'd married an older white guy. She didn't exactly have anyone around to help her. Sure, she had friends who supported her and offered to help out...but then you see how that worked out. Thanks to a helping hand, Liz no longer has her baby.
Most of all, I need you to ask yourselves this question. Why would these documents be filed by the prosecuting attorney? They show....NOTHING. If anything, they show things to be on the up and up. Baby doing great, no neglect found. If anything, a NORMAL UN-BIASED judge would look at these documents and go..."WHAT?? Really?? Are you serious? GIVE THESE PEOPLE THEIR BABY BACK"....wouldn't you???? And yet, on page five of the 2nd document, on the same day of admission, after a 2nd opinion...the discharge plan is only this, per Dr. Michael Line: "The patient is here for medical observation until DHS investigation is complete and suitable placement is found"
The baby isn't even in the temporary care of DHS yet. There hasn't been an order for removal. Yet, they already had it in their plan to take the baby...
America...remember that you've been trained to believe that, if it doesn 't affect you, it's of no consequence. I used to think the same. IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU AT ANY TIME, BELIEVE IT. And all it took was one...single...phone call, saying...well, ANYTHING. Then it DOES matter, doesn't it? It could just as easily be you. Trust me.
Remember, when you examine these docs, make sure and note that all things they used to show neglect, especially where the RN's, who haunted her 24/7 to find something, ANYTHING they could to justify the removal were concerned; that all things used to prove this so called "neglect; in these "Attestment Statements", is highlighted in black (yellow, actually, but these are black and white copies). What I absolutely love is, that even though there's a page full of good, great, or even spectacular things to say about Liz...how she's progressing, how she's learning...it doesn't matter about any of that. What matters are the 5 or 6 words that they highlighted...THOSE are what's important...and that will be the ONLY things we use here for the purpose of proving the neglect. It also doesn't seem to matter that she turned out fantastic on all testing....but because there's a CONCERN of this or that, we won't use that. Only use those few words we highlighted.
Make sure to read the whole page and re-read it over and over, so that you can know for sure just how ridiculous this whole thing is, and what they're using to prove this "neglect".
For those of you who are just joining in here, a little time-line comparison is needed. Please, if you will, see:
"The Final Chapter??, HELL No! Part III, The B & S Railroad Job" back in July's archives. Here' you can find the story that got us here. Here, of course, is your link:
This first part is directly after DHS showed us the morning after the interview, told her nothing about where she was going, nor that she was going to be checking into the hospital the entire weekend...or that they would be taking the baby at the end, regardless of the outcome.
The first document here concerns "the check-in". Here, our chief complaint is "Failure to Thrive". Note, that it's said during Jill M. Jasper, MD's initial statement, that there is a "Former Caregiver", Jacque Karlsen...the insane troublemaker who started all of this, and who was NEVER a "caregiver" to our baby. Self proclaimed in order to be identified as an expert in neglect, quite possibly, as well as more than likely. She stated that the mother was NOT FEEDING THE BABY...a very large lie, we'll find out later. Note, that she also has no fevers, nor illnesses, and (initially) states that she feeds her 4 oz. every 4 hours. The doctor says there are concerns for dehydration (but doesn't really state that there IS dehydration). She is found NEGATIVE for all systems (blood, digestive, etc). In the physical exam, she states the baby appears well-developed, and vital signs are NORMAL. As a matter of fact, the whole exam goes by with no negative comments...AT ALL. Please, if you will, call Emily Nieman, SW for DHS (the number is listed here, on page three). Be sure and ask her any questions about the case you like...I insist. Ask her, would you, why, if there was no diagnosis found in the initial exam to support the chief complaint, why they would consider THIS to be their next step...
All things check out, all systems are go. However, we admit her ANYWAY.
On to the next "exam", conducted by one Dr. Michael R. Line, MD, some 3 hours later.
I'd like to begin here by saying that our chief complaint is not a "Failure to Thrive" anymore...now the chief complain is "Neglect" (Obviously, because the original one, "Failure to Thrive" didn't work, and the first doctor didn't come up with the diagnosis DHS was after). This is what DHS is NOW trying to define as the reason for removal. Not drugs, or drug dealing, as was reported by Jacque, not failure to thrive, as also reported by Jacque...now, all of a sudden, it's neglect; the charge that was trumped up in the assessment from Ms. Nieman in "Going for the B***S, Part II, also in this blog. There was no shown proof of drug allegations, so let's take what we can twist instead; in order to get this baby out of this mother's care.
I didn't know that, per Iowa law, that prenatal care for mothers is required. Because the mother didn't get any for Trilynn, she is now suspect...guilty of possible criminal neglect, so, in this case (as well as, I'm sure, the fact that someone else is paying for this hospital care - making this woman an easy target to stick things on). Sure, it's what's best, but is it required by law? The way it seems, if I don't pay doctors or hospitals for prenatal care, that we are guilty of neglect automatically, and thereby, DHS will be contacted to be involved.
I will say that the reasons for her not getting prenatal care are...personal. Consider, however, that there are centuries of women who never had to have what we currently term to be prenatal care...and I'm sure that they all got to keep their babies, and that the majority of those same babies came out just ducky. There are also several thousands of natural birthings that take place every day, where mothers never see a doctor at any time, even after their births. Are they forced to give up THEIR babies, due to obvious neglect, where they deprived Methodist of the opportunity to collect thousands of dollars on their birth, at their hospital? I doubt it.
Please, if you will, show me, also, where in Iowa law it is shown, that follow-up appointments with Methodist hospital, not attended because we may have off-handedly set it up in pencil, are also reasons for concern, or, bette yet, illicit behavior? Why, because Methodist doesn't get to earn MORE money this way? OMG!! So by this logic, if I make an appointment with the dentist to do a checkup on my baby's teething issues, and maybe, I just don't feel like taking her there, so I make an alternate appointment with someone else, then I don't show up for the first one. So are we saying, then, that he can feel concern and call DHS because I decided I didn't want to spend the $100 he would earn for this consult with him? Isn't this what's being done here? ARE YOU SERIOUS????
The baby was born healthy and the mother is fine as well, as it states several times in the birth report, and she was still just as healthy at the time of this check-in. Dr. Michael Line, MD, who reports that he agrees with the DHS assessment at the end of all of this (for absolutely NO reason that I can fathom), appears to be yet another paid finger in our pot; considering the fact that almost all statements by all the nurses and residents present for this 72 hour "visit" are primarily of the more positive nature.
I like the words "History of Present Illness:"...what "illness" are we speaking of? The POTENTIAL abuse or neglect? If it's potential, it isn't founded as yet...so how can it be a present illness? Ponder that, and we'll continue...
On page one, we see the SW for DHS approaching the doctor (after all others have left) to say that she has a concern about the mother's cognitive functioning. All of a sudden, it would seen that Ms. Nieman has now magically turned into a medical expert or a practiced psychiatrist, and can now make snap judgements and identify issues on sight. Obviously, it would appear that each and every DHS SW is not just a social worker, they are also trained and degreed to be a psychiatrist, a licenced doctor, a mind reader, a body language and speech expert, a therapist, a drug dog, and a legal eagle. Might as well throw in stargazer, tarot card reader, swami, witch doctor voodoo priestess and dreamweaver, while we're at it.
Directly following this statement, she follows up with the fact that she was outside smoking a cigarette, when DHS arrived at our residence. First of all, how is this the doctor's business, the court's business, DHS's business....ANYBODY'S BUSINESS? If anything, I'd say it's a DAMN GOOD THING she was outside smoking, and not inside smoking around the baby, wouldn't you? I'd have to say some applause might just be in order; instead, we use this to add to the list we use to prove her neglect...that she was choosing to be more than ten feet away from the crib she was in, and not watching her every single second. Either way, it's NOBODY'S BUSINESS. Last time I checked, smoking was still LEGAL. It sure doesn't show neglect, if it were that, she'd be blowing smoke up the baby's ass, wouldn't she??
The very next sentence immediately starts in on what kind of formula the baby's being fed...and that she's run out of her pre-mixed bottles the hospital sent her home with, and is now opening the box of Similac formula that I bought for her, for the first time.........WHY???? What kind of neglect does THIS show?? Why is this not only being told to the doctor, but also, why is this being attested to by a doctor who wasn't even present for any of this? Do any of these things help the doctor assess neglect???
But the bestest thing of all kids, is where they feel it's important that he knows this:
The mother's husband has a blog. Yeah? AND??? OMG....
Two people from Florida saw this (blog) and came up to care for the baby. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? We invited these people here from Florida. Please, if you will, see the post entitled "Reader Response, NRA Jacque", where it chronicles the sob story these people shot at us to get us to feel sorry for them, then invite them to come to Iowa to stay with me and my wife, so that they wouldn't have to sweat it out in a hot car every night in 90 plus degree temps.. They came here BECAUSE THEY WERE HOMELESS. The baby wasn't born until they were at our apartment for almost 2 weeks, about 2 weeks earlier than I thought the baby would be born...and had sponged off of us just about all the money and food they could by the time she was born. We told them to go, not only because we couldn't afford to "care" for them anymore, but also because we couldn't have 4 adults and a newborn in an efficiency apartment. Boy, that just SCREAMS neglectful choices and behavior, doesn't it??? And, because they didn't like the fact that we wanted to do the right thing for mother and baby, and forced us to call the police to have them removed, they opted to lie to DHS in order to get the baby taken from us.
Again, why any of this is the good doctor's business is beyond me, but here it is, black & white, for all of America to see for their own eyes. He doesn't know us, wasn't there for the PRE-removal kidnapping, nor was he privy to this information, save for DHS's side of the story...which he now attests to. On for more, right?
On to page 2, where we see another report on her smoking. OMG!! She smokes 3-5 cigarrettes a day....why, that's....that's AN ABOMINATION!!!!
Please, also note that NO DRUGS were reported...either in the baby...or the mother, during the birth.. Also try to remember that the mother is NOT CHECKED IN AT THE HOSPITAL THROUGHOUT THIS ENTIRE WEEKEND.
Page three is just another report of what we have already determined with checkup number one...ALL SYSTEMS GO, EVERYTHING NORMAL, NO ISSUES, NO ILLNESSES...I'd say that equals no neglect....DOESN'T IT???? Why a second opinion was needed, well, isn't it obvious? More money to be made from Title XIX! We can just charge up another round of useless tests to come to the same conclusion.
Page 4 is more good. Everything is FINE. Legal father even came to visit (me, of course).
NOW: The kicker...the assessment by THIS doctor. He has examined her and found (NOTHING) that she should be held at the hospital until DHS can find her suitable alternate placement...Wait, WHAT????
I really love the word "mandated" in the sentence that covers a follow-up appointment that she should have kept, but didn't, for whatever reason. One of those reasons could have possibly been...oh, I dunno...LIFE, all these mandated appointments, the crap and harrassment coming from Jacque and the police, DHS showing up at our door the previous night for an assessment interview on the reported charges....I'm not quite sure, but it coulda slipped our mind, you know? But anyway, let's get back to that word....MANDATED. Now, per Methodist..or Unity Point...WHATEVER...the definition for mandate which might be suitable in this case would be the one that reads "Require something to be done...make mandatory." This would mean, if given by an official of government or law, that you would HAVE to do something. Oh. So now Methodist hospital has the power to mandate follow up appointments, thereby we HAVE to attend them with Methodist....or what, you'll call the police and have us arrested for neglect? Nooo....WORSE, you're going to call DHS? Hmm. Is this a law as well then? Show me a law that says you have to attend follow-up appointments that you made with Methodist...or any hospital. Who directs these orders? The President? Does he have an office here, at Methodist? HOW CAN ANYONE AT A HOSPITAL, MANDATE ANYTHING?? What's more, if you don't show, what right do these people have to involve DHS...or do anything???
The most laughable thing here, is the statement made that we didn't follow DHS STIPULATIONS....You know what those were? That her and I go and do a drug test to disprove the drug allegations, as ordered by DHS...which she did DIRECTLY FOLLOWING THE EXAM...mostly because they really didn't give her a choice in the matter...so how did she not do them? Oh....we didn't jump IMMEDIATELY to do it, that's what happened.
What's more, there shouldn't be any stipulations, nor should there be any orders made here. We are not in their care, or under their wing as yet, no judge has ordered a removal at this point...the burden of proof for DHS is that they MUST need reasons to ask for these things. There was no show of drug use or dealing at our apartment; there was no reason to think that "the reporter" was up to ANYTHING but vindictiveness...police reports were a-plenty that showed THAT, and they said that very thing as they left us that same night. If the baby were in "Imminant danger, as they attest to in their assessment, then wouldn't it have been more prudent of them to remove the baby while they held her in their arms, the night of the interview? No, if anything, they LEFT THE BABY IN THE DANGEROUS ENVIRONMENT THEY WERE SO SURE WAS DANGEROUS, so that they could return the next morning after I left to take care of business, so that they could deal with Liz alone...Liz, the one of the two suspects who wouldn't put up a fight when they attempted to railroad us. Makes more sense now, doesn't it?
These people aren't our parents, we don't have to do anything they say, unless they have a judges order to back it up..and I wouldn't be breaking the law had I NEVER done any of thier "stipulations"...and yet we're forced to later by a judge, all because they want SOMETHING, ANYTHING to justify the wrong they've done here. We're not breaking the law (if we are, call the police). We're not under DHS care or custody. What stipulations should they be able to lay down for us to follow??? It's because we chose NOT to do what they asked within hours of their asking, that we didn't pursue pre-natal care, and didn't attend any precious follow-up appointments with METHODIST PHYSICIANS that DHS were called in to "check out", when there are natural births that go on all day long with no doctor in sight. It doesn't matter that the baby is NORMAL (twice) or that the mother is in decent health..we are going to keep her ANYWAY...until DHS can find another place to put the baby, along with trumping up another more believable story to use to back up that removal...ARE YOU HEARING THIS AMERICA? THERE WERE, AT THIS TIME (the ones we showed in our systems later, are bullshit results....read "The B&S Railroad Job, The Drug Thingamabobby" for that story) NO DRUGS...NO FAILURE TO THRIVE...NO NEGLECT. We didn't follow THEIR rules, and didn't jump when DHS said jump....so now, their assessment, their discharge plan? Railroad us...take the baby...and make some people money!!
This should be enough for now...more in 2 hours. For those of you who are nice enough to keep coming back for more, I will stick in some nice asterisks to separate new stuff for you, OK? Sorry about it being in pieces folks, but I'd hate for you to get bored.
This next batch of goodies is a series of time stamped oration...from RN's, Residents, and the like. These people are now henchmen/henchwomen to the prime suspect in this felony crime, the DHS Lackey, Dr. Line. Their job is now to stalk the baby's mother, over the course of a whole weekend, in an attempt to prove that neglect we're trying for. Anything we can use to justify DHS wont to steal the baby and give her up...to foster care, as the lowest priority. Adoption would be nice...oh, Safe Haven...THERE'S an option!! No police, no consequence for the mother....no publicity...THAT'D BE PERFECTO!! The mother received, several times during the birth, as well as during this vacation weekend, over 10 brochures...about safe haven, about adoption, and plenty of information on how she could just give the baby away. 'Magine that.
All of our comments will be in order, and will continue until we hit another major bump in the road. Comments that need to be made will follow each oratory.
At 1:30, Emily Nieman decided she was finally gonna let Liz in on a little more about what was going to happen here. She told Liz that the baby was waiting to be checked into the hospital (remember, we admitted her FOR NO REASON on the first exam), and she would now be waiting for exam number two...but with this exam, there would be a text for electrolites, and the results wouldn't be back til morning. Now, Liz begins to panic a little. She's brought nothing for overnight...we didn't know about that, so why would we? Plus, the DOG hasn't been walked for...lemme see....OMG...almost 4 hours!! "Ummm....can I go home and get some things for overnight, and check on our dog?" were the next words out of her mouth...
Emily, who by this time was the ONLY DHS worker around (the other worker, Amanda, had left; obviously at Emily's request, once she was sure she had Liz where she wanted her, and didn't need another witness to be questioned by the courts later), then said "If you leave the hospital, you'll be abandoning the baby in the hospital". Then, 15 minutes later, said "Come on, we're going to do your drug test now." Different person wanting something done, so obviously different rules. It would be abandonment to leave the baby in the hospital if only Liz left, but it was OK since BOTH of them were leaving the baby in the hospital together....WHAT?????
So, she took her to the drug testing place, a mile away from where we lived...and dumped her. She did the test, then walked home. I was there. She packed up, and said she was going back to the hospital. We don't drive, so a bus ride happened instead. So, from 1:45 until 6:20, she left the hospital, did a 20 minute drug test, walked home for about a half hour, packed, ate something, then took a bus to the hospital. I'd say she had no other intent than to spend all of her time with the baby. There was NO prompting by Emily Nieman, she didn't show her face again the entire weekend. She would come back Monday morning...to get an order signed by the mother, in case that Safe Haven/Adoption plan didn't work out.
This statement is only shown here because it makes no sense at all, if you think about it. The way it looks, the person making the statement...left at 2:30. SO HOW CAN SHE ATTEST TO WHAT TIME LIZ ARRIVES BACK AT THE HOSPITAL?? Don't we see that she's making the statement, as well as showing us what time she left? Did she leave and come back? Then why isn't she stating what time SHE returned? How do we know that Liz was back at this time, if the nurse wasn't there?
Remember too, that this is the LONGEST TIME that she was gone, the entire weekend. She left the baby's side three times. The other times were less than a half hour, and weren't any further away than a 1/2 mile. Neglectful, huh? Damn shame.
It's apparent, now that the neglectful mother has returned from her little party-time alone for four hours, without her newborn, that we are going to be on full alert again. We must keep a very steady eye on this major criminal. Her first order of business? Bottling the baby. Wow. Must be a crime, they felt the need to inform us of it...as well as file it for the courts to see, then determine that it was right that she should be put into foster care later.
Now, as far as I can tell, this may just be the ONLY thing that anyone says ALL WEEKEND that shows that maybe Liz isn't an expert mother....NOTHING MORE. She showed concern. Didn't know ONE of maybe 20 different hunger cues by heart....something no one should ever expect...of a first-time mother. But, if we use enough words, making it dramatized and 20x a bigger deal than it really is...then maybe we can use this. I personally never heard a single word about this...I wonder why? Probably, because it was NO BIG DEAL. But narrated correctly by an over-zealous RN looking for brownie points from her DO? It could be twisted into just about anything DHS wants...right?
Now we spy on mom and baby at 1:00 a.m....to find all is well. Same thing at 6:30 a.m.
WAIT...HOLD THE PHONE...what have we here? I think we have a bit of double dipping going on here, don't we?? It's now 1:30 a.m. on the morn of July 19th, and, after Mary just got done feeding the baby and changing her diaper at 1:00 a.m., now we Mary doing it again for a 2nd time, a half hour later, while mom sleeps?? Huh. Doesn't seem like we're getting accurate accounts here, does it? Maybe it's METHODIST that has trouble identifying basic cares...
Actually, you really want to know what this is? This is one of those things that Mary didn't think was a problem at 1:00 a.m....so someone else, around 1:30 a.m., said "Uhh...Mary? The Doc said we need to be looking for anything that we can twist into neglect for DHS, so they can remove the baby....now go back, and file it as such."..so Mary, probably against her better judgement, went back and entered it into the log book as Liz having a problem with feeding her baby.
So let's talk about this. Mary, along with about 20 other RN's LPN's and Nurses are running all over this ward, and jump in whenever they have a minute and do things for her....and it's pretty easy to just let 'em too...I mean, isn't that what they get paid to do? So let's just say, for fun, that she didn't care for the baby because the RN's would do it anyway...I mean, why not? "I shouldn't even be here, anyway, but as long as I am, there's no harm in letting them feed the baby, is there??" I mean, if you knew nothing about DHS's knack to twist every little thing into what they need to get the job done, and you didn't feel it was right that you had to stay in this hospital anyway? I mean, what if Liz had been working at the time (thank God she was on leave at this time!!), what would she have done about this then? I'll lay money on the fact that, if she had been, DHS would have called the whole thing abandoning the baby....and taken it for adoption right then and there; or, the flip consequence, Liz would have lost her job. Did they, or do they care about something like this, when it comes to what they're trying to accomplish? Hell no.
However, Liz wasn't being lazy. See, something else Methodist and DHS don't seem to understand is, that people need to SLEEP, even with a baby around. Liz was asleep. Did they mention that the baby was crying right before the RN fed her? NO. If she had been, Liz would have woke up immediately, I know that. So what this is, is an attempt to turn Liz getting some very much needed rest into her neglect of the baby. Mothers....especially first time mothers, don't have a built in alarm clock that auto-wakes them to feed their babies. This is SHIT, and they know it...but DHS has no problem whatsoever lying or manipulating the facts to get what they want.
Ahhh....so much to do, so little time to do it in. So let's push on, we have the rest of the hopital visit to go yet.
Probably the one that shows the biggest point...Liz, a first-time mother, can be TAUGHT HOW TO BE A MOTHER BY SOMEONE....What a friggin' NOVEL concept!!....so what you're saying here, with all the proper stuff, is that she did EVERYTHING right (oh...Oh....OHHHH.....WAIT!! The RN snuck in a feeding again, NEGLECT, NEGLECT!!) and learned how to care for her baby. 'Magine that. You think DHS, hand in hand with Methodist RN Cynthia used this document to show how good Liz was doing? HELL NO. The prosecution filed this to show that Liz missed a feeding by a couple minutes, then was replaced by the RN who gets paid to do it whenever she wants to, all so we can show this as neglect. Unreal.
Enter, once again, the Good Dr. Line...who, evidently, because of the size of whatever benefit he receives for railroading mothers of lower or interacial class and stealing their babies for adoption or foster care purposes, feels he has to report about the "Neglect" every day Liz is in the hospital. Naturally, we have, right off the bat, that Liz participated in SOME...but not ALL cares. I dunno Doc. For one, you weren't there to witness that...oh, but your lackeys did, and I suppose that's good enough...except I don't believe it was SOME...it was more like MOST...I demand a recount. And let's just breeze over the important part here...she wasn't ever checked in as a patient...but stayed DILIGENTLY, without being prompted to, by the baby's side from 6 p.m. til 6 p.m. the following day. She never bitched, never shouted about the wrongs being done, never complained, and tried her hardest to care, and learn to care, for the baby.
After the blah-de-blah reporting that the baby was just as healthy as when it came in, the assessment is still that we're gonna hold onto the baby until DHS find somewhere of it's liking in which to place the baby. We'll have that handled by Monday, never fear.
For those of you lost on the timing of things again, Liz asked to go home that morning. I was coming to get her. She asked to go...and Dr. Line informed her that DHS had ...oh let's just say it, had MANDATED that the baby stay in the hospital til Monday...until DHS could find placement for her. He didn't say that, but he knew it, from minute one. So, essentially, DHS has the power over Doctors too...or has them in their back pockets, is more likely.
In their eyes, Liz had already, or would be forced to, decide....not to keep the baby, but to give it to Save Haven, something Emily DRILLED into her head as an option, give it up for adoption, or give it to foster care. In their eyes, she had as good as signed the order for removal, and if she wouldn't, they would trick her into it. That was, of course the plan all along. Liz, with a learning disability, who had no truck with DHS or the law ever, and therefore wouldn't know better. Liz, who, with her easygoing nature and agreeable disposition, wouldn't fight...or ask questions. Nine times out of ten, if you say "Liz...sign this"...Liz signs. Because she DOESN'T KNOW WRONG...she doesn't know evil lying tricky DHS workers and their little sins; she's never come across doctors in hospitals that side with lying nasty little social workers to get what rich white families want from them....children, or more children; so that they can be "Happier"....less lonely...whatever they think children do for them. Since they've never had consciences, these people don't care how the job is done, just that it is, and just so they benefit. Screw the lower classed woman...she means nothing, and is nothing to these people, or the state. She believes, as we all should, but can't, that there is good in all of us...that we have consciences...that we care what the state, as well as the government is doing behind closed doors. We don't.
You know what gets me? This isn't news to the news. Nope, this happens every single solitary day to thousands of people. They can't prove it. They can't get others to notice what's going on..not that anything will be done; God forbid anyone stand up to the mighty DHS. GOD NO! Some homeless woman who encounters a sheriff, then runs, then gets taken down, her dog strangled as the sherrif picks her up....that's news!! A baby being stolen by DHS? Wrongly? Doesn't matter one inkling to the news. Happens all the time. DOES THIS SAY ANYTHING TO YOU PEOPLE?? THINK ABOUT IT. Why is it that you don't see, won't hear, don't care about this? Why is it news for the homeless lady, but propaganda...something we don't discuss, for this? BECAUSE...THE GOVERNMENT BACKS THIS BEHAVIOR...and it means nothing to you...until it happens to you, or someone you care about.
So...you won't notice the baby being stolen...that's ok. You know why? Because it's ME you're gonna notice, whether you want to or not. The state? Will be brought LOW. Jobs will be had. Names will be mentioned, papers will be published. If the wrong won't make the news, because it happens everyday? THEN I WILL BE THE NEWS INSTEAD. Because people like me? Don't come along everyday.
See what you did? You didn't care, so I had to go off on a tangent...sheeeesh. On with the hospital stay, right?
Remember, willya America, that I had only seen a lot of this for the first time, or didn't realize their significance, due to the other 600 documents I had lying around the house...whatever, I was just realizing what these were, as I scanned them...something I had been looking for since day one. Funny, how I didn't receive any of this when I requested every...single...hospital document (2/3 of my pile). I had to wait until 3/4 of the way through my adjudication hearing to see these...and even then I didn't really SEE them until a coupla days ago. By the time I got to....about HERE, I started getting madder and madder at the impending idiocy brought by all of this...and when I get mad, I get a bit sloppy and careless. I saw red instead of black & white, and pretty soon I didn't quite understand everything I was reading right off...until things cooled back down. Instead, I fired off written comment after written comment, sometimes not reading everything first...so there are going to be some comments that are either uncalled for due to the content, or just wrong altogether, because I didn't read it all, nor did I notice the little dates that timestamped the events in order, so one day appeared to be another at times. I will fix them as I go, OK?
You know what? No. I know what I'm going to do...I'm going to cruise to the end, because really? It's just more of the same BS. RN's report to Doctor's satisfaction, highlighting key phrases, Doctors check on the baby, report great health, good motherly progress...etc. But see, those things DON'T MATTER...all that matters here is, DHS wants the baby, regardless of race, color, creed, origin, religion or sex...and what DHS wants, DHS gets. It gets doctors to see what they see, it gets judges to sign orders without proof, and it gets lawyers to make you look like not only the worst parents in the world, even though there could be none better...but the worst people as well. I imagine this is to a. justify their paychecks and what the government MANDATES THEM to do, and to b. Allieviate any notion of wrongdoing they might experience...before, during and after the baby kidnapping and life destruction. If the clients are human, or good, well, we'll fix that...just make them look bad, and POOF...they are now horrid little roaches that don't deserve to love and care for another life, and you were right to do what you did. Nevermind if they ever did wrong. Nevermind if what you did was wrong. As long as you look like you did the right thing, and get next weeks paycheck, and your supervisor is happy, and gets to keep HER job...well, that's all that matters.
But the key to all of this, is Liz never had a clue. She didn't know what Emily Nieman would do, after she tried so hard to make everyone happy at the hospital. After 72 hours of never leaving the baby's side...oh, sure, she ate once. Slept once or twice. Went to get unlawful cigarettes once, a block away....but essentially, she NEVER...LEFT...TRILYNN...ALONE...except once, to do what I needed her to...and to get things to first, stay overnight, because they hadn't told her she would be....then to get more things (via me and the bus) because she'd instead be staying all WEEKEND...because they hadn't informed her of that either. Lastly, she never knew that, from minute one, they had planned to take her one...and ONLY chance at finally having the baby she had always wanted. Yes, we had one...together. 7 years ago, she got pregnant. It was mine. In my usual manner, I put it to her logically...I told her that I had children that were grown already, and that I would support the decision she'd make regarding him, whether it was to keep him or give him up. At that time, she wasn't ready for kids, and she did the right thing...for HER and gave it up at that time, for adoption. Little did we know that this also would be used against her in THIS proceeding. This time, however, was different. She wanted a baby...also with me. But we instead separated, because having a baby at this time in my life wasn't, in my opinion, in the cards for me. And Liz? Well, Liz did only what I told her to. She was nearing an age not suggested for baby-making, and I told her to find someone....and get pregnant by him. She did what I asked. She has so much love, that she felt she was finally ready to give that love to another, and you now see the events as well as the people who seek to deprive her of that...and you see nothing. It's not newsworthy. It doesn't matter to you. But it would, were it YOU. Remember that, as you try and put it out of your mind.
We're going to cover a few key docs on this last day, only because they make the tangled web they wove look oh so damning at the end. How we even ALLOWED THIS WOMAN TO TAKE THE BABY HOME IN THE FIRST PLACE....OMG, WHAT DID WE DO?...give me a break. Here then, is the despicable endgame to this little charade, as well as the timeline rehash of Emily Nieman's sins.
I first mistook this testament as a damning statement...but upon the reread, I cried instead. It's almost...as if she knew what was coming...that she was about to lose her prescious baby. If you can read this without misting, please...let me know how you managed it? I had to reread it several times just to feel the love emanating from the paper....She desparately tries to please the staff...she calls to report her accomplishments to deaf ears..the staff already knows what the outcome is, I guarantee it. Yet, like anyone in the medical field is trained to be..don't get involved, right? Don't get personal. You'll only get hurt...oh, and cause hurt..RIGHT?
I'd like to just take a moment here, to put to absolute shame, each AND EVERY member of the Methodist staff. You have sold out America...you have sold out Iowa, and you have sold out your profession. You are shameless robots, trained....not to care, but to report lies, to assist in depriving love of the target of the same. You have watched...witnessed...and signed away; in essense, systematically severing the bond between one of the most loving, generous, selfless and beautiful women in her generation, both inside as well as out, and her very beautiful little girl. It doesn't matter if she was a first time mother, does it? It doesn't matter that she tried to do right, when others conspired to turn it into wrong...it doesn't matter that, in her own way, she loved that beautiful little baby more than her own life. All that matters is that you did what you had to do. May you all burn in Hell for what you set in motion. I don't care how it gets out, but what you have done, as well as all involved will be exposed, however it has to be done. You will not get away with this, any of you, be you Doctor, RN, LPN, Resident, your names will be brought and carried out to the citizens of this city state and country, and you will be brought ever low, just like the wicked social workers and their supervisors of DHS and FSRP, and their advocates and judges, whose only purpose it ever has been, to attempt to eliminate, separate or destroy those who dare walk the same Earth as they, but who, in their eyes, are no better than the worms who crawl through it. I, Christopher Bruce, do hereby swear that all involved will suffer. Not by my hands, but by the hands of the Highest Judge over us all. Your tormentor will be decided then, and, as is my hope, you will suffer as you listen for eternity to the voices of all you have wronged and wrongly destroyed in your careers. May your lives be as dust...your careers black and empty and un-fullfilled, as are your very souls...should you still have them.
Wow. Did I just say that? I never thought it possible...
Here is the good doctor's 3rd assessment and judgement, on day 2, before Ms. Nieman did the unthinkable. I'm only going to give you the important page, the other is pretty redundant, baby fine, mother progressing...but screwed. I'm giving you THIS page, because here, finally, unlike the other assessments? Is the good doctor's phone number at Methodist...or maybe his cell phone, who can know for sure? Do I care? HELL NO. Call. Ask questions. I want to hear this man's testimony on this baby and her mother, without DHS standing over his shoulder...I want him to know the hell he still puts her through every day because of his diagnosis.
I'd like to post this one final document, after Dr. Doom's final exam and assessment...this testament is to show that neglectful and uncaring Elizabeth Bruce cried like the baby she had been forced to sign into foster care, after being Gestapo'd by Ms. Bitch, Emily Nieman just prior to this time, by signing a document that was already filled out for her and saying the magic words "It's out of my hands then", then pushing the document to her, and, putting Liz under duress, stated "If you don't sign this, the judge will rule against you and terminate your rights". If you won't give the baby up, well, we'll just do it for you, whether you like it or not; is what she'd been trying to spit out, the lying snake. For those of you who missed it, remember, her number is listed on the very first document I posted here. Call her, ask her about what she did, please. I'd like to know the lies she tells you. I'm sure they will very closely resemble the lies she told to us, as well as on the stand, under oath.
I will say that this document, like so many others, was wrongly read...I thought this concerned day one the day she checked in, before I noticed the little date and time stamps, just above the attestment to the right. What happened here, just so you all have it straight and true, is that, after Liz signed the baby away, she asked for a copy of what she had signed...she was finally getting that what was being done here wasn't right, and that her husband, a pre-law student, would want to see a copy of it. I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT ANY OF THIS AMERICA....I wasn't invited to this party either...why? Cause I never would have played this game...I wouldn't have broken under DHS pressure, jumped through any hoops, nor would I have signed anything that even closely resembled this...this...THING. Liz on the other hand, only did what she felt was right, and avoided the trouble she thought she'd get into if she didn't....AND THESE PEOPLE KNEW THIS, AND TOOK ABSOLUTE ADVANTAGE. Anyway, so Emily said she'd get her a copy....then abandoned her there, to finish stabbing Liz in the chest, along with her 30 pieces of silver, to get a judge to quickly sign the order and get the baby into a foster home 4 hours later. Only after she had accomplished all of this did she finally call Liz and tell her to come back to the hospital to get her now official removal order copy. Liz, after patiently waiting at the hospital for Emily to come back with her copy earlier, didn't know what else to do. She had lost her baby, and therefore felt no more need to be in the same hospital with the baby she had just given up, against her will. She left, to tell me what happened.
Pat yourselves on the back, DHS, for a job well done, if you will. I'll say it again, and they shall NEVER break ME. You f***** with the wrong sheep here. Suffer the consequences. Let the world know what you do, what you've done, and what you plan to do forever more....NOW. I will finish my series on how to beat you, as you continue to try and beat me. People will be fore-warned, and your little tricks will have to be revamped and changed. But what you don't understand, is that someday? You will not exist...I will see to it. Enjoy your cushy heartless jobs now; eventually, the state's residents will tire of your Hitlerish tacticts, and I'll be the first wolf to jump on you as you lie helpless on the ground, just to get in a good kick while you're down. You'll all be right down here in the trenches, looking for a job that will never present itself (sorry, cold and heartless doesn't play well with most of the jobs you'll be looking to land, then), along with the rest of the sewer rats you claim we are. Only this time, you'll find no backing, no power...and most importantly, no support system, no friends..and no shelter. I will be the one patting myself on the back then, you can bet on it.
We will continue this story soon, due to our upcoming dispositional hearing. This time, let's see what the Honorable Judge Price does to get out of the spotlight, when I plan, instead, to meet the crowd outside BEFORE the court hearing. Let him shuffle our room then. We'll still all be there, in the right room. Bring out Polk County to keep them out. That'll garner some attention you may not exactly care for. See you soon all!!
Wow... this is an incredibly sad story. I am so sorry that you and your family had to go through this. This should have never been allowed to happen-and you should have been notified of what was happening; as the legal father.
ReplyDeleteThe only concern I have with your rant is concerning this paragraph, " with lying nasty little social workers to get what rich white families want from them....children, or more children; so that they can be "Happier"....less lonely...whatever they think children do for them. Since they've never had consciences, these people don't care how the job is done, just that it is, and just so they benefit. Screw the lower classed woman...she means nothing, and is nothing to these people, or the state. She believes, as we all should, but can't, that there is good in all of us...that we have consciences...that we care what the state, as well as the government is doing behind closed doors. We don't."
While I understand your pain and heartache, foster parents are not rich white families hoping that something like this happens to another family so that they can fill selfish needs to be happpier, or whatever else you said. As a foster parent, I have no idea of what circumstances led to a placement, let alone want the system to remove an infant to make me happier-if anything the opposite is true. I am a foster mother to help families with reunification-that is to be a family again.
I wouldn't wish what you've been through on anyone, but please don't classify foster parents as part of the system that is designed and desires to take babies from parents who sign forms and aren't aware of their legal rights.